Gene Tools 特约代理

世界*实验材料供应商 gene tools 正式上海金畔为其中国代理, gene tools 在一直是行业的*,一直为广大科研客户提供zui为的产品和服务,上海金畔一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务, gene tools 就是为了给广大科研客户带来更加完善的产品和服务,您的满意将是我们zui大的收获

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Gene Tools公司生产吗啉代寡核苷酸为基础的应用和配套产品。Gene Tools也从事研究涉及吗啉代寡核苷酸进入细胞并使用吗啉代寡核苷酸作为探针和诊断系统的交付。

Gene Tools公司的技术人员均拥有博士学位,他们以丰富的经验, 竭诚为您提供技术服务研制、 开发和提供吗啉代寡核苷酸及相关产品合成服务。

Morpholinos 主要通过阻断蛋白质翻译过程而达到抑制目标基因功能的作用,目前已经广泛用于发育生物学和细胞学实验中,并取得了非常好的实验效果。

Morpholinos 以吗啉环类似物为基本骨架,这种*的结构特性使得Morpholinos 具有以下几个特点:

  1. 与其他类型的反义寡核苷酸相比,Morpholinos 能更好地抵抗核酸酶的作用;
  2. Morpholinos 与靶序列结合后通过空间位阻效应发挥作用,不激活 RNaseH,不引起目标基因mRNA 的降解 ;
  3. 针对翻译起始位点区设计的Morpholinos 用于抑制蛋白质的翻译,针对 pre-mRNA 剪切位点区设计的Morpholinos 可影响mRNA 剪切,得到不同的转录本,可以方便地用于目标基因结构域的突变研究;
  4. 与靶序列结合能力强,可以渗入mRNA 的二级结构,并且特异性好。

配合Morpholinos 的使用,Gene Tools公司开发了相应的输送系统,可以安全、地将Morpholinos 输送至胞浆内,因此,Morpholinos 也可以用于遗传学研究和新药靶标的发现以及验证。此外,Morpholinos可以标上荧光基团、亲和标签以及活性反应基团,以供不同的研究需要。



品牌 货号 品名 规格
gene-tools mmp9 MO: 5’-CGCCAGGACTCCAAGTCTCATTTTG-3 300nmol
gene-tools Mych splicing MO:  5’-GCAAAAGACTCACCAGAATCGCTAG-3 300nmol
gene-tools Clcf1  MO: 5’-CCTGACCAACTTTCCAGGGACACAT-3’ 300nmol
Gene Tools morpholino   300nmole
Gene Tools control   100nmole


gene-tools   mmp9 MO: 5’-CGCCAGGACTCCAAGTCTCATTTTG-3 300nmol       南通大学 徐绘 7628986   6625*0.85 考虑下
2016年6月13日 gene-tools    Mych splicing MO:  5’-GCAAAAGACTCACCAGAATCGCTAG-3 300nmol       南通大学 徐绘 7628986   6625*0.85 考虑下
2016年6月13日 gene-tools   Clcf1 MO: 5’-CCTGACCAACTTTCCAGGGACACAT-3’ 300nmol

Gene Tools

Gene Tools

简要描述:gene tools代理,gene tools上海代理,gene tools北京代理, gene tools代理, gene tools一级代理, gene tools 代理
上海金畔生物科技有限公司 gene tools专业代理,具体产品信息欢迎电询:021-50837765



世界*实验材料供应商 gene tools 正式上海金畔为其中国代理, gene tools 在一直是行业的*,一直为广大科研客户提供zui为优质的产品和服务,上海金畔一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务, gene tools 就是为了给广大科研客户带来更加完善的产品和服务,您的满意将是我们zui大的收获

 gene tools 中国代理, gene tools 上海代理, gene tools 北京代理,gene tools 广东代理, gene tools 江苏代理gene tools 湖北代理,gene tools 天津,gene tools 黑龙江代理,gene tools 内蒙古代理,gene tools 吉林代理,gene tools 福建代理, gene tools 江苏代理, gene tools 浙江代理, gene tools 四川代理,


Gene Tools公司生产吗啉代寡核苷酸为基础的应用和配套产品。Gene Tools也从事研究涉及吗啉代寡核苷酸进入细胞并使用吗啉代寡核苷酸作为探针和诊断系统的交付。

公司的技术人员均拥有博士学位,他们以丰富的经验, 竭诚为您提供技术服务研制、 开发和提供吗啉代寡核苷酸及相关产品合成服务。

Morpholinos 主要通过阻断蛋白质翻译过程而达到抑制目标基因功能的作用,目前已经广泛用于发育生物学和细胞学实验中,并取得了非常好的实验效果。

Morpholinos 以吗啉环类似物为基本骨架,这种*的结构特性使得Morpholinos 具有以下几个特点:

  1. 与其他类型的反义寡核苷酸相比,Morpholinos 能更好地抵抗核酸酶的作用;
  2. Morpholinos 与靶序列结合后通过空间位阻效应发挥作用,不激活 RNaseH,不引起目标基因mRNA 的降解 ;
  3. 针对翻译起始位点区设计的Morpholinos 用于抑制蛋白质的翻译,针对 pre-mRNA 剪切位点区设计的Morpholinos 可影响mRNA 剪切,得到不同的转录本,可以方便地用于目标基因结构域的突变研究;
  4. 与靶序列结合能力强,可以渗入mRNA 的二级结构,并且特异性好。

配合Morpholinos 的使用,公司开发了相应的输送系统,可以安全、高效地将Morpholinos 输送至胞浆内,因此,Morpholinos 也可以用于遗传学研究和新药靶标的发现以及验证。此外,Morpholinos可以标上荧光基团、亲和标签以及活性反应基团,以供不同的研究需要。




gene tools 代理

gene tools 代理

简要描述:gene tools代理,gene tools中国代理,gene tools上海代理,gene tools代理,gene tools
gene tools专业代理-上海金畔生物科技有限公司,具体产品信息欢迎电询:021-50837765



世界*实验材料供应商 gene tools 正式上海金畔为其中国代理, gene tools 在一直是行业的*,一直为广大科研客户提供zui为优质的产品和服务,上海金畔一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务, gene tools 就是为了给广大科研客户带来更加完善的产品和服务,您的满意将是我们zui大的收获

 gene tools 中国代理, gene tools 上海代理, gene tools 北京代理,gene tools 广东代理, gene tools 江苏代理gene tools 湖北代理,gene tools 天津,gene tools 黑龙江代理,gene tools 内蒙古代理,gene tools 吉林代理,gene tools 福建代理, gene tools 江苏代理, gene tools 浙江代理, gene tools 四川代理,


Gene Tools公司生产吗啉代寡核苷酸为基础的应用和配套产品。Gene Tools也从事研究涉及吗啉代寡核苷酸进入细胞并使用吗啉代寡核苷酸作为探针和诊断系统的交付。

Gene Tools公司的技术人员均拥有博士学位,他们以丰富的经验, 竭诚为您提供技术服务研制、 开发和提供吗啉代寡核苷酸及相关产品合成服务。

Morpholinos 主要通过阻断蛋白质翻译过程而达到抑制目标基因功能的作用,目前已经广泛用于发育生物学和细胞学实验中,并取得了非常好的实验效果。

Morpholinos 以吗啉环类似物为基本骨架,这种*的结构特性使得Morpholinos 具有以下几个特点:

  1. 与其他类型的反义寡核苷酸相比,Morpholinos 能更好地抵抗核酸酶的作用;
  2. Morpholinos 与靶序列结合后通过空间位阻效应发挥作用,不激活 RNaseH,不引起目标基因mRNA 的降解 ;
  3. 针对翻译起始位点区设计的Morpholinos 用于抑制蛋白质的翻译,针对 pre-mRNA 剪切位点区设计的Morpholinos 可影响mRNA 剪切,得到不同的转录本,可以方便地用于目标基因结构域的突变研究;
  4. 与靶序列结合能力强,可以渗入mRNA 的二级结构,并且特异性好。

配合Morpholinos 的使用,Gene Tools公司开发了相应的输送系统,可以安全、高效地将Morpholinos 输送至胞浆内,因此,Morpholinos 也可以用于遗传学研究和新药靶标的发现以及验证。此外,Morpholinos可以标上荧光基团、亲和标签以及活性反应基团,以供不同的研究需要。






Gene Bridges 特约代理

Gene Bridges基因重组试剂/工具

Gene Bridges是一家依托欧洲分子生物技术实验室(EMBL),成立于2000年6月的高科技生物科技公司,该公司拥有的技术Red/ET基因重组技术可实现DNA任意位点的克隆/亚克隆,以及的克隆出如BACs或大肠杆菌染色体的超长NDA分子,已经为多个制药企业、生物技术公司及科研院所提供大量的基因克隆及超过500个已结题的DNA修饰项目。

Gene Bridges公司的专业团队拥有娴熟的技术人员及深悉分子及微生物技术、小鼠基因组学、转基因技术、生物化学、代谢工程及工业化的资深科学家。力求为生命科学研究领域及产业化提供的真核/原核基因重组、表达产品与服务。

Gene Bridges公司主要产品:


1Quick & Easy BAC(细菌人工染色体)修饰试剂盒,用于所有类型的BCA基因修饰。

2Counter Selection BAC Modification Kit使用counter-selection cassette用于的BAC及细菌染色体的修饰。

3BAC Subcloning Kit


4Quick & Easy Conditional Knock Out Kit – FRT


5Quick & Easy Conditional Knock Out Kit – loxP


6Quick & Easy E. coli Gene Deletion Kit

用于E. coli染色体上基因的快速敲出或修饰。

7E. coli strain GB05-dir

用于直接克隆E. colilinear plus linear 同源重组。

8E. coli strain GB08-red

用于基因重组E. coli linear plus circular同源重组。

二、Red/ET重组的筛选盒(selection cassettes)该系列产品包括:


2FRT-PGK-gb2-neo-FRT:原核/真核生物+新霉素+ FRT位点筛选盒

3loxP-PGK-gb2-neo-loxP:原核/真核生物+新霉素+loxP 位点筛选盒

4FRT-PGK-gb2-neo-FRT-loxP:原核/真核生物+新霉素+ FRT位点+下游loxP 位点筛选盒

5loxP-FRT-PGK-gb2-neo-FRT:原核/真核生物+新霉素+ FRT位点+上游loxP 位点筛选盒

6FRT-gb2-cm-FRT:原核生物+氯霉素+ FRT位点筛选盒

7loxP-gb2-cm-loxP:原核生物+氯霉素+ loxP位点筛选盒

8FRT-gb2-amp-FRT:原核生物+氨苄青霉素+ FRT位点筛选盒

9loxP-gb2-amp-loxP:原核生物+氨苄青霉素+ loxP位点筛选盒

10FRT-PGK-gb2-hygro-FRT:原核/真核生物+潮霉素+ FRT位点筛选盒

11loxP-PGK-gb2-hygro-loxP:原核/真核生物+潮霉素+ loxP位点筛选盒

12iCre-FRT-neo-FRT:原核/真核生物+改良密码子的Cre (iCre) +新霉素+ 前后FRT位点筛选盒

13iCreERT2-FRT-neo-FRT:原核/真核生物+配体诱导的Cre (iCre)+ 前后FRT位点筛选盒T


1707-FLPe, tet:抗四环素的Flp表达质粒(仅用于E. coli

2707-FLPe, cm:抗氯霉素的Flp表达质粒(仅用于E. coli)(3707-FLPe, amp:抗氨苄青霉素的Flp表达质粒(仅用于E. coli)(4710-FLPe, km:抗卡那霉素的Flp表达质粒(仅用于E. coli

5705-Cre, cm:抗氯霉素的Cre表达质粒(仅用于E. coli

6706-Cre, tet:抗四环素的Cre表达质粒(仅用于E. coli)(7704-Cre,amp:抗氨苄青霉素的Cre表达质粒(仅用于E. coli

8pCAGGS-FLPe (科研/工业化):增强的真核生物FLP表达质粒(适用于37°C

9pCAGGS-FLPo:真核生物FLP重组酶表达质粒,其重组酶密码子配对被改良以促进其在哺乳动物细胞内表达。(工业化生产需Fred Hutchinson肿瘤研究中心批准)



12pSC101-BAD-Cre Arabinose诱导原核生物Cre重组酶表达质粒。

13pSC101-BAD-Dre Arabinose诱导原核生物Dre重组酶表达质粒。(工业化生产需Stowers医学研究所批准)



在二十多年来,Gene Link一直为研究人员提供的遗传研究工具。作为定制寡核苷酸,siRNA,荧光探针,遗传工具和试剂的供应商,研究人员转而致力于Gene Link产品的苛刻应用和一致的结果。始终保持声誉和责任,提供的产品,我们向整个产品线提供的信心。我们的产品和服务得到了我们对品质的承诺和不断努力,为研究界引进创新产品和技术的支持和保证。Gene Link通过强调与客户的个人关系来促进客户满意度和忠诚度。我们专业和专业培训的客户服务和团队有动力以任何方式为我们的客户服务。定期协助客户进行实验设计和其他技术咨询,我们始终致力于与委托我们提供他们进一步研究所需工具的人员起来。Gene Link已经开发并将继续保持质量,一致性和信心的声誉。Gene Link,Inc.于1993年在纽约州成立,位于纽约州的威彻斯特郡。这个位置非常适合成长,并与附近着名的大学,纽约,新泽西州和康涅狄格州的生物科技公司和制药公司进行强有力的互动。





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上海金畔所有产品都是自运营的,我们已经跟国外多家厂方建立品牌推广合作关系,获得对方的支持和;确保货物的来源; 正规报关,提供13%增值税发票。


上海金畔的运营团队都是有着多年经验的成员,他们熟悉海外采购、仓储物流、报关等环节;上海金畔的进口速度比传统企业提高了50%以上, 部分产品甚至能做到7-10天到货。




上海金畔提供的产品在使用过程中如因产品质量问题有售后需求时, 上海金畔产品顾问会及时为您处理。






Gene Link是定制寡核苷酸,特别是超修饰寡核苷酸的供应商。这样的寡核苷酸可以是RNA,DNA,2'O-甲基或嵌合体。Gene Link提供所有商业上可获得的修饰,荧光标记探针和探针,如Molecular Beacons,TaqMan和FRET,以及各种其他分子生物学产品,如接头,衔接子,DNA纯化和清洁试剂盒Gene Link的基因检测系统产品系列包括试剂和试剂系统,以帮助科学家检测遗传疾病。产品焦点目前是三重重复障碍。这些包括脆性X,强直性营养不良,亨廷顿舞蹈病等。也可从Gene Link获得用于基因分型Sry,X和Y,镰状细胞和囊性纤维化的试剂盒。GeneLink s研发部门致力于发现新的技术和方法,从而导致更的产品。




货号 品名 规格 品牌
26-4000-03 Random Hexamers; 100 ug 100ug genelink
26-6400-77 Polyacrylamide gel purification 50-200nmol scale genelink
26-6400-02 2 oligos custom DNA oligo 200 nmol scale synthesis genelink
26-6437-15 5'-Cy3 15 umol genelink
26-4300-02 5'-Cy3-Oligo d(T)12-18; 25 ug 25 ug genelink
26-6406-02 Amino Linker C7 200 nmol scale genelink
26-6620-02 Lignoceric Oligo 200 nmol scale genelink
26-6563-02 N-POM Caged-dT 200 nmol scale ea GeneLink
26-2202-02 MULTI-Seq LMO Lig-Anchor 2 nmols genelink
26-2204-02 MULTI-Seq LMO Palm Co-Anchor 2 nmols genelink
27-6400-77 RNA Gel Purification 50 & 200 nmol scal ea genelink
27-6400-02 Custom RNA oligo 200 nmol scale 200 nmol scale genelink
26-6418-02 Amino Linker C6 200 nmol scale genelink
26-6400-55 Polyacrylamide gel purification 1 umol scale GeneLink
26-6563-01 N-POM Caged-dT 1 umol scale GeneLink
26-6400-01 custom DNA oligo 1 umol scale synthesis GeneLink
26-6701-02 5-OH dC 200 nmol scale genelink
26-6695-02 5-OH dU 200 nmol scale genelink
26-6701-05 5-hydroxy dC 50 nmol genelink
40-5012-05 TE Buffer 1X solution pH 7.5; 50 mL 50mL genelink
26-6732-01 BHQ-1-NHS (Black Hole Quencher 1 NHS) 1 umol genelink
26-6732-02 BHQ-1-NHS (Black Hole Quencher 1 NHS) 200 nmol genelink
26-6732-05 BHQ-1-NHS (Black Hole Quencher 1 NHS) 50 nmol genelink
40-2004-41 Fragile X GeneProber™ GLFXDig1 Probe Digoxigenin labeled 110 μL genelink
40-2004-40 Fragile X GLFX1 GeneProber Digoxigenin labeled 500ng genelink
26-6400-02(3 oligos) 3 oligos custom DNA oligo 200 nmol scale synthesis genelink




Gene Link是定制寡核苷酸,特别是超修饰寡核苷酸的供应商。这样的寡核苷酸可以是RNA,DNA,2'O-甲基或嵌合体。Gene Link提供所有商业上可获得的修饰,荧光标记探针和探针,如Molecular Beacons,TaqMan和FRET,以及各种其他分子生物学产品,如接头,衔接子,DNA纯化和清洁试剂盒Gene Link的基因检测系统产品系列包括试剂和试剂系统,以帮助科学家检测遗传疾病。产品焦点目前是三重重复障碍。这些包括脆性X,强直性营养不良,亨廷顿舞蹈病等。也可从Gene Link获得用于基因分型Sry,X和Y,镰状细胞和囊性纤维化的试剂盒。GeneLink s研发部门致力于发现新的技术和方法,从而导致更的产品。





“正牌代理商”栏目设立的初衷是为了让读者在购买产品时能更快找到厂家的代理商,不用一张一张地翻名片,也不用担心买到水货和假货。基于这个初衷,我们收录了多个品牌的代理商,并在签订合同时进行了严格的审核。各厂家或代理商以合同的形式对其代理信息的真实性和准确性进行了保证。       然而,由于生物产品市场的复杂性,尽管我们进行了严格的审核,也不能保证信息的*准确和实时更新。基于此,今后我们会尽我们最大的努力去进行更严格的审核,也希望各厂家和代理商配合和谅解。




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上海金畔生物科技正规代理Gene Bridges产品,zui近市场出现Gene Bridges的假货,为了您的实验安全请选择正牌代理。 :

Gene Bridges成立于2000年,是一家从欧洲分子生物学实验室分离出来的独营的公司,主要经营其产品Red/ET重组技术的试剂盒。Red/ET重组是新近出现的一种基于λ噬菌体Red操纵子(Redα/Redβ/Redγ)和Rac噬菌体RecE/RecT重组系统的DNA工程技术。通过该技术可以简单、快速地对任意大的DNA分子进行插入、敲除、突变等多种修饰,而且还可对 长达80kb的DNA–片段进行亚克隆。由于重组反应的整个过程都是在大肠杆菌细胞内部完成,因此不存在碱基突变危险。该技术已被广泛地用于基因组DNA, 如细菌人工染色体、大肠杆菌染色体等的遗传修饰研究以及基因工程药物的研究和开发中。


品牌 货号 品名 包装 价格
genebridges K004 Quick & Easy Red/ET Conditional Knock Out Kit – FRT (need license to buy) Kit 16146
genebridges K005 Quick & Easy Red/ET Conditional Knock Out Kit – loxP (need license to buy) Kit 16146
genebridges K006 Quick & Easy Red/ET E. coli Gene Deletion Kit (need license to buy) Kit 13806
genebridges A008 Red/ET Ampicillin Selection Cassette, FRT-flanked (FRT-amp-FRT) 50ng/ul,20ul 6435
genebridges A009 Red/ET Ampicillin Selection Cassette, loxP flanked (loxP-amp-loxP) 50ng/ul,20ul 6435
genebridges K003 Red/ET BAC Subcloning Kit (need license to buy) Kit 14040
genebridges A006 Red/ET Chloramphenicol Selection Cassette, FRT-flanked (FRT-cm-FRT) 50ng/ul,20ul 6435
genebridges A007 Red/ET Chloramphenicol Selection Cassette, loxP-flanked (loxP-cm-loxP) 50ng/ul,20ul 6435
genebridges K002 Red/ET Counter Selection BAC Modification Kit (need license to buy) Kit 18486
genebridges A112 Red/ET Cre Expression Plasmid:705-Cre, cm-selection 0.2ug/ul,20ul 6435
genebridges A113 Red/ET Cre Expression Plasmid:706-Cre, tet-selection 0.2ug/ul,20ul 6435
genebridges A201 Red/ET Enhanced Eukaryotic FLP Expression Plasmid: pCAGGS-FLPe (Academic price, requires MTA) 0.2ug/ul,20ul 8775
genebridges A202 Red/ET Enhanced Eukaryotic FLP Expression Plasmid: pCAGGS-FLPe (Industry price, requires MTA) 0.2ug/ul,20ul 76050
genebridges A104 Red/ET Enhanced Flp Expression Plasmid:707-FLPe, tet-selection 0.2ug/ul,20ul 6435
genebridges A105 Red/ET Enhanced Flp Expression Plasmid:708-FLPe, cm-selection 0.2ug/ul,20ul 6435
genebridges A010 Red/ET Hygromycin Selection Cassette, FRT-flanked, Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic (FRT-PGK-gb2-hygro-FRT) 50ng/ul,20ul 6435
genebridges A011 Red/ET Hygromycin Selection Cassette, loxP-flanked, Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic (loxP-PGK-gb2-hygro-loxP) 50ng/ul,20ul 6435
genebridges A005 Red/ET Neomycin Selection Cassette plus loxP site 2nd version, FRT flanked, Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic (loxP-FRT-PGK-gb2-neo-FRT) 50ng/ul,20ul 6435
genebridges A004 Red/ET Neomycin Selection Cassette plus loxP site, FRT flanked, Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic (FRT-PGK-gb2-neo-FRT-loxP) 50ng/ul,20ul 6435
genebridges A002 Red/ET Neomycin Selection Cassette, FRT-flanked, Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic (FRT-PGK-gb2-neo-FRT) 50ng/ul,20ul 6435
genebridges A003 Red/ET Neomycin Selection Cassette, loxP-flanked, Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic (loxP-PGK-gb2-neo-loxP) 50ng/ul,20ul 6435
genebridges A001 Red/ET Neomycin Selection Cassette, Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic (PGK-gb2-neo) 50ng/ul,20ul 6435
genebridges K001 Red/ET Quick & Easy BAC Modification Kit (need license to buy) Kit 15687




Gene Link 寡核苷酸适用于要求苛刻的应用和一致的结果。我们认为,重视时间并且没有因寡核苷酸质量而导致实验失败的研究人员应该考虑使用 Gene Link。我们对每个寡核苷酸的众多质量控制步骤确保了信心。
Gene Link 寡核苷酸合成事业部不是“寡核苷酸工厂”。在合成过程中以及通过聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳处理后,对每个寡核苷酸进行细致监测。
Gene Link 专门研究长寡核苷酸。我们对长寡核苷酸的描述是 180 mer 到 250 mer。邀请您进行比较。


货号 品名 规格 价格 品牌
25-1001-01 dA-CE Phosphoroamidie 1 gm Procured by Gene Link 1 gm 884 Genelink
25-1002-01 dC-CE Phosphoroamidie 1 gm Procured by Gene Link 1 gm 884 Genelink
25-1003-01 dG-CE Phosphoroamidie 1 gm Procured by Gene Link 1 gm 884 Genelink
25-1004-01 dT-CE Phosphoroamidie 1 gm Procured by Gene Link 1 gm 884 Genelink
25-1101-01 dA Bz- LCAA  1000A CPG 1 gm Procured by Gene Link 1 gm 884 Genelink
25-1102-01 dC Bz- LCAA  1000A CPG 1 gm Procured by Gene Link 1 gm 884 Genelink
25-1103-01 dG iBu- LCAA  1000A CPG 1 gm Procured by Gene Link 1 gm 884 Genelink
25-1104-01 dT  LCAA  1000A CPG 1 gm Procured by Gene Link 1 gm 884 Genelink
26-0000-00 Custom oligo service 1/Ea 850 Genelink
26-6202-01 Custom Oligo Loading Tubes 1/Ea 255 Genelink
26-6202-02 Custom Primer Mix Loading Tubes 1/Ea 850 Genelink
26-6202-03 Custom Oligo Loading Replicates/Multiple Aliquots 1/Ea 510 Genelink
26-6202-84 Custom oligo 384 well plate format 1/Ea 2550 Genelink
26-6202-96 Custom oligo 96 well plate format 1/Ea 850 Genelink
26-6203-84 Custom oligo loading 384 well plate format 1/Ea 3825 Genelink
26-6203-96 Custom oligo loading 96 well plate format 1/Ea 1632 Genelink
26-6204-84 Custom Primer Mix loading 384 well plate format 1/Ea 5440 Genelink
26-6204-96 Custom Primer Mix loading 96 well plate format 1/Ea 2380 Genelink
26-6205-84 Custom oligo loading 384 well plate replicates/multiples 1/Ea 3825 Genelink
26-6205-96 Custom oligo loading 96 well plate replicates/multiples 1/Ea 1632 Genelink
26-6211-01 Spiking-1 1 umol scale each 3315 Genelink
26-6211-02 Spiking-1 200 nmol scale each 2210 Genelink
26-6211-03 Spiking-1 2 umol scale each 3910 Genelink
26-6211-05 Spiking-1 50 nmol scale each 2210 Genelink
26-6211-10 Spiking-1 10 umol scale each 5100 Genelink
26-6211-15 Spiking-1 15 umol scale each 7650 Genelink
26-6400-00 Same Day Oligo 1/Ea 340 Genelink
26-6400-01 custom DNA oligo 1 umol scale synthesis 1/Ea 33.15 Genelink
26-6400-02 custom DNA oligo 200 nmol scale synthesis 1/Ea 15.3 Genelink
26-6400-03 custom DNA oligo 2 umol scale synthesis 1/Ea 50.15 Genelink
26-6400-05 custom DNA oligo 50 nmol scale synthesis 1/Ea 8.5 Genelink
26-6400-10 custom DNA oligo 10 umol scale synthesis 1/Ea 331.5 Genelink
26-6400-15 custom DNA oligo 15 umol scale synthesis 1/Ea 470.05 Genelink
26-6400-25 custom DNA oligo 25 nmol scale synthesis 1/Ea 5.95 Genelink
26-6400-68 Oligo Explorer V1.5 Application PC License each 6970 Genelink
26-6400-OS Oligo Staining with Methylene Blue each 0 Genelink
26-6499-00 Rush oligo service 1/Ea 340 Genelink
26-6688-01 LC Cyan 500 1 umol scale each 57970 Genelink
26-6688-02 LC Cyan 500 200 nmol scale each 11594 Genelink
26-6688-05 LC Cyan 500 50 nmol scale each 11594 Genelink
26-6763-01 TCO-PEG3 Mal Oligo 1 umol scale each 6205 Genelink
26-6763-02 TCO-PEG3 Mal Oligo 200 nmol scale each 4845 Genelink
26-6763-03 TCO-PEG3 Mal Oligo 2 umol scale each 8075 Genelink
26-6763-05 TCO-PEG3 Mal Oligo 50 nmol scale each 4845 Genelink
26-6763-10 TCO-PEG3 Mal Oligo 10 umol scale each 21216 Genelink
26-6763-15 TCO-PEG3 Mal Oligo 15 umol scale each 26520 Genelink
26-6763-25 TCO-PEG3 Mal Oligo 25 nmol scale each 4845 Genelink
26-6900-00 Custom Amidites & Modifications each 4675 Genelink
26-7000-01 NHS-Carboxy C10 5' 1 umol scale each 2121.6 Genelink
26-7000-02 NHS-Carboxy C10 5' 200 nmol scale each 1632 Genelink
26-7000-03 NHS-Carboxy C10 5' 2 umol scale each 3182.4 Genelink
26-7000-05 NHS-Carboxy C10 5' 50 nmol scale each 1632 Genelink
26-7000-10 NHS-Carboxy C10 5' 10 umol scale each 16972.8 Genelink
26-7000-15 NHS-Carboxy C10 5' 15 umol scale each 21216 Genelink
26-7000-25 NHS-Carboxy C10 5' 25 nmol scale each 1632 Genelink
27-6537-01 Thio-2-rU (s2U) 1 umol scale each 14365 Genelink
27-6537-02 Thio-2-rU (s2U) 200 nmol scale each 12070 Genelink
27-6537-03 Thio-2-rU (s2U) 2 umol scale each 16422 Genelink
27-6537-05 Thio-2-rU (s2U) 50 nmol scale each 12070 Genelink
27-6537-25 Thio-2-rU (s2U) 25 nmol scale each 12070 Genelink
27-6903-01 N3-methyl-dU 1 umol scale each 3364.64 Genelink
27-6903-02 N3-methyl-dU 200 nmol scale each 2588.25 Genelink
27-6903-03 N3-methyl-dU 2 umol scale each 5046.96 Genelink
27-6903-05 N3-methyl-dU 50 nmol scale each 2588.25 Genelink
27-6903-10 N3-methyl-dU 10 umol scale each 26917.8 Genelink
27-6903-15 N3-methyl-dU 15 umol scale each 33647.25 Genelink
27-6903-25 N3-methyl-dU 25 nmol scale each 2588.25 Genelink
26-6400-11 Reverse phase cartridge purification (RPC) 50-200 nmol scale 1/Ea 510 Genelink
26-6400-22 Reverse phase cartridge purification (RPC) 1 umol scale 1/Ea 1530 Genelink
26-6400-23 Reverse phase cartridge purification (RPC)  2 umol scale 1/Ea 3060 Genelink
26-6400-33 Reverse phase cartridge purification (RPC) 10 umol scale 1/Ea 12750 Genelink
26-6400-34 Reverse phase cartridge purification (RPC) 15 umol scale 1/Ea 15300 Genelink
26-6400-44 Polyacrylamide gel purification 10 umol scale 1/Ea 25500 Genelink
26-6400-55 Polyacrylamide gel purification 1 umol scale 1/Ea 2550 Genelink
26-6400-75 Polyacrylamide gel purification 25 nmol scale 1/Ea 1190 Genelink
26-6400-76 Polyacrylamide gel purification 50 nmol scale 1/Ea 1275 Genelink
26-6400-77 Polyacrylamide gel purification 50-200nmol scale 1/Ea 1275 Genelink
26-6400-88 Polyacrylamide gel purification  2 umol scale 1/Ea 4250 Genelink
26-6400-99 Polyacrylamide gel purification 15 umol scale 1/Ea 30600 Genelink
08-0021-10 Omni-Array Antisense Strand mRNA Amplification Kit; 100 ng each 10200 Genelink
08-0025-10 Omni-Array Antisense Strand mRNA Amplification Kit; 5 ng each 14331 Genelink
08-0100-25 Human Omni-RNA Amplified Pooled Reference mRNA; 25 ug each 8160 Genelink
08-0200-25 Mouse Omni-RNA Amplified Pooled Reference mRNA; 25 ug each 8160 Genelink
08-0300-25 Rat Omni-RNA Amplified Pooled Reference mRNA; 25 ug each 8160 Genelink
08-2100-25 Guinea Pig Omni-RNA Amplified Pooled Reference mRNA; 25 ug each 10200 Genelink
26-6200-01 Spiking Custom 1 umol scale each 3315 Genelink
26-6200-02 Spiking Custom 200 nmol scale each 2210 Genelink
26-6200-03 Spiking Custom 2 umol scale each 3910 Genelink
26-6200-05 Spiking Custom 50 nmol scale each 2210 Genelink
26-6200-10 Spiking Custom 10 umol scale each 5100 Genelink
26-6200-15 Spiking Custom 15 umol scale each 7650 Genelink
26-6200-ST01 Custom Oligo Setup 1 umol scale each 4250 Genelink
26-6200-ST02 Custom Oligo Setup 200 nmol scale each 4250 Genelink
26-6200-ST03 Custom Oligo Setup 2 umol scale each 4675 Genelink
26-6200-ST05 Custom Oligo Setup 50 nmol scale each 4250 Genelink
26-6200-ST10 Custom Oligo Setup 10 umol scale each 5950 Genelink
26-6200-ST15 Custom Oligo Setup 15 umol scale each 6800 Genelink
26-6201-01 Custom Column 3' 1 umol scale each 680 Genelink
26-6201-02 Custom Column 3' 200 nmol scale each 425 Genelink
26-6201-03 Custom Column 3' 2 umol scale each 850 Genelink
26-6201-05 Custom Column 3' 50 nmol scale each 425 Genelink
26-6201-10 Custom Column 3' 10 umol scale each 1700 Genelink
26-6201-15 Custom Column 3' 15 umol scale each 2550 Genelink
26-6201-25 Custom Column 3' 25 nmol scale each 680 Genelink
26-6331-01 ddA-5' 1 umol scale each 4964 Genelink
26-6331-02 ddA-5' 200 nmol scale each 3315 Genelink
26-6331-03 ddA-5' 2 umol scale each 7446 Genelink
26-6331-05 ddA-5' 50 nmol scale each 3315 Genelink
26-6331-10 ddA-5' 10 umol scale each 39712 Genelink
26-6331-15 ddA-5' 15 umol scale each 49640 Genelink
26-6331-25 ddA-5' 25 nmol scale each 3315 Genelink
26-6332-01 ddC-5' 1 umol scale each 4964 Genelink
26-6332-02 ddC-5' 200 nmol scale each 3315 Genelink
26-6332-03 ddC-5' 2 umol scale each 7446 Genelink
26-6332-05 ddC-5' 50 nmol scale each 3315 Genelink
26-6332-10 ddC-5' 10 umol scale each 39712 Genelink
26-6332-15 ddC-5' 15 umol scale each 49640 Genelink
26-6332-25 ddC-5' 25 nmol scale each 3315 Genelink
26-6334-01 ddT-5' 1 umol scale each 4964 Genelink
26-6334-02 ddT-5' 200 nmol scale each 3315 Genelink
26-6334-03 ddT-5' 2 umol scale each 7446 Genelink
26-6334-05 ddT-5' 50 nmol scale each 3315 Genelink
26-6334-10 ddT-5' 10 umol scale each 39712 Genelink
26-6334-15 ddT-5' 15 umol scale each 49640 Genelink
26-6334-25 ddT-5' 25 nmol scale each 3315 Genelink
26-6337-01 ddC-3' 1 umol scale each 4964 Genelink
26-6337-02 ddC-3' 200 nmol scale each 3315 Genelink
26-6337-03 ddC-3' 2 umol scale each 7454.5 Genelink
26-6337-05 ddC-3' 50 nmol scale each 3315 Genelink
26-6337-10 ddC-3' 10 umol scale each 39712 Genelink
26-6337-15 ddC-3' 15 umol scale each 49640 Genelink
26-6337-25 ddC-3' 25 nmol scale each 3315 Genelink
26-6338-01 ddG-5' 1 umol scale each 7004 Genelink
26-6338-02 ddG-5' 200 nmol scale each 4675 Genelink
26-6338-03 ddG-5' 2 umol scale each 12614 Genelink
26-6338-05 ddG-5' 50 nmol scale each 4675 Genelink
26-6338-10 ddG-5' 10 umol scale each 56032 Genelink
26-6338-15 ddG-5' 15 umol scale each 70040 Genelink
26-6338-25 ddG-5' 25 nmol scale each 4675 Genelink
26-6400-70 Mass Spec Analysis Report each 2295 Genelink
26-6400A-01 dA 1 umol scale each 33.15 Genelink
26-6400A-02 dA 200 nmol scale each 16.15 Genelink
26-6400A-03 dA 2 umol scale each 50.15 Genelink
26-6400A-05 dA 50 nmol scale each 8.5 Genelink
26-6400A-10 dA 10 umol scale each 331.5 Genelink
26-6400A-15 dA 15 umol scale each 470.05 Genelink
26-6400A-25 dA 25 nmol scale each 6.8 Genelink
26-6401-01 Phosphorothioate (SOX) 1 umol scale each 110.5 Genelink
26-6401-02 Phosphorothioate (SOX) 200 nmol scale each 72.25 Genelink
26-6401-03 Phosphorothioate (SOX) 2 umol scale each 153 Genelink
26-6401-05 Phosphorothioate (SOX) 50 nmol scale each 59.5 Genelink
26-6401-10 Phosphorothioate (SOX) 10 umol scale each 884 Genelink
26-6401-15 Phosphorothioate (SOX) 15 umol scale each 1105 Genelink
26-6401-25 Phosphorothioate (SOX) 25 nmol scale each 59.5 Genelink
26-6402-01 Universal Support 1 umol scale 1/Ea 680 Genelink
26-6402-02 Universal Support 200 nmol scale 1/Ea 425 Genelink
26-6402-03 Universal Support 2 umol scale 1/Ea 1360 Genelink
26-6402-05 Universal Support 50 nmol scale 1/Ea 425 Genelink
26-6402-10 Universal Support 10 umol scale 1/Ea 6630 Genelink
26-6403-01 Inosine deoxy 1 umol scale each 204 Genelink
26-6403-02 Inosine deoxy 200 nmol scale each 136 Genelink
26-6403-03 Inosine deoxy 2 umol scale each 306 Genelink
26-6403-05 Inosine deoxy 50 nmol scale each 136 Genelink
26-6403-10 Inosine deoxy 10 umol scale each 1632 Genelink
26-6403-15 Inosine deoxy 15 umol scale each 2040 Genelink
26-6403-25 Inosine deoxy 25 nmol scale each 136 Genelink
26-6404-01 Biotin 3' 1 umol scale each 1292 Genelink
26-6404-02 Biotin 3' 200 nmol scale each 816 Genelink
26-6404-03 Biotin 3' 2 umol scale each 2006 Genelink
26-6404-05 Biotin 3' 50 nmol scale each 816 Genelink
26-6404-10 Biotin 3' 10 umol scale each 6392 Genelink
26-6405-01 Amino Linker C3 1 umol scale each 994.5 Genelink
26-6405-02 Amino Linker C3 200 nmol scale each 765 Genelink
26-6405-03 Amino Linker C3 2 umol scale each 1491.75 Genelink
26-6405-05 Amino Linker C3 50 nmol scale each 765 Genelink
26-6405-10 Amino Linker C3 10 umol scale each 7956 Genelink
26-6405-15 Amino Linker C3 15 umol scale each 9945 Genelink
26-6405-25 Amino Linker C3 25 nmol scale each 765 Genelink
26-6406-01 Amino Linker C7 1 umol scale each 994.5 Genelink
26-6406-02 Amino Linker C7 200 nmol scale each 765 Genelink
26-6406-03 Amino Linker C7 2 umol scale each 1491.75 Genelink
26-6406-05 Amino Linker C7 50 nmol scale each 765 Genelink
26-6406-10 Amino Linker C7 10 umol scale each 7956 Genelink
26-6406-15 Amino Linker C7 15 umol scale each 9945 Genelink
26-6406-25 Amino Linker C7 25 nmol scale each 765 Genelink
26-6407-01 Biotin TEG 1 umol scale each 3570 Genelink
26-6407-02 Biotin TEG 200 nmol scale each 2618 Genelink
26-6407-03 Biotin TEG 2 umol scale each 4284 Genelink
26-6407-05 Biotin TEG 50 nmol scale each 2618 Genelink
26-6407-06 Biotin TEG 2 umol scale each 7650 Genelink
26-6407-10 Biotin TEG 10 umol scale each 13790.4 Genelink
26-6407-15 Biotin TEG 15 umol scale each 17238 Genelink
26-6407-25 Biotin TEG 25 nmol scale each 2618 Genelink
26-6408-01 dU 1 umol scale each 935 Genelink
26-6408-02 dU 200 nmol scale each 425 Genelink
26-6408-03 dU 2 umol scale each 1870 Genelink
26-6408-05 dU 50 nmol scale each 425 Genelink
26-6408-10 dU 10 umol scale each 7480 Genelink
26-6408-15 dU 15 umol scale each 9350 Genelink
26-6408-25 dU 25 nmol scale each 425 Genelink
26-6409-01 O6 Methyl dG 1 umol scale each 8670 Genelink
26-6409-02 O6 Methyl dG 200 nmol scale each 6553.5 Genelink
26-6409-03 O6 Methyl dG 2 umol scale each 6547.04 Genelink
26-6409-05 O6 Methyl dG 50 nmol scale each 6553.5 Genelink
26-6409-10 O6 Methyl dG 10 umol scale each 27846 Genelink
26-6409-15 O6 Methyl dG 15 umol scale each 34807.5 Genelink
26-6409-25 O6 Methyl dG 25 nmol scale each 6545 Genelink
26-6410-01 O4 Methyl dT 1 umol scale each 5100 Genelink
26-6410-02 O4 Methyl dT 200 nmol scale each 4250 Genelink
26-6410-03 O4 Methyl dT 2 umol scale each 7650 Genelink
26-6410-05 O4 Methyl dT 50 nmol scale each 4250 Genelink
26-6410-10 O4 Methyl dT 10 umol scale each 40800 Genelink
26-6410-15 O4 Methyl dT 15 umol scale each 51000 Genelink
26-6410-25 O4 Methyl dT 25 nmol scale each 4250 Genelink
26-6411-01 5-Br dC 1 umol scale each 1723.8 Genelink
26-6411-02 5-Br dC 200 nmol scale each 1326 Genelink
26-6411-03 5-Br dC 2 umol scale each 2585.7 Genelink
26-6411-05 5-Br dC 50 nmol scale each 1326 Genelink
26-6411-10 5-Br dC 10 umol scale each 13790.4 Genelink
26-6411-15 5-Br dC 15 umol scale each 17238 Genelink
26-6411-25 5-Br dC 25 nmol scale each 1326 Genelink
26-6412-01 5-Br dU 1 umol scale each 1723.8 Genelink
26-6412-02 5-Br dU 200 nmol scale each 1326 Genelink
26-6412-03 5-Br dU 2 umol scale each 2585.7 Genelink
26-6412-05 5-Br dU 50 nmol scale each 1326 Genelink
26-6412-10 5-Br dU 10 umol scale each 13790.4 Genelink
26-6412-15 5-Br dU 15 umol scale each 17238 Genelink
26-6412-25 5-Br dU 25 nmol scale each 1326 Genelink
26-6413-01 5-Me dC 1 umol scale each 1082.9 Genelink
26-6413-02 5-Me dC 200 nmol scale each 833 Genelink
26-6413-03 5-Me dC 2 umol scale each 1624.35 Genelink
26-6413-05 5-Me dC 50 nmol scale each 833 Genelink
26-6413-10 5-Me dC 10 umol scale each 5865 Genelink
26-6413-15 5-Me dC 15 umol scale each 8330 Genelink
26-6413-25 5-Me dC 25 nmol scale each 833 Genelink
26-6414-01 5-I dC 1 umol scale each 3580.2 Genelink
26-6414-02 5-I dC 200 nmol scale each 2754 Genelink
26-6414-03 5-I dC 2 umol scale each 5370.3 Genelink
26-6414-05 5-I dC 50 nmol scale each 2754 Genelink
26-6414-10 5-I dC 10 umol scale each 28641.6 Genelink
26-6414-15 5-I dC 15 umol scale each 35802 Genelink
26-6414-25 5-I dC 25 nmol scale each 2754 Genelink
26-6415-01 5-I dU 1 umol scale each 1723.8 Genelink
26-6415-02 5-I dU 200 nmol scale each 1326 Genelink
26-6415-03 5-I dU 2 umol scale each 2585.7 Genelink
26-6415-05 5-I dU 50 nmol scale each 1326 Genelink
26-6415-10 5-I dU 10 umol scale each 13790.4 Genelink
26-6415-15 5-I dU 15 umol scale each 17238 Genelink
26-6415-25 5-I dU 25 nmol scale each 1326 Genelink
26-6416-01 5-F dU 1 umol scale each 3179 Genelink
26-6416-02 5-F dU 200 nmol scale each 2295 Genelink
26-6416-03 5-F dU 2 umol scale each 4862 Genelink
26-6416-05 5-F dU 50 nmol scale each 2295 Genelink
26-6416-10 5-F dU 10 umol scale each 19448 Genelink
26-6416-15 5-F dU 15 umol scale each 27710 Genelink
26-6416-25 5-F dU 25 nmol scale each 2295 Genelink
26-6417-01 Biotin Multi 1 umol scale each 4207.5 Genelink
26-6417-02 Biotin Multi 200 nmol scale each 2805 Genelink
26-6417-03 Biotin Multi 2 umol scale each 5469.75 Genelink
26-6417-05 Biotin Multi 50 nmol scale each 2805 Genelink
26-6417-10 Biotin Multi 10 umol scale each 16745 Genelink
26-6417-15 Biotin Multi 15 umol scale each 20655 Genelink
26-6418-01 Amino Linker C6 1 umol scale each 994.5 Genelink
26-6418-02 Amino Linker C6 200 nmol scale each 408 Genelink
26-6418-03 Amino Linker C6 2 umol scale each 1135.6 Genelink
26-6418-05 Amino Linker C6 50 nmol scale each 408 Genelink
26-6418-10 Amino Linker C6 10 umol scale each 4243.2 Genelink
26-6418-15 Amino Linker C6 15 umol scale each 5304 Genelink
26-6418-25 Amino Linker C6 25 nmol scale each 408 Genelink
26-6419-01 Thiol SS-C6 1 umol scale each 2165.8 Genelink
26-6419-02 Thiol SS-C6 200 nmol scale each 1666 Genelink
26-6419-03 Thiol SS-C6 2 umol scale each 3248.7 Genelink
26-6419-05 Thiol SS-C6 50 nmol scale each 1666 Genelink
26-6419-10 Thiol SS-C6 10 umol scale each 17323 Genelink
26-6419-15 Thiol SS-C6 15 umol scale each 21658 Genelink
26-6419-25 Thiol SS-C6 25 nmol scale each 1666 Genelink
26-6420-01 Amino Linker C12 1 umol scale each 2585.7 Genelink
26-6420-02 Amino Linker C12 200 nmol scale each 1989 Genelink
26-6420-03 Amino Linker C12 2 umol scale each 3878.55 Genelink
26-6420-05 Amino Linker C12 50 nmol scale each 1989 Genelink
26-6420-10 Amino Linker C12 10 umol scale each 20685.6 Genelink
26-6420-15 Amino Linker C12 15 umol scale each 25857 Genelink
26-6420-25 Amino Linker C12 25 nmol scale each 1989 Genelink
26-6421-01 Dual Biotin 1 umol scale each 7171.45 Genelink
26-6421-02 Dual Biotin 200 nmol scale each 5516.5 Genelink
26-6421-03 Dual Biotin 2 umol scale each 10757.09 Genelink
26-6421-05 Dual Biotin 50 nmol scale each 5516.5 Genelink
26-6421-10 Dual Biotin 10 umol scale each 57371.6 Genelink
26-6421-15 Dual Biotin 15 umol scale each 71714.5 Genelink
26-6421-25 Dual Biotin 25 nmol scale each 5516.5 Genelink
26-6422-01 Fam dT 1 umol scale each 6630 Genelink
26-6422-02 Fam dT 200 nmol scale each 5355 Genelink
26-6422-03 Fam dT 2 umol scale each 7650 Genelink
26-6422-05 Fam dT 50 nmol scale each 5355 Genelink
26-6422-10 Fam dT 10 umol scale each 53040 Genelink
26-6422-15 Fam dT 15 umol scale each 76500 Genelink
26-6422-25 Fam dT 25 nmol scale each 5015 Genelink
26-6423-01 Biotin 1 umol scale each 1060.8 Genelink
26-6423-02 Biotin 200 nmol scale each 816 Genelink
26-6423-03 Biotin 2 umol scale each 1591.2 Genelink
26-6423-05 Biotin 50 nmol scale each 816 Genelink
26-6423-10 Biotin 10 umol scale each 6956.4 Genelink
26-6423-15 Biotin 15 umol scale each 10608 Genelink
26-6423-25 Biotin 25 nmol scale each 816 Genelink
26-6424-01 Biotin dT 1 umol scale each 7182.5 Genelink
26-6424-02 Biotin dT 200 nmol scale each 5525 Genelink
26-6424-03 Biotin dT 2 umol scale each 10773.75 Genelink
26-6424-05 Biotin dT 50 nmol scale each 5525 Genelink
26-6424-10 Biotin dT 10 umol scale each 57460 Genelink
26-6424-15 Biotin dT 15 umol scale each 71825 Genelink
26-6424-25 Biotin dT 25 nmol scale each 5525 Genelink
26-6425-01 3' Fluorescein  1 umol scale 1/Ea 3230 Genelink
26-6425-02 3' Fluorescein 200 nmol scale 1/Ea 1530 Genelink
26-6425-03 3' Fluorescein  2 umol scale 1/Ea 4930 Genelink
26-6425-05 3' Fluorescein 50 nmol scale 1/Ea 1530 Genelink
26-6426-01 Fluorescein 1 umol scale each 1392.3 Genelink
26-6426-02 Fluorescein 200 nmol scale each 1071 Genelink
26-6426-03 Fluorescein 2 umol scale each 2088.45 Genelink
26-6426-05 Fluorescein 50 nmol scale each 1071 Genelink
26-6426-10 Fluorescein 10 umol scale each 11143.5 Genelink
26-6426-15 Fluorescein 15 umol scale each 13923 Genelink
26-6426-25 Fluorescein 25 nmol scale each 1071 Genelink
26-6427-01 Phosphorylation-3' 1 umol scale each 1870 Genelink
26-6427-02 Phosphorylation-3' 200 nmol scale each 935 Genelink
26-6427-03 Phosphorylation-3' 2 umol scale each 3400 Genelink
26-6427-05 Phosphorylation-3' 50 nmol scale each 935 Genelink
26-6427-10 Phosphorylation-3' 10 umol scale each 14960 Genelink
26-6427-15 Phosphorylation-3' 15 umol scale each 18700 Genelink
26-6427-25 Phosphorylation-3' 25 nmol scale each 935 Genelink
26-6428-01 Phosphorylation-5' 1 umol scale each 765 Genelink
26-6428-02 Phosphorylation-5' 200 nmol scale each 425 Genelink
26-6428-03 Phosphorylation-5' 2 umol scale each 1147.5 Genelink
26-6428-05 Phosphorylation-5' 50 nmol scale each 340 Genelink
26-6428-10 Phosphorylation-5' 10 umol scale each 3060 Genelink
26-6428-15 Phosphorylation-5' 15 umol scale each 4590 Genelink
26-6428-25 Phosphorylation-5' 25 nmol scale each 340 Genelink
26-6429-01 Digoxigenin NHS 1 umol scale each 16779 Genelink
26-6429-02 Digoxigenin NHS 200 nmol scale each 7905 Genelink
26-6429-03 Digoxigenin NHS 2 umol scale each 26112 Genelink
26-6429-05 Digoxigenin NHS 50 nmol scale each 7905 Genelink
26-6429-10 Digoxigenin NHS 10 umol scale each 77936.16 Genelink
26-6429-15 Digoxigenin NHS 15 umol scale each 108045.2 Genelink
26-6429-25 Digoxigenin NHS 25 nmol scale each 7905 Genelink
26-6430-01 ROX 1 umol scale each 5469.75 Genelink
26-6430-02 ROX 200 nmol scale each 4207.5 Genelink
26-6430-03 ROX 2 umol scale each 8204.54 Genelink
26-6430-05 ROX 50 nmol scale each 4207.5 Genelink
26-6430-10 ROX 10 umol scale each 43758 Genelink
26-6430-15 ROX 15 umol scale each 54697.5 Genelink
26-6430-25 ROX 25 nmol scale each 4207.5 Genelink
26-6431-01 FAM (6-FAM) 1 umol scale each 1392.3 Genelink
26-6431-02 FAM (6-FAM) 200 nmol scale each 1071 Genelink
26-6431-03 FAM (6-FAM) 2 umol scale each 2088.45 Genelink
26-6431-05 FAM (6-FAM) 50 nmol scale each 1071 Genelink
26-6431-10 FAM (6-FAM) 10 umol scale each 11143.5 Genelink
26-6431-15 FAM (6-FAM) 15 umol scale each 13923 Genelink
26-6431-25 FAM (6-FAM) 25 nmol scale each 1071 Genelink
26-6432-01 HEX 1 umol scale each 1666 Genelink
26-6432-02 HEX 200 nmol scale each 1445 Genelink
26-6432-03 HEX 2 umol scale each 2479.45 Genelink
26-6432-05 HEX 50 nmol scale each 1445 Genelink
26-6432-10 HEX 10 umol scale each 11138.4 Genelink
26-6432-15 HEX 15 umol scale each 13923 Genelink
26-6432-25 HEX 25 nmol scale each 1445 Genelink
26-6433-01 TET 1 umol scale each 2295 Genelink
26-6433-02 TET 200 nmol scale each 1530 Genelink
26-6433-03 TET 2 umol scale each 3442.5 Genelink
26-6433-05 TET 50 nmol scale each 1530 Genelink
26-6433-10 TET 10 umol scale each 18360 Genelink
26-6433-15 TET 15 umol scale each 22950 Genelink
26-6433-25 TET 25 nmol scale each 1530 Genelink
26-6434-01 8-Oxo dG 1 umol scale each 7845.5 Genelink
26-6434-02 8-Oxo dG 200 nmol scale each 6035 Genelink
26-6434-03 8-Oxo dG 2 umol scale each 11768.25 Genelink
26-6434-05 8-Oxo dG 50 nmol scale each 6035 Genelink
26-6434-10 8-Oxo dG 10 umol scale each 62764 Genelink
26-6434-15 8-Oxo dG 15 umol scale each 78455 Genelink
26-6434-25 8-Oxo dG 25 nmol scale each 6035 Genelink
26-6435-01 dSpacer (abasic furan) 1 umol scale each 2442.05 Genelink
26-6435-02 dSpacer (abasic furan) 200 nmol scale each 1878.5 Genelink
26-6435-03 dSpacer (abasic furan) 2 umol scale each 3662.99 Genelink
26-6435-05 dSpacer (abasic furan) 50 nmol scale each 1878.5 Genelink
26-6435-10 dSpacer (abasic furan) 10 umol scale each 19536.4 Genelink
26-6435-15 dSpacer (abasic furan) 15 umol scale each 24420.5 Genelink
26-6435-25 dSpacer (abasic furan) 25 nmol scale each 1878.5 Genelink
26-6436-01 Cy5-5' (Cyanine 5) 1 umol scale each 1989 Genelink
26-6436-02 Cy5-5' (Cyanine 5) 200 nmol scale each 1530 Genelink
26-6436-03 Cy5-5' (Cyanine 5)2 umol scale each 2983.5 Genelink
26-6436-05 Cy5-5' (Cyanine 5) 50 nmol scale each 1530 Genelink
26-6436-10 Cy5-5' (Cyanine 5)10 umol scale each 15912 Genelink
26-6436-15 Cy5-5' (Cyanine 5)15 umol scale each 19907 Genelink
26-6436-25 Cy5-5' (Cyanine 5) 25 nmol scale each 1530 Genelink
26-6437-01 Cy3 1 umol scale each 1989 Genelink
26-6437-02 Cy3 200 nmol scale each 1530 Genelink
26-6437-03 Cy3 2 umol scale each 2983.5 Genelink
26-6437-05 Cy3 50 nmol scale each 1530 Genelink
26-6437-10 Cy3 10 umol scale each 15912 Genelink
26-6437-15 Cy3 15 umol scale each 19890 Genelink
26-6437-25 Cy3 25 nmol scale each 1530 Genelink
26-6438-01 Amino dT C6 1 umol scale each 3583.6 Genelink
26-6438-02 Amino dT C6 200 nmol scale each 3128 Genelink
26-6438-03 Amino dT C6 2 umol scale each 4675 Genelink
26-6438-05 Amino dT C6 50 nmol scale each 3128 Genelink
26-6438-10 Amino dT C6 10 umol scale each 23375 Genelink
26-6438-15 Amino dT C6 15 umol scale each 28050 Genelink
26-6438-25 Amino dT C6 25 nmol scale each 3128 Genelink
26-6439-01 Spacer C3 1 umol scale each 2499 Genelink
26-6439-02 Spacer C3 200 nmol scale each 1666 Genelink
26-6439-03 Spacer C3 2 umol scale each 3145 Genelink
26-6439-05 Spacer C3 50 nmol scale each 1666 Genelink
26-6439-10 Spacer C3 10 umol scale each 12750 Genelink
26-6439-15 Spacer C3 15 umol scale each 14875 Genelink
26-6439-25 Spacer C3 25 nmol scale each 1666 Genelink
26-6440-01 Spacer 9 1 umol scale each 2828.8 Genelink
26-6440-02 Spacer 9 200 nmol scale each 2176 Genelink
26-6440-03 Spacer 9 2 umol scale each 4241.5 Genelink
26-6440-05 Spacer 9 50 nmol scale each 2176 Genelink
26-6440-10 Spacer 9 10 umol scale each 22630.4 Genelink
26-6440-15 Spacer 9 15 umol scale each 28288 Genelink
26-6440-25 Spacer 9 25 nmol scale each 2176 Genelink
26-6441-01 Spacer C12 1 umol scale each 3400 Genelink
26-6441-02 Spacer C12 200 nmol scale each 2550 Genelink
26-6441-03 Spacer C12 2 umol scale each 4250 Genelink
26-6441-05 Spacer C12 50 nmol scale each 2550 Genelink
26-6441-10 Spacer C12 10 umol scale each 27200 Genelink
26-6441-15 Spacer C12 15 umol scale each 34000 Genelink
26-6441-25 Spacer C12 25 nmol scale each 2550 Genelink
26-6442-01 rSpacer 1 umol scale each 3978 Genelink
26-6442-02 rSpacer 200 nmol scale each 3060 Genelink
26-6442-03 rSpacer 2 umol scale each 5967 Genelink
26-6442-05 rSpacer 50 nmol scale each 3060 Genelink
26-6442-10 rSpacer 10 umol scale each 31824 Genelink
26-6442-15 rSpacer 15 umol scale each 39780 Genelink
26-6442-25 rSpacer 25 nmol scale each 3060 Genelink
26-6444-01 NTA-Oligo 1 umol scale each 10625 Genelink
26-6444-02 NTA-Oligo 200 nmol scale each 5950 Genelink
26-6444-03 NTA-Oligo 2 umol scale each 15929 Genelink
26-6444-05 NTA-Oligo 50 nmol scale each 5950 Genelink
26-6444-10 NTA-Oligo 10 umol scale each 74800 Genelink
26-6444-15 NTA-Oligo 15 umol scale each 89760 Genelink
26-6444-25 NTA-Oligo 25 nmol scale each 5950 Genelink
26-6445-01 4-Thio dU (s4dU) 1 umol scale each 7823.4 Genelink
26-6445-02 4-Thio dU (s4dU) 200 nmol scale each 6018 Genelink
26-6445-03 4-Thio dU (s4dU) 2 umol scale each 9027 Genelink
26-6445-05 4-Thio dU (s4dU) 50 nmol scale each 6018 Genelink
26-6445-10 4-Thio dU (s4dU) 10 umol scale each 62587.2 Genelink
26-6445-15 4-Thio dU (s4dU) 15 umol scale each 78234 Genelink
26-6445-25 4-Thio dU (s4dU) 25 nmol scale each 6018 Genelink
26-6446-01 Dabcyl dT 1 umol scale each 9945 Genelink
26-6446-02 Dabcyl dT 200 nmol scale each 7225 Genelink
26-6446-03 Dabcyl dT 2 umol scale each 10761 Genelink
26-6446-05 Dabcyl dT 50 nmol scale each 7225 Genelink
26-6446-10 Dabcyl dT 10 umol scale each 57460 Genelink
26-6446-15 Dabcyl dT 15 umol scale each 71825 Genelink
26-6446-25 Dabcyl dT 25 nmol scale each 5525 Genelink
26-6447-01 Spacer 18 1 umol scale each 2499 Genelink
26-6447-02 Spacer 18 200 nmol scale each 1666 Genelink
26-6447-03 Spacer 18 2 umol scale each 3145 Genelink
26-6447-05 Spacer 18 50 nmol scale each 1666 Genelink
26-6447-10 Spacer 18 10 umol scale each 12750 Genelink
26-6447-15 Spacer 18 15 umol scale each 14875 Genelink
26-6447-25 Spacer 18 25 nmol scale each 1666 Genelink
26-6448-01 Inverted Abasic Site 1 umol scale each 4012 Genelink
26-6448-02 Inverted Abasic Site 200 nmol scale each 3145 Genelink
26-6448-03 Inverted Abasic Site 2 umol scale each 5049 Genelink
26-6448-05 Inverted Abasic Site 50 nmol scale each 3145 Genelink
26-6448-10 Inverted Abasic Site 10 umol scale each 24905 Genelink
26-6448-15 Inverted Abasic Site 15 umol scale each 28475 Genelink
26-6448-25 Inverted Abasic Site 25 nmol scale each 3145 Genelink
26-6449-01 Tamra-dT 1 umol scale each 7650 Genelink
26-6449-02 Tamra-dT 200 nmol scale each 5950 Genelink
26-6449-03 Tamra-dT 2 umol scale each 11475 Genelink
26-6449-05 Tamra-dT 50 nmol scale each 5950 Genelink
26-6449-10 Tamra-dT 10 umol scale each 61200 Genelink
26-6449-15 Tamra-dT 15 umol scale each 76500 Genelink
26-6449-25 Tamra-dT 25 nmol scale each 5950 Genelink
26-6450-01 Tamra NHS 1 umol scale each 7735 Genelink
26-6450-02 Tamra NHS 200 nmol scale each 5950 Genelink
26-6450-03 Tamra NHS 2 umol scale each 6502.5 Genelink
26-6450-05 Tamra NHS 50 nmol scale each 5950 Genelink
26-6450-10 Tamra NHS 10 umol scale each 61880 Genelink
26-6450-15 Tamra NHS 15 umol scale each 77350 Genelink
26-6450-25 Tamra NHS 25 nmol scale each 5950 Genelink
26-6451-01 Tamra 1 umol scale each 3230 Genelink
26-6451-02 Tamra 200 nmol scale each 2040 Genelink
26-6451-03 Tamra 2 umol scale each 4845 Genelink
26-6451-05 Tamra 50 nmol scale each 2040 Genelink
26-6451-10 Tamra 10 umol scale each 38760 Genelink
26-6451-15 Tamra 15 umol scale each 48450 Genelink
26-6451-25 Tamra 25 nmol scale each 2040 Genelink
26-6452-01 NHS-Carboxy C10 5' 1 umol scale each 2121.6 Genelink
26-6452-02 NHS-Carboxy C10 5' 200 nmol scale each 1632 Genelink
26-6452-03 NHS-Carboxy C10 5' 2 umol scale each 3182.4 Genelink
26-6452-05 NHS-Carboxy C10 5' 50 nmol scale each 1632 Genelink
26-6452-10 NHS-Carboxy C10 5' 10 umol scale each 16972.8 Genelink
26-6452-15 NHS-Carboxy C10 5' 15 umol scale each 21216 Genelink
26-6452-25 NHS-Carboxy C10 5' 25 nmol scale each 1632 Genelink
26-6453-01 NHS-Carboxy-dT 1 umol scale each 4994.6 Genelink
26-6453-02 NHS-Carboxy-dT 200 nmol scale each 3842 Genelink
26-6453-03 NHS-Carboxy-dT 2 umol scale each 7491.9 Genelink
26-6453-05 NHS-Carboxy-dT 50 nmol scale each 3842 Genelink
26-6453-10 NHS-Carboxy-dT 10 umol scale each 39956.8 Genelink
26-6453-15 NHS-Carboxy-dT 15 umol scale each 49946 Genelink
26-6453-25 NHS-Carboxy-dT 25 nmol scale each 3842 Genelink
26-6454-01 Spermine Oligo 1 umol scale each 7160.4 Genelink
26-6454-02 Spermine Oligo 200 nmol scale each 5508 Genelink
26-6454-03 Spermine Oligo 2 umol scale each 10740.6 Genelink
26-6454-05 Spermine Oligo 50 nmol scale each 5508 Genelink
26-6454-10 Spermine Oligo 10 umol scale each 57283.2 Genelink
26-6454-15 Spermine Oligo 15 umol scale each 71604 Genelink
26-6454-25 Spermine Oligo 25 nmol scale each 5508 Genelink
26-6455-01 Bromo C2 Halotag Oligo 1 umol scale each 12750 Genelink
26-6455-02 Bromo C2 Halotag Oligo 200 nmol scale each 4335 Genelink
26-6455-03 Bromo C2 Halotag Oligo 2 umol scale each 18700 Genelink
26-6455-05 Bromo C2 Halotag Oligo 50 nmol scale each 4335 Genelink
26-6456-01 MGB 3' CDPI3 1 umol scale each 6970 Genelink
26-6456-02 MGB 3' CDPI3 200 nmol scale each 5482.5 Genelink
26-6456-03 MGB 3' CDPI3 2 umol scale each 9265 Genelink
26-6456-05 MGB 3' CDPI3 50 nmol scale each 5482.5 Genelink
26-6456-10 MGB 3' CDPI3 10 umol scale each 28050 Genelink
26-6456-15 MGB 3?CDPI3 15 umol scale each 36465 Genelink
26-6457-01 MGB-5?CDPI3 1 umol scale each 28050 Genelink
26-6457-02 MGB-5?CDPI3 200 nmol scale each 13855 Genelink
26-6457-03 MGB-5?CDPI3 2 umol scale each 29920 Genelink
26-6457-05 MGB-5?CDPI3 50 nmol scale each 13855 Genelink
26-6457-10 MGB-5?CDPI3 10 umol scale each 134300 Genelink
26-6457-15 MGB-5?CDPI3 15 umol scale each 161500 Genelink
26-6457-25 MGB-5?CDPI3 25 nmol scale each 13855 Genelink
26-6458-01 Dansyl-X 1 umol scale each 4012 Genelink
26-6458-02 Dansyl-X 200 nmol scale each 2465 Genelink
26-6458-03 Dansyl-X 2 umol scale each 5355 Genelink
26-6458-05 Dansyl-X 50 nmol scale each 2465 Genelink
26-6458-10 Dansyl-X 10 umol scale each 7752 Genelink
26-6458-15 Dansyl-X 15 umol scale each 11050 Genelink
26-6459-01 N2-Methyl dG (m2 dG) 1 umol scale each 11815 Genelink
26-6459-02 N2-Methyl dG (m2 dG) 200 nmol scale each 10778 Genelink
26-6459-03 N2-Methyl dG (m2 dG) 2 umol scale each 14450 Genelink
26-6459-05 N2-Methyl dG (m2 dG) 50 nmol scale each 10778 Genelink
26-6459-10 N2-Methyl dG (m2 dG) 10 umol scale each 103700 Genelink
26-6459-15 N2-Methyl dG (m2 dG) 15 umol scale each 117300 Genelink
26-6460-01 Cy5.5 1 umol scale each 9945 Genelink
26-6460-02 Cy5.5 200 nmol scale each 7650 Genelink
26-6460-03 Cy5.5 2 umol scale each 14917.5 Genelink
26-6460-05 Cy5.5 50 nmol scale each 7650 Genelink
26-6460-10 Cy5.5 10 umol scale each 79560 Genelink
26-6460-15 Cy5.5 15 umol scale each 99450 Genelink
26-6460-25 Cy5.5 25 nmol scale each 7650 Genelink
26-6461-01 Cy3.5 1 umol scale each 14586 Genelink
26-6461-02 Cy3.5 200 nmol scale each 11220 Genelink
26-6461-03 Cy3.5 2 umol scale each 21879 Genelink
26-6461-05 Cy3.5 50 nmol scale each 11220 Genelink
26-6461-10 Cy3.5 10 umol scale each 116688 Genelink
26-6461-15 Cy3.5 15 umol scale each 145860 Genelink
26-6461-25 Cy3.5 25 nmol scale each 11220 Genelink
26-6462-01 2'-F-U 1 umol scale each 618.8 Genelink
26-6462-02 2'-F-U 200 nmol scale each 419.05 Genelink
26-6462-03 2'-F-U 2 umol scale each 765 Genelink
26-6462-05 2'-F-U 50 nmol scale each 419.05 Genelink
26-6462-10 2'-F-U 10 umol scale each 3366 Genelink
26-6462-15 2'-F-U 15 umol scale each 5049 Genelink
26-6462-25 2'-F-U 25 nmol scale each 419.05 Genelink
26-6463-01 2'-F-C 1 umol scale each 618.8 Genelink
26-6463-02 2'-F-C 200 nmol scale each 419.05 Genelink
26-6463-03 2'-F-C 2 umol scale each 765 Genelink
26-6463-05 2'-F-C 50 nmol scale each 419.05 Genelink
26-6463-10 2'-F-C 10 umol scale each 3366 Genelink
26-6463-15 2'-F-C 15 umol scale each 5049 Genelink
26-6463-25 2'-F-C 25 nmol scale each 419.05 Genelink
26-6464-01 N1-Methyl dG (m1 dG) 1 umol scale each 6630 Genelink
26-6464-02 N1-Methyl dG (m1 dG) 200 nmol scale each 5100 Genelink
26-6464-03 N1-Methyl dG (m1 dG) 2 umol scale each 9945 Genelink
26-6464-05 N1-Methyl dG (m1 dG) 50 nmol scale each 5100 Genelink
26-6464-10 N1-Methyl dG (m1 dG) 10 umol scale each 53040 Genelink
26-6464-15 N1-Methyl dG (m1 dG) 15 umol scale each 66300 Genelink
26-6465-01 Pyrrolidine (Pyr) 1 umol scale each 6222 Genelink
26-6465-02 Pyrrolidine (Pyr) 200 nmol scale each 5270 Genelink
26-6465-03 Pyrrolidine (Pyr) 2 umol scale each 7412 Genelink
26-6465-05 Pyrrolidine (Pyr) 50 nmol scale each 5270 Genelink
26-6465-10 Pyrrolidine (Pyr) 10 umol scale each 22848 Genelink
26-6465-15 Pyrrolidine (Pyr) 15 umol scale each 29648 Genelink
26-6465-25 Pyrrolidine (Pyr) 25 nmol scale each 5270 Genelink
26-6466-01 5' amino linker C3 1 umol scale 1/Ea 1870 Genelink
26-6466-02 5' amino linker C3 200 nmol scale 1/Ea 935 Genelink
26-6466-05 5' amino linker C3 50 nmol scale 1/Ea 935 Genelink
26-6467-01 Joe 1 umol scale each 4375.8 Genelink
26-6467-02 Joe 200 nmol scale each 3366 Genelink


祝贺试剂有限公司成为Gene Bridges中国代理


祝贺金畔实验试剂有限公司成为Gene Bridges中国代理。

Gene Bridges GmbH成立于2000年,是欧洲分子生物学实验室(EMBL)的一个分支机构,将Red/ETRECOMBINIATION技术商业化。2004年5月,Gene Bridges在海德堡科技园开设了其商业中心(许可、DNA工程服务、工具包开发)。


“正牌代理商”栏目设立的初衷是为了让读者在购买产品时能更快找到厂家的代理商,不用一张一张地翻名片,也不用担心买到水货和假货。基于这个初衷,我们收录了多个品牌的代理商,并在签订合同时进行了严格的审核。各厂家或代理商以合同的形式对其代理信息的真实性和准确性进行了保证。       然而,由于生物产品市场的复杂性,尽管我们进行了严格的审核,也不能保证信息的*准确和实时更新。基于此,今后我们会尽我们最大的努力去进行更严格的审核,也希望各厂家和代理商配合和谅解。