


“正牌代理商”栏目设立的初衷是为了让读者在购买产品时能更快找到厂家的代理商,不用一张一张地翻名片,也不用担心买到水货和假货。基于这个初衷,我们收录了多个品牌的代理商,并在签订合同时进行了严格的审核。各厂家或代理商以合同的形式对其代理信息的真实性和准确性进行了保证。  然而,由于生物产品市场的复杂性,尽管我们进行了严格的审核,也不能保证信息的全准确和实时更新。基于此,今后我们会尽我们最大的努力去进行更严格的审核,也希望各厂家和代理商配合和谅解。

Enzyscreen 成立于 2002 年,是苏黎世联邦理工学院生物技术研究所的一家衍生公司,最初主要从事新酶的合同筛选(在 1850 种野生型菌株中)。自 2008 年以来,Enzyscreen专注于进一步开发、制造和实施他们的技术平台,以微量滴定板形式对大型微生物集合进行微型化筛选。


货号 品名 规格 品牌
CR1496C Polystyrene transparent square 96-half-deepwell microplates 16个/箱 enzyscreen
CR1424 Polypropylene square deepwell MTP (re-usable,24 wells of 11 ml volume, flattened, detoxified) ea enzyscreen
CR1424cl 8 x transparent polystyrene square deepwell MTP (disposable, 24 wells of 11 ml volume, gamma-irradiated, with PS lid, no barcode) 1box enzyscreen
CR1224a Low-evaporation version of CR1224 1box enzyscreen
CR1296 Sandwich cover for all types of 96 deepwell MTPs (with closed cell silicone, 1.5 mm holes) ea enzyscreen
CR1296b Sandwich cover for CR1496a MTPs (with closed cell silicone, fixed with pins, 1.5 mm holes) ea enzyscreen





型号:enzyscreen 96孔板


1、CR1296: 适用于所有96种深孔MTP的三明治盖




闭孔有机硅层中的尺寸孔:1.5 x 5 mm


蒸发速率(30C,50%湿度):22 l /孔/天



主要应用:E.的构建体和突变体文库的初步筛选。 大肠杆菌,芽孢杆菌,酵母,毕赤酵母等,次级代谢产物的产生 放线菌和真菌

2、CR1296a: 低蒸发版CR1296




固体硅树脂层上的尺寸孔:0.8 x 5 mm


蒸发速率(30C,50%湿度):8 l /孔/天

目的:3-14天的栽培,菌株生长相对缓慢 和(哺乳动物)细胞培养



3、CR1296b: 格瑞纳96种深井MTP的三明治盖 我们的板CR1496a




内部有针脚,可完固定有机硅层 时间:特别是对于机器人应用

闭孔有机硅层中的尺寸孔:1.5 x 5 mm


蒸发速率(30C,50%湿度):22 l /孔/天



主要应用:构建体和突变体的初步筛选 大肠杆菌,芽孢杆菌,酵母,毕赤酵母等的文库,二级 放线菌和真菌产生的代谢产物


高压灭菌和三明治盖的使用:1.包裹三明治盖(在聚丙烯 MTP 顶部,或不带 MTP 以防万一 γ 辐照的聚苯乙烯 MTP 将用于铝箔中(替代方案:使用 灭菌袋)。2.在 120 ºC 下高压灭菌 20-30 分钟,然后最好进行干燥循环。3.取下铝箔。4.如果使用的高压灭菌器没有干循环选项,请干燥夹层盖(有或没有 MTP) 在烘箱中设置为 ~ 100-110 ºC 1 小时,以干燥过滤层。5.将三明治盖(带或不带 MTP)放在层流柜中。6.用一个 适当的无菌液体生长培养基(有关建议体积,请参阅 流体动力学和氧气转移率)。7.单独接种 MTP 的孔,或使用菌选择器,或复制器(请参阅我们关于“复制器的使用”的网页)。8.将三明治盖放在 MTP 的顶部。9.将夹层盖 + MTP 放入我们的一个夹子中系统(附在轨道振动平台上),如在“夹具系统的使用”页面上进行了描述。
三明治盖的清洁和维护- 使用后,可使用纸巾和水-乙醇混合物清洁海绵状硅胶层。               – 除非绝对必要,否则不要拆卸三明治盖。- 超细纤维过滤器(蓝色)和 ePTFE 过滤器(绿色)至少可以使用 20-50 次:如果太脏,请更换。更换过滤器可以在包装中获得20。- 海绵状硅胶层可以重复使用数百次,前提是夹层盖的压缩时间不超过约 10 天(在后一种情况下, 硅胶层可能无法*恢复其原始形状)。

三明治盖的清洁和维护- 使用后,可使用纸巾和水-乙醇混合物清洁海绵状硅胶层。            
   – 除非绝对必要,否则不要拆卸三明治盖。- 超细纤维过滤器(蓝色)和 ePTFE 过滤器(绿色)至少可以使用 20-50 次:如果太脏,请更换。更换过滤器可以在包装中获得20。- 海绵状硅胶层可以重复使用数百次,前提是夹层盖的压缩时间不超过约 10 天(在后一种情况下, 硅胶层可能无法*恢复其原始形状)三明治盖的清洁和维护- 使用后,可使用纸巾和水-乙醇混合物清洁海绵状硅胶层。             
  – 除非绝对必要,否则不要拆卸三明治盖。- 超细纤维过滤器(蓝色)和 ePTFE 过滤器(绿色)至少可以使用 20-50 次:如果太脏,请更换。更换过滤器可以在包装中获得20。- 海绵状硅胶层可以重复使用数百次,前提是夹层盖的压缩时间不超过约 10 天(在后一种情况下, 硅胶层可能无法*恢复其原始形状)

三明治盖的清洁和维护- 使用后,可使用纸巾和水-乙醇混合物清洁海绵状硅胶层。        


  – 除非绝对必要,否则不要拆卸三明治盖。- 超细纤维过滤器(蓝色)和 ePTFE 过滤器(绿色)至少可以使用 20-50 次:如果太脏,请更换。更换过滤器可以在包装中获得20。- 海绵状硅胶层可以重复使用数百次,前提是夹层盖的压缩时间不超过约 10 天(在后一种情况下, 硅胶层可能无法*恢复其原始形状)






受多升生物反应器的一般原理(平均需氧微生物培养物每分钟需要一个工作体积的空气供应)的启发,enzyscreen设计了标准的三明治盖(用于快速生长的细菌),其顶部空间刷新率为每分钟1-2个培养体积。这样的顶部空间刷新速率确保顶部空间中的氧浓度为至少18%v/v),即使在40mmol O2/L/分钟的培养物耗氧速率下也是如此。这样的顶部空间刷新率确保了充足的氧气供应,但将蒸发量限制在每天培养体积的2%左右:这种程度的水分损失对于大多数项目来说是可接受的,因此对于大多数应用来说,避免了在培养箱中进行空气加湿的需要。后者还可以防止真菌在培养箱中生长,从而有助于安全的工作环境。









8 x transparent polystyrene square deepwell MTP   (disposable, 24 wells of 11 ml volume, gamma-irradiated, with PS lid, no   barcode)

1 box



Polystyrene transparent square 96-half-deepwell   microplates




Low-evaporation version of CR1224

1 box



Sandwich cover for all types of 96 deepwell MTPs   (with black solid silicone, 0.8 mm holes, low evaporation)




Polypropylene square deepwell MTP (re-usable,24   wells of 11 ml volume, flattened, detoxified)




Sandwich cover for all types of 24 deepwell MTPs




Sandwich cover for all types of 96 deepwell MTPs   (with closed cell silicone, 1.5 mm holes)




Sandwich cover for CR1496a MTPs (with closed cell   silicone, fixed with pins, 1.5 mm holes)




Cover clamp for 4 deepwell MTPs (fits various shaker   platforms)




Extra high universal clamp with 4 positions, also   suitable for extra high deepwell MTPs (fits various shaker platforms), with   “anti-fly out” brackets, for safer stacking of two deepwell MTPs




Sandwich cover for 24 deepwell MTPs CR1424a, b,c,   and d (with closed cell silicone, fixed with pins, 1.2 mm holes, low evap.)




over clamp for two deepwell plates + sandwich covers

1 box






“正牌代理商”栏目设立的初衷是为了让读者在购买产品时能更快找到厂家的代理商,不用一张一张地翻名片,也不用担心买到水货和假货。基于这个初衷,我们收录了多个品牌的代理商,并在签订合同时进行了严格的审核。各厂家或代理商以合同的形式对其代理信息的真实性和准确性进行了保证。  然而,由于生物产品市场的复杂性,尽管我们进行了严格的审核,也不能保证信息的*准确和实时更新。基于此,今后我们会尽我们最大的努力去进行更严格的审核,也希望各厂家和代理商配合和谅解。


货号 品名 规格 价格 品牌
CR1000 Cryo replicator ea 17800 enzyscreen
CR1024 Cryo replicator with 24 pins of 3 mm diameter ea 15800 enzyscreen
CR1100 Cryo replicator press ea 25000 enzyscreen
CR1200 Sandwich cover with no holes in the silicone layer (with closed cell, solid silicone, or butylrubber layer: please specify in order) ea 1220 enzyscreen
CR1206 Sandwich cover for extra high 6- deepwell MTPs  (with black solid silicone, hole size 7 mm) ea 1880 enzyscreen
CR1206a Sandwich cover for extra high 6- deepwell MTPs  (with black solid silicone: hole size: 4 mm, low evap.) ea 1880 enzyscreen
CR1224 Sandwich cover for all types of 24 deepwell MTPs  (with closed cell silicone, 2.5 mm holes) ea 1660 enzyscreen
CR1224a Sandwich cover for all types of 24 deepwell MTPs  (with closed cell silicone, 1.2 mm holes, low evap.) ea 1660 enzyscreen
CR1224b Sandwich cover for 24 deepwell MTPs CR1424a, b,c, and d  (with closed cell silicone, fixed with pins, 2.5 mm holes) ea 1880 enzyscreen
CR1224c Sandwich cover for 24 deepwell MTPs CR1424a, b,c, and d  (with closed cell silicone, fixed with pins, 1.2 mm holes, low evap.) ea 1880 enzyscreen
CR1224d Sandwich cover for all types of 24 deepwell MTPs  (with black solid silicone, 2.5 mm holes) ea 1880 enzyscreen
CR1224e Sandwich cover for all types of 24 deepwell MTPs  (with black solid silicone, 1.2 mm holes, low evap.) ea 1880 enzyscreen
CR1224f Sandwich cover for 24 deepwell MTPs CR1424a, b,c, and d  (with black solid silicone, fixed with pins, 2.5 mm holes) ea 1880 enzyscreen
CR1224g Sandwich cover for 24 deepwell MTPs CR1424a, b,c, and d  (with black solid silicone, fixed with pins, 1.2 mm holes, low evap.) ea 1880 enzyscreen
CR1224h Sandwich cover for high 24 well plates (wells of 25 ml each)  (with closed cell silicone, 2.5 mm holes) ea 1880 enzyscreen
CR1224i Sandwich cover for high 24 well plates (wells of 25 ml each)  (with closed cell silicone, 1.2 mm holes) ea 1880 enzyscreen
CR1224t CO2 release Sandwich cover for all types of 24 well MTPs  (solid silicone, with 24 FEP tubes, 0.1 mm I.D. x 5mm ) ea 2500 enzyscreen
CR1296 Sandwich cover for all types of 96 deepwell MTPs (with closed cell silicone, 1.5 mm holes) ea 1660 enzyscreen
CR1296a Sandwich cover for all types of 96 deepwell MTPs  (with black solid silicone, 0.8 mm holes, low evaporation) ea 1880 enzyscreen
CR1296b Sandwich cover for CR1496a MTPs  (with closed cell silicone, fixed with pins, 1.5 mm holes) ea 1880 enzyscreen
CR1296c Sandwich cover for CR1496a MTPs (with black solid silicone, fixed with pins, 0.8 mm holes, low evap.) ea 1880 enzyscreen
CR1296d Sandwich cover for all types of 96 deepwell MTPs  (with black solid silicone, 1.5 mm holes) ea 1880 enzyscreen
CR1296e Sandwich cover for CR1496a MTPs (with black solid silicone, fixed with pins, 1.5 mm holes) ea 1880 enzyscreen
CR1296t CO2 release Sandwich cover for all types of 96 well MTPs (solid silicone, with 96 PEEK tubes, 0.075 mm I.D. x 5mm ) ea 3820 enzyscreen
CR1324 Universal sandwich cover for 24-well MTPs(with black solid silicone, 19.5 mm hole distance, 2.5 mm holes) ea 1880 enzyscreen
CR1324a Universal sandwich cover for 24-well MTPs, low evaporation(with black solid silicone, 19.5 mm hole distance, 1.2 mm holes) ea 1880 enzyscreen
CR1324b Universal sandwich cover for 24-well MTPs(with black solid silicone, 18 mm hole distance, 2.5 mm holes) ea 1880 enzyscreen
CR1324c Universal sandwich cover for 24-well MTPs, low evaporation (with black solid silicone, 18 mm hole distance, 1.2 mm holes) ea 1880 enzyscreen
CR1324d Universal sandwich cover for 24-well MTPs, low evaporation (with closed cell,  silicone, 18 mm hole distance, 1.2 mm holes) ea 1880 enzyscreen
CR1324e Universal sandwich cover for 24-well MTPs, low evaporation (with closed cell silicone, 19.5 mm hole distance, 1.2 mm holes) ea 1880 enzyscreen
CR1384 Universal sandwich cover for 384-well MTPs (with black solid silicone, 0.6 mm holes) ea 2620 enzyscreen
CR1384t CO2 release sandwich cover for 384 well MTPs  (solid silicone, with 384 PEEK tubes, 0.075 mm I.D. x 5mm ) ea 7640 enzyscreen
CR1496c 16x transparent polystyrene square half deepwell MTP 96 wells of 1.1 ml volume, gamma-irradiated) ea 1700 enzyscreen
CR1496cp Polypropylene half-deepwell MTP made from polypropylene(96 wells of 1.1 ml volume, round bottoms,  flattened, detoxified) ea 400 enzyscreen
CR1496cpn Polypropylene half-deepwell MTP made from polypropylene (96 wells of 1.1 ml volume, round bottoms,  untreated) ea 100 enzyscreen
CR1496dc 16x greyish-white COC Topas 8007 square half deepwell MTP,transparent bottom, 96 wells of 1.1 ml volume, gamma-irradiated) ea 6400 enzyscreen
CR1496dg 16x greyish-white polystyrene square half deepwell MTP,transparent bottom, 96 wells of 1.1 ml volume, gamma-irradiated) ea 4760 enzyscreen
CR1496e 16x grey polystyrene square half deepwell MTP, transparent polystyrene bottom, 96 wells of 1.1 ml volume, gamma-irradiated) ea 3960 enzyscreen
CR1496f 16x black polystyrene square half deepwell MTP, transparent polystyrene bottom, 96 wells of 1.1 ml volume, gamma-irradiated) ea 3500 enzyscreen
CR1496p Eppendorf Polypropylene square deepwell MTP (non-sterile,96 wells of 2.4ml volume, max 8 pieces; larger orders directly via Eppendorf ea 180 enzyscreen
CR1600 Clamp for 6-8 polystyrene lowwell MTPs (fits various shaker platforms) ea 10000 enzyscreen
CR1600a Clamp for 6-8 polystyrene lowwell MTPs (fits Kuhner shaker platforms only) ea 10000 enzyscreen
CR1601 Clamp for 6-8  lowwell microtiter plates in gastight box (fits Kuhner shaker platform) ea 27200 enzyscreen
CR1602 Clamp for 2 PreSens SDR units + MTPs (fits various shaker platforms) ea 11000 enzyscreen
CR1602a Clamp for 2 PreSens SDR units + MTPs (fits Kuhner shaker platforms only) ea 11000 enzyscreen
CR1603 Extra tall universal clamp with 2 positions, also suitable for extra high deepwell MTPs (fits various shaker platforms) ea 9800 enzyscreen
CR1603a Extra tall universal clamp with 2 positions, also suitable for extra high deepwell MTPs (fits Kuhner platforms only) ea 9800 enzyscreen
CR1603h Extra tall universal clamp with 2 positions, also suitable for extra high deepwell MTPs (fits various shaker platforms) with “anti-fly out” brackets, for safer stacking of two deepwell MTPs ea 10200 enzyscreen
CR1603ah Extra tall universal clamp with 2 positions, also suitable for extra high deepwell MTPs (fits Kuhner platforms only) with “anti-fly out” brackets, for safer stacking of two deepwell MTPs ea 10200 enzyscreen
CR1700 Cover clamp for 4 deepwell MTPs (fits various shaker platforms) ea 14400 enzyscreen
CR1700a Cover clamp for 4 deepwell MTPs (fits Kuhner shaker platforms only) ea 14400 enzyscreen
CR1700b Cover clamp for 4 deepwell MTPs(fits Infors shaker platforms only) ea 14400 enzyscreen
CR1700c Cover clamp for 4 deepwell MTPs (fits Kuhner  EPFL-tray/table only) ea 14400 enzyscreen
CR1701 Cover clamp for 4 extra high 6-deepwell MTPs (fits various shaker platforms) ea 15600 enzyscreen
CR1701a Cover clamp for 4 extra high 6-deepwell MTPs (fits Kuhner shaker platforms only) ea 15600 enzyscreen
CR1701b Cover clamp for 4 extra high 6-deepwell MTPs (fits Infors shaker platforms only) ea 15600 enzyscreen
CR1701c Cover clamp for 4 extra high 6-deepwell MTPs (fits Kuhner  EPFL-tray/table only) ea 15600 enzyscreen
CR1702 Cover clamp for 2 deepwell MTPs (fits various shaker platforms) ea 7800 enzyscreen
CR1702a Cover clamp for 2 deepwell MTPs (fits Kuhner shaker platforms only) ea 7800 enzyscreen
CR1703 Cover clamp for 3 deepwell MTPs (fits Eppendorf/New Brunswick platforms only) ea 11400 enzyscreen
CR1705 Cover clamp for 5 deepwell MTPs (fits Eppendorf/New Brunswick platforms only) ea 17800 enzyscreen
CR1800 Universal Clamp for 12-16  lowwell MTPs or 4 deepwell MTPs (fits various shaker platforms) ea 18200 enzyscreen
CR1800a Universal Clamp for 12-16  lowwell MTPs or 4 deepwell MTPs (fits Kuhner shaker platforms only) ea 18200 enzyscreen
CR1800b Universal Clamp for 12-16  lowwell MTPs or 4 deepwell MTPs (fits Infors shaker platforms only) ea 18200 enzyscreen
CR1800c Universal Clamp for 12-16  lowwell MTPs or 4 deepwell MTPs (fits Kuhner  EPFL-tray/table only) ea 18200 enzyscreen
CR0001 20x blue microfiber filter inlay for all types of deepwell covers and universal covers ea 1440 enzyscreen
CR0002 20x green ePTFE filter inlay for all types of deepwell covers and universal covers ea 1960 enzyscreen
CR0003 20x blue microfiber filter inlay for CR1524 and CR1524a covers for Corning MTPs (CR1524) ea 1440 enzyscreen
CR0004 20x green ePTFE filter inlay for CR1524 and CR1524a covers for Corning MTPs (CR1524) ea 1960 enzyscreen
CR0005 20x blue microfiber filter inlay for CR1596 ea 1440 enzyscreen
CR0006 20x green ePTFE filter inlay for CR1596 ea 1960 enzyscreen
CR0007 5x Replacement closed cell silicone seal, 2.5 mm holes for sandwich cover for 24 deepwell MTP (CR1224, CR1224b, CR1224h) ea 2340 enzyscreen
CR0007a 5x Replacement closed cell silicone seal, 1.2 mm holes for sandwich cover 24 well MTP (CR1224a, CR1224c, CR1324d, CR1224i) ea 2340 enzyscreen
CR0008 5x Replacement solid  silicone seal, 2.5 mm holes, for universal cover 24-well MTPs, 19.5 mm hole distance (CR1324) ea 2860 enzyscreen
CR0008a 5x Replacement solid silicone seal, 1.2 mm holes, for universal cover 24-well MTPs, 19.5 mm hole distance (CR1324a) ea 2860 enzyscreen
CR0008b 5x Replacement solid silicone seal, 2.5 mm holes, for covers for 24-well MTPs, 18 mm hole distance ea 2860 enzyscreen
CR0008c 5x Replacement solid silicone seal, 1.2 mm holes, for covers for 24-well MTPs, 18 mm hole distance ea 2860 enzyscreen
CR0008d 5x Replacement closed cell silicone seal, 1.2 mm holes, for universal cover 24-well MTPs, 19.5 mm hole distance (CR1324e) ea 2340 enzyscreen
CR0009 5x Replacement closed cell silicone seal for sandwich cover for 24 lowwell MTP (CR1524) ea 2340 enzyscreen
CR0009a 5x Replacement solid silicone seal for sandwich cover for 24 lowwell MTP, low evap. (CR1524a) ea 2340 enzyscreen
CR0010 Stainless steel foil with pinholes for sandwich cover for 24 lowwell MTP (CR1524a) ea 740 enzyscreen
CR0011 5x Replacement closed cell silicone seal for sandwich  cover for 96 well MTP (CR1296, CR1296b, CR1396a, 1.5 mm holes) ea 2340 enzyscreen
CR0011a 5x Replacement solid silicone seal for sandwich cover for 96 well MTP (CR1296a, CR1296c, CR1396, 1.5 mm holes) ea 2860 enzyscreen
CR0012 5x Replacement solid silicone seal for sandwich cover for 96 well MTP (CR1296a, CR1296c, CR1396, 0.8 mm holes) ea 2860 enzyscreen
CR0013 5x Replacement silicone seal for sandwich cover for 96 low roundwell MTP (CR1596) ea 1900 enzyscreen
CR0014 Stainless steel foil with pinholes for sandwich cover for 96 low roundwell MTP (CR1596) ea 740 enzyscreen
CR0015 5x Replacement closed cell silicone seal for universal sandwich cover for 6 lowwell MTP (CR1506) ea 2340 enzyscreen
CR0017 EPDM rectangular sealing for Gastight box ea 800 enzyscreen
CR0018 5x closed cell silicone seal without holes (thickness: 5 mm) ea 1060 enzyscreen
CR0018b 5x Solid black silicone seal without holes (thickness: 5 mm) ea 1060 enzyscreen
CR0020 Carbon spacer plate (for stacking deepwell MTPs + covers) ea 800 enzyscreen
CR0021 Carbon clamp-unit (for universal clamps CR1600, CR1800, etc) ea 2580 enzyscreen
CR0021a Carbon clamp-unit for flushing purposes, with an inlet and outlet (includes 2 meter of PTFE spagetti tubing) ea 3060 enzyscreen
CR0021b Carbon clamp-unit with stainless steel right angle bracket (for universal clamps CR1600, CR1800, etc, to prevent upper plates to “fly out”) ea 3060 enzyscreen
CR0022 Replacement plexiglass gastight box for CR1601 ea 10400 enzyscreen
CR0023 Replacement valve for CR1601 ea 480 enzyscreen
CR0024 5x Replacement solid silicone seal for sandwich cover for 6 well MTP (CR1206, 7 mm holes) ea 1900 enzyscreen
CR0025 5x Replacement solid silicone seal for sandwich cover for 6 well MTP (CR1206a, 4 mm holes) ea 1900 enzyscreen
CR0026 Cooling block for Growth profiler ea 9600 enzyscreen
CR1396 Universal sandwich cover for 96-well MTPs (with black solid silicone, 0.8 mm holes) ea 1880 enzyscreen
CR1396a Universal sandwich cover for 96-well MTPs (with closed cell silicone, 1.5 mm holes) ea 1880 enzyscreen
CR1396b Sandwich cover for CR1496a, CR1496c, CR1496d, CR1496dh (with black solid silicone, fixed with pins, 0.8 mm holes, low evap.) ea 1880 enzyscreen
CR1396c Sandwich cover for CR1496a, CR1496c, CR1496d, CR1496dh (with closed cell silicone, fixed with pins, 1.5 mm holes) ea 1880 enzyscreen
CR1396d Sandwich cover for CR1496a, CR1496c, CR1496d, CR1496dh (with black solid silicone, fixed with pins, 1.5 mm holes) ea 1880 enzyscreen
CR1396ct Sandwich cover for CR1496a, CR1496c, CR1496d, CR1496dh (solid silicone, with 96 PEEK tubes, 0.075 mm I.D. x 5mm ) ea 4160 enzyscreen
CR1524 Sandwich cover for polystyrene 24 low roundwell MTPs from Corning, 1.2 mm holes) ea 1660 enzyscreen
CR1524a Sandwich cover for polystyrene 24 low roundwell MTPs from Corning (low-evaporation version of CR1524) ea 1880 enzyscreen
CR1596 Sandwich cover for polystyrene 96 low roundwell MTPs (only suitable for MTPs with empty spaces between wells) ea 1880 enzyscreen
CR1406 4x Extra high square deepwell MTP (polystyrene, 85 mm high 6 wells of  82 ml volume, Pyramid bottom, gamma irradiated) ea 1440 enzyscreen
CR1406b 4x Extra high square deepwell MTP (polystyrene, 85 mm high,6 wells of  82 ml volume, Pyramid bottom, gamma irradiated, with barcode) ea 1540 enzyscreen
CR1406b4 4x Extra high square deepwell MTP (polystyrene, 85 mm high,6 wells 82 ml volume, pyramid bottom, gamma irradiated, barcode, in one bag) ea 1540 enzyscreen
CR1424 Polypropylene square deepwell MTP (re-usable,24 wells of  11 ml volume, flattened, detoxified) ea 420 enzyscreen
CR1424n Polypropylene square deepwell MTP (re-usable,24 wells of  11 ml volume, not flattened, not detoxified) ea 120 enzyscreen
CR1424a Polypropylene square deepwell MTP (re-usable, 24 wells 11 ml,flattened, detoxified, with 4 cavities to fit covers with pins) ea 460 enzyscreen
CR1424an Polypropylene square deepwell MTP (re-usable, 24 wells 11 ml,not flattened, not detoxified, with 4 cavities to fit covers with pins) ea 180 enzyscreen
CR1424cl 8 x transparent polystyrene square deepwell MTP (disposable, 24 wells of 11 ml volume, gamma-irradiated, with PS lid, no barcode) ea 1280 enzyscreen
CR1424clb 8 x transparent polystyrene square deepwell MTP (disposable, 24 wells of 11 ml volume, gamma-irradiated, with PS lid, with barcode) ea 1380 enzyscreen
CR1424d 8 x grey polystyrene square deepwell MTP (disposable, 24 wells of 11 ml volume, transparant bottom, gamma-irradiated) ea 2520 enzyscreen
CR1424dg 8 x greyish-White polystyrene square deepwell MTP (disposable, 24 wells of 11 ml volume, transparant bottom, gamma-irradiated) ea 2520 enzyscreen
CR1424e 8 x white polystyrene square deepwell MTP (disposable, 24 wells of 11 ml volume, transparant bottom, gamma-irradiated) ea 2520 enzyscreen
CR1424f 16 x  Roundwell MTP Porvair, white walls, transparent bottom (24 wells of 3 ml volume, with lid, gamma irradiated) ea 3760 enzyscreen
CR1424h Extra high polypropylene square deepwell MTP (re-usable,24 wells of  25 ml volume, “Hitplate 25″, untreated, 88 mm high) ea 180 enzyscreen
CR1424hf Extra high polypropylene square deepwell MTP (re-usable,24 wells of  25 ml volume, “Hitplate 25″, flattened, 86 mm high) ea 320 enzyscreen
CR1424i Extra high polypropylene square deepwell MTP (re-usable,24 wells of  25 ml volume, “Hitplate 25″, flattened, detoxified), 86 mm high ea 560 enzyscreen
CR1496 Polypropylene square deepwell MTP (re-usable,(96 wells of 2.4ml volume, flattened, detoxified) ea 400 enzyscreen
CR1496n Polypropylene square deepwell MTP (re-usable,(96 wells of 2.4ml volume, untreated: not flattened, not detoxified) ea 100 enzyscreen
CR1496a Polypropylene square deepwell MTP (re-usable, 96 wells 2.4 ml,flattened, detoxified, with 4 cavities to fit covers with pins) ea 440 enzyscreen
CR1496an Polypropylene square deepwell MTP (re-usable, 96 wells 2.4 ml,not flattened, not detoxified, with 4 cavities to fit covers with pins) ea 160 enzyscreen
CR1801 Extra high universal clamp with 4 positions, also suitable for extra high deepwell MTPs (fits various shaker platforms) ea 18800 enzyscreen
CR1801a Extra high universal clamp with 4 positions, also suitable for extra high deepwell MTPs ((fits Kuhner shaker platforms only)) ea 18800 enzyscreen
CR1801b Extra high universal clamp with 4 positions, also suitable for extra high deepwell MTPs (fits Infors shaker platforms only) ea 18800 enzyscreen
CR1801c Extra high universal clamp with 4 positions, also suitable for extra high deepwell MTPs (fits Kuhner  EPFL-tray/table only) ea 18800 enzyscreen
CR1801h Extra high universal clamp with 4 positions, also suitable for extra high deepwell MTPs (fits various shaker platforms), with “anti-fly out” brackets, for safer stacking of two deepwell MTPs ea 19600 enzyscreen
CR1801ah Extra high universal clamp with 4 positions, also suitable for extra high deepwell MTPs ((fits Kuhner shaker platforms only))with “anti-fly out” brackets, for safer stacking of two deepwell MTPs ea 19600 enzyscreen
CR1801bh Extra high universal clamp with 4 positions, also suitable for extra high deepwell MTPs (fits Infors shaker platforms only)with “anti-fly out” brackets, for safer stacking of two deepwell MTPs ea 19600 enzyscreen
CR1801ch Extra high universal clamp with 4 positions, also suitable for extra high deepwell MTPs (fits Kuhner  EPFL-tray/table only)with “anti-fly out” brackets, for safer stacking of two deepwell MTPs ea 19600 enzyscreen
CR1802 Clamp for 4 PreSens SDR units + MTPs (fits various shaker platforms) ea 20200 enzyscreen
CR1802a Clamp for 4 PreSens SDR units + MTPs (fits Kuhner shaker platforms only) ea 20200 enzyscreen
CR1802b Clamp for 4 PreSens SDR units + MTPs (fits Infors shaker platforms only) ea 20200 enzyscreen
CR1802c Clamp for 4 PreSens SDR units + MTPs (fits Kuhner  EPFL-tray/table only) ea 20200 enzyscreen
CR1803 Universal Clamp for 9-12  lowwell MTPs or 3 deepwell MTPs (fits Eppendorf/New Brunswick platforms only) ea 14600 enzyscreen
CR1803h Extra high universal clamp with 3 positions, also suitable for extra high deepwell MTPs (fits Eppendorf/New Brunswick platforms only) ea 14900 enzyscreen
CR1803hh Extra high universal clamp with 3 positions, also suitable for extra high deepwell MTPs (fits Eppendorf/New Brunswick platforms only) with “anti-fly out” brackets, for safer stacking of two deepwell MTPs ea 15700 enzyscreen
CR1805 Universal Clamp for 15-20  lowwell MTPs or 5 deepwell MTPs (fits Eppendorf/New Brunswick platforms only) ea 22000 enzyscreen
CR1805h Extra high universal clamp with 5 positions, also suitable for extra high deepwell MTPs (fits Eppendorf/New Brunswick platforms only) ea 23900 enzyscreen
CR1805hh Extra high universal clamp with 5 positions, also suitable for extra high deepwell MTPs (fits Eppendorf/New Brunswick platforms only)with “anti-fly out” brackets, for safer stacking of two deepwell MTPs ea 24900 enzyscreen


enzyscreen CR1496C现货说明书

上海金畔enzyscreen CR1496C现货说明书


96 方形半深孔微孔板的孔内流体动力学

对于 96 方形半深孔微量滴定板(CR1496c,专为培养目的而设计),培养体积在 0.25 ml 和 0.35 ml 之间通常使用,最好在振幅为 50 mm 的振动器上使用。最佳摇动频率取决于培养体积。对于 0.25 或 0.3 ml 培养物,通常使用 225 或 250 rpm。这种微孔板的氧转移率 (OTR) 尚未测量。从 96 方深井获得的数据外推板 (Duetz et al ., 2000, Applied and Environmental Microbiology 66:2641-2646) 导致在 250 ul 在 225 rpm 时的估计 OTR 为 40 mmol O2大号-1H-1  (对应于 200 小时的 kLa 值-1)。这样的 OTR 对应于锥形摇瓶中可实现的(培养体积的 10%烧瓶体积,300 rpm),但是为了确保*混合到底部(无死区),建议使用 250 rpm 的摇动频率而不是 225 转。甚至更高的摇动频率(275 或 300 rpm)可以在培养液不接触盖子的情况下应用,条件是不使用高于 0.25 毫升的培养体积(参见本页底部的两个视频剧照。如果只有振幅为 25 mm 的摇床可用,据报道以 300 rpm(和 0.25 ml 的培养体积)摇床也会产生良好的结果(流体动力学和氧气传输速率与 500 mm/225 rpm 相当)

对于 24 孔板,情况不太明确。有些盘子有一个心连心的好——到孔的距离为 18 毫米,其他一些(尤其是圆孔板)为 19.5 毫米。大多数 24孔板是对称的,但不是全部。康宁24个浅圆孔板(经常用于特别是 CHO 细胞)是不对称的。