

MatTek 扩展为一家完整的生命科学公司,为寻求体外解决方案的客户增加了 MatTek 培养皿、原代人类细胞和培养基、3Diy 试剂盒和测试服务。行业 MatTek 培养皿在标准尺寸的细胞培养皿和板中提供出色的成像。我们在细胞分离和扩增方面的专业知识使我们能够开发出高质量的原代人体细胞和培养基,用于二维研究。我们的 3Diy 试剂盒进一步缩小了 2D 细胞培养和即用型 3D 组织之间的差距,为研究人员提供了以较低成本在 3D 组织模型中使用特化细胞的机会。




货号 品名 规格 价格 品牌
OCL-200 3D Human Ocular MicroTissues, 0.6cm² Kit of 24 tissues 28940 mattek
OCL-200-EIT EpiOcular Eye Irritation Test, 0.6cm² Kit of 24 tissues 29660 mattek
OCL-212 3D Human Ocular MicroTissues, 0.6cm² Kit of 12 tissues 17420 mattek
OCL-212-EIT EpiOcular Eye Irritation Test, 0.6cm² Kit of 12 tissues 17800 mattek
OCL-606 3D Human Ocular MicroTissues, 4.2cm² Kit of 6 tissues 22640 mattek
OCL-200-AFAB OCL-200, Anti-fungal-free, Antibiotic-free (*) Kit of 24 tissues 32020 mattek
OCL-200-EACH 3D Human Ocular MicroTissues (minimum of 6 tissues) 1tissue 2460 mattek
OCL-200-FRZN-EA OCL-200, Frozen, non-viable tissue (minimum 6 tissues) 1tissue 540 mattek
OCL-200-HCF OCL-200, Hydrocortisone-free (*) Kit of 24 tissues 32020 mattek
OCL-200-HCF-PRF OCL-200, Hydrocortisone-free, Phenol red-free (*) Kit of 24 tissues 32620 mattek
OCL-200-PRF-AFAB OCL-200, Phenol red-free, Anti-fungal-free, Antibiotic free Kit of 24 tissues 32620 mattek
OCL-212-EIT-TEST EpiOcular Eye Irritation Test, includes 2 benchmark chemicals Kit of 12 tissues 20080 mattek
OCL-212-HCF OCL-212, Hydrocortisone-free (*) Kit of 12 tissues 19240 mattek
OCL-296 EpiOcular, High Throughput Screening 96-well plate (t) Kit of 96 tissues 94520 mattek
OCL-606-HCF OCL-606, Hydrocortisone-free, 4.2cm² (*) Kit of 6 tissues 23220 mattek
OCL-200-ASY Ready-to-use, serum free assay medium 250ml 2340 mattek
OCL-200-ASY-AFAB  Assay medium, Anti-fungal-free, Antibiotic-fre 250ml 2640 mattek
OCL-200-ASY-HCF Assay medium, Hydrocortisone-free 250ml 2640 mattek
MTT-100 MTT assay components for 24 tissues 1Kit 1620 mattek
OCL-200-PROT EpiOcular total protein lysate prepared from OCL-200 100ug 16100 mattek
OCL-200-RNA EpiOcular purified total RNA prepared from OCL-200 10ug 16380 mattek
OCL-HIS Histology slide, H&E stained cross-section (12 tissue minimum) 1slide 920 mattek
OCL-HIS-REP Histology Report (up to maximum of 48 tissues) 1Report 35320 mattek
OCL-PHO Digital photo of histology at 2 magnifications (12 tissue minimum) 2photos 620 mattek
COR-100 3D Human Corneal MicroTissues, 0.6cm² (*) Kit of 24 tissues 28940 mattek
COR-100-AFAB Antibiotic and Anti-fungal free COR-100, 0.6cm² Kit of 24 tissues 29660 mattek
COR-100-EACH 3D Human Corneal MicroTissues, 0.6cm² (must be ordered with COR-100) Kit of 12 tissues 17420 mattek
COR-101 3D Human Underdeveloped Corneal MicroTissues, 0.6cm² (*) Kit of 12 tissues 17800 mattek
COR-196-HTS 3D Human Corneal MicroTissues, High Throughput Screening 96-well plate (*) Kit of 6 tissues 22640 mattek
COR-100-MM Maintenance medium for COR-100 250ml 3060 mattek
COR-100-MM-AFAB Antibiotic and Anti-fungal free COR-100-MM 250ml 3800 mattek
COR-HIS Histology slide, H&E stained cross-section (12 tissue minimum) 1slide 920 mattek
COR-HIS-REP Histology report (up to a maximum of 48 tissues) 1Report 36840 mattek
COR-PHO Digital photo of histology slide at 2 magnifications (12 tissue minimum) 2photos 620 mattek
COR-HIS-UNST Histology slide, unstained (12 minimum), must be ordered with COR-HIS 1slide 260 mattek
MTT-100 MTT assay components for 24 tissues 1kit 1620 mattek
EPI-200 3D Human Epidermis MicroTissues, 0.6cm² Kit of 24 tissues 32920 mattek
EPI-201 3D Human Underdeveloped Epidermis MicroTissues, 0.6cm² Kit of 24 tissues 35680 mattek
EPI-212 3D Human Epidermis MicroTissues, 0.6cm² Kit of 12 tissues 19800 mattek
EPI-296-1 3D Human Epidermis MicroTissues, High Throughput Screening 96-well plate (*)  Kit of 96 tissues 74140 mattek
EPI-606 3D Human Epidermis MicroTissues, 4.2cm² Kit of 6 tissues 21820 mattek
EPI-200-AFAB EPI-200, Anti-fungal free, Antibiotic free (t) Kit of 24 tissues 34320 mattek
EPI-200-D2-1 EPI-200 alternative donor (ŧ) Kit of 24 tissues 54080 mattek
EPI-200-EACH 3D Human Epidermis MicroTissues, 0.6cm² (minimum 6 tissues) 1tissue 2580 mattek
EPI-200-FRZN-EA EPI-200, Frozen, non-viable tissue (minimum 6 tissues) 1tissue 520 mattek
EPI-200-HCF EPI-200, Hydrocortisone free (t) Kit of 24 tissues 34320 mattek
EPI-200-HCF-PRF EPI-200, Hydrocortisone free, Phenol red free (t) Kit of 24 tissues 36500 mattek
EPI-200-PRF EPI-200, Phenol red free (t) Kit of 24 tissues 36240 mattek
EPI-200-X EPI-200, Enhanced barrier function, 0.6cm² Kit of 24 tissues 37240 mattek
EPI-212-AFAB EPI 212, Anti-fungal and Antibiotic free (t) Kit of 12 tissues 20640 mattek
EPI-212-HCF EPI-212, Hydrocortisone free (t) Kit of 12 tissues 20640 mattek
EPI-212-HCF-PRF EPI-212, Hydrocortisone free, Phenol red free (t) Kit of 12 tissues 21920 mattek
EPI-212-PRF EPI-212, Phenol red free (t) Kit of 12 tissues 21780 mattek
EPI-212-X EPI-212, Enhanced barrier function, 0.6cm² Kit of 12 tissues 22380 mattek
EPI-606-X EPI-606, Enhanced barrier function, 4.2cm² Kit of 6 tissues 23940 mattek
EPI-200-MNA EpiDerm Micronucleus Assay Kit of 24 tissues 35240 mattek
EPI-200-PHO EpiDerm Phototoxicity Test Kit of 24 tissues 33620 mattek
EPI-200-SCT EpiDerm Skin Corrosion Test – OECD TG 431 Kit of 24 tissues 33620 mattek
EPI-200-SIT EpiDerm Skin Irritation Test – OECD TG 439 Kit of 24 tissues 34320 mattek
EPI-200-SIT-MD EpiDerm Skin Irritation Test Medical Devices – ISO 10993-23:2021 Kit of 24 tissues 34440 mattek
EPI-212-MNA EpiDerm Micronucleus Assay Kit of 12 tissues 21160 mattek
EPI-212-PHO EpiDerm Phototoxicity Test Kit of 12 tissues 20220 mattek
EPI-212-SCT EpiDerm Skin Corrosion Test – OECD TG 431 Kit of 12 tissues 20220 mattek
EPI-212-SIT EpiDerm Skin Irritation Test – OECD TG 439 Kit of 12 tissues 20640 mattek
EPI-212-SIT-TEST EpiDerm Skin Irritation Test – OECD TG 439.  Includes 2 benchmark chemicals Kit of 12 tissues 22520 mattek
EPI-100-ASY Ready-to-use, serum free assay medium.  Contains growth factors and phenol red 60ml 1220 mattek
EPI-100-LLMM Long Life Maintenance Medium containing KGF, βFGF, & αMSH 250ml 3280 mattek
EPI-100-LLMM-X Long Life Maintenance Medium for EPI-200-X 250ml 3580 mattek
EPI-100-MM Maintenance medium, basal medium 250ml 2180 mattek
EPI-100-NMM Maintenance medium, contains KGF 250ml 3360 mattek
EPI-100-NMM-113 Maintenance medium, Optimized levels of KGF, βFGF, & αMSH 250ml 3580 mattek
EPI-100-NMM-ASY Assay medium, contains Keratinocyte Growth Factor (KGF) 60ml 2360 mattek
EPI-100-ASY-AFAB Assaymedium, Anti-fungal free, Antibiotic free 60ml 2040 mattek
EPI-100-ASY-HCF Assay medium, Hydrocortisone free 60ml 2040 mattek
EPI-100-ASY-HCF-PRF Assay medium, Hydrocortisone free, Phenol red free 60ml 2340 mattek
EPI-100-ASY-PRF Assay medium, Phenol red free 60ml 2340 mattek
EPI-100-MM-AFAB Maintenance medium, Anti-fungal free, Antibiotic free 250ml 3060 mattek
EPI-100-MM-HCF Maintenance medium, Hydrocortisone free 250ml 3060 mattek
EPI-100-MM-HCF-PRF Maintenance medium, Hydrocortisone free, Phenol red free 250ml 3480 mattek
EPI-100-MM-PRF Maintenance medium, Phenol red free 250ml 3360 mattek
EPI-100-NMM-HCF EPI-100-NMM, Hydrocortisone free 250ml 3480 mattek
EPI-100-NMM-PRF EPI-100-NMM, Phenol red free 250ml 4580 mattek
EPI-200-PROT EpiDerm total protein lysate prepared from EPI-200 100ug 16100 mattek
EPI-200-RNA EpiDerm purified total RNA prepared from EPI-200 10ug 16380 mattek
EPI-FIX MatTek Permeation Device, for use with EPI-200 and EPI-200-X ea 1260 mattek
EPI-HIS Histology slide, H&E stained cross-section (12 tissue minimum) 1slide 920 mattek
EPI-HIS-UNST Histology slide, unstained (12 tissue minimum), must be ordered with EPI-HIS 1slide 260 mattek
EPI-MESH Circular nylon mesh for improved spreading of test materials 25discs 1260 mattek
EPI-PHO Digital photo of histology slide at 2 magnifications (12 tissue minimum) 2photos 620 mattek
EPI-TC-TRI-1% Triton X-100, 1% (positive control) 10ml 660 mattek
MTT-100 MTT assay components for 24 tissues 1kit 1620 mattek
NHEK-NEO-RNA RNAfrom neonatal NHEK 10ug 14280 mattek




PrimeSurface 35mm 培养皿 PrimeSurface 35mm dish

PrimeSurface 35mm 培养皿
PrimeSurface 35mm dish

  • 产品特性
  • 相关资料
  • Q&A
  • 参考文献

PrimeSurface 35mm 培养皿PrimeSurface 35mm 培养皿                              PrimeSurface 35mm dish


● 材料本身对样品的刺激少

● 胚胎干细胞分化研究

● 巨噬细胞和树状细胞的刺激反应研究

● 上皮细胞的三维培养(维持细胞功能,观察细胞形态)

● 细胞相互作用研究

● 神经细胞分化研究

● 防止蛋白和多肽的吸附

● 维持添加物活性

● 回收细胞产物








PrimeSurface 35mm dish

PrimeSurface 35mm 培养皿



9 cm3



PrimeSurface 35mm 培养皿                              PrimeSurface 35mm dish

产品编号 产品名称 产品规格 产品等级 备注
MS-9035XZ PrimeSurface 35mm dish PrimeSurface 35mm 培养皿 5/包·50/箱








培养面积 推荐容量 TC
(cm2 (mL) 个/包 包/箱
706001 35 12 8.5 1.8-2.7 YES 20 25
706201 35(易握型) 12 8.5 1.8-2.7 YES
20 25
705001 60 15 22.9 4.2-6.3 YES
20 25
704004 100 20 57.6 11-16.5 YES
5 60
704002 100 20 57.6 11-16.5 YES
10 30
704001 100 20 57.6 11-16.5 YES
20 15
704202 100(易握型) 20 59.3 11-16.5 YES
10 30
704201 100(易握型) 20 59.3 11-16.5 YES
20 15
715001 150 25 150.1 30.4-45.6 YES
5 20





货号 品名 规格 品牌
704001 100 mm 细胞培养皿,TC 20个/包,15包/箱 cell-nest
731002 五层直颈细胞培养瓶,透气盖,TC 1只/包,8个/箱 cell-nest
788211 50 mL 摇管,透气盖 10个/包,10包/箱 cell-nest
784011 1000 mL 细胞培养锥形摇瓶 透气盖 1个/包 6个/箱 cell-nest
708013 T75细胞培养瓶,透气盖,未TC 5只/包,20包/箱 cell-nest
703001 6孔细胞培养板 平底 TC 1块/包,50块/箱 cell-nest
712001 12孔细胞培养板 平底 TC 1块/包 50块/箱 cell-nest
706001 35 mm 细胞培养皿,TC 20个/包,25包/箱 cell-nest
721003 T225细胞培养瓶,透气盖,TC 5只/包,5包/箱 cell-nest
703011 6孔细胞培养板,平底,未TC 50块/箱 cell-nest
801009 爬片 φ25mm 100个/包 cell-nest
605001 0.6 mL 微量离心管 透明尖底带锁扣 1000个/盒10盒/箱 cell-nest
708003 T75细胞培养瓶 透气盖 TC 5只/包 20包/箱 cell-nest
340201 耐思 圆形试剂瓶 250ml cell-nest
707013 耐思 细胞培养瓶 ea cell-nest
801001 玻底培养皿,φ20mm,TC 10个/包,20包/箱 cell-nest
601052 15 mL 离心管 无架包装 经济型 50支/包 10包/箱 10包/箱 cell-nest
705001 60 mm 细胞培养皿 TC 20个/包 25包/箱 cell-nest
702011 24孔细胞培养板 平底 未TC 1块/包 50块/箱 cell-nest
328001 25 mL 移液管 独立包装 200支/盒 4盒/箱 cell-nest
403102 0.1 mL PCR八联管(矮管) 无盖 自然色 125条/包 1250条/箱 cell-nest
602072 50 mL 离心管,袋装,可立 25支/包,20包/箱 cell-nest
332212 Tecan 1000 μL 导电吸头 有滤芯 灭菌 泡壳装 cell-nest
332112 Tecan 200 μL 导电吸头 有滤芯 灭菌 泡壳装 cell-nest
410011 PCR封板高透膜,压敏膜,141×78mm,100片/盒,5盒/箱 cell-nest
721013 T225细胞培养瓶,透气盖,未TC 5只/包,5包/箱 cell-nest
801007 爬片,φ15mm 100个/包 cell-nest
771302 细胞工厂/多层细胞培养器, 2大口, 10层, TC 1个/包,6个/箱 cell-nest
504201 12×F8,可拆酶标板,高结合力-15,透明 5/包,10包/箱 cell-nest
801008 爬片,φ20mm 100个/包 cell-nest
752003 90×15 mm 培养皿(5个套装) 5个/包,100包/箱 cell-nest
704004 100 mm 细胞培养皿,TC 5个/包,60包/箱 cell-nest
702001 24孔细胞培养板,平底,TC 1块/包,50块/箱 cell-nest
302116 200 μL 黄色吸头 盒装 灭菌 96支/盒 10盒/包 5包/箱 cell-nest
701001 96孔细胞培养板 100 cell-nest
501002Z 1.0 mL 96孔深孔板,方孔,U型底 5块/包10包/箱 cell-nest
701201 96孔细胞培养板,V底,TC 1块/包,100块/箱 cell-nest
514201 F96,不可拆酶标板,高结合力-15,透明 5/包,10包/箱 cell-nest
302106 200 μL 黄色吸头,袋装,未灭菌 1000支/包,20包/箱 cell-nest
707001 T25细胞培养瓶,密封盖,TC 10只/包,20包/箱 cell-nest
781001 125 mL 细胞培养锥形摇瓶, 密封盖 1个/包,24个/箱 cell-nest
704201 易握型100 mm 细胞培养皿,TC 20个/包,15包/箱 cell-nest
344001 1000mL 真空过滤器 (PES材质), 0.22μm 整套 ,灭菌 1个/包,12包/箱 cell-nest
503001 2.0 mL 96孔深孔板,方孔,V型底 5块/包,10包/箱 cell-nest
701101 96孔细胞培养板,U底,TC,1块/包,100块/箱 cell-nest
704002 100 mm 细胞培养皿,TC 10个/包,30包/箱 cell-nest
607001 2.0 mL 冻存管,外旋盖,圆底可立 50个/包,10包/盒,4盒/箱 cell-nest
326001 5 mL 移液管,独立包装 200支/盒,4盒/箱 cell-nest
711001 涂布棒L棒,单支装,灭菌 200个/包,10包/箱 cell-nest
258369 40 μm 细胞筛,独立包装 1个/袋,50/箱 cell-nest
602051 50 mL 离心管,经济型,吸塑盒装 cell-nest
301016 10 μL 透明吸头 盒装 灭菌 96支/盒 10盒/包 5包/箱 cell-nest
303216 1000 μL 蓝色吸头 盒装 灭菌 100支/盒 10盒/包 5包/箱 cell-nest
635001-N 2.0mL 可立本色样品管, (螺旋盖带胶圈) ,灭菌 1箱 cell-nest
721001 T225细胞培养瓶,密封盖,TC 5只/包,5包/箱 5包/箱 cell-nest
801002 玻底培养皿,φ15mm,TC 10个/包,20包/箱 cell-nest
403112 0.1 mL PCR八联管(矮管) 无盖 白色 125条/包 1250条/箱 cell-nest
610101 50 mL 离心管架,单面,可拆卸 1个/袋,50袋/箱 cell-nest
410001 PCR封板普通膜,胶粘膜,146×81mm,100片/盒,5盒/箱 cell-nest
754001 60 mm 培养皿,表面未处理 20个/包,25包/箱 cell-nest
610001 15 mL 离心管架,单面,可拆卸,1个/袋,50袋/箱 50袋/箱 cell-nest
784001 1000 mL 细胞培养锥形摇瓶, 密封盖 1个/包,6个/箱 cell-nest
603111 5ml微量管,透明圆底,带锁扣 , 透明 , 灭菌 200个/包,1包/盒,10盒/箱 cell-nest
721011 T225细胞培养瓶,密封盖,未TC 5只/包,5包/箱 cell-nest
318112 2 mL 巴氏吸管,独立包装 500支/盒,4盒/箱 cell-nest
707003 T25细胞培养瓶,透气盖,TC 10只/包,20包/箱 cell-nest
318212 3mL 巴氏吸管,独立包装 500支/盒,4盒/箱 cell-nest
333001 500 mL 方形, 透明试剂瓶 8个/包,24个/箱 cell-nest
330101 500mL 杯式滤器(PVDF材质), 0.22μm 整套 ,灭菌 1个/包,12包/箱 12包/箱 cell-nest
615601 1.5 mL 微量离心管,透明尖底,带锁扣 灭菌 50个/包,400/盒,10盒/箱 cell-nest
710011 细胞刮刀 刀柄280 mm 刀片20 mm 1个/包 100/盒 cell-nest
901021 无粉乳胶手套 中号M 100只/盒 10盒/箱 cell-nest
406012 PCR八联管盖 平盖 125条/包 1250条/箱 cell-nest
709013 T175细胞培养瓶,透气盖,未TC 5只/包,8包/箱 cell-nest
318314 3 mL 加长巴氏吸管,独立包装 200支/盒,10盒/箱 cell-nest
704202 易握型100 mm 细胞培养皿,TC 10个/包,30包/箱 cell-nest
401001 0.2 mL PCR单管,平盖,透明 1000个/盒,10盒/箱 cell-nest















稳定叠放,Media Saver

60×15mm 20个/包,500个/箱
2800 稳定叠放,Stable Stacking Design 稳定叠放100×15mm 25个/包,500个/箱
2900 稳定叠放,The Industry Standard 100×15mm 25个/包,500个/箱
2903 稳定叠放,2分格 100×15mm 25个/包,500个/箱
2912 稳定叠放,3分格 100×15mm 25个/包,500个/箱
2913 稳定叠放,4分格 100×15mm 25个/包,500个/箱
2906 稳定叠放,超深碟 100×25mm 17个/包,340个/箱




Automation or slippable polystyrene disposable (single use) petri dishes are for general microbiological
  or laboratory use
The Automation or Slippable style lid design ensures ease of use in automated equipment
A Slippable (beveled) lid design provides a semi-stacking feature for hand use, while ensuring ease of
  use in automated equipment
Automation lids have no rim which ensures ease of use in all automated equipment
The design features clear top and bottom viewing surfaces, or are available with Side Arrows and/or
  Isomark Targets
Molded from medical grade virgin polystyrene
Radiation sterilized
Sterile if sleeve is not opened
Ventilation ribs allow for free air circulation and reduces condensation during incubation
Consistent flatness allows for even media distribution
A flared lid skirt and squared corners allow for easy one hand operation, especially with gloves
Slippable dishes are available in eight sizes: 60mm x 15mm,95mm x 15mm, 100mm x 10mm, 100mm x15mm
  100 mm x 20 mm, 100 mm x 25 mm, 150 mm x 15 mm and the new 85 mm x 13 mm size
The 100 mm x 15 mm is also available in the Slippable Bi-plate configuration.





2916 Slippable,Mono,Space Saver 60×15mm 20个/包,500个/箱
2914 Slippable,Mono,Space Saver 95×15mm 25个/包,500个/箱
2904 Slippable,Mono,Space Saver 100×10mm 30个/包,750个/箱
1920 No rim,Mono,Automation Lid 100×15mm 20个/包,480个/箱
2910 Slippable,Mono,Industry Standard 100×15mm 25个/包,500个/箱
2910P 100 x 15 100×15mm 25个/包,500个/箱
2917 Slippable,Mono,Clear Viewing Surfaces 100×15mm 25个/包,500个/箱
2920 No rim,Mono,Automation Lid 100×15mm 20个/包,500个/箱
2911 100 x 15,2分格自动化用培养皿 100×15mm 25个/包,500个/箱
2905 Slippable,Mono,Deep dish, 20 mm 100×20mm 20个/包,400个/箱
2909 Slippable,Mono,Extra deep for seed germination tests 100×25mm 17个/包,340个/箱
2950 Stackable/Slippable,Mono,85 x 13 Ultra plate 85×13mm 30个/包,600个/箱
2902 No rim,Mono,Concentric Bottom ring ensures even media depth 150×15mm? 10个/包,100个/箱



65 x 15 mm Contact Plate
For bio-burden counts on working surface
Domed base with grid provides convex media surface
Grid is molded on the surface of the base
Unique base prevents contamination from fingers touching
Disposable (single use) Polystyrene petri dish for general
microbiological use
Molded from medical grade virgin polystyrene
Radiation sterilized
Sterile if sleeve is not opened or damaged
Ventilation ribs allow for free air circulation and reduces
condensation during incubation
Consistent flatness allows for even media distribution
Certificates of Sterilization Processing available upon request
Traceable by lot and sku number
Certificates of Compliance available upon request






65 x 15 mm Contact Plate

Contact Dish For direct testing of surfaces

60×15mm 500个/箱








1、  细胞生物学:STEM下的细胞研究、细胞周期调控、培养研究
2、  蛋白质化学领域:GFP(绿色荧光蛋白)鉴别
3、  分子生物学:遗传作图和复杂遗传研究中
4、  激光共聚焦显微镜下的生物研究
5、  双/多光子共聚焦显微镜下的研究
6、  DIC和极化力显微镜下的研究
7、  高质量成像系统
8、  红外成像


品牌 货号 品名 规格 市场价
35mm 玻底培养皿,孔径10mm,玻片厚0.085-0.13mm,无包被
35mm 玻底培养皿,孔径10mm,玻片厚0.085-0.13mm,无包被
35mm 玻底培养皿,孔径14mm,玻片厚0.085-0.13mm,无包被
35mm 玻底培养皿,孔径14mm,玻片厚0.085-0.13mm,无包被
35mm 玻底培养皿,孔径20mm,玻片厚0.085-0.13mm,无包被
35mm 玻底培养皿,孔径20mm,玻片厚0.085-0.13mm,无包被
35mm 玻底培养皿,孔径7mm,玻片厚0.085-0.13mm,无包被
35mm 玻底培养皿,孔径7mm,玻片厚0.085-0.13mm,无包被
35mm 玻底培养皿,孔径14mm,玻片厚0.13-0.16mm,无包被
35mm 玻底培养皿,孔径14mm,玻片厚0.13-0.16mm,无包被
35mm 玻底培养皿,孔径10mm,玻片厚0.16-0.19mm,无包被
35mm 玻底培养皿,孔径10mm,玻片厚0.16-0.19mm,无包被
35mm 玻底培养皿,孔径14mm,玻片厚0.16-0.19mm,无包被
35mm 玻底培养皿,孔径14mm,玻片厚0.16-0.19mm,无包被
35mm 玻底培养皿,孔径20mm,玻片厚0.16-0.19mm,无包被
35mm 玻底培养皿,孔径20mm,玻片厚0.16-0.19mm,无包被
35mm 玻底培养皿,孔径14mm,玻片(有格)厚0.19-0.23mm,无包被
35mm 玻底培养皿,孔径14mm,玻片(有格)厚0.19-0.23mm,无包被

Cosmo Bioscience产品介绍

Cosmo Bioscience产品介绍

简要描述:Cosmo Biosciences公司成立于2005年,专业研究生产销售细胞或组织培养,液体处理,蛋白质结晶研究,免疫学检测和高温超导药物发现用的各种培养皿/板和培养瓶,所有产品都按照行业标准和ISO9001:2000质量控制体系生产,产品可以与自动化仪器兼容。我们还提供模具和技术服务



Cosmo Biosciences公司成立于2005年,专业研究生产销售细胞或组织培养,液体处理,蛋白质结晶研究,免疫学检测和高温超导药物发现用的各种培养皿/板和培养瓶,所有产品都按照行业标准和ISO9001:2000质量控制体系生产,产品可以与自动化仪器兼容。我们还提供模具和技术服务



spllifesciences SPL3D说明书

spllifesciences SPL3D说明书







SPL生命科学公司发布了新的多功能插入式培养皿,其中将五个小培养皿插入一个培养皿中。Multi Insert Dish用于研究两种以上不同细胞或组织物种之间的细胞间或组织间相互作用,成功地应用于模仿体内<span 맑은=”” “맑은=”” 고딕”;mso-ascii-font-family:”맑은=”” 고딕”;mso-bidi-font-family:+mn-cs;color:black;mso-color-index:1;mso-font-kerning:=”” 12.0pt;language:en-us”=”” style=”margin: 0px; padding: 0px; font-size: 10.5pt;”>




  • ▪ 网眼材料:尼龙

    ▪ 筛网厚度:10〜23μm

    ▪ 筛孔尺寸:23 µm

    ▪ 膜材料:聚碳酸酯(PC)

    ▪ 膜厚度:10〜23μm

    ▪ 膜孔径:0.40μm 

    ▪ 侧面网状插入件(货号911605、911607、911615、911617、911625、911627)

    ▪ 底膜插入件(目录号911606)

    ▪ 磁力搅拌棒的凹槽底部(目录号911607、911617、911627)

    ▪ 未经处理(目录号911605、911607)




  • 详情
  • 技术文献
货号 插入
d xh(mm)
d xh(mm)
凹槽底部 外握 表面处理 低结合
不育 打包
911605 尼龙 60.00 x 20.00 53.00 x 18.00 1.77 15.00 + + 9/18
911606 个人电脑 60.00 x 20.00 53.00 x 18.00 1.77 15.00 + + 9/18
911607 尼龙 60.00 x 20.00 49.53 x 19.30 1.77 15.00 + + + 9/18
911615 尼龙 60.00 x 20.00 53.00 x 18.00 1.77 15.00 + + + 9/18
911617 尼龙 60.00 x 20.00 49.53 x 19.30 1.77 15.00 + + + + 9/18
911625 尼龙 60.00 x 20.00 53.00 x 18.00 1.77 15.00 + + + 9/18
911627 尼龙 60.00 x 20.00 49.53 x 19.30 1.77 15.00 + + + + 9/18



Cellvis(前身为 In Vitro Scientific),我们专业生产玻璃底培养皿、玻璃底板和腔盖载玻片和配件,用于高分辨率(活细胞)成像,如共聚焦显微镜和宽场荧光显微镜。

cellvis的产品包括不同培养皿尺寸和微孔尺寸的玻璃底培养皿;6/12/24/96/384 孔玻璃底板和 4/8 腔盖玻片。每个都有不同类型和厚度的盖玻片。


货号 品名 规格 价格 品牌 货期 价格来源
P96-1.5H-N 96孔玻璃底板,高平,厚度0.17±0.005mm 1个/包,20个/箱 5015 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
P24-1.5H-N 24孔玻璃底板,高平,厚度0.17±0.005mm 1个/包,20个/箱 5015 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
P96-1-N 96孔玻璃底板,#1厚度0.13-0.16mm 1个/包,20个/箱 5015 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
D29-20-1.5H 29mm玻璃底培养皿,孔径20mm,高平,厚度0.17±0.005mm 10个/包,100个/箱 3776 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
D35-10-1-N 35mm玻璃底培养皿,孔径10mm,#1,厚度0.13-0.16mm 10个/包,100个/箱 2242 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
D35-14-1-N 35mm玻璃底培养皿,孔径14mm,#1,厚度0.13-0.16mm 10个/包,100个/箱 2242 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
D35-20-1.5-N 35mm玻璃底培养皿,孔径20mm,#1.5,厚度0.16-0.19mm 10个/包,100个/箱 2242 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
D35C4-20-1.5-N 4腔室玻璃底培养皿,#1.5厚度0.16-0.19mm 10个/包,100个/箱 4165.4 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
P12-1.5H-N 12孔玻璃底板,高平,厚度0.17±0.005mm 1个/包,20个/箱 5015 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
D35-20-1-N 35mm玻璃底培养皿,孔径20mm,#1,厚度0.13-0.16mm 10个/包,100个/箱 2242 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
D29-10-0-N 29mm玻璃底培养皿,孔径10mm,#0,厚度0.085-0.115mm 10个/包,100个/箱 2242 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
D29-10-1-N 29mm玻璃底培养皿,孔径10mm,#1,厚度0.13-0.16mm 10个/包,100个/箱 2242 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
D29-10-1.5-N 29mm玻璃底培养皿,孔径10mm,#1.5,厚度0.16-0.19mm 10个/包,100个/箱 2242 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
D29-14-0-N 29mm玻璃底培养皿,孔径14mm,#0,厚度0.085-0.115mm 10个/包,100个/箱 2242 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
D29-14-1-N 29mm玻璃底培养皿,孔径14mm,#1,厚度0.13-0.16mm 10个/包,100个/箱 2242 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
D29-14-1.5-N 29mm玻璃底培养皿,孔径14mm,#1.5,厚度0.16-0.19mm 10个/包,100个/箱 1200 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
D29-14-1.5P 29mm高亲和薄底培养皿,孔径14mm,塑料片,厚度0.175±0.01mm 10个/包,100个/箱 2242 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
D29-20-0-N 29mm玻璃底培养皿,孔径20mm,#0,厚度0.085-0.115mm 10个/包,100个/箱 2242 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
D29-20-1-N 29mm玻璃底培养皿,孔径20mm,#1,厚度0.13-0.16mm 10个/包,100个/箱 2242 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
D29-20-1.5-N 29mm玻璃底培养皿,孔径20mm,#1.5,厚度0.16-0.19mm 10个/包,100个/箱 1200 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
D29-20-1.5P 29mm高亲和薄底培养皿,孔径20mm,塑料片,厚度0.175±0.01mm 10个/包,100个/箱 2242 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
D35-10-0-N 35mm玻璃底培养皿,孔径10mm,#0,厚度0.085-0.115mm 10个/包,100个/箱 2242 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
D35-10-1.5-N 35mm玻璃底培养皿,孔径10mm,#1.5,厚度0.16-0.19mm 10个/包,100个/箱 2242 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
D35-14-0-N 35mm玻璃底培养皿,孔径14mm,#0,厚度0.085-0.115mm 10个/包,100个/箱 2242 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
D35-14-1.5-N 35mm玻璃底培养皿,孔径14mm,#1.5,厚度0.16-0.19mm 10个/包,100个/箱 2242 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
D35-14-1.5P 35mm高亲和薄底培养皿,孔径14mm,塑料片,厚度0.175±0.01mm 10个/包,100个/箱 2242 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
D35-20-0-N 35mm玻璃底培养皿,孔径20mm,#0,厚度0.085-0.115mm 10个/包,100个/箱 2242 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
D35-20-1.5P 35mm高亲和薄底培养皿,孔径20mm,塑料片,厚度0.175±0.01mm 10个/包,100个/箱 2242 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
D35-28-0-N 35mm玻璃底培养皿,孔径28mm,#0厚度0.085-0.115mm 10个/包,100个/箱 3776 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
D35-28-1-N 35mm玻璃底培养皿,孔径28mm,#1厚度0.13-0.16mm 10个/包,100个/箱 3776 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
D35-28-1.5-N 35mm玻璃底培养皿,孔径28mm,#1.5厚度0.16-0.19mm 10个/包,100个/箱 3776 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
D35-20-1.5H 35mm玻璃底培养皿,孔径20mm,高平,厚度0.17±0.005mm 10个/包,100个/箱 3776 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
D35C4-20-0-N 4腔室玻璃底培养皿,#0厚度0.085-0.115mm 10个/包,100个/箱 4165.4 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
D35C4-20-1-N 4腔室玻璃底培养皿,#1厚度0.13-0.16mm 10个/包,100个/箱 4165.4 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
D35-14-1.5GI 35mm格子玻璃片培养皿,孔径14mm,格子在内,每格大小0.6*0.6mm 8个/包,48个/箱 5015 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
D35-14-1.5GO 35mm格子玻璃片培养皿,孔径14mm,格子在外,每格大小0.6*0.6mm 8个/包,48个/箱 5015 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
D60-14-0-N 60mm玻璃底培养皿,孔径14mm,#0厚度0.085-0.115mm 10个/包,100个/箱 3304 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
D60-14-1-N 60mm玻璃底培养皿,孔径14mm,#1厚度0.13-0.16mm 10个/包,100个/箱 3304 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
D60-14-1.5-N 60mm玻璃底培养皿,孔径14mm,#1.5厚度0.16-0.19mm 10个/包,100个/箱 3304 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
D60-30-0-N 60mm玻璃底培养皿,孔径30mm,#0厚度0.085-0.115mm 10个/包,100个/箱 4165.4 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
D60-30-1-N 60mm玻璃底培养皿,孔径30mm,#1厚度0.13-0.16mm 10个/包,100个/箱 4165.4 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
D60-30-1.5-N 60mm玻璃底培养皿,孔径30mm,#1.5厚度0.16-0.19mm 10个/包,100个/箱 4165.4 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
P06-10-1-N 小孔玻璃底6孔板,孔径10mm,#1厚度0.13-0.16mm 1个/包,20个/箱 3186 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
P06-14-1-N 小孔玻璃底6孔板,孔径14mm,#1厚度0.13-0.16mm 1个/包,20个/箱 3186 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
P06-20-0-N 小孔玻璃底6孔板,孔径20mm,#0厚度0.085-0.115mm 1个/包,20个/箱 3186 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
P06-20-1-N 小孔玻璃底6孔板,孔径20mm,#1厚度0.13-0.16mm 1个/包,20个/箱 3186 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
P06-20-1.5-N 小孔玻璃底6孔板,孔径20mm,#1.5厚度0.16-0.19mm 1个/包,20个/箱 3186 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
P06-1.5H-N 6孔玻璃底板,高平,厚度0.17±0.005mm 1个/包,20个/箱 5015 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
P12-1.5P 12孔高亲和薄底培养板,塑料片,厚度0.175±0.01mm 1个/包,20个/箱 5015 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔
P24-1.5P 24孔高亲和薄底培养板,塑料片,厚度0.175±0.01mm 1个/包,20个/箱 5015 cellvis 1-2周 上海金畔




MatTek 由麻省理工学院的两位化学工程教授于 1985 年创立。25 年来,MatTek 一直致力于体外人体组织模型创新的。MatTek的皮肤、眼部、口腔、呼吸道和肠道组织模型用于评估化妆品、化工、制药和家居用品行业的安全性和有效性。

随着 MatTek 培养皿、原代人类细胞和培养基、3Diy 试剂盒以及为寻求体外解决方案的客户提供测试服务,MatTek 从一家组织工程公司扩展为一家完整的生命科学公司。MatTek 培养皿可在标准尺寸的细胞培养皿和培养板中提供出色的成像。MatTek在细胞分离和扩增方面的专业知识使我们能够为二维研究开发最高质量的原代人类细胞和培养基。3Diy 试剂盒通过为研究人员提供以较低成本在 3D 组织模型中使用特化细胞的机会,进一步弥合了 2D 细胞培养和即用型 3D 组织之间的差距。MatTek在体外科学领域拥有相当多的专业知识,可以通过提供的测试服务指导我们的客户获得可靠的结果。


货号 品名 规格 价格 品牌 货期 价格来源
P35G-0-10-C 35 mm Dish , No. 0 Uncoated Coverslip, 10 mm Glass Diameter 200Case 7980 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
P35G-0-14-C 35 mm Dish , No. 0 Uncoated Coverslip, 14 mm Glass Diameter 200Case 7980 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
P35G-1.5-14-C 35 mm Dish , No. 1.5 Uncoated Coverslip, 14 mm Glass Diameter 200Case 7580 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
P06G-1.5-20-F 6-Well Plates, No. 1.5 Uncoated Coverslip, 20 mm Glass Diameter 10Case 4580 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
P35G-0-7-C 35 mm Dish , No. 0 Uncoated Coverslip, 7 mm Glass Diameter 200Case 9980 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
P35G-1.5-10-C 35 mm Dish , No. 1.5 Uncoated Coverslip, 10 mm Glass Diameter 200Case 7580 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
P35GC-1.0-14-C 35 mm Dish , No. 1.0 PDL Coated Coverslip, 14 mm Glass Diameter 200Case 9980 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
P35GCOL-1.5-10-C 35 mm Dish , No. 1.5 Collagen Coated Coverslip, 10 mm Glass Diameter 200Case 9580 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
P50G-0-30-F 50 mm Dish, No. 0 Uncoated Coverslip, 30 mm Glass Diameter 200Case 11580 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
CCS-2 Chambered Cell Culture Slide, 2-well 12Case 1980 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
CCS-4 Chambered Cell Culture Slide, 4-well 12Case 1980 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
CCS-8 Chambered Cell Culture Slide, 8-well 12Case 1980 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
CSGK/M 35 mm MatTek Dish, No. 1.5, 22 x 20 mm Glass Coverslip Kit 500Case 7380 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
CSGK/M.S 35 mm MatTek Dish, No. 1.5, 22 x 20 mm Glass Coverslip Kit 20Sleeve 1000 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
CSGK/F 35 mm Falcon Dish, No. 1.5, 22 x 20 mm Glass Coverslip Kit 500Case 7380 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
CSGK/F.S 35 mm Falcon Dish, No. 1.5, 22 x 20 mm Glass Coverslip Kit 20Sleeve 1000 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
CSGK/F-F for Int'l Shipping 500Case 7580 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
CSGK/F-F.S Int'l Shipping 20Sleeve 1000 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
P DCF OS 30 50 mL Coverslip Removal Fluid from Glass Bottom Dishes and Multi-Well Plates 1mL 580 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
P35G-0.170-14-C Glass Diameter 75Case 6980 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
P35G-0.170-14-C.S Glass Diameter 5Sleeve 1200 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
P35G-0-7-C.S 35 mm Dish , No. 0 Uncoated Coverslip, 7 mm Glass Diameter 10Sleeve 1200 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
P35G-0-10-C.S 35 mm Dish , No. 0 Uncoated Coverslip, 10 mm Glass Diameter 10Sleeve 1000 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
P35G-0-14-C.S 35 mm Dish , No. 0 Uncoated Coverslip, 14 mm Glass Diameter 10Sleeve 1000 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
P35G-0-20-C 35 mm Dish , No. 0 Uncoated Coverslip, 20 mm Glass Diameter 200Case 10580 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
P35G-0-20-C.S 35 mm Dish , No. 0 Uncoated Coverslip, 20 mm Glass Diameter 10Sleeve 1200 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
P35G-1.0-14-C 35 mm Dish , No. 1.0 Uncoated Coverslip, 14 mm Glass Diameter 200Case 7980 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
P35G-1.0-14-C.S 35 mm Dish , No. 1.0 Uncoated Coverslip, 14 mm Glass Diameter 10Sleeve 1000 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
P35G-1.0-20-C 35 mm Dish , No. 1.0 Uncoated Coverslip, 20 mm Glass Diameter 200Case 10580 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
P35G-1.0-20-C.S 35 mm Dish , No. 1.0 Uncoated Coverslip, 20 mm Glass Diameter 10Sleeve 1200 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
P35G-1.5-10-C.S 35 mm Dish , No. 1.5 Uncoated Coverslip, 10 mm Glass Diameter 10Sleeve 1000 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
P35G-1.5-14-C.S 35 mm Dish , No. 1.5 Uncoated Coverslip, 14 mm Glass Diameter 10Sleeve 1000 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
P35G-1.5-14-C-GRD 35 mm Dish , No. 1.5 Gridded Coverslip, 14 mm Glass Diameter (Cells and grid in
same focal plane)
75Case 10580 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
P35G-1.5-14-C-GRD.S 35 mm Dish , No. 1.5 Gridded Coverslip, 14 mm Glass Diameter (Cells and grid in
same focal plane)
5Sleeve 1200 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
P35G-1.5-14-CGRD-D 35 mm Dish , No. 1.5 Gridded Coverslip, 14 mm Glass Diameter (Cells and grid in
different focal plane)
75Case 10980 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
P35G-1.5-14-CGRD-D.S 35 mm Dish , No. 1.5 Gridded Coverslip, 14 mm Glass Diameter (Cells and grid in
different focal plane)
5Sleeve 1200 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
P35G-1.5-20-C 35 mm Dish , No. 1.5 Uncoated Coverslip, 20 mm Glass Diameter 200Case 9980 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
P35G-1.5-20-C.S 35 mm Dish , No. 1.5 Uncoated Coverslip, 20 mm Glass Diameter 10Sleeve 1200 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
P35G-1.5-7-C 35 mm Dish , No. 1.5 Uncoated Coverslip, 7 mm Glass Diameter 200Case 9980 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
P35G-1.5-7-C.S 35 mm Dish , No. 1.5 Uncoated Coverslip, 7 mm Glass Diameter 10Sleeve 1200 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
P35GC-0-10-C 35 mm Dish , No. 0 PDL Coated Coverslip, 10 mm Glass Diameter 200Case 9980 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
P35GC-0-10-C.S 35 mm Dish , No. 0 PDL Coated Coverslip, 10 mm Glass Diameter 10Sleeve 1200 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
P35GC-0-14-C 35 mm Dish , No. 0 PDL Coated Coverslip, 14 mm Glass Diameter 200Case 9980 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
P35GC-0-14-C.S 35 mm Dish , No. 0 PDL Coated Coverslip, 14 mm Glass Diameter 10Sleeve 1200 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
P35GC-1.0-14-C.S 35 mm Dish , No. 1.0 PDL Coated Coverslip, 14 mm Glass Diameter 10Sleeve 1200 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
P35GC-1.5-10-C 35 mm Dish , No. 1.5 PDL Coated Coverslip, 10 mm Glass Diameter 200Case 9580 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
P35GC-1.5-10-C.S 35 mm Dish , No. 1.5 PDL Coated Coverslip, 10 mm Glass Diameter 10Sleeve 1200 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
P35GC-1.5-14-C 35 mm Dish , No. 1.5 PDL Coated Coverslip, 14 mm Glass Diameter 200Case 9580 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
P35GC-1.5-14-C.S 35 mm Dish , No. 1.5 PDL Coated Coverslip, 14 mm Glass Diameter 10Sleeve 1200 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔
P35GCOL-0-10-C 35 mm Dish , No. 0 Collagen Coated Coverslip, 10 mm Glass Diameter 200Case 9580 mattek 3-4周 上海金畔

关键词:mattek、培养、原代人类细胞、3Diy 试剂盒、细胞分离



whb-bio主要研发和生产一系列组织细胞培养耗材和科研实验试剂相关用品。WHB高duan细胞培养耗材是本公司塑料制品高品质品牌我们以国际化的经营管理理念和思维方式,以高质量高性价比,得到了广大客户的好评,已和多个科研单位长期合作。目前我们有细胞培养皿/板、发光板、酶标板、移液管、离心管、细胞爬片、细胞过滤器、共聚焦培养皿、乳胶/丁腈手套等系列产品,我司设有十万级净化车间,并通过ISO9001认证,目前在生产上,部分产品可达到Dnase/Rnase & Pyrogen Free(无核糖核酸酶/无脱氧核糖核酸酶,无热源)要求。


货号 品名 规格 价格 品牌 货期 价格来源
WHB-CCS-10 TC处理24孔板共聚焦爬片(透明,Φ10mm),吸塑盒,灭菌 1176 whb-bio 1-2周 上海金畔
WHB-CCS-17 TC处理12孔板共聚焦爬片(透明,Φ17mm),吸塑盒,灭菌 1176 whb-bio 1-2周 上海金畔
WHB-CCS-30 TC处理6孔板共聚焦爬片(透明,Φ30mm),吸塑盒,灭菌 588 whb-bio 1-2周 上海金畔
WHB-CCS-10B TC处理24孔板共聚焦爬片(黑色,Φ10mm),吸塑盒,灭菌 1276.8 whb-bio 1-2周 上海金畔
WHB-CCS-17B TC处理12孔板共聚焦爬片(黑色,Φ17mm),吸塑盒,灭菌 1276.8 whb-bio 1-2周 上海金畔
WHB-CCS-30B TC处理6孔板共聚焦爬片(黑色,Φ30mm),吸塑盒,灭菌 638.4 whb-bio 1-2周 上海金畔
WHB-6-CS TC处理6孔板圆形细胞爬片(Φ24mm),灭菌 2800 whb-bio 1-2周 上海金畔
WHB-12-CS TC处理12孔板圆形细胞爬片(Φ20mm),灭菌 2800 whb-bio 1-2周 上海金畔
WHB-24-CS TC处理24孔板圆形细胞爬片(Φ14mm),灭菌 2800 whb-bio 1-2周 上海金畔
WHB-48-CS TC处理48孔板圆形细胞爬片(Φ8mm),灭菌 4000 whb-bio 1-2周 上海金畔

关键词:Dnase/Rnase & Pyrogen Free、whb-bio、细胞培养、耗材、细胞培养皿