




货号 品名 规格 价格 品牌 货期 价格来源
101 pUC18 Renilla Mulleri GFP  25ug 25ug 4720 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
102 pUC18 Ptilosarcus GFP  25ug 25ug 4720 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
103 pUC18  Renilla Reniformis GFP, 25ug   430ug/ml 25ug 4720 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
104 Humanized Renilla Mullerei GFP in pUC18 25ug 4720 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
105 Humanized Ptilosarcus GFP in pUC18 25ug 4720 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
108 Humanized Ptilosarcus GFP in pCMV 25ug 4720 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
109 Humanized Renilla Mullerei GFP in pCMV 25ug 4720 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
120 pART7 Ptilosarcus GFP (5 ug dry), Novel pH indicating “pHluorin 5ug 4720 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
121 pART27 binary vector lac Z’ (5 ug dry),..T-DNA for efficient integration into.. 5ug 4720 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
200 Expressing native Gaussia luciferase without the secretion signal, 1 mg/ml  25ug 25ug 4720 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
201 Expressing native Gaussia luciferase with the N-terminal secretion signal, 1 mg/ml 25 ug 25ug 4720 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
202 Humanized Gaussia Luciferase with secretion signal, 20ug 20ug 4720 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
203 Humanized Gaussia Luciferase, promoterless, with secretion signal, 25ug 25ug 4720 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
204 Native Renilla Mullerei Luciferase, 25ug 25ug 4720 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
205 Native Pleuromamma Luciferase, 25ug 25ug 4720 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
206 Humanized Gaussia Luciferase with C-terminal KDEL endoplasmic retention signal for intracellular expression, 25ug 25ug 4720 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
207 Humanized Gaussia Luciferase, promoterless; with C-terminal KDEL endoplasmic retention signal for
intracellular expression control, 25ug
25ug 4720 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
106 Aequorin Photoprotein in pUC19, 25ug 25ug 4720 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
107 Obelin Photoprotein in pUC19, 25ug 25ug 4720 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
209 Humanized Gaussia luciferase without secretion signal. 25ug 25ug 4720 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
301-500 Lyophilized h-Coelenterazine (mono-dehydroxy derivative also called benzyl-CTZ) 99%. 500 ug 500ug 480 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
301-1 Lyophilized h-Coelenterazine (mono-dehydroxy derivative also called benzyl-CTZ) 99%. 1 mg (2 x500 ug). 1mg 880 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
301-5 Lyophilized h-Coelenterazine (mono-dehydroxy derivative also called benzyl-CTZ) 99%  5 mgs 5mgs 3440 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
301-10 Lyophilized h-Coelenterazine (mono-dehydroxy derivative also called benzyl-CTZ) 99%  10mgs (2 x 5 mgs) 10mgs 5680 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
303-500 Lyophilized Native Coelenterazine free base 97% pure, 500ug, 500ug 400 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
303-1 Lyophilized Native Coelenterazine free base 97% pure, 1 mg (2 x500ug) 1mg 720 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
303-5 Lyophilized Native Coelenterazine free base,  97% pure, 5mgs, 5mgs 3120 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
303-10 Lyophilized Native Coelenterazine free base, 97% pure, 10mgs (2x5mgs), 10mgs 5360 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
340-500 Lyophilized CTZ 400a, 1-bisdeoxycoelenterazine,DI-dephdrocoelenterazine,”DeepBlueC”. 98%,  500ug. 500ug 560 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
340-1 Lyophilized CTZ 400a,1-bisdeoxycoelenterazine,DI-dephdrocoelenterazine,”DeepBlueC”.  98%,  1mg (2x500ug) 1mg 1040 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
340-5 Lyophilized CTZ 400a,1-bisdeoxycoelenterazine,DI-dephdrocoelenterazine,”DeepBlueC”. 98%, 5 mgs. 5mgs 4400 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
340-10 Lyophilized CTZ 400a,1-bisdeoxycoelenterazine,DI-dephdrocoelenterazine,”DeepBlueC”. 98%, 10mgs (2 x 5 mgs) 10mgs 7600 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
355-500 Lyophilized e Coelenterazine, 500ug 500ug 560 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
355-1 Lyophilized e Coelenterazine, 1 mg( 2 x500ug). 1mg 1040 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
355-10 e Coelenterazine 10mgs. 10mgs 7600 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
345-500 Lyophilized Coelenterazine-Flouride or Coelenterazine F. 500ug. 500ug 880 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
345-1 Lyophilized Coelenterazine-Flouride or Coelenterazine F. 1 mg(2 x500ug) 1mg 1520 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
345-5 Lyophilized Coelenterazine-Flouride or Coelenterazine F. 5 mgs 5mgs 6320 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
345-10 Lyophilized Coelenterazine-Flouride or Coelenterazine F. 10 mgs (2 x 5mgs) 10mgs 11120 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
346-500 Lyophilized eCTZ-For e Coelenterazine-Flouride 500ug. 500ug 880 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
346-1 Lyophilized eCTZ-For e Coelenterazine-Flouride 1 mgs (2 x500ug) 1mgs 1520 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
346-10 eCTZ-For e Coelenterazine-Flouride. 10mgs 10mgs 11120 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
370-500 Lyophilized v -Coeleterazine 500ug. 500ug 880 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
370-1 Lyophilized v -Coelenterazine 1mg (2 x500ug). 1mg 1520 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
370-10 v -Coeleterazine 10mgs 10mgs 10000 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
398-1 Solvent for V-Coelenterazine and Prolume Purple V (Methoxy-v-Coelenterazine-Methoxy). 1 tube, 1 ml 1ml 240 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
398-10 Solvent for V-Coelenterazine and Prolume Purple V (Methoxy-v-Coelenterazine-Methoxy). 10  tubes, 1 ml/tube. 1ml/tube. 1920 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
399-1 NanoFuel Solvent, optimized for in vitro use with CTZ native, h-CTZ, CTZ-F and CTZ 400a. 1 tube, 1 ml 1ml 240 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
399-10 NanoFuel Solvent, optimized for in vitro use with CTZ native, h-CTZ, CTZ-F and CTZ 400a. 1 tube, 10ml/tube. 10ml/tube 1600 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
300-10 Coelenteramine, 4-(5-amino-6-benzylpyrazin-2-yl)phenol. 10 mgs 10mgs 3120 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
300-50 Coelenteramine, 4-(5-amino-6-benzylpyrazin-2-yl)phenol. 50 mgs 50mgs 9200 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
300-100 Coelenteramine, 4-(5-amino-6-benzylpyrazin-2-yl)phenol. 100 mgs, (2x50mgs) 100mgs 14000 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
350-10 Coelenteramide, 10 mgs 10mgs 2400 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
350-50 Coelenteramide, 50 mgs 50mgs 7600 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
350-100 Coelenteramide, 100mgs (2 x 50 mgs) 100mgs 11600 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
3031-500 Water soluble Coelenterazine for in vivo use. 500 ug, 500ug 1200 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
3031-1 Water soluble coelenterazine for in vivo use. 1mg (2x 500 ug), 1mg 2000 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
3031-10 Water soluble Coelenterazine for in vivo use. 10mgs (20×500 ug), 10mgs 14320 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
3031-10C Water soluble Coelenterazine for in vivo use. 10mgs (20×500 ug) plus 10 vials of control 10mgs 20640 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
3032-1 Water soluble Coelenterazine. Reconstitution in 10 ml aqueous buffer. Will result in a 50 µM CTZ solution. For in vitro use. 1 tube 1tube 560 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
3032-10 Water soluble Coelenterazine. Reconstitution in 10 ml aqueous buffer. Will result in a 50 µM CTZ solution.
For in vitro use. 10 tubes
10tubes 4720 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
3011-500 Water soluble h-Coelenterazine for in vivo use. 500 ug, 500ug 1200 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
3011-1 Water soluble h-Coelenterazine for in vivo use. 1mg (2x 500 ug), 1mg 2000 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
3011-10 Water soluble h-Coelenterazine for in vivo use. 10mgs (20×500 ug) 10mgs 14320 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
3011-10C Water soluble h-Coelenterazine for in vivo use. 10mgs (20×500 ug) plus 10 vials of control 10mgs 20640 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
3012-1 Water soluble h-Coelenterazine. Reconstitution in 10 ml aqueous buffer. Will result in a 50 µM CTZ solution.
For in vitro use, 1 tube
1tube 640 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
3012-10 Water soluble h-Coelenterazine. Reconstitution in 10 ml aqueous buffer. Will result in a 50 µM CTZ solution.
For in vitro use. 10 tubes
10tubes 5040 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
3692-1 Prolume Purple ( Methoxy eCTZ), water soluble for in vitro use. 10ml/50uM.  1 tube 1tube 2000 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
3692-10 Prolume Purple ( Methoxy eCTZ), water soluble for in vitro use. 10ml/50uM.  10 tubes. 10tubes 16800 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
3702-1 Water Soluble vCTZ, water soluble for in vitro use. 10ml/50uM.  1 tube 1tube 1200 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
3702-10 Water Soluble vCTZ, water soluble for in vitro use. 10ml/50uM. 10 tubes 10tubes 10160 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
301-INJ-1   1 kit. For in vivo use. Contains 2 vials of 500ug h-CTZ  99%   and 0.5 ml Fuel-Inject sterile diluent 0.5ml 1520 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
301-inj-10  10 kits. For in vivo use. Each lit contains 2 vials of 500ug h-CTZ  99%  and 0.5 ml Fuel-Inject sterile diluent 0.5ml 12720 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
303-inj-1  1 kit. For in vivo use.  Contains 2 vials of 500ug CTZ native 99.7% and 500ul Fuel-Inject sterile diluent 500ul 1520 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
303-inj-10  10 kits. For in vivo use. Each kit contains 2 vials of 500ug CTZ native 99.7%  and  500ul Fuel-Inject sterile diluent 500ul 12720 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
355-inj-1 1 kit.  For in vivo use. Contains 2 vials of 500ug e-CTZ 97%  and 0.5ml Fuel-Inject sterile diliuent 0.5ml 1520 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
355-inj-10 10 kits.  For in vivo use. Each kit contains 2 vials of 500ug e-CTZ 97% and 0.5ml Fuel-Inject sterile diliuent 0.5ml 12720 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
360  Prolume Purple sampler kit. It contains 250 ug of each. #361 methoxy v-CTZ, #363 methoxy  CTZ-I,
#365 methoxy eCTZ-f, #367 methoxt CTZ and #369 methoxt eCTZ.
250ug 4720 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
361-250 Lyophilized Methoxy vCTZ Methoxy  250ug. 250ug 1200 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
361-1 Lyophilized Methoxy vCTZ Methoxy  1mg (4 x 250ug). 1mg 2800 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
361-10 Methoxy vCTZ Methoxy  10 mgs 10mgs 21600 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
363-250 Lyophilized methoxy CTZ-I  250ug, 250ug 1200 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
363-1 Lyophilized Methoxy CTZ-I  1 mgs (4 x 250ug) 1mgs 2800 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
363-10 Methoxy CTZ-I 10mgs 10mgs 21600 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
365-250 Lyophilized methoxy eCTZ-F, 250ug. 250ug 1200 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
365-1 Lyophilized methoxy eCTZ-F, 1mgs (4 x 250ug) 1mgs 2800 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
365-10 methoxy eCTZ-F, 10mgs 10mgs 21600 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
367-250 Lyophilized methoxy CTZ, methoxy ,250ug. 250ug 1200 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
367-1 Lyophilized methoxy CTZ methoxy 1mg(4 x250ug). 1mg 2800 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
367-10 Methoxy CTZ, 10 mgs 10mgs 21600 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
369-500 Lyophilized Methoxy eCTZ, 500ug 500ug 1680 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
369-1 Lyophilized methoxy eCTZ 1mg(2 x 500ug). 1mg 2800 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
369-5 Lyophilized Methoxy eCTZ,  5 mgs 5mgs 11120 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
369-10 Lyophilized Methoxy eCTZ,(2 x 5mgs) 10mgs 21600 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
305-500 Lyophilized Cypridina Luciferin  99% pure.  Identical to Vargula Luciferin.  500ug 500ug 1200 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
305-1 Lyophilized Cypridina Luciferin  99% pure.  Identical to Vargula Luciferin. 1 mg ( 2x 500ug). 1mg 2000 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
305-5 Lyophilized Cypridina Luciferin  99% pure.  Identical to Vargula Luciferin.   5 mgs 5mgs 9200 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
305-10 Lyophilized Cypridina Luciferin  99% pure.  Identical to Vargula Luciferin. 10 mg, (2 x 5mgs) 10mg 15600 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
309-250 Coenzyme A  Reagent Grade Free Acid, 250 milligrams. 250milligrams 2800 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
309-500 Coenzyme A  Reagent Grade Free Acid. 500 milligrams packed in 2 x 250 milligrams. 500milligrams 5600 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
309-1000 Coenzyme A  Reagent Grade Free Acid. 1 gram packed in 4 x 250 milligrams. 4x250milligrams 8960 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
306-250 Firefly Luciferin (Photinus species)  D-Luciferin free acid, 250 mgs. 250milligrams 1680 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
306-500   Firefly Luciferin (Photinus species)  D-Luciferin free acid, 500 mgs (2 x 250 mgs). 500milligrams 3360 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
306-1000 Firefly Luciferin (Photinus species)  D-Luciferin free acid, 1000mgs (4 x 250 mgs). 1000mgs 5600 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
312-1 Renilla Mullerei Luciferase (recombinant) 95%  purity, 1 mg 1mg 20000 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
312-100 Renilla Mullerei Luciferase (recombinant) 95%  purity, 100ug 100ug 3600 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
321-1 Native Gaussia Luciferase 95%. Recombinant protein 1mg.  Comes with 1 x 1.5 ml reconstitution buffer. 1mg 20000 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
321-100 Native Gaussia Luciferase 95%. Recombinant protein, 100ug.  Comes with 1 x 1.5 ml reconstitution buffer. 100ug 3600 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
371-50 Gaussia(M2) Luciferase Streptavidin, 50ug 50ug 5200 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
381-100 NanoKaz Luciferase Protein, 100ug 100ug 3600 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
381-1 NanoKaz Luciferase Protein, 1mg 1mg 23920 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
3815-100 NanoKaz Luciferase Protein (PBS) 100ug 100ug 3600 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
3815-1 NanoKaz Luciferase Protein (PBS) 1mg 1mg 23920 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
307P-100 Lyophilized Aequorin Photoprotein 95%. 100ug 100ug 2800 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
307L-500 Aeqorin Photoprotein 95% pure, in liquid form, 500ul 500ul 4720 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
307L-1 Aeqorin Photoprotein 95% pure, in liquid form, 1ml (2 x 500ul) 1ml 7920 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
315-1  Ptilosarcus Green Fluorescent protein.1 mg 1mg 4720 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
315-10  Ptilosarcus Green Fluorescent protein.10 mg 10mg 15920 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
316-1  R. Reniformis Green Fluorescent protein.  80% pure, 1 mg 1mg 4720 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
316-10  R. Reniformis Green Fluorescent protein.  80% pure, 10 mg 10mg 15920 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
318-50  NanoFuel Assay For Firefly Luciferase. Includes: 50ml Buffer and 1 vial of Luciferin Substrate 50ml 4720 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
318L-50  NanoFuel Assay For Firefly Luciferase with Lysis. Includes: 50ml Buffer, 1 vial of Luciferin Substrate,
50ml of Lysis Buffer
50ml 5200 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
319-50  NanoFuel FLASH Assay for Gaussia Luciferase. Includes: 50ml Gaussia Dilution Buffer,
50ml Coelenterazine Dilution Buffer, 50ml Lysis Buffer, 1ml CTZ substrate
50ml 4400 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
320-10  NanoFuel GLOW Assay for Gaussia Luciferase. Includes: 10ml reagent, 0.2ml CTZ substrate 10ml 1200 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
320-50  NanoFuel GLOW Assay for Gaussia Luciferase. Includes: 50ml reagent, 1ml CTZ substrate 50ml 4400 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
324-50 NanoFuel FLASH Assay for Oplophorus Luciferases. Includes: 50ml reagent, 1ml substrate 50ml 4400 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
324L-50 NanoFuel FLASH Assay for Oplophorus Luciferases. Includes: 50ml reagent, 1ml substrate, 50ml lysis buffer 50ml 4880 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
325-10  NanoFuel GLOW Assay for Oplophorus Luciferases: Includes: 10ml reagent, 0.2ml substrate 10ml 1200 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
325-50  NanoFuel GLOW Assay for Oplophorus Luciferases: Includes: 50ml reagent, 1ml substrate 50ml 4400 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
333  NanoFuel 5x Universal Lysis Buffer, 50ml 50ml 1200 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
401M  Mouse monoclonal Anti-Gluc.  250ul 250ul 6320 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
401P  Rabbit Polyclonal Anti-Gluc Titer>1:10,000,in 250 ul 250ul 6320 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
402P Polyclonal Rabbit Antibody to Ptilosarcus GFP. Titer>1:10,000,in 250 ul, 250ul 6320 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔
403P Polyclonal Rabbit Antibody to Renilla Reniformis GFP. Titer>1:10,000,in 250 ul, 250ul 6320 nanolight 3-4周 上海金畔


关键词:nanolight;nanolight 代理;Coelenterazine-h;GLuc GLOW Assay;Coelenterazine-SOL (in vivo)