

品       牌




de 金畔生物专业代理销售、批发各类进口、国产品牌ELISA酶免检测试剂盒,*大量现货,免费代测。有意了解产品信息的客户()索取产品说明书及相关资料

LBIS® 血蓝蛋白(KLH)(T细胞依赖性抗原) 大鼠免疫球蛋白M(IgM) ELISA试剂盒 LBIS® KLH(TDAR) Rat-IgM ELISA Kit

LBIS® 血蓝蛋白(KLH)(T细胞依赖性抗原)
大鼠免疫球蛋白M(IgM) ELISA试剂盒

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LBIS® 血蓝蛋白(KLH)(T细胞依赖性抗原)  大鼠免疫球蛋白M(IgM) ELISA试剂盒                              LBIS® KLH(TDAR) Rat-IgM ELISA KitLBIS® 血蓝蛋白(KLH)(T细胞依赖性抗原)

大鼠免疫球蛋白M(IgM) ELISA试剂盒


  药品的免疫毒性实验相关方针ICH S8中推荐在无特定免疫毒性标靶情况下进行的T细胞依赖性抗体产生实验(TDAR、T cell Dependent Antibody Reaction)。TDAR被称为T细胞依赖性抗原。例如:通过KLH(Keyhole limpet hemocyanin)的投放对一次抗原刺激而生成IgM性状抗体。接下来进行二次抗原刺激后通过类别转换作用可观察到产生IgG性状抗体。由于本试剂盒可简便测定大鼠血液中IgM性状的抗KLH浓度,所以十分符合上文所述的目的。请与大鼠抗KLH-IgG检测试剂盒配套使用。


LBIS® 血蓝蛋白(KLH)(T细胞依赖性抗原)  大鼠免疫球蛋白M(IgM) ELISA试剂盒                              LBIS® KLH(TDAR) Rat-IgM ELISA Kit

● 测定时间短(总反应时间:2小时20分钟)。

● 微量样本即可测定。

● 使用无害的防腐剂。

● 全部试剂为溶液即用类型。

● 高测定精度和高重复性。








96 wells(8×12)/1个

抗KLH大鼠IgM标准溶液(1000 ng/mL)


200 μL/1瓶



100 mL/1瓶



100 μL/1瓶



12 mL/1瓶

终止液(1M H2SO4)※小心轻放


12 mL/1瓶



100 mL/1瓶







2000 ng/mL时数据—:无交叉性
















● 大鼠血清·血浆

● 50 μL/well(稀释样本)

※ 用附带的缓冲液将样本稀释至标准曲线范围内。

※ 为了避免非特异反应发生,请将样本稀释200倍以上。



3.13~200 ng/mL














































































































产品编号 产品名称 产品规格 产品等级 备注
633-13769 LBIS® KLH(TDAR) Rat-IgM ELISA Kit
LBIS® 血蓝蛋白(KLH)(T细胞依赖性抗原)大鼠免疫球蛋白M(IgM) ELISA试剂盒
96 tests

zeptometrix 0801183说明书





 Catalog #: 0801183





Catalog #: 0801183




人IgM ELISA试剂盒是一种快速、简便的酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA),用于检测血清、血浆、杂交瘤细胞上清液、腹水或腹水中的人IgM。 其他生物液体。该试剂盒特别适用于监测人单克隆抗体的生产和纯化。该分析含有现成的试剂,所需量不到2 ho。 要表演。


免疫TEK人IgM ELISA试剂盒仅供研究之用.




涂覆有人IgM的多克隆抗体的微孔形成检测的捕获阶段。捕获的人IgM然后与检测器抗体反应,该抗体是多克隆抗人IgM结合的机智。 h辣根过氧化物酶。然后以四甲基联苯胺为底物,对井中的酶活性进行定量。


反应物,试剂( reagent的名词复数 )


















微滴度板封口机(1 PK):每包10只·




Triton X-100是联合碳化物化学品和塑料有限公司的注册商标。吐温20是帝国化学工业的注册商标。
















经过验证的孵化器能够维护37 1°C·








预防措施( precaution的名词复数 )












·止住液含有盐酸,可能造成严重烧伤。如果接触眼睛或皮肤,请立即用水冲洗,并寻求医疗救助。穿防护服 ewer大口水壶,水罐








在使用前,用蒸馏水或去离子水稀释10X平板洗涤缓冲液1:10。*混合。准备好的1x平板洗涤缓冲液可在2-8°C保存一周。附加10X板洗泥 如果需要,可以订购(zmc目录#:0801060)。人IgM标准曲线标签6个试管如下所示。人IgM标准为125 ng/ml。这应该用试纸稀释。 如下所示,准备一条标准曲线。










在初步测试后,可能需要调整待测抗体溶液的浓度,以获得125 ng/ml至7.8 ng/ml的浓度,才能准确定量。 aion[医][=anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy]前部缺血性视神经病




来自固定细胞培养物的杂交瘤上清液通常含有1μg/ml和30μg/ml单克隆抗体。因此,我们建议制备1:250稀释的细胞培养物。 用于初步测试的稀释液中的培养物。


当使用生物反应器的细胞培养上清液时,可能需要进一步稀释,因为许多生物反应器能够产生比Stan高得多的单克隆抗体。 固定细胞培养。参考生物反应器提供的技术文献,以测定产生125 ng/ml至7.8 ng/m之间的单克隆抗体浓度的稀释度。 致命性的


在初步测试后,可能需要调整待测抗体溶液的浓度,以获得125 ng/ml至7.8 ng/ml的浓度,才能准确定量。 aion[医][=anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy]前部缺血性视神经病




腹水中通常含有1mg/ml至10 mg/ml的单克隆抗体。因此,我们建议在化验稀释液中制备1:100,000稀释液,用于初步测试。


在初步测试后,可能需要调整待测抗体溶液的浓度,以获得125 ng/ml至7.8 ng/ml的浓度,才能准确定量。 aion[医][=anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy]前部缺血性视神经病




使用前允许所有试剂达到室温。用于制备标准和样品的标号试管。如果不使用整个96井板,则取下多余的带。 从板框和地方进入可干燥塑料袋与干燥剂。密封袋,存放在2-8°C。








步骤4:每个样品的移液管200 L成重复的威尔斯。




第六步:吸出每口井的内容物,用1x板冲洗缓冲液冲洗4次。清洗时,用1倍平板冲洗缓冲液的300ml注满井,然后抽吸。执行4次填充/吸气循环 在后的洗涤循环之后,通过在吸湿纸巾垫上小心地敲打盘子,*地将盘子弄脏。继续观察直到观察到没有洗涤液缓冲器的可见液滴。














步骤13:在15分钟内,使用一个更小的平板阅读器,在450 nm处读出每个井的光密度。




为使测试有效,0.200 ng/ml标准和衬底空白的平均光密度必须在0.200以下。






然后,每个稀释标本中的人IgM浓度可以用尺子外推,用计算机程序或带有线性r的袖珍计算器进行线性回归。 累进函数,或通过点对点计算再次使用计算机或计算器。



















添加停止解决方案,并在450 nm处读取












Cryptococcus Neoformans serotype D, DNA


1 ug



Candida Tropicalis Z012, DNA


1 ug



Proteus Mirabilis Z050, DNA


10 ug



Streptococcus Agalactiae 2603V – R, DNA


10 ug



Bacillus Subtilis Z094, DNA


10 ug



Citrobacter FreundII Z064, DNA


10 ug



Stenotrophomonas Maltophilia Z074, DNA


10 ug



Candida Krusei Z009, DNA


1 ug



Candida Parapsilosis Z011, DNA


1 ug



Candida Glabrata Z007, DNA


1 ug



Pseudomonas Aeruginosa clinical isolate, DNA


10 ug



Listeria Monocytogenes serotype 1 – 2b, DNA


10 ug



Enterobacter Aerogenes Z052, DNA


10 ug



Neisseria Meningitidis serogroup A, DNA


10 ug



Klebsiella Pneumoniae Z026, DNA


10 ug



Candida Albicans Z006, DNA


1 ug



Acinetobacter BaumannII 307-0294, DNA


10 ug



Mycoplasma Pneumoniae M129, DNA


10 ug



Haemophilus Influenzae type b; Eagan, DNA


10 ug



Histoplasma capsulatum Recombinant, DNA


1 ug



Coccidioides Immitis Recombinant, DNA


1 ug



Staphylococcus Aureus MSSA; mecA-deficient, DNA


10 ug



Yersinia Enterocolitica clinical isolate, DNA


10 ug



Staphylococcus Epidermidis MRSE; RP62A, DNA


10 ug



Campylobacter Jejuni clinical isolate, DNA


10 ug



Staphylococcus Aureus MRSA; COL, DNA


10 ug



Shigella Sonnei Z004, DNA


10 ug



Escherichia Coli ETEC; ST+, LT+ DNA


10 ug



Escherichia Coli O157:H7; EDL933, DNA


10 ug



Candida Lusitaniae Z010, DNA


1 ug



Clostridium Difficile NAP1, DNA


1 ug



Aspergillus Terreus Z016, DNA


1 ug



Candida GuilliermondII Z008, DNA


1 ug



Aspergillus Flavus Z013, DNA


1 ug



Haemophilus Influenzae type b; MinnA, DNA


10 ug



Neisseria Gonorrhoeae type strain, DNA


10 ug



Streptococcus Pneumoniae Z022; 19F (Danish), DNA


10 ug





96 det.



Chicken IgY ELISA


96 det.



Bovine IgG ELISA


96 det.



ELISA Construction System


5 plates





1 L





120 ml





1 L





60 ml





1 L





60 ml



rhIL-2 Recominant Human Interleukin-2


100 ug



10x Plate Wash Buffer


125 ml



rhIL-2 Recominant Human Interleukin-2 (20.000 units)


1.1 ml



TCGF (Natural T-Cell Growth Factor, IL-2)


50 ml





500 ml



HIV-1 p24 Antigen ELISA 2.0 Kit


96 det.





96 det.



HIV-1 p24 Antigen ELISA 2.0 Kit


480 det.



Salmonella Enterica Typhimurium Z005, DNA


10 ug



Cryptococcus Neoformans Serotype A, antigen


1.0 ml



Rabbit IgG ELISA


96 det.





96 det.





96 det.



SIV p27 Antigen ELISA Kit


480 det.



HIV-1 p24 Antigen ELISA Kit


480 det.





96 det.





96 det.





96 det.



SIV p27 Antigen ELISA Kit


96 det.



HIV-1 p24 Extended Range Kit





HTLV p19 Antigen ELISA Kit


96 det.



HIV-1 p24 Antigen ELISA Kit


96 det.



HIV-1 p24 ICx – CRx Kit


100 det.





96 det.



Enterococcus Faecalis VRE, DNA


10 ug



Anti-HTLV-I gp46 Clone 67 –


100 ug



Anti-HTLV-II gp46 Clone 73 – 4.9.8


1 mg



Anti-HTLV-II p24 Clone 75 – 4.21.11


1 mg



Anti-PON1 Clone KRJ1


100 ug



Anti-PON1 Clone KRJ2


100 ug



Anti-PON1 Clone KRJ1


1 mg



Anti-PON1 Clone KRJ2


1 mg



Anti-Zika NS1 Clone 1D12


100 ug



HIV Type 1 Strain: IIIB – CFHI


1.0 ml



Human T-Lymphotropic Virus Type I (HTLV-I) – CFHI


1.0 ml



Anti-HTLV-II p19 Clone 78 – 6.18.07


1 mg



Anti-HTLV-II p19 Clone 78 – 6.18.07


100 ug



Anti-HTLV-I gp46 Clone 65 – 6C2.2.34


1 mg



Anti-HTLV-I p19 Clone TP-7


1 mg



Anti-HTLV-I p19 Clone 45 –


1 mg



Anti-HTLV-I p24 Clone 46 – 3.24.4


1 mg



Anti-HTLV-I gp46 Clone 67 –


1 mg



Anti-HTLV-I gp46 Clone 68 – 4.11.21


1 mg



Anti-HTLV-I gp46 Clone 65 – 6C2.2.34


100 ug



Anti-HTLV-II gp46 Clone 73 – 4.9.8


100 ug



Anti-HTLV-II p24 Clone 75 – 4.21.11


100 ug



Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1) Strain: IIIB Lysate


1 mg



Human T-Lymphotropic Virus Type I (HTLV-I) Lysate


1 mg



Dinucleotide Standards ThymineGlycolCytidineDimer


50 mg at 1.0 OD



Dinucleotide Standards ThymineGlycolAdenineDimer


50 mg at 1.0 OD



Nucleoside Standards 8-Oxo-dG


1 mg



Nucleoside Standards 8-Oxo-dA


1 mg



PON Standards


600 ul



Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV) Kit (10 Strip)


10 det.



Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV) Kit (30 Strip)


30 det.



Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV) Strips (10/tube)


10 strips



Zika (PRVABC59) Strips (10/tube)


10 strips



Dinucleotide Standards ThymineGlycolThymineDimer


50 mg at 1.0 OD



Dinucleotide Standards ThymineGlycolGuanineDimer


50 mg at 1.0 OD



Scedosporium prolificans Z083


1.0 ml



TBARS Assay kit


160 det.



Arylesterase – Paraoxonase Assay Kit


200 tests



Total Glutathione Peroxidase Assay Kit


100 tests



Glutathione Reductase Assay Kit


100 tests



Dinucleotide Standards Formamido Guanine Dimer


50 mg at 1.0 OD



Dinucleotide Standards Formamido Cytidine Dimer


50 mg at 1.0 OD



Dinucleotide Standards Formamido Thymine Dimer


50 mg at 1.0 OD



Dinucleotide Standards Formamido Adenine Dimer


50 mg at 1.0 OD



Zika (MR-766) Strips (10/tube)


10 strips



Anti-HTLV-I gp46 Clone 68 – 4.11.21


100 ug



Pneumocystis Jiroveci Recombinant W303-Pji, Genomic DNA


10 ug



Scedosporium Apiospermum Z085, DNA


1 ug



Fusarium Oxysporum Z084, DNA


1 ug



Tremella Fuciformis Recombinant, DNA


1 ug



Fusarium solani Z081, DNA


1 ug



Scedosporium Prolificans Z083, DNA


1 ug



Aspergillus Niger Z105, DNA


1 ug



Rhizopus oryzae Z106, DNA


1 ug



Plesiomonas shigelloides Z130, DNA


10 ug



Vibrio Cholerae Z132 (toxigenic)


10 ug



Mucor Indicus Z079, DNA


1 ug



Cunninghamella bertholletiae Z080, DNA


1 ug



Cryptosporidium Parvum-S. cerevisiae Recombinant, DNA


1.0 ml



Aspergillus Fumigatus Z014, DNA


1 ug



Serratia Marcescens Z053, DNA


10 ug



Blastomyces Dermatitidis Recombinant W303-Bde, Genomic DNA


1 ug



Haemophilus ducreyi class I, DNA


10 ug



Bacteroides Thetaiotaomicron Z037 DNA


10 ug



Citrobacter Koseri Z039, DNA


10 ug



Escherichia coli O111:NM, DNA


10 ug



Rhizopus Microsporus Z056, DNA


1 ug



Anti-HIV-l p24 Clone 38 – 8.7.47


100 ug



Anti-HIV-l p17 Clone 32 – 5.8.42


100 ug



Anti-HIV-l p24 Clone 32 – 5.17.76


1 mg



Anti-HIV-l p24 Clone 38 – 8.7.47


1 mg



Anti-HIV-l p24 Clone 39 – 5.1.23


1 mg



Anti-HIV-l RT Clone 39 – 4.12.2


1 mg



Anti-HIV-l p24 Clone 39 – 5.4A


1 mg



Anti-HTLV-I p19 Clone TP-7


100 ug



Anti-HIV-l p24 Clone 39 – 6.14


1 mg



Anti-HTLV-I p24 Clone 46 – 3.24.4


100 ug



Anti-HTLV-I p19 Clone 45 –


100 ug



Anti-HIV-l p17 Clone 32 – 5.8.42


1 mg



Anti-HIV-l p17 Clone 2D11


1 mg



Anti-HIV-l gp41 Clone 10E9


1 mg



Anti-HIV-l gp41 Clone 10E9


100 ug



Anti-HIV-l RT Clone 39 – 4.12.2


100 ug



Anti-HIV-l p17 Clone 2D11


100 ug



Anti-HIV-l p17 Clone 32 – 1.24.89


100 ug



Anti-HIV-l p24 Clone 32 – 5.17.76


100 ug



Anti-HIV-l p24 Clone 39 – 5.1.23


100 ug



Anti-HIV-l p24 Clone 39 – 5.4A


100 ug



Anti-HIV-l p24 Clone 39 – 6.14


100 ug



Anti-HIV-l p17 Clone 32 – 1.24.89


1 mg










6:我们还是Santa,Advanced Biotechnologies Inc,Athens Research & Technology,bangs,BBInternational,crystalchem,dianova,FD Neurotechnologies,Inc. FormuMax Scientific,Inc, Genebridege, Glycotope Biotechnology GmbH; iduron,Innovative Research of America, Ludger, neuroprobe,omicronbio, Polysciences,prospecbi, QA-BIO,quickzyme,RESEARCH DIETS,INC,sterlitech;sysy,TriLink BioTechnologies,Inc;worthington-biochem,zyagen等几十家国外公司代理。

7:我们还是invitrogen,qiagen,MiraiBioam,sigma;neb,roche,merck, rnd,BD, GE,pierce,BioLegend等*批发,欢迎合作。




品       牌







品       牌







品       牌





BioLegend 2013产品价格表【第8001条-第9000条】

401010 Alexa Fluor 647 Armenian Hamster IgM Isotype Ctrl 1950 100ug
401101 Purified Mouse IgM, λ Isotype Ctrl 585 50ug
401102 Purified Mouse IgM, λ Isotype Ctrl 1625 500ug
401103 Biotin Mouse IgM, λ Isotype Ctrl 780 50ug
401104 Biotin Mouse IgM, λ Isotype Ctrl 1560 200ug
401108 FITC Mouse IgM, λ Isotype Ctrl 1820 200ug
401109 FITC Mouse IgM, λ Isotype Ctrl 585 25tests
401114 PE Mouse IgM, λ Isotype Ctrl 1560 100tests
401118 APC Mouse IgM, λ Isotype Ctrl 1820 100tests
401201 Purified Mouse IgG2b, κ Isotype Ctrl 520 50ug
401202 Purified Mouse IgG2b, κ Isotype Ctrl 1430 500ug
401203 Biotin Mouse IgG2b, κ Isotype Ctrl 780 50ug
401204 Biotin Mouse IgG2b, κ Isotype Ctrl 1560 200ug
401205 FITC Mouse IgG2b, κ Isotype Ctrl 520 25tests
401206 FITC Mouse IgG2b, κ Isotype Ctrl 1235 100tests
401207 PE Mouse IgG2b, κ Isotype Ctrl 520 25tests
401208 PE Mouse IgG2b, κ Isotype Ctrl 1235 100tests
401209 APC Mouse IgG2b, κ Isotype Ctrl 1170 25tests
401210 APC Mouse IgG2b, κ Isotype Ctrl 1820 100tests
401212 LEAF™ Mouse IgG2b, κ Isotype Ctrl 2210 500ug
401301 Purified Mouse IgG3, κ Isotype Ctrl 520 50ug
401302 Purified Mouse IgG3, κ Isotype Ctrl 1430 500ug
401303 Biotin Mouse IgG3, κ Isotype Ctrl 780 50ug
401304 Biotin Mouse IgG3, κ Isotype Ctrl 1560 200ug
401310 LEAF™ Mouse IgG3, κ Isotype Ctrl 2340 500ug
401313 LEAF™ Mouse IgG3, κ Isotype Ctrl 4290 1mg
401317 FITC Mouse IgG3, κ Isotype Ctrl 975 50ug
401319 PE Mouse IgG3, κ Isotype Ctrl 1235 25ug
401320 PE Mouse IgG3, κ Isotype Ctrl 2535 100ug
401321 Alexa Fluor 647 Mouse IgG3, κ isotype Ctrl 1235 25ug
401322 Alexa Fluor 647 Mouse IgG3, κ isotype Ctrl 2535 100ug
401323 Alexa Fluor 488 Mouse IgG3, κ isotype Ctrl 1235 25ug
401324 Alexa Fluor 488 Mouse IgG3, κ isotype Ctrl 2535 100ug
401401 Purified mouse IgG1, κ Isotype Ctrl 520 50ug
401402 Purified mouse IgG1, κ Isotype Ctrl 1625 500ug
401403 LEAF™ Purified mouse IgG1, κ Isotype Ctrl 585 50ug
401404 LEAF™ Purified mouse IgG1, κ Isotype Ctrl 2210 500ug
401405 LEAF™ Purified mouse IgG1, κ Isotype Ctrl 4030 1mg
401407 Ultra-LEAF™ Purified Mouse IgG1, κ Isotype Ctrl 1235 100ug
401408 Ultra-LEAF™ Purified Mouse IgG1, κ Isotype Ctrl 4225 1mg
401501 Purified mouse IgG2a, κ Isotype Ctrl 520 50ug
401502 Purified mouse IgG2a, κ Isotype Ctrl 1625 500ug
401503 LEAF™ Purified mouse IgG2a, κ Isotype Ctrl 585 50ug
401504 LEAF™ Purified mouse IgG2a, κ Isotype Ctrl 2210 500ug
401601 Purified mouse IgM, κ Isotype Ctrl 585 50ug
401602 Purified mouse IgM, κ Isotype Ctrl 1625 500ug
401604 LEAF™ Purified mouse IgM, κ Isotype Ctrl 2470 500ug
401605 FITC mouse IgM, κ Isotype Ctrl 585 25tests
401606 FITC mouse IgM, κ Isotype Ctrl 1235 100tests
401607 FITC Mouse IgM, κ Isotype Ctrl 910 50ug
401609 PE Mouse IgM, κ Isotype Ctrl 1040 25ug
401611 PE Mouse IgM, κ Isotype Ctrl 650 25tests
401613 APC Mouse IgM, κ Isotype Ctrl 1170 25ug
401616 APC Mouse IgM, κ Isotype Ctrl 1820 100tests
401617 Alexa Fluor 488 Mouse IgM, κ Isotype Ctrl 1950 100ug
401618 Alexa Fluor 647 mouse IgM, κ Isotype Ctrl 1950 100ug
401619 Pacific Blue™ Mouse IgM, κ Isotype Ctrl 1950 100ug
401620 Alexa Fluor 700 mouse IgM, κ Isotype Ctrl 1950 100ug
401621 Biotin Mouse IgM, κ Isotype Ctrl 780 50ug
401623 PerCP/Cy5.5 Mouse IgM, κ Isotype Ctrl 715 25tests
401624 PerCP/Cy5.5 Mouse IgM, κ Isotype Ctrl 2080 100tests
401701 Purified mouse IgE, κ Isotype Ctrl 1300 100ug
401801 Purified mouse IgE, κ Isotype Ctrl 1300 100ug
401901 Purified Rat IgG1, λ Isotype Ctrl 585 50ug
401902 Purified Rat IgG1, λ Isotype Ctrl 1560 500ug
401903 APC Rat IgG1, λ Isotype Ctrl 975 25ug
401904 APC Rat IgG1, λ Isotype Ctrl 2210 100ug
401905 PE Rat IgG1, λ Isotype Ctrl 910 25ug
401906 PE Rat IgG1, λ Isotype Ctrl 2145 100ug
402002 Purified Syrian Hamster IgG Isotype Ctrl 1690 500ug
402004 Biotin Syrian Hamster IgG Isotype Ctrl 1885 200ug
402006 FITC Syrian Hamster IgG Isotype Ctrl 2210 200ug
402008 PE Syrian Hamster IgG Isotype Ctrl 2080 100ug
402009 PE/Cy5 Syrian Hamster IgG Isotype Ctrl 1040 25ug
402012 APC Syrian Hamster IgG Isotype Ctrl 2340 100ug
402014 LEAF™ Purified Syrian Hamster IgG Isotype Ctrl 2470 500ug
403004 PE Goat IgG Isotype Ctrl 1625 100tests
403006 Alexa Fluor 647 Goat IgG Isotype Ctrl 1690 100tests
405101 FITC Avidin 390 100ug
405102 FITC Avidin 1300 500ug
405103 HRP Avidin 1430 1ml
405201 FITC Streptavidin 455 100ug
405202 FITC Streptavidin 1300 500ug
405203 PE Streptavidin 585 100ug
405204 PE Streptavidin 2080 500ug
405205 PE/Cy5 Streptavidin 1300 100ug
405206 PE/Cy7 Streptavidin 2275 100ug
405207 APC Streptavidin 1300 100ug
405208 APC/Cy7 Streptavidin 2275 100ug
405209 Cy5 Streptavidin 2275 100ug
405210 HRP Streptavidin 1430 1ml
405211 AKP Streptavidin 1430 1ml
405213 PerCP Streptavidin 2925 100ug
405214 PerCP/Cy5.5 Streptavidin 3250 100ug
405215 Cy3 Streptavidin 1300 100ug
405218 DyLight™ 488 Streptavidin 1300 100ug
405220 DyLight 549 Streptavidin 1300 100ug
405222 DyLight™ 594 Streptavidin 1300 100ug
405224 DyLight™ 649 Streptavidin 1300 100ug
405225 Brilliant Violet 421™ Streptavidin 6930 100ug
405226 Brilliant Violet 421™ Streptavidin 2450 100ul
405227 Brilliant Violet 570™ Streptavidin 2800 100ul
405229 Brilliant Violet 605™ Streptavidin 2940 100ul
405231 Brilliant Violet 650™ Streptavidin 2940 100ul
405233 Brilliant Violet 510™ Streptavidin 2940 100ul
405301 Purified Goat anti-mouse IgG (minimal x-reactivity) 1300 500ug
405303 Biotin Goat anti-mouse IgG (minimal x-reactivity) 1430 500ug
405304 AKP Goat anti-mouse IgG (minimal x-reactivity) 1560 500ul
405305 FITC Goat anti-mouse IgG (minimal x-reactivity) 1560 500ug
405306 HRP Goat anti-mouse IgG (minimal x-reactivity) 1560 500ul
405307 PE Goat anti-mouse IgG (minimal x-reactivity) 2340 200ug
405308 APC Goat anti-mouse IgG (minimal x-reactivity) 2600 100ug
405309 Cy3 Goat anti-mouse IgG (minimal x-reactivity) 1300 100ug
405310 DyLight™ 488 Goat anti-mouse IgG (minimal x-reactivity) 1170 100ug
405311 DyLight™ 594 Goat anti-mouse IgG (minimal x-reactivity) 1170 100ug
405312 DyLight™ 649 Goat anti-mouse IgG (minimal x-reactivity) 1170 100ug
405313 DyLight™ 405 Goat anti-mouse IgG (minimal x-reactivity) 1170 100ug
405314 PerCP/Cy5.5 Goat anti-mouse IgG (minimal x-reactivity) 3250 100ug
405315 PE/Cy7 Goat anti-mouse IgG (minimal x-reactivity) 2925 100ug
405316 APC/Cy7 Goat anti-mouse IgG (minimal x-reactivity) 2990 100ug
405317 Brilliant Violet 421™ Goat anti-mouse IgG (minimal x-reactivity) 2590 125ul
405401 Purified Goat anti-rat IgG (minimal x-reactivity) 1300 500ug
405402 Biotin Goat anti-rat IgG (minimal x-reactivity) 1430 500ug
405404 FITC Goat anti-rat IgG (minimal x-reactivity) 1560 500ug
405405 HRP Goat anti-rat IgG (minimal x-reactivity) 1560 500ul
405406 PE Goat anti-rat IgG (minimal x-reactivity) 2340 200ug
405407 APC Goat anti-rat IgG (minimal x-reactivity) 2600 100ug
405408 Cy3 Goat anti-rat IgG (minimal x-reactivity) 1300 100ug
405409 DyLight™ 488 Goat anti-rat IgG (minimal x-reactivity) 1170 100ug
405410 DyLight™ 594 Goat anti-rat IgG (minimal x-reactivity) 1170 100ug
405411 DyLight™ 649 Goat anti-rat IgG (minimal x-reactivity) 1170 100ug
405412 DyLight™ 405 Goat anti-rat IgG (minimal x-reactivity) 1170 100ug
405413 PE/Cy7 Goat anti-rat IgG (minimal x-reactivity) 2925 100ug
405414 Brilliant Violet 421™ Goat anti-rat IgG (minimal x-reactivity) 2590 125ul
405501 Biotin Goat anti-hamster (Armenian) IgG 1820 500ug
405502 FITC Goat anti-hamster (Armenian) IgG 1820 500ug
405503 DyLight™ 488 Goat anti-hamster (Armenian) IgG 1170 100ug
405504 DyLight™ 594 Goat anti-hamster (Armenian) IgG 1170 100ug
405505 DyLight™ 649 Goat anti-hamster (Armenian) IgG 1170 100ug
405506 PE Goat anti-hamster (Armenian) IgG 1885 200ug
405601 Biotin Goat anti-hamster (Syrian) IgG 1820 500ug
405602 FITC Goat anti-hamster (Syrian) IgG 1820 500ug
405701 Purified anti-mouse IgD 585 50ug
405702 Purified anti-mouse IgD 2080 500ug
405703 FITC anti-mouse IgD 1040 50ug
405704 FITC anti-mouse IgD 2730 500ug
405705 PE anti-mouse IgD 1170 50ug
405706 PE anti-mouse IgD 3120 200ug
405707 Alexa Fluor 647 anti-mouse IgD 1235 25ug
405708 Alexa Fluor 647 anti-mouse IgD 2925 100ug
405709 PerCP/Cy5.5 anti-mouse IgD 1560 25ug
405710 PerCP/Cy5.5 anti-mouse IgD 3835 100ug
405711 Pacific Blue™ anti-mouse IgD 1170 25ug
405712 Pacific Blue™ anti-mouse IgD 2470 100ug
405713 APC anti-mouse IgD 1105 25ug
405714 APC anti-mouse IgD 2860 100ug
405715 APC/Cy7 anti-mouse IgD 1430 25ug
405716 APC/Cy7 anti-mouse IgD 3575 100ug
405717 Alexa Fluor 488 anti-mouse IgD 1235 25ug
405718 Alexa Fluor 488 anti-mouse IgD 2925 100ug
406001 FITC Rat anti-mouse IgG 1365 500ug
406101 Biotin anti-mouse IgDa 1040 50ug
406104 FITC anti-mouse IgDa 3640 500ug
406106 Pacific Blue™ anti-mouse IgDa 2535 100ug
406108 Purified anti-mouse IgDa 2990 500ug
406202 Purified anti-mouse IgMb 2860 500ug
406204 Biotin anti-mouse IgMb 3120 500ug
406205 FITC anti-mouse IgMb 1170 50ug
406206 FITC anti-mouse IgMb 3640 500ug
406208 PE anti-mouse IgMb 3770 200ug
406401 HRP Donkey anti-rabbit IgG (minimal x-reactivity) 1560 500ul
406402 Cy3 Donkey anti-rabbit IgG (minimal x-reactivity) 1170 100ug
406403 FITC Donkey anti-rabbit IgG (minimal x-reactivity) 910 100ug
406404 DyLight™ 488 Donkey anti-rabbit IgG (minimal x-reactivity) 1170 100ug
406405 DyLight™ 594 Donkey anti-rabbit IgG (minimal x-reactivity) 1170 100ug
406406 DyLight™ 649 Donkey anti-rabbit IgG (minimal x-reactivity) 1170 100ug
406409 DyLight™ 405 Donkey anti-rabbit IgG (minimal x-reactivity) 1170 100ug
406410 Brilliant Violet 421™ Donkey anti-rabbit IgG (minimal x-reactivity) 2590 125ul
406501 Purified anti-mouse IgM 715 50ug
406502 Purified anti-mouse IgM 1755 500ug
406503 Biotin anti-mouse IgM 910 50ug
406504 Biotin anti-mouse IgM 2210 500ug
406505 FITC anti-mouse IgM 910 50ug
406506 FITC anti-mouse IgM 2210 500ug
406507 PE anti-mouse IgM 1170 50ug
406508 PE anti-mouse IgM 3445 200ug
406509 APC anti-mouse IgM 3250 100ug
406511 PerCP/Cy5.5 anti-mouse IgM 1625 25ug
406512 PerCP/Cy5.5 anti-mouse IgM 3575 100ug
406513 PE/Cy7 anti-mouse IgM 975 25ug
406514 PE/Cy7 anti-mouse IgM 2535 100ug
406515 APC/Cy7 anti-mouse IgM 1105 25ug
406516 APC/Cy7 anti-mouse IgM 2925 100ug
406517 Brilliant Violet 421™ anti-mouse IgM 2240 125ul
406518 Brilliant Violet 421™ anti-mouse IgM 4830 500ul
406601 Purified Anti-Mouse IgG1 780 50ug
406602 Purified Anti-Mouse IgG1 1885 500ug
406603 Biotin anti-mouse IgG1 910 50ug
406604 Biotin anti-mouse IgG1 2275 500ug
406605 FITC anti-mouse IgG1 910 50ug
406606 FITC anti-mouse IgG1 2275 500ug
406607 PE anti-mouse IgG1 1170 50ug
406608 PE anti-mouse IgG1 3445 200ug
406609 APC anti-mouse IgG1 1235 50ug
406610 APC anti-mouse IgG1 3575 200ug
406701 Purified Anti-Mouse IgG2b 780 50ug
406702 Purified Anti-Mouse IgG2b 1885 500ug
406703 Biotin anti-mouse IgG2b 910 50ug
406704 Biotin anti-mouse IgG2b 2275 500ug
406705 FITC Anti-Mouse IgG2b 910 50ug
406706 FITC Anti-Mouse IgG2b 2275 500ug
406802 Purified Anti-Mouse IgG3 1885 500ug
406803 Biotin Anti-Mouse IgG3 910 50ug
406902 Purified Anti-Mouse IgE 1885 500ug
406903 Biotin Anti-Mouse IgE 1040 50ug
406904 Biotin Anti-Mouse IgE 2535 500ug
406905 FITC Anti-Mouse IgE 1040 50ug
406906 FITC Anti-Mouse IgE 2535 500ug
406907 PE Anti-Mouse IgE 1300 50ug
406908 PE Anti-Mouse IgE 3250 200ug
407001 Purified Anti-Mouse IgA 780 50ug
407002 Purified Anti-Mouse IgA 1885 500ug
407003 Biotin Anti-Mouse IgA 910 50ug
407004 Biotin Anti-Mouse IgA 2275 500ug
407101 Purified anti-mouse IgG2a 780 50ug
407102 Purified anti-mouse IgG2a 1885 500ug
407103 Biotin anti-mouse IgG2a 910 50ug
407104 Biotin anti-mouse IgG2a 2275 500ug
407105 FITC anti-mouse IgG2a 910 50ug
407106 FITC anti-mouse IgG2a 2275 500ug
407107 PE anti-mouse IgG2a 845 25ug
407108 PE anti-mouse IgG2a 1885 100ug
407201 Purified anti-mouse Ig light chain κ 780 50ug
407202 Purified anti-mouse Ig light chain κ 1885 500ug
407203 Biotin anti-mouse Ig light chain κ 910 50ug
407204 Biotin anti-mouse Ig light chain κ 2275 500ug
407302 Purified anti-mouse Ig light chain λ 1885 500ug
407303 Biotin anti-mouse Ig light chain λ 910 50ug
407304 Biotin anti-mouse Ig light chain λ 2275 500ug
407306 APC anti-mouse Ig light chain λ 3445 100ug
407307 PE anti-mouse Ig light chain λ 1170 50ug
407308 PE anti-mouse Ig light chain λ 3445 200ug
407402 Purified anti-rat IgG1 1885 500ug
407403 Biotin anti-rat IgG1 910 50ug
407404 Biotin anti-rat IgG1 2275 500ug
407405 FITC anti-rat IgG1 910 50ug
407406 FITC anti-rat IgG1 2275 500ug
407501 Purified anti-rat IgG2a 780 50ug
407502 Purified anti-rat IgG2a 1885 500ug
407503 Biotin anti-rat IgG2a 910 50ug
407504 Biotin anti-rat IgG2a 2275 500ug
407505 FITC anti-rat IgG2a 910 50ug
407506 FITC anti-rat IgG2a 2275 500ug
407602 Purified anti-rat IgG2c 1885 500ug
407603 Biotin anti-rat IgG2c 910 50ug
407802 Purified anti-rat Ig light chain κ 1885 500ug
407803 Biotin anti-rat Ig light chain κ 910 50ug
407804 Biotin anti-rat Ig light chain κ 2275 500ug
407902 Purified anti-rat Ig light chain λ 1885 500ug
407903 Biotin anti-rat Ig light chain λ 910 50ug
408001 Purified anti-Allophycocyanin (APC) 910 50ug
408002 Purified anti-Allophycocyanin (APC) 3250 500ug
408003 Biotin anti-Allophycocyanin (APC) 585 25ug
408004 Biotin anti-Allophycocyanin (APC) 1300 100ug
408101 Purified anti-phycoerythrin (PE) 910 50ug
408102 Purified anti-phycoerythrin (PE) 3250 500ug
408103 Biotin anti-phycoerythrin (PE) 585 25ug
408104 Biotin anti-phycoerythrin (PE) 1300 100ug
408201 Purified anti-rat IgG2b 780 50ug
408202 Purified anti-rat IgG2b 1885 500ug
408203 Biotin anti-rat IgG2b 910 50ug
408204 Biotin anti-rat IgG2b 2275 500ug
408205 FITC anti-rat IgG2b 910 50ug
408206 FITC anti-rat IgG2b 2275 500ug
408301 Purified anti-Fluorescein (FITC) 910 50ug
408302 Purified anti-Fluorescein (FITC) 3250 500ug
408304 Biotin anti-Fluorescein (FITC) 1300 100ug
408401 Purified anti-KLH 910 50ug
408402 Purified anti-KLH 3250 500ug
408404 Biotin anti-KLH 1300 100ug
408502 Purified anti-KLH 3250 500ug
408504 Biotin anti-KLH 1300 100ug
408602 Purified anti-mouse IgMa 2860 500ug
408603 Biotin anti-mouse IgMa 1040 50ug
408604 Biotin anti-mouse IgMa 3120 500ug
408606 FITC anti-mouse IgMa 3640 500ug
408608 PE anti-mouse IgMa 3770 200ug
408704 Biotin anti-mouse IgEb 2795 500ug
408804 Biotin anti-mouse IgEa 2795 500ug
408901 Purified anti-rat IgM 1885 100ug
408903 Biotin anti-rat IgM 2015 100ug
408905 FITC anti-rat IgM 2145 100ug
409001 Purified anti-Biotin 910 50ug
409002 Purified anti-Biotin 3250 500ug
409003 PE anti-Biotin 845 25ug
409004 PE anti-Biotin 2275 100ug
409005 LEAF™ anti-Biotin 1105 50ug
409006 LEAF™ anti-Biotin 3835 500ug
409108 DyLight™ 649 Goat anti-mouse IgG1 1560 100ug
409109 DyLight™ 405 Goat anti-mouse IgG1 1560 100ug
409202 DyLight™ 488 Goat anti-mouse IgG2a 1560 100ug
409209 DyLight™ 405 Goat anti-mouse IgG2a 1560 100ug
409301 Purified anti-human IgG Fc 845 50ug
409302 Purified anti-human IgG Fc 1625 500ug
409303 PE anti-human IgG Fc 1430 25tests
409304 PE anti-human IgG Fc 3445 100tests
409305 APC anti-human IgG Fc 1495 25tests
409306 APC anti-human IgG Fc 3575 100tests
409307 Biotin anti-human IgG Fc 1040 50ug
409308 Biotin anti-human IgG Fc 2535 200ug
420201 Cell Staining Buffer 975 500ml
420301 RBC Lysis Buffer (10X) 715 100ml
420403 7-AAD Viability Staining Solution 325 200tests
420404 7-AAD Viability Staining Solution 650 500tests
420601 Brefeldin A Solution (1,000X) 1430 1ml
420701 Monensin Solution (1,000X) 585 1ml
420801 Fixation Buffer 650 100ml
421002 Permeabilization Wash Buffer (10X) 1040 100ml
421101 TMB Substrate Reagent Set 455 100ml
421203 ELISA Assay Diluent (5X) 780 100ml
421301 Propidium Iodide Solution 585 2ml
421401 FOXP3 Fix/Perm Buffer (4x) 780 30ml
421402 FOXP3 Perm Buffer (10x) 780 25ml
421403 FOXP3 Fix/Perm Buffer Set 1560 100tests
421501 TMB High Sensitivity Substrate Solution 325 60ml
421601 ELISA Wash Buffer (20X) 1560 500ml
421701 ELISA Coating Buffer (5X) 195 30ml
422101 FluoroFix Buffer 1690 200tests
422201 Annexin V Binding Buffer 390 100ml
422301 Human TruStain FcX™ (Fc Receptor Blocking Solution) 1105 50tests
422302 Human TruStain FcX™ (Fc Receptor Blocking Solution) 2535 200tests
422401 RBC Lysis/Fixation Solution (10X) 1560 50ml
422501 Cyto-Last™ Buffer 845 100ml
422601 Nuclear Factor Fixation and Permeabilization Buffer Set 1560 100tests
422701 CFSE 1190 500ug
422801 DAPI (4′,6-Diamidino-2-Phenylindole, Dilactate) 1190 10mg
422901 Rainbow Calibration Particles, 6 peaks (3.0-3.4 uM) 3570 5ml
422903 Rainbow Calibration Particles, 8 peaks (3.0-3.4 uM) 3500 5ml
422905 Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 1 peak (3.0-3.4 uM) – Mid Range Intensity 3430 5ml
422907 Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 1 peak (3.0-3.4 uM) – Bright Intensity 3430 5ml
430101 Human IFN-γ ELISA MAX™ Standard 2925 5Plates
430102 Human IFN-γ ELISA MAX™ Standard 4550 10Plates
430103 Human IFN-γ ELISA MAX™ Standard 7150 20Plates
430104 Human IFN-γ ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 3835 5Plates
430105 Human IFN-γ ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 5395 10Plates
430106 Human IFN-γ ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 8645 20Plates
430107 LEGEND MAX™ Human IFN-γ ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 4550 1Pre-coatedPlate
430108 LEGEND MAX™ Human IFN-γ ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 16250 5Pre-coatedPlates
430201 Human TNF-α ELISA MAX™ Standard 2925 5Plates
430202 Human TNF-α ELISA MAX™ Standard 4550 10Plates
430203 Human TNF-α ELISA MAX™ Standard 7150 20Plates
430204 Human TNF-α ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 3835 5Plates
430205 Human TNF-α ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 5395 10Plates
430206 Human TNF-α ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 8645 20Plates
430207 LEGEND MAX™ Human TNF-α ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 4550 1Pre-coatedPlate
430208 LEGEND MAX™ Human TNF-α ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 16250 5Pre-coatedPlates
430301 Human IL-4 ELISA MAX™ Standard 2925 5Plates
430302 Human IL-4 ELISA MAX™ Standard 4550 10Plates
430303 Human IL-4 ELISA MAX™ Standard 7150 20Plates
430304 Human IL-4 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 3835 5Plates
430305 Human IL-4 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 5395 10Plates
430306 Human IL-4 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 8645 20Plates
430307 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-4 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 4550 1Pre-coatedPlate
430308 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-4 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 16250 5Pre-coatedPlates
430401 Human IL-5 ELISA MAX™ Standard 2925 5Plates
430402 Human IL-5 ELISA MAX™ Standard 4550 10Plates
430403 Human IL-5 ELISA MAX™ Standard 7150 20Plates
430404 Human IL-5 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 3835 5Plates
430405 Human IL-5 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 5395 10Plates
430406 Human IL-5 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 8645 20Plates
430501 Human IL-6 ELISA MAX™ Standard 2925 5Plates
430502 Human IL-6 ELISA MAX™ Standard 4550 10Plates
430503 Human IL-6 ELISA MAX™ Standard 7150 20Plates
430504 Human IL-6 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 3835 5Plates
430505 Human IL-6 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 5395 10Plates
430506 Human IL-6 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 8645 20Plates
430507 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-6 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 4550 1Pre-coatedPlate
430508 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-6 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 16250 5Pre-coatedPlates
430601 Human IL-10 ELISA MAX™ Standard 2925 5Plates
430602 Human IL-10 ELISA MAX™ Standard 4550 10Plates
430603 Human IL-10 ELISA MAX™ Standard 7150 20Plates
430604 Human IL-10 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 3835 5Plates
430605 Human IL-10 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 5395 10Plates
430606 Human IL-10 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 8645 20Plates
430607 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-10 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 4550 1Pre-coatedPlate
430608 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-10 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 16250 5Pre-coatedPlates
430701 Human IL-12 (p40) ELISA MAX™ Standard 2925 5Plates
430702 Human IL-12 (p40) ELISA MAX™ Standard 4550 10Plates
430703 Human IL-12 (p40) ELISA MAX™ Standard 7150 20Plates
430704 Human IL-12 (p40) ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 3835 5Plates
430705 Human IL-12 (p40) ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 5395 10Plates
430706 Human IL-12 (p40) ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 8645 20Plates
430707 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-12/23 (p40) ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 4550 1Pre-coatedPlate
430708 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-12/23 (p40) ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 16250 5Pre-coatedPlates
430801 Mouse IFN-γ ELISA MAX™ Standard 2925 5Plates
430802 Mouse IFN-γ ELISA MAX™ Standard 4550 10Plates
430803 Mouse IFN-γ ELISA MAX™ Standard 7150 20Plates
430804 Mouse IFN-γ ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 3835 5Plates
430805 Mouse IFN-γ ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 5395 10Plates
430806 Mouse IFN-γ ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 8645 20Plates
430807 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse IFN-γ ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 3835 1Pre-coatedPlate
430808 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse IFN-γ ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 13650 5Pre-coatedPlates
430901 Mouse TNF-α ELISA MAX™ Standard 2925 5Plates
430902 Mouse TNF-α ELISA MAX™ Standard 4550 10Plates
430903 Mouse TNF-α ELISA MAX™ Standard 7150 20Plates
430904 Mouse TNF-α ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 3835 5Plates
430905 Mouse TNF-α ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 5395 10Plates
430906 Mouse TNF-α ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 8645 20Plates
430907 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse TNF-α ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 3835 1Pre-coatedPlate
430908 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse TNF-α ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 13650 5Pre-coatedPlates
431001 Mouse IL-2 ELISA MAX™ Standard 2925 5Plates
431002 Mouse IL-2 ELISA MAX™ Standard 4550 10Plates
431003 Mouse IL-2 ELISA MAX™ Standard 7150 20Plates
431004 Mouse IL-2 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 3835 5Plates
431005 Mouse IL-2 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 5395 10Plates
431006 Mouse IL-2 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 8645 20Plates
431007 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse IL-2 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 3835 1Pre-coatedPlate
431008 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse IL-2 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 13650 5Pre-coatedPlates
431101 Mouse IL-4 ELISA MAX™ Standard 2925 5Plates
431102 Mouse IL-4 ELISA MAX™ Standard 4550 10Plates
431103 Mouse IL-4 ELISA MAX™ Standard 7150 20Plates
431104 Mouse IL-4 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 3835 5Plates
431105 Mouse IL-4 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 5395 10Plates
431106 Mouse IL-4 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 8645 20Plates
431107 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse IL-4 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 3835 1Pre-coatedPlate
431108 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse IL-4 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 13650 5Pre-coatedPlates
431201 Mouse IL-5 ELISA MAX™ Standard 2925 5Plates
431202 Mouse IL-5 ELISA MAX™ Standard 4550 10Plates
431203 Mouse IL-5 ELISA MAX™ Standard 7150 20Plates
431204 Mouse IL-5 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 3835 5Plates
431205 Mouse IL-5 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 5395 10Plates
431206 Mouse IL-5 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 8645 20Plates
431301 Mouse IL-6 ELISA MAX™ Standard 2925 5Plates
431302 Mouse IL-6 ELISA MAX™ Standard 4550 10Plates
431303 Mouse IL-6 ELISA MAX™ Standard 7150 20Plates
431304 Mouse IL-6 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 3835 5Plates
431305 Mouse IL-6 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 5395 10Plates
431306 Mouse IL-6 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 8645 20Plates
431307 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse IL-6 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 3835 1Pre-coatedPlate
431308 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse IL-6 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 13650 5Pre-coatedPlates
431411 Mouse IL-10 ELISA MAX™ Standard 2925 5Plates
431412 Mouse IL-10 ELISA MAX™ Standard 4550 10Plates
431413 Mouse IL-10 ELISA MAX™ Standard 7150 20Plates
431414 Mouse IL-10 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 3835 5Plates
431415 Mouse IL-10 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 5395 10Plates
431416 Mouse IL-10 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 8645 20Plates
431417 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse IL-10 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 3835 1Pre-coatedPlate
431418 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse IL-10 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 13650 5Pre-coatedPlates
431501 Human IL-8 ELISA MAX™ Standard 2925 5Plates
431502 Human IL-8 ELISA MAX™ Standard 4550 10Plates
431503 Human IL-8 ELISA MAX™ Standard 7150 20Plates
431504 Human IL-8 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 3835 5Plates
431505 Human IL-8 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 5395 10Plates
431506 Human IL-8 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 8645 20Plates
431507 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-8 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 4550 1Pre-coatedPlate
431508 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-8 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 16250 5Pre-coatedPlates
431601 Mouse IL-12/IL-23 (p40) ELISA MAX™ Standard 2925 5plates
431602 Mouse IL-12/IL-23 (p40) ELISA MAX™ Standard 4550 10plates
431603 Mouse IL-12/IL-23 (p40) ELISA MAX™ Standard 7150 20plates
431604 Mouse IL-12/IL-23 (p40) ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 3835 5plates
431605 Mouse IL-12/IL-23 (p40) ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 5395 10plates
431606 Mouse IL-12/IL-23 (p40) ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 8645 20plates
431701 Human IL-12 (p70) ELISA MAX™ Standard 2925 5plates
431702 Human IL-12 (p70) ELISA MAX™ Standard 4550 10plates
431703 Human IL-12 (p70) ELISA MAX™ Standard 7150 20plates
431704 Human IL-12 (p70) ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 3835 5plates
431705 Human IL-12 (p70) ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 5395 10plates
431706 Human IL-12 (p70) ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 8645 20plates
431707 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-12 (p70) ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 4550 1Pre-coatedPlate
431708 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-12 (p70) ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 16250 5Pre-coatedPlates
431801 Human IL-2 ELISA MAX™ Standard 2925 5Plates
431802 Human IL-2 ELISA MAX™ Standard 4550 10Plates
431803 Human IL-2 ELISA MAX™ Standard 7150 20Plates
431804 Human IL-2 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 3835 5Plates
431805 Human IL-2 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 5395 10Plates
431806 Human IL-2 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 8645 20Plates
431807 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-2 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 4550 1Pre-coatedPlate
431808 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-2 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 16250 5Pre-coatedPlates
432001 Human GM-CSF ELISA MAX™ Standard 2925 5Plates
432002 Human GM-CSF ELISA MAX™ Standard 4550 10Plates
432003 Human GM-CSF ELISA MAX™ Standard 7150 20Plates
432004 Human GM-CSF ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 3835 5Plates
432005 Human GM-CSF ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 5395 10Plates
432006 Human GM-CSF ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 8645 20Plates
432007 LEGEND MAX™ Human GM-CSF ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 4550 1Pre-coatedPlate
432008 LEGEND MAX™ Human GM-CSF ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 16250 5Pre-coatedPlates
432101 Mouse IL-3 ELISA MAX™ Standard 2925 5Plates
432102 Mouse IL-3 ELISA MAX™ Standard 4550 10Plates
432103 Mouse IL-3 ELISA MAX™ Standard 7150 20Plates
432104 Mouse IL-3 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 3835 5Plates
432105 Mouse IL-3 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 5395 10Plates
432106 Mouse IL-3 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 8645 20Plates
432201 Mouse GM-CSF ELISA MAX™ Standard 2925 5Plates
432202 Mouse GM-CSF ELISA MAX™ Standard 4550 10Plates
432203 Mouse GM-CSF ELISA MAX™ Standard 7150 20Plates
432204 Mouse GM-CSF ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 3835 5Plates
432205 Mouse GM-CSF ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 5395 10Plates
432206 Mouse GM-CSF ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 8645 20Plates
432207 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse GM-CSF ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 3835 1Pre-coatedPlate
432208 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse GM-CSF ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 13650 5Pre-coatedPlates
432401 Mouse IgE ELISA MAX™ Standard 2925 5Plates
432402 Mouse IgE ELISA MAX™ Standard 4550 10Plates
432403 Mouse IgE ELISA MAX™ Standard 7150 20Plates
432404 Mouse IgE ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 3835 5Plates
432405 Mouse IgE ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 5395 10Plates
432406 Mouse IgE ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 8645 20Plates
432501 Mouse IL-17A ELISA MAX™ Standard 2925 5Plates
432502 Mouse IL-17A ELISA MAX™ Standard 4550 10Plates
432503 Mouse IL-17A ELISA MAX™ Standard 7150 20Plates
432504 Mouse IL-17A ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 3835 5Plates
432505 Mouse IL-17A ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 5395 10Plates
432506 Mouse IL-17A ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 8645 20Plates
432507 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse IL-17A ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 3835 1Pre-coatedPlate
432508 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse IL-17A ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 13650 5Pre-coatedPlates
432601 Mouse IL-1β ELISA MAX™ Standard 3640 5Plates
432602 Mouse IL-1β ELISA MAX™ Standard 5070 10Plates
432603 Mouse IL-1β ELISA MAX™ Standard 7150 20Plates
432604 Mouse IL-1β ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 4550 5Plates
432605 Mouse IL-1β ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 5525 10Plates
432606 Mouse IL-1β ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 8645 20Plates
432701 Mouse MCP-1 ELISA MAX™ Standard 2925 5Plates
432702 Mouse MCP-1 ELISA MAX™ Standard 4550 10Plates
432703 Mouse MCP-1 ELISA MAX™ Standard 7150 20Plates
432704 Mouse MCP-1 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 3835 5Plates
432705 Mouse MCP-1 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 5395 10Plates
432706 Mouse MCP-1 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 8645 20Plates
432707 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse MCP-1/CCL2 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 4550 1Pre-coatedPlate
432708 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse MCP-1/CCL2 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 16250 5Pre-coatedPlates
432807 LEGEND MAX™ Human Soluble Nogo-B ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 6305 1Pre-coatedPlate
432808 LEGEND MAX™ Human Soluble Nogo-B ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 25350 5Pre-coatedPlates
432907 LEGEND MAX™ Human Latent TGF-β ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 5525 1Pre-coatedPlate
432908 LEGEND MAX™ Human Latent TGF-β ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 20800 5Pre-coatedPlates
433007 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse Latent TGF-β ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 5135 1Pre-coatedPlate
433008 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse Latent TGF-β ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 19500 5Pre-coatedPlates
433401 Mouse IL-1α ELISA MAX™ Standard 2925 5Plates
433402 Mouse IL-1α ELISA MAX™ Standard 4550 10Plates
433403 Mouse IL-1α ELISA MAX™ Standard 7150 20Plates
433404 Mouse IL-1α ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 3835 5Plates
433405 Mouse IL-1α ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 5395 10Plates
433406 Mouse IL-1α ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 8645 20Plates
433504 Human IL-32α ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 5200 5Plates
433505 Human IL-32α ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 8840 10Plates
433604 Mouse IL-12 (p70) ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 3900 5Plates
433605 Mouse IL-12 (p70) ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 5330 10Plates
433606 Mouse IL-12 (p70) ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 7345 20Plates
433607 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse IL-12 (p70) ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 3835 1Pre-coatedPlate
433608 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse IL-12 (p70) ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 13650 5Pre-coatedPlates
433704 Mouse IL-23 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 4290 5Plates
433707 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse IL-23 (p19/p40) ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 3835 1Pre-coatedPlate
433708 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse IL-23 (p19/p40) ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 13650 5Pre-coatedPlates
433804 Human IL-21 ELISA MAX Deluxe 4290 5Plates
433807 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-21 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 5135 1Pre-coatedPlate
433808 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-21 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 18135 5Pre-coatedPlates
433914 Human IL-17A ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 4290 5Plates
433915 Human IL-17A ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 5850 10Plates
433916 Human IL-17A ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 8385 20Plates
433917 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-17A ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 4550 1Pre-coatedPlate
433918 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-17A ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 16250 5Pre-coatedPlates
434004 Mouse IL-25 (IL-17E) ELISA MAX Deluxe 4290 5Plates
434104 Mouse TSLP ELISA MAX Deluxe 4290 5Plates
434107 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse TSLP ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 3835 1Pre-coatedPlate
434108 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse TSLP ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 13650 5Pre-coatedPlates
434204 Human TSLP ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 4290 5Plates
434205 Human TSLP ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 5850 10Plates
434206 Human TSLP ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 8645 20Plates
434207 LEGEND MAX™ Human TSLP ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 5135 1Pre-coatedPlate
434208 LEGEND MAX™ Human TSLP ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 18135 5Pre-coatedPlates
434304 Human FGF-basic ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 4290 5Plates
434305 Human FGF-basic ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 5850 10Plates
434306 Human FGF-basic ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 8645 20Plates
434307 LEGEND MAX™ Human FGF-basic ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 4550 1Pre-coatedPlate
434308 LEGEND MAX™ Human FGF-basic ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 16250 5Pre-coatedPlates
434407 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse IL-21 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 5850 1Pre-coatedPlate
434408 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse IL-21 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 19500 5Pre-coatedPlates
434504 Human IL-22 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 4290 5Plates
434505 Human IL-22 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 5850 10Plates
434506 Human IL-22 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 8645 20Plates
434507 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-22 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 5135 1Pre-coatedPlate
434508 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-22 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 18135 5Pre-coatedPlates
434607 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-27 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 5135 1Pre-coatedPlate
434608 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-27 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 18135 5Pre-coatedPlates
434704 Human IL-9 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 4290 5Plates
434705 Human IL-9 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 5850 10Plates
434706 Human IL-9 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 8645 20Plates
434707 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-9 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 4550 1Pre-coatedPlate
434708 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-9 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 16250 5Pre-coatedPlates
434804 Mouse IL-9 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 4290 5Plates
434805 Mouse IL-9 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 5850 10Plates
434806 Mouse IL-9 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 8645 20Plates
434904 Human IL-1α ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 3835 5Plates
434905 Human IL-1α ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 5850 10Plates
434906 Human IL-1α ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 8645 20Plates
434907 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-1α ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 4550 1Pre-coatedPlate
434908 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-1α ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 16250 5Pre-coatedPlates
435104 Human IL-15 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 3835 5Plates
435105 Human IL-15 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 5850 10Plates
435106 Human IL-15 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 8645 20Plates
435107 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-15 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 4550 1Pre-coatedPlate
435108 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-15 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 16250 5Pre-coatedPlates
435207 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-13 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 5135 1Pre-coatedPlate
435208 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-13 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 17550 5Pre-coatedPlates
435407 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-23 (p19/p40) ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 5135 1Pre-coatedPlate
435408 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-23 (p19/p40) ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 18135 5Pre-coatedPlates
435507 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-28A ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 5135 1Pre-coatedPlate
435508 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-28A ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 18135 5Pre-coatedPlates
435607 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-29 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 5135 1Pre-coatedPlate
435608 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-29 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 18135 5Pre-coatedPlates
435707 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-17F ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 4550 1Pre-coatedPlate
435708 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-17F ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 16250 5Pre-coatedPlates
435807 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-17A/F ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 4550 1Pre-coatedPlate
435808 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-17A/F ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 16250 5Pre-coatedPlates
435907 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-33 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 4550 1Pre-coatedPlate
435908 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-33 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 16250 5Pre-coatedPlates
436107 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse IL-17F ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 4550 1Pre-coatedPlate
436108 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse IL-17F ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 16250 5Pre-coatedPlates
436204 Mouse IL-17A/F ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 4290 5Plates
436205 Mouse IL-17A/F ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 5850 10Plates
436206 Mouse IL-17A/F ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 8645 20Plates
436207 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse IL-17A/F ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 4550 1Pre-coatedPlate
436208 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse IL-17A/F ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 16250 5Pre-coatedPlates
436304 Mouse IL-22 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 3575 5Plates
436305 Mouse IL-22 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 5395 10Plates
436306 Mouse IL-22 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 8450 20Plates
436307 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse IL-22 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 4550 1Pre-coatedPlate
436308 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse IL-22 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 16250 5Pre-coatedPlates
436407 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse IL-33 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 4550 1Pre-coatedPlate
436408 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse IL-33 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 16250 5Pre-coatedPlates
436707 LEGEND MAX™ Total TGF-β1 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 5525 1Pre-coatedPlate
436708 LEGEND MAX™ Total TGF-β1 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 20800 5Pre-coatedPlates
436807 LEGEND MAX™ Human LAP ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 5135 1Pre-coatedPlate
436808 LEGEND MAX™ Human LAP ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 18135 5Pre-coatedPlates
436907 LEGEND MAX™ Human FGL2 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 5135 1Pre-coatedPlate
436908 LEGEND MAX™ Human FGL2 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 18135 5Pre-coatedPlates
437004 Human IL-1β ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 4290 5Plates
437005 Human IL-1β ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 6175 10Plates
437006 Human IL-1β ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 9035 20Plates
437007 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-1β ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 4550 1Pre-coatedPlate
437008 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-1β ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 16250 5Pre-coatedPlates
437107 LEGEND MAX™ Rat IL-6 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 4550 1Pre-coatedPlate
437108 LEGEND MAX™ Rat IL-6 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 16250 5Pre-coatedPlates
437207 LEGEND MAX™ Human Soluble CD137/4-1BB ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 5135 1Pre-coatedPlate
437208 LEGEND MAX™ Human Soluble CD137/4-1BB ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 18135 5Pre-coatedPlates
437307 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-31 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 5135 1Pre-coatedPlate
437308 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-31 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 18135 5Pre-coatedPlates
437407 LEGEND MAX™ Human Soluble CTLA-4 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 5135 1Pre-coatedPlate
437408 LEGEND MAX™ Human Soluble CTLA-4 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 18135 5Pre-coatedPlates
437507 LEGEND MAX™ Human Cystatin C ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 5135 1Pre-coatedPlate
437508 LEGEND MAX™ Human Cystatin C ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 18135 5Pre-coatedPlates
437707 LEGEND MAX™ Free Active TGF-β1 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 5525 1Pre-coatedPlate
437708 LEGEND MAX™ Free Active TGF-β1 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 20800 5Pre-coatedPlates
437807 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse FGL2 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 4550 1Pre-coatedPlate
437808 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse FGL2 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 16250 5Pre-coatedPlates
437904 Rat IL-17A ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 4290 5Plates
437905 Rat IL-17A ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 5850 10Plates
437906 Rat IL-17A ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 8775 20Plates
437907 LEGEND MAX™ Rat IL-17A ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 4550 1Pre-coatedPlate
437908 LEGEND MAX™ Rat IL-17A ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 16250 5Pre-coatedPlates
438007 LEGEND MAX™ Human Granulysin ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 5135 1Pre-coatedPlate
438008 LEGEND MAX™ Human Granulysin ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 18135 5Pre-coatedPlates
438107 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse Lactadherin ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 4550 1Pre-coatedPlate
438108 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse Lactadherin ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 16250 5Pre-coatedPlates
438204 Rat TNF-α ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 4290 5Plates
438205 Rat TNF-α ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 5850 10Plates
438206 Rat TNF-α ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 8775 20Plates
438207 LEGEND MAX™ Rat TNF-α ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 3835 1Pre-coatedPlate
438208 LEGEND MAX™ Rat TNF-α ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 13650 5Pre-coatedPlates
438307 LEGEND MAX™ Human anti-mouse Ig (HAMA) ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 4550 1Pre-coatedPlate
438308 LEGEND MAX™ Human anti-mouse Ig (HAMA) ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 18135 5Pre-coatedPlates
438407 LEGEND MAX™ Human Active MIF ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 5135 1Pre-coatedPlate
438408 LEGEND MAX™ Human Active MIF ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 18135 5Pre-coatedPlates
438507 LEGEND MAX™ Human Soluble DcR3/TNFRSF6B ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 5850 1Pre-coatedPlate
438508 LEGEND MAX™ Human Soluble DcR3/TNFRSF6B ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 21450 5Pre-coatedPlates
438604 Human Mesothelin ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 4290 5Plates
438605 Human Mesothelin ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 6175 10Plates
438606 Human Mesothelin ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 9035 20Plates
438607 LEGEND MAX™ Human Mesothelin ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 5395 1Pre-coatedPlate
438608 LEGEND MAX™ Human Mesothelin ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 19175 5Pre-coatedPlates
438707 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse IL-27 Heterodimer ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 4550 1Pre-coatedPlate
438708 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse IL-27 Heterodimer ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 16250 5Pre-coatedPlates
438804 Human MCP-1/CCL2 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 3835 5Plates
438805 Human MCP-1/CCL2 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 5395 10Plates
438806 Human MCP-1/CCL2 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 7670 20Plates
438807 LEGEND MAX™ Human MCP-1/CCL2 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 4550 1Pre-coatedPlate
438808 LEGEND MAX™ Human MCP-1/CCL2 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 16250 5Pre-coatedPlates
438907 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse Isthmin ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 6435 1Pre-coatedPlate
438908 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse Isthmin ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 20800 5Pre-coatedPlates
439007 LEGEND MAX™ Rat IFN-γ ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 3835 1Pre-coatedPlate
439008 LEGEND MAX™ Rat IFN-γ ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 13650 5Pre-coatedPlates
439107 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse IL-34 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 5135 1Pre-coatedPlate
439108 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse IL-34 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 18135 5Pre-coatedPlates
439307 LEGEND MAX™ Human APRIL/TNFSF13 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 5135 1Pre-coatedPlate
439308 LEGEND MAX™ Human APRIL/TNFSF13 ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 18135 5Pre-coatedPlates
439407 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse IFN-β ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 6435 1Pre-coatedPlate
439408 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse IFN-β ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 22035 5Pre-coatedPlates
439507 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-35 Heterodimer ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 5525 1Pre-coatedPlate
439508 LEGEND MAX™ Human IL-35 Heterodimer ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 20800 5Pre-coatedPlates
439604 Human IL-34 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 4290 5Plates
439605 Human IL-34 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 6175 10Plates
439606 Human IL-34 ELISA MAX™ Deluxe 9035 20Plates
439707 LEGEND MAX™ Human MRP8/14 (Calprotectin) ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 5395 1Pre-coatedPlate
439708 LEGEND MAX™ Human MRP8/14 (Calprotectin) ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 19175 5Pre-coatedPlates
439807 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse OVA Specific IgE ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 5135 1Pre-coatedPlate
439808 LEGEND MAX™ Mouse OVA Specific IgE ELISA Kit with Pre-coated Plates 18135 5Pre-coatedPlates
500102 LEAF™ Purified anti-human IL-1α 3640 500ug
500104 Purified anti-human IL-1α 2990 500ug
500106 PE anti-human IL-1α 3250 100tests
500107 PE anti-human IL-1α 2210 50ug
500301 Purified anti-human IL-2 910 50ug
500302 Purified anti-human IL-2 2600 500ug
500304 FITC anti-human IL-2 2600 100tests
500305 FITC anti-human IL-2 1365 50ug
500306 PE anti-human IL-2 1105 25tests
500307 PE anti-human IL-2 2730 100tests
500309 APC anti-human IL-2 1235 25tests
500310 APC anti-human IL-2 3120 100tests
500311 APC anti-human IL-2 1820 50ug
500313 LEAF™ Purified anti-human IL-2 3640 500ug
500314 Alexa Fluor 488 anti-human IL-2 2925 100tests
500315 Alexa Fluor 647 anti-human IL-2 2925 100tests
500316 Alexa Fluor 488 anti-human IL-2 1365 25tests
500317 Alexa Fluor 647 anti-human IL-2 1365 25tests
500319 Alexa Fluor 700 anti-human IL-2 1365 25ug
500320 Alexa Fluor 700 anti-human IL-2 2925 100ug
500321 PerCP/Cy5.5 anti-human IL-2 1950 25tests
500322 PerCP/Cy5.5 anti-human IL-2 4225 100tests
500323 Pacific Blue™ anti-human IL-2 1365 25ug
500324 Pacific Blue™ anti-human IL-2 2925 100ug
500325 PE/Cy7 anti-human IL-2 1430 25tests
500326 PE/Cy7 anti-human IL-2 3250 100tests
500327 Brilliant Violet 421™ anti-human IL-2 2520 25tests
500328 Brilliant Violet 421™ anti-human IL-2 5040 100tests
500331 Brilliant Violet 605™ anti-human IL-2 3080 25tests
500333 Brilliant Violet 650™ anti-human IL-2 3080 25tests
500501 Purified anti-human IL-3 1040 50ug
500502 Purified anti-human IL-3 2860 500ug
500602 Purified anti-human IL-3 2990 500ug
500604 Biotin anti-human IL-3 3575 500ug
500606 PE anti-human IL-3 3250 100tests
500701 Purified anti-human IL-4 910 50ug
500702 Purified anti-human IL-4 2600 500ug
500703 PE anti-human IL-4 1040 25tests
500704 PE anti-human IL-4 2730 100tests
500705 PE anti-human IL-4 1690 50ug
500706 LEAF™ Purified anti-human IL-4 1040 50ug
500707 LEAF™ Purified anti-human IL-4 3380 500ug
500709 Alexa Fluor 488 anti-human IL-4 1365 25tests
500710 Alexa Fluor 488 anti-human IL-4 2925 100tests
500711 Alexa Fluor 647 anti-human IL-4 1365 25tests
500712 Alexa Fluor 647 anti-human IL-4 2925 100tests
500713 APC anti-human IL-4 1170 25tests
500714 APC anti-human IL-4 3120 100tests
500717 APC anti-human IL-4 1820 50ug
500801 Purified anti-human IL-4 910 50ug
500802 Purified anti-human IL-4 2600 500ug
500803 Biotin anti-human IL-4 1105 50ug
500804 Biotin anti-human IL-4 2990 500ug
500806 FITC anti-human IL-4 2600 100tests
500807 FITC anti-human IL-4 1365 50ug
500808 PE anti-human IL-4 1105 25tests
500810 PE anti-human IL-4 1690 50ug
500811 APC anti-human IL-4 1170 25tests
500812 APC anti-human IL-4 3055 100tests
500814 LEAF™ Purified anti-human IL-4 1040 50ug
500815 LEAF™ Purified anti-human IL-4 3250 500ug
500817 Alexa Fluor 488 anti-human IL-4 2925 100tests
500818 Alexa Fluor 647 anti-human IL-4 2925 100tests
500821 PerCP/Cy5.5 anti-human IL-4 1950 25tests
500822 PerCP/Cy5.5 anti-human IL-4 4225 100tests
500823 PE/Cy7 anti-human IL-4 1430 25tests
500824 PE/Cy7 anti-human IL-4 3250 100tests
500825 Brilliant Violet 421™ anti-human IL-4 2520 25tests
500826 Brilliant Violet 421™ anti-human IL-4 5250 100tests
500902 Purified anti-human IL-5 2860 500ug
500903 PE anti-human IL-5 1105 25tests
500904 PE anti-human IL-5 2730 100tests
500907 LEAF™ Purified anti-human IL-5 3250 500ug
501002 Biotin anti-human IL-5 2990 500ug
501004 LEAF™ Purified anti-human IL-5 3250 500ug
501006 Purified anti-human IL-5 2860 500ug
501007 Purified anti-human IL-5 1040 50ug
501101 Purified anti-human IL-6 910 50ug
501102 Purified anti-human IL-6 2600 500ug
501103 FITC anti-human IL-6 1040 25tests
501104 FITC anti-human IL-6 2600 100tests
501105 FITC anti-human IL-6 1365 50ug
501106 PE anti-human IL-6 1105 25tests
501107 PE anti-human IL-6 2730 100tests
501109 LEAF™ Purified anti-human IL-6 1040 50ug
501110 LEAF™ Purified anti-human IL-6 3250 500ug
501112 APC anti-human IL-6 3380 100tests
501113 Pacific Blue™ anti-human IL-6 1235 25tests
501114 Pacific Blue™ anti-human IL-6 3575 100tests
501201 Biotin anti-human IL-6 1105 50ug
501202 Biotin anti-human IL-6 2990 500ug
501204 Purified anti-human IL-6 2600 500ug
501302 Purified anti-human IL-7 3250 500ug
501303 LEAF™ Purified anti-human IL-7 1170 50ug
501304 LEAF™ Purified anti-human IL-7 3640 500ug
501401 Purified anti-human IL-10 910 50ug
501402 Purified anti-human IL-10 2600 500ug
501403 PE anti-human IL-10 1105 25tests
501404 PE anti-human IL-10 2730 100tests
501406 LEAF™ Purified anti-human IL-10 1040 50ug
501407 LEAF™ Purified anti-human IL-10 3250 500ug
501409 APC anti-human IL-10 1235 25tests
501410 APC anti-human IL-10 3250 100tests
501411 Alexa Fluor 488 anti-human IL-10 2925 100tests
501412 Alexa Fluor 647 anti-human IL-10 2925 100tests
501413 Alexa Fluor 488 anti-human IL-10 1365 25tests
501414 Alexa Fluor 647 anti-human IL-10 1365 25tests
501419 PE/Cy7 anti-human IL-10 1625 25tests
501420 PE/Cy7 anti-human IL-10 3835 100tests
501421 Brilliant Violet 421™ anti-human IL-10 2520 25tests
501501 Biotin anti-human IL-10 1105 50ug
501502 Biotin anti-human IL-10 2990 500ug
501504 Purified anti-human IL-10 2600 500ug
501505 Purified anti-human IL-10 1040 50ug
501702 Purified anti-human IL-12/IL-23 p40 2535 500ug
501704 LEAF™ Purified anti-human IL-12/IL-23 p40 3380 500ug
501801 Purified anti-human IL-12/IL-23 p40 975 50ug
501802 Purified anti-human IL-12/IL-23 p40 2860 500ug
501804 FITC anti-human IL-12/IL-23 p40 2990 100tests
501806 PE anti-human IL-12/IL-23 p40 1105 25tests
501807 PE anti-human IL-12/IL-23 p40 2730 100tests
501809 APC anti-human IL-12/IL-23 p40 (monomer, dimer, heterodimer) 1365 25tests
501813 LEAF™ Purified anti-human IL-12/IL-23 p40 4420 500ug
501816 Alexa Fluor 488 anti-human IL-12/IL-23 p40 2925 100tests
501818 Alexa Fluor 647 anti-human IL-12/IL-23 p40 2925 100tests
501820 Pacific Blue™ anti-human IL-12/IL-23 p40 2925 100ug
501901 Purified anti-human IL-13 1170 50ug
501902 Purified anti-human IL-13 3120 500ug
501903 PE anti-human IL-13 1170 25tests
501907 APC anti-human IL-13 3770 100tests
501908 APC anti-human IL-13 1885 50ug
501909 LEAF™ Purified anti-human IL-13 1430 50ug
501910 LEAF™ Purified anti-human IL-13 3900 500ug
501911 PerCP/Cy5.5 anti-human IL-13 4225 100tests
501912 PerCP/Cy5.5 anti-human IL-13 2275 50ug
502001 Biotin anti-human IL-13 1495 4Plates
502101 Purified anti-human G-CSF 1040 50ug
502102 Purified anti-human G-CSF 2600 500ug
502104 LEAF™ Purified anti-human G-CSF 3900 500ug
502201 Purified anti-human GM-CSF 1170 50ug
502202 Purified anti-human GM-CSF 3120 500ug
502203 LEAF™ Purified anti-human GM-CSF 1235 50ug
502204 LEAF™ Purified anti-human GM-CSF 3640 500ug
502301 Purified anti-human GM-CSF 1170 50ug
502302 Purified anti-human GM-CSF 3120 500ug
502303 Biotin anti-human GM-CSF 1235 50ug
502304 Biotin anti-human GM-CSF 3575 500ug
502305 PE anti-human GM-CSF 1300 25tests
502306 PE anti-human GM-CSF 3445 100tests
502309 APC anti-human GM-CSF 1430 25tests
502310 APC anti-human GM-CSF 3705 100tests
502311 PerCP/Cy5.5 anti-human GM-CSF 1950 25tests
502312 PerCP/Cy5.5 anti-human GM-CSF 4225 100tests
502401 Purified anti-human IFN-γ 910 50ug
502402 Purified anti-human IFN-γ 2600 500ug
502403 LEAF™ Purified anti-human IFN-γ 1040 50ug
502404 LEAF™ Purified anti-human IFN-γ 3250 500ug
502501 Purified anti-human IFN-γ 910 50ug
502502 Purified anti-human IFN-γ 2600 500ug
502503 Biotin anti-human IFN-γ 1105 50ug
502504 Biotin anti-human IFN-γ 2990 500ug
502505 FITC anti-human IFN-γ 1040 25tests
502506 FITC anti-human IFN-γ 2470 100tests
502507 FITC anti-human IFN-γ 1365 50ug
502508 PE anti-human IFN-γ 1170 25tests
502509 PE anti-human IFN-γ 2730 100tests
502510 PE anti-human IFN-γ 1755 50ug
502511 APC anti-human IFN-γ 1300 25tests
502512 APC anti-human IFN-γ 3120 100tests
502515 Alexa Fluor 488 anti-human IFN-γ 2925 100tests
502516 Alexa Fluor 647 anti-human IFN-γ 2925 100tests
502517 Alexa Fluor 488 anti-human IFN-γ 1365 25tests
502519 Alexa Fluor 700 anti-human IFN-γ 1365 25ug
502520 Alexa Fluor 700 anti-human IFN-γ 2925 100ug
502521 Pacific Blue™ anti-human IFN-γ 1365 25ug
502522 Pacific Blue™ anti-human IFN-γ 2925 100ug
502525 PerCP/Cy5.5 anti-human IFN-γ 1950 25tests
502526 PerCP/Cy5.5 anti-human IFN-γ 4225 100tests
502527 PE/Cy7 anti-human IFN-γ 1560 25tests
502528 PE/Cy7 anti-human IFN-γ 3575 100tests
502529 APC/Cy7 anti-human IFN-γ 1690 25tests
502530 APC/Cy7 anti-human IFN-γ 3835 100tests
502531 Brilliant Violet 421™ anti-human IFN-γ 2520 25tests
502532 Brilliant Violet 421™ anti-human IFN-γ 5110 100tests
502533 Brilliant Violet 570™ anti-human IFN-γ 2940 25tests
502535 Brilliant Violet 605™ anti-human IFN-γ 3080 25tests
502537 Brilliant Violet 650™ anti-human IFN-γ 3080 25tests
502601 Purified anti-human MCP-1 1040 50ug
502602 Purified anti-human MCP-1 2600 500ug
502604 PE anti-human MCP-1 2730 100tests
502606 LEAF™ Purified anti-human MCP-1 1300 50ug
502607 LEAF™ Purified anti-human MCP-1 3640 500ug
502608 Biotin anti-human MCP-1 1300 50ug
502609 Biotin anti-human MCP-1 3575 500ug
502801 Purified anti-human TNF-α 910 50ug
502802 Purified anti-human TNF-α 2600 500ug
502803 LEAF™ Purified anti-human TNF-α 1040 50ug
502804 LEAF™ Purified anti-human TNF-α 3250 500ug
502901 Purified anti-human TNF-α 910 50ug
502902 Purified anti-human TNF-α 2600 500ug
502903 Biotin anti-human TNF-α 1105 50ug
502904 Biotin anti-human TNF-α 2990 500ug
502906 FITC anti-human TNF-α 2600 100tests
502908 PE anti-human TNF-α 1105 25tests
502909 PE anti-human TNF-α 2730 100tests
502912 APC anti-human TNF-α 3055 100tests
502913 APC anti-human TNF-α 1755 50ug
502915 Alexa Fluor 488 anti-human TNF-α 2925 100tests
502916 Alexa Fluor 647 anti-human TNF-α 2925 100tests
502917 Alexa Fluor 488 anti-human TNF-α 1365 25tests
502920 Pacific Blue™ anti-human TNF-α 2925 100ug
502922 LEAF™ Purified anti-human TNF-α 3250 500ug
502925 PerCP/Cy5.5 anti-human TNF-α 1950 25tests
502926 PerCP/Cy5.5 anti-human TNF-α 4225 100tests
502929 PE/Cy7 anti-human TNF-α 1430 25tests
502930 PE/Cy7 anti-human TNF-α 3250 100tests
502931 Brilliant Violet 421™ anti-human TNF-α 2520 25tests
502932 Brilliant Violet 421™ anti-human TNF-α 5040 100tests
502935 Brilliant Violet 605™ anti-human TNF-α 3080 25tests
503002 Purified anti-human TNF-β 2600 500ug
503004 LEAF™ Purified anti-human TNF-β 3900 500ug
503102 Purified anti-human TNF-β 2600 500ug
503104 TNF-β 3575 500ug
503105 PE anti-human TNF-β 1365 25ug
503106 PE anti-human TNF-β 3445 100ug
503107 LEAF™ Purified anti-human TNF-β 1170 50ug
503202 Purified anti-mouse IL-1α 2990 500ug
503203 PE anti-mouse IL-1α 1170 25ug
503206 LEAF™ Purified anti-mouse IL-1α 3900 500ug
503401 Biotin anti-mouse IL-1α 1560 4plates
503501 Purified anti-mouse & rat IL-1β 1105 50ug
503502 Purified anti-mouse & rat IL-1β 2990 500ug
503504 LEAF™ Purified anti-mouse & rat IL-1β 3575 500ug
503505 Biotin anti-mouse & rat IL-1β 1235 50ug
503701 Purified anti-mouse IL-2 910 50ug
503702 Purified anti-mouse IL-2 2600 500ug
503704 LEAF™ Purified anti-mouse IL-2 3380 500ug
503705 Ultra-LEAF™ Purified anti-mouse IL-2 2145 100ug
503706 Ultra-LEAF™ Purified anti-mouse IL-2 7085 1mg
503801 Purified anti-mouse IL-2 910 50ug
503802 Purified anti-mouse IL-2 2600 500ug
503803 Biotin anti-mouse IL-2 1105 50ug
503804 Biotin anti-mouse IL-2 2990 500ug
503805 FITC anti-mouse IL-2 845 25ug
503806 FITC anti-mouse IL-2 2145 100ug
503807 PE anti-mouse IL-2 975 25ug
503808 PE anti-mouse IL-2 2600 100ug
503809 APC anti-mouse IL-2 1170 25ug
503810 APC anti-mouse IL-2 3120 100ug
503812 LEAF™ Purified anti-mouse IL-2 3380 500ug
503813 Alexa Fluor 488 anti-mouse IL-2 2925 100ug
503814 Alexa Fluor 647 anti-mouse IL-2 2925 100ug
503817 Alexa Fluor 700 anti-mouse IL-2 1235 25ug
503818 Alexa Fluor 700 anti-mouse IL-2 2925 100ug
503820 Pacific Blue™ anti-mouse IL-2 2925 100ug
503821 PerCP/Cy5.5 anti-mouse IL-2 1300 25ug
503822 PerCP/Cy5.5 anti-mouse IL-2 3575 100ug
503823 PE/Cy5 anti-mouse IL-2 1170 25ug
503824 PE/Cy5 anti-mouse IL-2 2860 100ug
503825 Brilliant Violet 421™ anti-mouse IL-2 2450 125ul
503829 Brilliant Violet 605™ anti-mouse IL-2 2940 125ul
503901 Purified anti-mouse IL-3 1170 50ug
503902 Purified anti-mouse IL-3 3120 500ug
503903 PE anti-mouse IL-3 1170 25ug
503904 PE anti-mouse IL-3 3120 100ug
503906 LEAF™ Purified anti-mouse IL-3 3900 500ug
504002 Biotin anti-mouse IL-3 3575 500ug
504101 Purified anti-mouse IL-4 910 50ug
504102 Purified anti-mouse IL-4 2600 500ug
504103 PE anti-mouse IL-4 1040 25ug
504104 PE anti-mouse IL-4 2990 100ug
504105 APC anti-mouse IL-4 1040 25ug
504106 APC anti-mouse IL-4 3250 100ug
504107 LEAF™ Purified anti-mouse IL-4 1040 50ug
504108 LEAF™ Purified anti-mouse IL-4 3250 500ug
504109 Alexa Fluor 488 anti-mouse IL-4 2925 100ug
504110 Alexa Fluor 647 anti-mouse IL-4 2925 100ug
504111 Alexa Fluor 488 anti-mouse IL-4 1235 25ug
504112 Alexa Fluor 647 anti-mouse IL-4 1235 25ug
504115 LEAF™ Purified anti-mouse IL-4 5980 1mg
504117 PE/Cy7 anti-mouse IL-4 1430 25ug
504118 PE/Cy7 anti-mouse IL-4 3705 100ug
504119 Brilliant Violet 421™ anti-mouse IL-4 2450 125ul
504121 Ultra-LEAF™ Purified anti-mouse IL-4 2080 100ug
504122 Ultra-LEAF™ Purified anti-mouse IL-4 7475 1mg
504201 Biotin anti-mouse IL-4 1105 50ug
504202 Biotin anti-mouse IL-4 2990 500ug
504301 Purified anti-mouse/human IL-5 910 50ug
504302 Purified anti-mouse/human IL-5 2600 500ug
504303 PE anti-mouse/human IL-5 1040 25ug
504304 PE anti-mouse/human IL-5 3250 100ug
504305 APC anti-mouse/human IL-5 1105 25ug
504306 APC anti-mouse/human IL-5 3575 100ug
504307 LEAF™ Purified anti-mouse/human IL-5 1040 50ug
504308 LEAF™ Purified anti-mouse/human IL-5 3250 500ug
504401 Biotin anti-mouse IL-5 1105 50ug
504402 Biotin anti-mouse IL-5 2990 500ug

Bethyl 价格表【第1条-第2000条】

 A10-100ARabbit anti-Bovine IgM Antibody Affinity Purified15201 ml at 1 mg/ml

A10-100APRabbit anti-Bovine IgM Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A10-100FRabbit anti-Bovine IgM Antibody FITC Conjugated19201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-100PRabbit anti-Bovine IgM Antibody HRP Conjugated20801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-101ASheep anti-Bovine IgM Antibody Affinity Purified15201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-101APSheep anti-Bovine IgM Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A10-101BSheep anti-Bovine IgM Antibody Biotinylated19201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-101FSheep anti-Bovine IgM Antibody FITC Conjugated19201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-101PSheep anti-Bovine IgM Antibody HRP Conjugated20801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-102Rabbit anti-Bovine IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody7202 ml
A10-102ARabbit anti-Bovine IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified10401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-102APRabbit anti-Bovine IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated16801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-102BRabbit anti-Bovine IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Biotinylated14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-102FRabbit anti-Bovine IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody FITC Conjugated14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-102PRabbit anti-Bovine IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody HRP Conjugated16001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-103Donkey anti-Bovine IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody7202 ml
A10-103ADonkey anti-Bovine IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified10401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-108Rabbit anti-Bovine IgA Antibody12802 ml
A10-108ARabbit anti-Bovine IgA Antibody Affinity Purified15201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-108APRabbit anti-Bovine IgA Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A10-108FRabbit anti-Bovine IgA Antibody FITC Conjugated19201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-108PRabbit anti-Bovine IgA Antibody HRP Conjugated20801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-110Sheep anti-Bovine Whole Serum Antibody7202 ml
A10-111Rabbit anti-Bovine Whole Serum Antibody7202 ml
A10-113Sheep anti-Bovine Albumin Antibody8002 ml
A10-113ASheep anti-Bovine Albumin Antibody Affinity Purified10401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-113APSheep anti-Bovine Albumin Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated16801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A10-113FSheep anti-Bovine Albumin Antibody FITC Conjugated12801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-113PSheep anti-Bovine Albumin Antibody HRP Conjugated16801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-114Rabbit anti-Bovine Transferrin Antibody11202 ml
A10-115Sheep anti-Bovine IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody7202 ml
A10-11Sheep anti-Bovine IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified10401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-11PSheep anti-Bovine IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated16801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-115FSheep anti-Bovine IgG-heavy and light chain FITC Conjugated14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-115PSheep anti-Bovine IgG-heavy and light chain HRP Conjugated16001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-116ASheep anti-Bovine IgG1 Antibody Affinity Purified15201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-116APSheep anti-Bovine IgG1 Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A10-116BSheep anti-Bovine IgG1 Antibody Biotinylated19201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-116FSheep anti-Bovine IgG1 Antibody FITC Conjugated19201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-116PSheep anti-Bovine IgG1 Antibody HRP Conjugated20801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-117ASheep anti-Bovine IgG2 Antibody Affinity Purified15201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-117APSheep anti-Bovine IgG2 Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A10-117BSheep anti-Bovine IgG2 Antibody Biotinylated19201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-117FSheep anti-Bovine IgG2 Antibody FITC Conjugated19201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-117PSheep anti-Bovine IgG2 Antibody HRP Conjugated19201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-118Sheep anti-Bovine IgG-heavy chain Antibody12802 ml
A10-118ASheep anti-Bovine IgG-heavy chain Antibody Affinity purified15201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-118APSheep anti-Bovine IgG-heavy chain Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A10-118BSheep anti-Bovine IgG-heavy chain Antibody Biotinylated19201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-118FSheep anti-Bovine IgG-heavy chain Antibody FITC Conjugated19201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-118PSheep anti-Bovine IgG-heavy chain Antibody HRP Conjugated19201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-119Rabbit anti-Bovine IgG-Fab Fragment Antibody20802 ml
A10-121Sheep anti-Bovine IgA Antibody12802 ml
A10-121ASheep anti-Bovine IgA Antibody Affinity Purified15201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-121APSheep anti-Bovine IgA Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A10-121BSheep anti-Bovine IgA Antibody Biotinylated19201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-121FSheep anti-Bovine IgA Antibody FITC Conjugated19201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-121PSheep anti-Bovine IgA Antibody HRP Conjugated20801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-122ASheep anti-Bovine Transferrin Antibody Affinity Purified12001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-122PSheep anti-Bovine Transferrin Antibody HRP Conjugated19201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-124Rabbit anti-Bovine alpha-Lactalbumin Antibody11202 ml
A10-125Rabbit anti-Bovine beta-Lactoglobulin Antibody11202 ml
A10-12Rabbit anti-Bovine beta-Lactoglobulin Antibody Affinity Purified14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-125PRabbit anti-Bovine beta-Lactoglobulin Antibody HRP Conjugated22401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-126Goat anti-Bovine Lactoferrin Antibody11202 ml
A10-126AGoat anti-Bovine Lactoferrin Antibody Affinity Purified14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-126BGoat anti-Bovine Lactoferrin Antibody Biotinylated18401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-126PGoat anti-Bovine Lactoferrin Antibody HRP Conjugated22401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-127Rabbit anti-Bovine Albumin Antibody8002 ml
A10-127ARabbit anti-Bovine Albumin Antibody Affinity Purified11201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-128Goat anti-Bovine alpha-Lactalbumin Antibody11202 ml
A10-128AGoat anti-Bovine alpha-Lactalbumin Antibody Affinity Purified14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-128PGoat anti-Bovine alpha-Lactalbumin Antibody HRP Conjugated22401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-130AGoat anti-Bovine IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified10401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-130APGoat anti-Bovine IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated16801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-130BGoat anti-Bovine IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Biotinylated14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-130FGoat anti-Bovine IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody FITC Conjugated14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-130PGoat anti-Bovine IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody HRP Conjugated16001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-202D2Rabbit anti-Bovine IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A10-202D3Rabbit anti-Bovine IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A10-202D4Rabbit anti-Bovine IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A10-202D5Rabbit anti-Bovine IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A10-213ASheep anti-Bovine Albumin cross-adsorbed Antibody Affinity Purified10401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A10-213PSheep anti-Bovine Albumin cross-adsorbed Antibody HRP Conjugated16801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A10-230AGoat anti-Bovine IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Affinity Purified12001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A10-230APGoat anti-Bovine IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A10-230BGoat anti-Bovine IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Biotinylated16001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A10-230D2Goat anti-Bovine IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A10-230D3Goat anti-Bovine IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A10-230D4Goat anti-Bovine IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A10-230D5Goat anti-Bovine IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A10-230FGoat anti-Bovine IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody FITC Conjugated16001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A10-230PGoat anti-Bovine IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody HRP Conjugated17601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A10-800AGoat anti-Bovine CCL2 Antibody, Affinity Purified56000.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-800BGoat anti-Bovine CCL2 Antibody Biotinylated56000.05 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-801ARabbit anti-Bovine CCL2 Antibody Affinity Purified56000.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-801BRabbit anti-Bovine CCL2 Antibody Biotinylated56000.05 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-802ARabbit anti-Bovine IL-2 Antibody Affinity Purified56000.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-803ARabbit anti-Bovine CXCL9 Antibody Affinity Purified56000.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-803BRabbit anti-Bovine CXCL9 Antibody Biotinylated56000.05 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-804ARabbit anti-Bovine IL-13 Antibody Affinity Purified56000.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-804BRabbit anti-Bovine IL-13 Antibody Biotinylated56000.05 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-80Rabbit anti-Bovine IFN gamma Antibody Affinity Purified56000.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-805BRabbit anti-Bovine IFN gamma Antibody Biotinylated56000.05 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-806ARabbit anti-Bovine IL-17A Affinity Purified56000.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-806BRabbit anti-Bovine IL-17A Antibody Biotinylated56000.05 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-807ARabbit anti-Bovine TNF alpha Affinity Purified56000.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-807BRabbit anti-Bovine TNF alpha Antibody Biotinylated56000.05 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-808ARabbit anti-Bovine VEGF-A Antibody Affinity Purified56000.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-808BRabbit anti-Bovine VEGF-A Antibody Biotinylated56000.05 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-809ARabbit anti-Bovine IL-8 Antibody Affinity Purified56000.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-810ARabbit anti-Bovine IL-21 Antibody Affinity Purified56000.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-810BRabbit anti-Bovine IL-21 Antibody Biotinylated56000.05 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-811ARabbit anti-Bovine IL-1 alpha Antibody Affinity Purified56000.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-811BRabbit anti-Bovine IL-1 alpha Antibody Biotinylated56000.05 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-812ARabbit anti-Bovine IL-1F5 Antibody Affinity Purified56000.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-812BRabbit anti-Bovine IL-1F5 Antibody Biotinylated56000.05 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-813ARabbit anti-Bovine CXCL10 Antibody, Affinity Purified56000.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A10-813BRabbit anti-Bovine CXCL10 Antibody, Biotinylated56000.05 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-100Goat anti-Pig IgM Antibody12802 ml
A100-100AGoat anti-Pig IgM Antibody Affinity Purified15201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-100APGoat anti-Pig IgM Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A100-100BGoat anti-Pig IgM Antibody Biotinylated19201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-100FGoat anti-Pig IgM Antibody FITC Conjugated19201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-100PGoat anti-Pig IgM Antibody HRP Conjugated20801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-102Goat anti-Pig IgA Antibody12802 ml
A100-102AGoat anti-Pig IgA Antibody Affinity Purified15201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-102APGoat anti-Pig IgA Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A100-102BGoat anti-Pig IgA Antibody Biotinylated19201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-102FGoat anti-Pig IgA Antibody FITC Conjugated19201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-102PGoat anti-Pig IgA Antibody HRP Conjugated20801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-104AGoat anti-Pig IgG-Fc Fragment Antibody Affinity Purified15201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-104APGoat anti-Pig IgG-Fc Fragment Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A100-104BGoat anti-Pig IgG-Fc Fragment Antibody Biotinylated19201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-104FGoat anti-Pig IgG-Fc Fragment Antibody FITC Conjugated19201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-104PGoat anti-Pig IgG-Fc Fragment Antibody HRP Conjugated20801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-105Goat anti-Pig IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody7202 ml
A100-10Goat anti-Pig IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified10401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-10PGoat anti-Pig IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated16801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-105BGoat anti-Pig IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Biotinylated14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-105D2Goat anti-Pig IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A100-105D3Goat anti-Pig IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A100-105D4Goat anti-Pig IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A100-105D5Goat anti-Pig IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A100-105FGoat anti-Pig IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody FITC Conjugated14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-105PGoat anti-Pig IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody HRP Conjugated16001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-106ASheep anti-Pig IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified10401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-107Rabbit anti-Pig Whole Serum Antibody7202 ml
A100-109AGoat anti-Pig Transferrin Antibody Affinity Purified13601 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-110Goat anti-Pig Albumin Antibody8002 ml
A100-110AGoat anti-Pig Albumin Antibody Affinity Purified12001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-110BGoat anti-Pig Albumin Antibody Biotinylated16001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-110PGoat anti-Pig Albumin Antibody HRP Conjugated16801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-112Goat anti-Pig Whole Serum Antibody7202 ml
A100-113Goat anti-Pig IgG-Fab Fragment Antibody10402 ml
A100-114Rabbit anti-Pig IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody7202 ml
A100-114ARabbit anti-Pig IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified10401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-114APRabbit anti-Pig IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated16801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-114BRabbit anti-Pig IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Biotinylated14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-114D2Rabbit anti-Pig IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A100-114D3Rabbit anti-Pig IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A100-114D4Rabbit anti-Pig IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A100-114D5Rabbit anti-Pig IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A100-114FRabbit anti-Pig IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody FITC Conjugated14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-114PRabbit anti-Pig IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody HRP Conjugated16001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-115Rabbit anti-Pig IgG-Fab Fragment Antibody10402 ml
A100-116ADonkey anti-Pig IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified10401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-20Goat anti-Pig IgG-heavy and light chain cross adsorbed Antibody Affinity Purified12001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A100-20PGoat anti-Pig IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A100-205FGoat anti-Pig IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody FITC Conjugated16001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A100-205PGoat anti-Pig IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody HRP Conjugated17601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A100-210AGoat anti-Pig Albumin cross-adsorbed Antibody Affinity Purified12001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A100-800ARabbit anti-Pig CCL2 Antibody Affinity Purified56000.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-800BRabbit anti-Pig CCL2 Antibody Biotinylated56000.05 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-801AGoat anti-Pig IL-13 Antibody Affinity Purified56000.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-801BGoat anti-Pig IL-13 Antibody Biotinylated56000.05 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-802AGoat anti-Pig IL-13 Antibody Affinity Purified56000.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-803AGoat anti-Pig CXCL10 Antibody Affinity Purified56000.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-804ARabbit anti-Pig IFN-beta Antibody Affinity Purified56000.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-80Rabbit anti-Pig IL-8 Antibody Affinity Purified56000.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-805BRabbit anti-Pig IL-8 Antibody Biotinylated56000.05 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-806ARabbit anti-Pig IFN gamma Antibody Affinity Purified56000.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-806BRabbit anti-Pig IFN gamma Antibody Biotinylated56000.05 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-807ARabbit anti-Pig IL-17A Antibody Affinity Purified56000.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-807BRabbit anti-Pig IL-17A Antibody Biotinylated56000.05 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-808ARabbit anti-Pig TNF alpha Antibody Affinity Purified56000.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-808BRabbit anti-Pig TNF alpha Antibody Biotinylated56000.05 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-809ARabbit anti-Pig IL-22 Antibody Affinity Purified56000.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-809BRabbit anti-Pig IL-22 Antibody Biotinylated56000.05 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-810ARabbit anti-Pig IL-6 Antibody Affinity Purified56000.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-810BRabbit anti-Pig IL-6 Antibody Biotinylated56000.05 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-811ARabbit anti-Pig CCL4 Antibody Affinity Purified56000.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-811BRabbit anti-Pig CCL4 Antibody Biotinylated56000.05 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-812ARabbit anti-Pig CCL3L1 Antibody, Affinity Purified56000.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-812BRabbit anti-Pig CCL3L1 Antibody, Biotinylated56000.05 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-813AGoat anti-Pig CXCL9 Antibody, Affinity Purified56000.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A100-813BGoat anti-Pig CXCL9 Antibody Biotinylated56000.05 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-100AGoat anti-Rat IgM Antibody Affinity Purified19201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-100APGoat anti-Rat IgM Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated19201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-100BGoat anti-Rat IgM Antibody Biotinylated19201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-100D2Goat anti-Rat IgM Antibody DyLight23201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-100D3Goat anti-Rat IgM Antibody DyLight23201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-100D4Goat anti-Rat IgM Antibody DyLight23201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-100D5Goat anti-Rat IgM Antibody DyLight23201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-100FGoat anti-Rat IgM Antibody FITC Conjugated23201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-100PGoat anti-Rat IgM Antibody HRP Conjugated24801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-102AGoat anti-Rat IgA Antibody Affinity Purified19201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-102APGoat anti-Rat IgA Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated19201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-102BGoat anti-Rat IgA Antibody Biotinylated19201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-102D2Goat anti-Rat IgA Antibody DyLight23201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-102D3Goat anti-Rat IgA Antibody DyLight23201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-102D4Goat anti-Rat IgA Antibody DyLight23201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-102D5Goat anti-Rat IgA Antibody DyLight23201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-102FGoat anti-Rat IgA Antibody FITC Conjugated23201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-102PGoat anti-Rat IgA Antibody HRP Conjugated24801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-10Goat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified10401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-10PGoat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated16801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-105BGoat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Biotinylated14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-105D2Goat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-105D3Goat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-105D4Goat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-105D5Goat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-105FGoat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody FITC Conjugated14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-105PGoat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody HRP Conjugated16001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-105PEGoat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody R-Phycoerythrin Conjugated16001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-105SGoat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Agarose Immobilized24005 mg/ml agarose
A110-106AGoat anti-Rat IgG1 Antibody Affinity Purified24001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-106APGoat anti-Rat IgG1 Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated30401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-106FGoat anti-Rat IgG1 Antibody FITC Conjugated28001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-106PGoat anti-Rat IgG1 Antibody HRP Conjugated29601 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-109AGoat anti-Rat IgG2a Antibody Affinity Purified24001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-109APGoat anti-Rat IgG2a Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated30401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-109FGoat anti-Rat IgG2a Antibody FITC Conjugated28001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-109PGoat anti-Rat IgG2a Antibody HRP Conjugated29601 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-111AGoat anti-Rat IgG2b Antibody Affinity Purified24001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-111APGoat anti-Rat IgG2b Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated30401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-111FGoat anti-Rat IgG2b Antibody FITC Conjugated28001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-111PGoat anti-Rat IgG2b Antibody HRP Conjugated29601 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-114AGoat anti-Rat IgG2c Antibody Affinity Purified24001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-114APGoat anti-Rat IgG2c Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated30401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-114FGoat anti-Rat IgG2c Antibody FITC Conjugated28001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-114PGoat anti-Rat IgG2c Antibody HRP Conjugated29601 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-117ASheep anti-Rat IgE Antibody Affinity Purified60801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-117FSheep anti-Rat IgE Antibody FITC Conjugated70401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-117PSheep anti-Rat IgE Antibody HRP Conjugated76001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-121Goat anti-Rat Whole Serum Antibody7202 ml
A110-122ARabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified10401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-122APRabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated16801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-122BRabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Biotinylated14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-122FRabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody FITC Conjugated14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-122PRabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody HRP Conjugated16001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-123Goat anti-Rat Transferrin Antibody10402 ml
A110-124Rabbit anti-Rat Transferrin Antibody12802 ml
A110-125Rabbit anti-Rat Albumin Antibody10402 ml
A110-127ASheep anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified10401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-127APSheep anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated16801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-127BSheep anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Biotinylated14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-127FSheep anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody FITC Conjugated14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-127PSheep anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody HRP Conjugated16001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-128ARabbit anti-Rat IgG-Fc Fragment Antibody Affinity Purified15201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-128APRabbit anti-Rat IgG-Fc Fragment Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-128FRabbit anti-Rat IgG-Fc Fragment Antibody FITC Conjugated19201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-128PRabbit anti-Rat IgG-Fc Fragment Antibody HRP Conjugated20801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-132Rabbit anti-Rat Secretory Component Antibody18401 ml
A110-134ASheep anti-Rat Albumin Antibody Affinity Purified13601 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-134PSheep anti-Rat Albumin Antibody HRP Conjugated21601 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-136AGoat anti-Rat IgG-Fc Fragment Antibody Affinity Purified15201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-136APGoat anti-Rat IgG-Fc Fragment Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated15201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-136FGoat anti-Rat IgG-Fc Fragment Antibody FITC Conjugated19201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-136PGoat anti-Rat IgG-Fc Fragment Antibody HRP Conjugated20801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-137ADonkey anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified10401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-137APDonkey anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated16801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-137BDonkey anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Biotinylated14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-137FDonkey anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody FITC Conjugated14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-137PDonkey anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody HRP Conjugated16001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-138AF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified13601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-138APF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated20001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-138BF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Biotinylated17601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-138FF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody FITC Conjugated17601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-138PF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody HRP Conjugated19201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-139AF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rat IgG-Fc Fragment Antibody Affinity Purified18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-139APF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rat IgG-Fc Fragment Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-139BF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rat IgG-Fc Fragment Antibody Biotinylated22401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-139FF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rat IgG-Fc Fragment Antibody FITC Conjugated22401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-139PF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rat IgG-Fc Fragment Antibody HRP Conjugated24001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-140AF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rat IgG-F(ab’)2 Fragment Antibody Affinity Purified18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-140APF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rat IgG-F(ab’)2 Fragment Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-140BF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rat IgG-F(ab’)2 Fragment Antibody Biotinylated22401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-140FF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rat IgG-F(ab’)2 Fragment Antibody FITC Conjugated22401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-140PF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rat IgG-F(ab’)2 Fragment Antibody HRP Conjugated24001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-141AFab Goat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified13601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-141BFab Goat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Biotinylated17601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-141FFab Goat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody FITC Conjugated17601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-141PFab Goat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody HRP Conjugated19201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-142AF(ab’)2 Donkey anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified13601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-142APF(ab’)2 Donkey anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated20001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-142BF(ab’)2 Donkey anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Biotinylated17601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-142FF(ab’)2 Donkey anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody FITC Conjugated17601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-142PF(ab’)2 Donkey anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody HRP Conjugated19201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-143AGoat anti-Rat IgG+IgM+IgA-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified15201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-143FGoat anti-Rat IgG+IgM+IgA-heavy and light chain Antibody FITC Conjugated19201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-143PGoat anti-Rat IgG+IgM+IgA-heavy and light chain Antibody HRP Conjugated20801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-144AF(ab’)2 Rabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified13601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-144APF(ab’)2 Rabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated20001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-144BF(ab’)2 Rabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Biotinylated17601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-144FF(ab’)2 Rabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody FITC Conjugated17601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-144PF(ab’)2 Rabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody HRP Conjugated19201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-14Chicken anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified12801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-145BChicken anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Biotinylated16801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-145FChicken anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody FITC conjugated16801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-145PChicken anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody HRP conjugated20801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A110-200AGoat anti-Rat IgM cross-adsorbed Antibody Affinity Purified15201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-200APGoat anti-Rat IgM cross-adsorbed Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-200BGoat anti-Rat IgM cross-adsorbed Antibody Biotinylated19201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-200D1Goat anti-Rat IgM cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-200D2Goat anti-Rat IgM cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-200D3Goat anti-Rat IgM cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-200D4Goat anti-Rat IgM cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-200D5Goat anti-Rat IgM cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-200D6Goat anti-Rat IgM cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-200D7Goat anti-Rat IgM cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-200D8Goat anti-Rat IgM cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-200FGoat anti-Rat IgM cross-adsorbed Antibody FITC Conjugated19201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-200PGoat anti-Rat IgM cross-adsorbed Antibody HRP Conjugated20801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-202AGoat anti-Rat IgA cross-adsorbed Antibody Affinity Purified15201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-202APGoat anti-Rat IgA cross-adsorbed Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-202BGoat anti-Rat IgA cross-adsorbed Antibody Biotinylated19201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-202D2Goat anti-Rat IgA cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-202D3Goat anti-Rat IgA cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-202D4Goat anti-Rat IgA cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-202D5Goat anti-Rat IgA cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-202FGoat anti-Rat IgA cross-adsorbed Antibody FITC Conjugated19201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-202PGoat anti-Rat IgA cross-adsorbed Antibody HRP Conjugated20801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-20Goat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Affinity Purified10401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-20PGoat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated16801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-205BGoat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Biotinylated14401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-205D2Goat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight20001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-205D3Goat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight20001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-205D4Goat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight20001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-205D5Goat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight20001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-205FGoat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody FITC Conjugated14401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-205PGoat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody HRP Conjugated16001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-205PEGoat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody R-Phycoerythrin Conjugated16001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-222ARabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Affinity Purified10401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-222APRabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated16801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-222BRabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Biotinylated14401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-222D2Rabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight20001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-222D3Rabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight20001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-222D4Rabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight20001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-222D5Rabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight20001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-222FRabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody FITC Conjugated14401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-222PRabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody HRP Conjugated16001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-236AGoat anti-Rat IgG-Fc Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody Affinity Purified15201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-236APGoat anti-Rat IgG-Fc Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-236BGoat anti-Rat IgG-Fc Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody Biotinylated19201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-236D2Goat anti-Rat IgG-Fc Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-236D3Goat anti-Rat IgG-Fc Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-236D4Goat anti-Rat IgG-Fc Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-236D5Goat anti-Rat IgG-Fc Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-236FGoat anti-Rat IgG-Fc Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody FITC Conjugated19201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-236PGoat anti-Rat IgG-Fc Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody HRP Conjugated20801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-237ADonkey anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Affinity Purified10401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-237APDonkey anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated16801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-237BDonkey anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Biotinylated14401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-237FDonkey anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody FITC Conjugated14401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-237PDonkey anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody HRP Conjugated16001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-238AF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Affinity Purified15201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-238APF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-238BF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Biotinylated19201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-238D2F(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight23201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-238D3F(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight23201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-238D4F(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight23201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-238D5F(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight23201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-238FF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody FITC Conjugated19201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-238PF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody HRP Conjugated20801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-239AF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rat IgG-Fc Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody Affinity Purified20001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-239APF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rat IgG-Fc Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated26401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-239BF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rat IgG-Fc Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody Biotinylated24001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-239D2F(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rat IgG-Fc Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight28001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-239D3F(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rat IgG-Fc Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight28001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-239D4F(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rat IgG-Fc Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight28001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-239D5F(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rat IgG-Fc Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight28001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-239FF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rat IgG-Fc Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody FITC Conjugated24001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-239PF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rat IgG-Fc Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody HRP Conjugated25601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-239PEF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rat IgG-Fc Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody R-Phycoerythrin Conjugated25601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-240AF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rat IgG-F(ab’)2 Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody Affinity Purified20001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-240APF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rat IgG-F(ab’)2 Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated26401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-240BF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rat IgG-F(ab’)2 Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody Biotinylated24001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-240D2F(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rat IgG-F(ab’)2 Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight28001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-240D3F(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rat IgG-F(ab’)2 Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight28001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-240D4F(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rat IgG-F(ab’)2 Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight28001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-240D5F(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rat IgG-F(ab’)2 Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight28001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-240FF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rat IgG-F(ab’)2 Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody FITC Conjugated24001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-240PF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rat IgG-F(ab’)2 Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody HRP Conjugated25601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-240PEF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rat IgG-F(ab’)2 Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody R-Phycoerythrin Conjugated25601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-242AF(ab’)2 Donkey anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Affinity Purified16801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-242APF(ab’)2 Donkey anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated23201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-242BF(ab’)2 Donkey anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Biotinylated20801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-242D2F(ab’)2 Donkey anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-242D3F(ab’)2 Donkey anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-242D4F(ab’)2 Donkey anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-242D5F(ab’)2 Donkey anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-242FF(ab’)2 Donkey anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody FITC Conjugated20801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-242PF(ab’)2 Donkey anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody HRP Conjugated22401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-242PEF(ab’)2 Donkey anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody R-Phycoerythrin Conjugated22401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-244AF(ab’)2 Rabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Affinity Purified15201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-244APF(ab’)2 Rabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-244BF(ab’)2 Rabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Biotinylated19201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-244D2F(ab’)2 Rabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight23201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-244D3F(ab’)2 Rabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight23201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-244D4F(ab’)2 Rabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight23201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-244D5F(ab’)2 Rabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight23201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-244FF(ab’)2 Rabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody FITC Conjugated19201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-244PF(ab’)2 Rabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody HRP Conjugated20801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-30Goat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Affinity Purified12001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-30PGoat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-305BGoat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Biotinylated16001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-305C2Goat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Cy2 Conjugated18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-305C3Goat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Cy3 Conjugated18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-305C4Goat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Cy3.5™ Conjugated18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-305C5Goat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Cy5 Conjugated18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-305C6Goat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Cy5.5 Conjugated18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-305D1Goat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-305D2Goat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-305D3Goat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-305D4Goat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-305D5Goat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-305D6Goat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-305D7Goat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-305D8Goat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-305FGoat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody FITC Conjugated16001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-305PGoat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody HRP Conjugated17601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-305PEGoat anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody R-Phycoerythrin Conjugated17601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-322ARabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Affinity Purified12001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-322APRabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-322BRabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Biotinylated16001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-322D2Rabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-322D3Rabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-322D4Rabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-322D5Rabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-322FRabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody FITC Conjugated16001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-322PRabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody HRP Conjugated17601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-337ADonkey anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Affinity Purified12001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-337APDonkey anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-337BDonkey anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Biotinylated16001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-337D1Donkey anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-337D2Donkey anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-337D3Donkey anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-337D4Donkey anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-337D5Donkey anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-337D6Donkey anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-337D7Donkey anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-337D8Donkey anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-337FDonkey anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody FITC Conjugated16001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-337PDonkey anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody HRP Conjugated17601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-344AF(ab’)2 Rabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Affinity Purified16801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-344APF(ab’)2 Rabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated23201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-344BF(ab’)2 Rabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Biotinylated20801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-344D2F(ab’)2 Rabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-344D3F(ab’)2 Rabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-344D4F(ab’)2 Rabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-344D5F(ab’)2 Rabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-344FF(ab’)2 Rabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody FITC Conjugated20801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A110-344PF(ab’)2 Rabbit anti-Rat IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody HRP Conjugated22401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-100ASheep anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified10401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-100APSheep anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated16801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-100BSheep anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Biotinylated14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-100D2Sheep anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-100D3Sheep anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-100D4Sheep anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-100D5Sheep anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-100FSheep anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody FITC Conjugated14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-100PSheep anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody HRP Conjugated16001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-101Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody7202 ml
A120-101AGoat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified10401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-101APGoat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated16801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-101BGoat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Biotinylated14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-101D2Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-101D3Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-101D4Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-101D5Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-101FGoat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody FITC Conjugated14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-101PGoat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody HRP Conjugated16001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-101SGoat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Agarose Immobilized24005 mg/ml agarose
A120-102Goat anti-Rabbit Whole Serum Antibody7202 ml
A120-103ABovine anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified10401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-104Sheep anti-Rabbit Albumin Antibody8002 ml
A120-104ASheep anti-Rabbit Albumin Antibody Affinity Purified12801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-104APSheep anti-Rabbit Albumin Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated20001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-104FSheep anti-Rabbit Albumin Antibody FITC Conjugated18401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-104PSheep anti-Rabbit Albumin Antibody HRP Conjugated23201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-107ASheep anti-Rabbit Transferrin Antibody Affinity Purified12801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-108Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody7202 ml
A120-108ADonkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified10401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-108APDonkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified16801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-108BDonkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Biotinylated14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-108D2Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-108D3Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-108D4Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-108D5Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-108FDonkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody FITC Conjugated14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-108PDonkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody HRP Conjugated16001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-109AGoat anti-Rabbit IgA Antibody Affinity Purified15201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-109APGoat anti-Rabbit IgA Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated21601 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-109BGoat anti-Rabbit IgA Antibody Biotinylated19201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-109D2Goat anti-Rabbit IgA Antibody DyLight23201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-109D3Goat anti-Rabbit IgA Antibody DyLight23201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-109D4Goat anti-Rabbit IgA Antibody DyLight23201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-109D5Goat anti-Rabbit IgA Antibody DyLight23201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-109FGoat anti-Rabbit IgA Antibody FITC Conjugated19201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-109PGoat anti-Rabbit IgA Antibody HRP Conjugated20801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-110AGoat anti-Rabbit IgM Antibody Affinity Purified15201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-110APGoat anti-Rabbit IgM Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated21601 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-110BGoat anti-Rabbit IgM Antibody Biotinylated19201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-110D2Goat anti-Rabbit IgM Antibody DyLight23201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-110D3Goat anti-Rabbit IgM Antibody DyLight23201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-110D4Goat anti-Rabbit IgM Antibody DyLight23201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-110D5Goat anti-Rabbit IgM Antibody DyLight23201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-110FGoat anti-Rabbit IgM Antibody FITC Conjugated19201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-110PGoat anti-Rabbit IgM Antibody HRP Conjugated20801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-111Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-Fc Fragment Antibody12802 ml
A120-111AGoat anti-Rabbit IgG-Fc Fragment Antibody Affinity Purified15201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-111APGoat anti-Rabbit IgG-Fc Fragment Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated21601 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-111BGoat anti-Rabbit IgG-Fc Fragment Antibody Biotinylated19201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-111D2Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-Fc Fragment Antibody DyLight23201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-111D3Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-Fc Fragment Antibody DyLight23201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-111D4Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-Fc Fragment Antibody DyLight23201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-111D5Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-Fc Fragment Antibody DyLight23201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-111FGoat anti-Rabbit IgG-Fc Fragment Antibody FITC Conjugated19201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-111PGoat anti-Rabbit IgG-Fc Fragment Antibody HRP Conjugated20801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-112AF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-F(ab’)2 Fragment Antibody Affinity Purified18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-112APF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-F(ab’)2 Fragment Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-112BF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-F(ab’)2 Fragment Antibody Biotinylated22401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-112FF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-F(ab’)2 Fragment Antibody FITC Conjugated22401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-112PF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-F(ab’)2 Fragment Antibody HRP Conjugated24001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-113PGoat anti-Rabbit Light Chain Antibody HRP Conjugated27201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-114AF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified13601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-114APF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated20001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-114BF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Biotinylated17601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-114FF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody FITC Conjugated44801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-114PF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody HRP Conjugated19201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-11F(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-Fc Fragment Antibody Affinity Purified18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-11PF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-Fc Fragment Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-115BF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-Fc Fragment Antibody Biotinylated22401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-115FF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-Fc Fragment Antibody FITC Conjugated22401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-115PF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-Fc Fragment Antibody HRP Conjugated24001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-116AF(ab’)2 Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified13601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-116APF(ab’)2 Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated20001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-116FF(ab’)2 Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody FITC Conjugated17601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-116PF(ab’)2 Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody HRP Conjugated19201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-116PEF(ab’)2 Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody R-Phycoerythrin Conjugated19201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-117AFab Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified13601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-117BFab Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Biotinylated17601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-117FFab Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody FITC Conjugated17601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-117PFab Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody HRP Conjugated19201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-118AFab Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified13601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-118BFab Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Biotinylated17601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-118FFab Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody FITC Conjugated17601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-118PFab Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody HRP Conjugated19201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-119AChicken anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified12801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-119BChicken anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Biotinylated16801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-119FChicken anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody FITC Conjugated16801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-119PChicken anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody HRP Conjugated20801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-201AGoat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Affinity Purified12001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-201APGoat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Alkphos Conjugated18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-201BGoat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Biotinylated16001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-201C2Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Cy2™ Conjugated18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-201C3Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Cy3™ Conjugated18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-201C4Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Cy3™ Conjugated18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-201C5Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Cy5™ Conjugated18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-201C6Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Cy5.5™ Conjugated18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-201D1Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-201D2Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-201D3Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-201D4Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-201D5Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-201D6Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-201D7Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-201D8Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-201FGoat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody FITC Conjugated16001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-201PGoat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody HRP Conjugated16001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-208ADonkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Affinity Purified12001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-208APDonkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-208BDonkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Biotinylated16001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-208D1Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-208D2Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-208D3Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-208D4Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-208D5Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-208D6Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-208D7Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-208D8Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-208FDonkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody FITC Conjugated16001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-208PDonkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody HRP Conjugated16001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-209AGoat anti-Rabbit IgA cross-adsorbed Antibody Affinity Purified15201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-209APGoat anti-Rabbit IgA cross-adsorbed Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-209BGoat anti-Rabbit IgA cross-adsorbed Antibody Biotinylated19201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-209D2Goat anti-Rabbit IgA cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-209D3Goat anti-Rabbit IgA cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-209D4Goat anti-Rabbit IgA cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-209D5Goat anti-Rabbit IgA cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-209FGoat anti-Rabbit IgA cross-adsorbed Antibody FITC Conjugated19201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-209PGoat anti-Rabbit IgA cross-adsorbed Antibody HRP Conjugated20801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-210AGoat anti-Rabbit IgM cross-adsorbed Antibody Affinity Purified15201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-210APGoat anti-Rabbit IgM cross-adsorbed Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-210BGoat anti-Rabbit IgM cross-adsorbed Antibody Biotinylated19201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-210D2Goat anti-Rabbit IgM cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-210D3Goat anti-Rabbit IgM cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-210D4Goat anti-Rabbit IgM cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-210D5Goat anti-Rabbit IgM cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-210FGoat anti-Rabbit IgM cross-adsorbed Antibody FITC Conjugated19201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-210PGoat anti-Rabbit IgM cross-adsorbed Antibody HRP Conjugated20801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-211AGoat anti-Rabbit IgG-Fc Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody Affinity Purified15201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-211APGoat anti-Rabbit IgG-Fc Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-211D2Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-Fc Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-211D3Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-Fc Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-211D4Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-Fc Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-211D5Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-Fc Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-211FGoat anti-Rabbit IgG-Fc Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody FITC Conjugated19201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-211PGoat anti-Rabbit IgG-Fc Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody HRP Conjugated20801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-212AF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-F(ab’)2 Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody Affinity Purified20001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-212APF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-F(ab’)2 Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated26401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-212BF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-F(ab’)2 Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody Biotinylated24001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-212D2F(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-F(ab’)2 Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight28001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-212D3F(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-F(ab’)2 Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight28001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-212D4F(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-F(ab’)2 Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight28001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-212D5F(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-F(ab’)2 Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight28001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-212FF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-F(ab’)2 Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody FITC Conjugated24321 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-212PF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-F(ab’)2 Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody HRP Conjugated25601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-214AF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Affinity Purified15201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-214APF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-214BF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Biotinylated19201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-214D2F(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight23201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-214D3F(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight23201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-214D4F(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight23201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-214D5F(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight23201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-214FF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody FITC Conjugated19201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-214PF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody HRP Conjugated20801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-21F(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-Fc Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody Affinity Purified20001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-21PF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-Fc Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated26401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-215BF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-Fc Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody Biotinylated24001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-215D2F(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-Fc Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight28001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-215D3F(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-Fc Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight28001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-215D4F(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-Fc Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight28001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-215D5F(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-Fc Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight28001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-215FF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-Fc Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody FITC Conjugated24001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-215PF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-Fc Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody HRP Conjugated25601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-216AF(ab’)2 Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Affinity Purified16801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-216APF(ab’)2 Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated23201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-216D2F(ab’)2 Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-216D3F(ab’)2 Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-216D4F(ab’)2 Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-216D5F(ab’)2 Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-216FF(ab’)2 Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody FITC Conjugated20801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-216PF(ab’)2 Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody HRP Conjugated22401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-216PEF(ab’)2 Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody R-Phycoerythrin Conjugated22401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-308ADonkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Affinity Purified10401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-308APDonkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated16801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-308BDonkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Biotinylated14401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-308D1Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight20001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-308D2Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight20001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-308D3Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight20001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-308D4Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight20001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-308D5Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight20001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-308D6Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight20001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-308D7Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight20001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-308D8Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight20001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-308FDonkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody FITC Conjugated14401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-308PDonkey anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody HRP Conjugated16001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-314AF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Affinity Purified16801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-314APF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated23201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-314BF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Biotinylated20801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-314D2F(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-314D3F(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-314D4F(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-314D5F(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight24801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-314FF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody FITC Conjugated20801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-314PF(ab’)2 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody HRP Conjugated22401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-401AGoat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain human-adsorbed Antibody Affinity Purified10401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-401PGoat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain human-adsorbed Antibody HRP Conjugated16001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-501FGoat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy & light highly cross-adsorbed Antibody FITC Conjugated18401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-501PGoat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light highly cross-adsorbed Antibody HRP Conjugated27201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-601AGoat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Affinity Purified10401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-601APGoat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated16801 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-601BGoat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Biotinylated14401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-601D2Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight20001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-601D3Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight20001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-601D4Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight20001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-601D5Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight20001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-601FGoat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody FITC Conjugated14401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-601PGoat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody HRP Conjugated16001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-601PEGoat anti-Rabbit IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody R-Phycoerythrin Conjugated16001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A120-800AGoat anti-Rabbit IL-8 Antibody Affinity Purified56000.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-800BGoat anti-Rabbit IL-8 Antibody Biotinylated56000.05 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-801AGoat anti-Rabbit IL-4 Antibody Affinity Purified56000.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-801BGoat anti-Rabbit IL-4 Antibody Biotinylated56000.05 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-802AGoat anti-Rabbit IFN gamma Antibody, Affinity Purified56000.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-802BGoat anti-Rabbit IFN gamma Antibody, Biotinylated56000.05 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-803AGoat anti-Rabbit IL-1 alpha Antibody, Affinity Purified56000.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A120-803BGoat anti-Rabbit IL-1 alpha Antibody Biotinylated56000.05 ml at 1 mg/ml
A130-100Donkey anti-Sheep IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody7202 ml
A130-100ADonkey anti-Sheep IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified10401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A130-100APDonkey anti-Sheep IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated16801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A130-100BDonkey anti-Sheep IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Biotinylated14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A130-100D2Donkey anti-Sheep IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A130-100D3Donkey anti-Sheep IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A130-100D4Donkey anti-Sheep IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A130-100D5Donkey anti-Sheep IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A130-100FDonkey anti-Sheep IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody FITC Conjugated14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A130-100PDonkey anti-Sheep IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody HRP Conjugated16001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A130-101Rabbit anti-Sheep IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody7202 ml
A130-101ARabbit anti-Sheep IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified10401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A130-101APRabbit anti-Sheep IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated16801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A130-101BRabbit anti-Sheep IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Biotinylated14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A130-101D2Rabbit anti-Sheep IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A130-101D3Rabbit anti-Sheep IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A130-101D4Rabbit anti-Sheep IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A130-101D5Rabbit anti-Sheep IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A130-101FRabbit anti-Sheep IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody FITC Conjugated14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A130-101PRabbit anti-Sheep IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody HRP Conjugated16001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A130-104Rabbit anti-Sheep Whole Serum Antibody8002 ml
A130-106Rabbit anti-Sheep Albumin Antibody8802 ml
A130-107Rabbit anti-Sheep IgG-Fab Fragment Antibody12802 ml
A130-108ARabbit anti-Sheep IgA Antibody Affinity Purified15201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A130-108APRabbit anti-Sheep IgA Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated22401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A130-108FRabbit anti-Sheep IgA Antibody FITC Conjugated19201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A130-108PRabbit anti-Sheep IgA Antibody HRP Conjugated20801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A130-109ARabbit anti-Sheep IgM Antibody Affinity Purified15201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A130-109APRabbit anti-Sheep IgM Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated22401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A130-109FRabbit anti-Sheep IgM Antibody FITC Conjugated19201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A130-109PRabbit anti-Sheep IgM Antibody HRP Conjugated20801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A130-111Rabbit anti-Sheep IgG-heavy chain Antibody12802 ml
A130-112ARabbit anti-Sheep IgG-Fc Fragment Antibody Affinity Purified15201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A130-112FRabbit anti-Sheep IgG-Fc Fragment Antibody FITC Conjugated19201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A130-112PRabbit anti-Sheep IgG-Fc Fragment Antibody HRP Conjugated20801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A130-201ARabbit anti-Sheep IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Affinity Purified12001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A130-201D1Rabbit anti-Sheep IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A130-201D2Rabbit anti-Sheep IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A130-201D3Rabbit anti-Sheep IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A130-201D4Rabbit anti-Sheep IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A130-201D5Rabbit anti-Sheep IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A130-201D6Rabbit anti-Sheep IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A130-201D7Rabbit anti-Sheep IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A130-201D8Rabbit anti-Sheep IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A130-201PRabbit anti-Sheep IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody HRP Conjugated17601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A130-212D2Rabbit anti-Sheep IgG-Fc Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight26401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A130-212D3Rabbit anti-Sheep IgG-Fc Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight26401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A130-212D4Rabbit anti-Sheep IgG-Fc Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight26401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A130-212D5Rabbit anti-Sheep IgG-Fc Fragment cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight26401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A140-100Rabbit anti-Donkey Whole Serum Antibody8002 ml
A140-101AGoat anti-Syrian Hamster IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified10401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A140-101APGoat anti-Syrian Hamster IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated16801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A140-101BGoat anti-Syrian Hamster IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Biotinylated14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A140-101FGoat anti-Syrian Hamster IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody FITC Conjugated14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A140-101PGoat anti-Syrian Hamster IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody HRP Conjugated16001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A140-102Goat anti-Monkey IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody7202 ml
A140-102AGoat anti-Monkey IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified10401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A140-102APGoat anti-Monkey IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated16801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A140-102FGoat anti-Monkey IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody FITC Conjugated14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A140-102PGoat anti-Monkey IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody HRP Conjugated16001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A140-103Goat anti-Monkey Whole Serum Antibody7202 ml
A140-105Rabbit anti-Kangaroo Whole Serum Antibody8002 ml
A140-107Rabbit anti-Donkey IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody7202 ml
A140-107ARabbit anti-Donkey IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified10401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A140-107BRabbit anti-Donkey IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Biotinylated14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A140-107D1Rabbit anti-Donkey IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A140-107D2Rabbit anti-Donkey IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A140-107D3Rabbit anti-Donkey IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A140-107D4Rabbit anti-Donkey IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A140-107D5Rabbit anti-Donkey IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A140-107D6Rabbit anti-Donkey IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A140-107D7Rabbit anti-Donkey IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A140-107D8Rabbit anti-Donkey IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A140-107FRabbit anti-Donkey IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody FITC Conjugated14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A140-107PRabbit anti-Donkey IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody HRP Conjugated16001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A140-108AGoat anti-Ferret IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified12801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A140-108FGoat anti-Ferret IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody FITC Conjugated16801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A140-108PGoat anti-Ferret IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody HRP Conjugated20801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A140-109Rabbit anti-Camel Whole Serum Antibody8002 ml
A140-110AGoat anti-Bird IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified15201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A140-110FGoat anti-Bird IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody FITC Conjugated19201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A140-110PGoat anti-Bird IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody HRP Conjugated23201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A140-111ARabbit anti-Opossum IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified12801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A140-112Rabbit anti-Ferret Whole Serum Antibody8002 ml
A140-113AGoat anti-Ferret IgA Antibody Affinity Purified16001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A140-114ARabbit anti-Monkey IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified10401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A140-116AGoat anti-Macaw IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified16801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A140-116APGoat anti-Macaw IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated27201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A140-116PGoat anti-Macaw IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody HRP Conjugated24801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A140-118AGoat anti-Bat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified16001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A140-118BGoat anti-Bat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Biotinylated20001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A140-118PGoat anti-Bat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody HRP Conjugated23201 mg. Reconstitute with 1 ml of di-H20. Antibody concentration is 1.0 mg/ml.
A140-119AGoat anti-Alligator IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified16001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A140-119PGoat anti-Alligator IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody HRP Conjugated23201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A140-120Goat anti-Alligator Whole Serum Antibody8002 ml
A140-121ARabbit anti-Deer IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody, Affinity Purified24801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A140-123AGoat anti-Raccoon IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody, Affinity Purified15201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A140-123PGoat anti-Raccoon IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody HRP Conjugated22401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A140-124ARabbit anti-Syrian Hamster IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified10401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A140-124APRabbit anti-Syrian Hamster IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated16801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A140-124BRabbit anti-Syrian Hamster IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Biotinylated14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A140-124FRabbit anti-Syrian Hamster IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody FITC Conjugated14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A140-124PRabbit anti-Syrian Hamster IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody HRP Conjugated16001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A140-128AGoat anti-Donkey IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified10401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A140-128APGoat anti-Donkey IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated16801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A140-128BGoat anti-Donkey IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Biotinylated14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A140-128D2Goat anti-Donkey IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A140-128D3Goat anti-Donkey IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A140-128D4Goat anti-Donkey IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A140-128D5Goat anti-Donkey IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A140-128FGoat anti-Donkey IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody FITC Conjugated14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A140-128PGoat anti-Donkey IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody HRP Conjugated16001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A140-201AGoat anti-Syrian Hamster IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Affinity Purified12001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A140-201APGoat anti-Syrian Hamster IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A140-201BGoat anti-Syrian Hamster IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Biotinylated16001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A140-201C2Goat anti-Syrian Hamster IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Cy2™ Conjugated18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A140-201C3Goat anti-Syrian Hamster IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Cy3™ Conjugated18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A140-201C4Goat anti-Syrian Hamster IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Cy3.5™ Conjugated18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A140-201C5Goat anti-Syrian Hamster IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Cy5™ Conjugated18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A140-201C6chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Cy5.5™ Conjugated18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A140-201D2Goat anti-Syrian Hamster IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A140-201D3Goat anti-Syrian Hamster IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A140-201D4Goat anti-Syrian Hamster IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A140-201D5Goat anti-Syrian Hamster IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A140-201FGoat anti-Syrian Hamster IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody FITC Conjugated16001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A140-201PGoat anti-Syrian Hamster IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody HRP Conjugated17601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A140-202AGoat anti-Monkey IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody cross-absorbed Affinity Purified22401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A140-202PGoat anti-Monkey IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody cross-absorbed HRP Conjugated26401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A140-224ARabbit anti-Syrian Hamster IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Affinity Purified12000.1 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A140-224D2Rabbit anti-Syrian Hamster IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A140-224D3Rabbit anti-Syrian Hamster IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A140-224D4Rabbit anti-Syrian Hamster IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A140-224D5Rabbit anti-Syrian Hamster IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A140-224PRabbit anti-Syrian Hamster IgG-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody HRP Conjugated17600.1 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A150-101AGoat anti-Dog Myoglobin Antibody Affinity Purified14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A150-102Rabbit anti-Horseradish Peroxidase Antibody7202 ml
A150-103Goat anti-Horse Myoglobin Antibody12002 ml
A150-103AGoat anti-Horse Myoglobin Antibody Affinity Purified15201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A150-104ARabbit anti-KLH Antibody Affinity Purified10401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A150-104BRabbit anti-KLH Antibody Biotinylated14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A150-109ARabbit anti-Biotin Antibody Affinity Purified12001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A150-109PRabbit anti-Biotin Antibody HRP Conjugated19201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A150-110ASheep anti-Biotin Antibody Affinity Purified11201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A150-111AGoat anti-Biotin Antibody Affinity Purified11201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A150-111PGoat anti-Biotin Antibody HRP Conjugated18401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A150-112AGoat anti-FITC Antibody Affinity Purified20801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A150-113Rabbit anti-Streptavidin Antibody11202 ml
A150-114Rabbit anti-Papain Antibody11202 ml
A150-114ARabbit anti-Papain Antibody Affinity Purified16801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A150-115Sheep anti-Cyclic GMP Antibody16802 ml
A150-117AGoat anti-DNP Antibody Affinity Purified20801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A160-100Goat anti-Llama IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody8802 ml
A160-100AGoat anti-Llama IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified12801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A160-100FGoat anti-Llama IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody FITC Conjugated16801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A160-100PGoat anti-Llama IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody HRP Conjugated20801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A160-101Goat anti-Llama Whole Serum Antibody8002 ml
A160-102Rabbit anti-Llama Whole Serum Antibody8002 ml
A180-100ARabbit anti-White Whale IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody, Affinity Purified14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A180-101Rabbit anti-White Whale Whole Serum Antibody8002 ml
A180-102ARabbit anti-Bottlenose Dolphin IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A180-102PRabbit anti-Bottlenose Dolphin IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody HRP Conjugated23201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A180-800ARabbit anti-Dolphin IL-8 Antibody Affinity Purified56000.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-100AChicken anti-ECS (DDDDK) Antibody Affinity Purified31200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-101AGoat anti-ECS (DDDDK) Antibody Affinity Purified27200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-101BGoat anti-ECS (DDDDK) Antibody Biotinylated30400.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-101FGoat anti-ECS (DDDDK) Antibody FITC Conjugated31200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-101PGoat anti-ECS (DDDDK) Antibody HRP Conjugated35200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-102ARabbit anti-ECS (DDDDK) Antibody Affinity Purified27200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-102BRabbit anti-ECS (DDDDK) Antibody Biotinylated30400.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-102FRabbit anti-ECS (DDDDK) Antibody FITC Conjugated30400.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-102PRabbit anti-ECS (DDDDK) Antibody HRP Conjugated35200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-103AChicken anti-c-myc Antibody Affinity Purified31200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-103BChicken anti-c-myc Antibody Biotinylated30400.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-103FChicken anti-c-myc Antibody FITC Conjugated30400.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-104AGoat anti-c-myc Antibody Affinity Purified27200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-104BGoat anti-c-myc Antibody Biotinylated30400.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-104FGoat anti-c-myc Antibody FITC Conjugated31200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-104PGoat anti-c-myc Antibody HRP Conjugated35200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-10Rabbit anti-c-myc Antibody Affinity Purified27200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-105BRabbit anti-c-myc Antibody Biotinylated30400.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-105FRabbit anti-c-myc Antibody FITC Conjugated30400.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-105PRabbit anti-c-myc Antibody HRP Conjugated35200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-106AChicken anti-HA Antibody Affinity Purified31200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-107AGoat anti-HA Antibody Affinity Purified27200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-107BGoat anti-HA Antibody Biotinylated30400.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-107FGoat anti-HA Antibody FITC Conjugated31200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-107PGoat anti-HA Antibody HRP Conjugated35200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-108ARabbit anti-HA Antibody Affinity Purified27200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-108BRabbit anti-HA Antibody Biotinylated30400.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-108FRabbit anti-HA Antibody FITC Conjugated30400.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-108PRabbit anti-HA Antibody HRP Conjugated35200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-109AChicken anti-Glu-Glu Antibody Affinity Purified31200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-110AGoat anti-Glu-Glu Antibody Affinity Purified27200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-110FGoat anti-Glu-Glu Antibody FITC Conjugated31200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-110PGoat anti-Glu-Glu Antibody HRP Conjugated35200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-111ARabbit anti-Glu-Glu Antibody Affinity Purified27200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-111PRabbit anti-Glu-Glu Antibody HRP Conjugated35200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-112AChicken anti-6-His Antibody Affinity Purified31200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-113AGoat anti-6-His Antibody Affinity Purified27200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-113BGoat anti-6-His Antibody Biotinylated30400.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-113FGoat anti-6-His Antibody FITC Conjugated31200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-113PGoat anti-6-His Antibody HRP Conjugated35200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-114ARabbit anti-6-His Antibody Affinity Purified27200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-114BRabbit anti-6-His Antibody Biotinylated30400.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-114FRabbit anti-6-His Antibody FITC Conjugated30400.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-114PRabbit anti-6-His Antibody HRP Conjugated35200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-11Chicken anti-T7 Antibody Affinity Purified31200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-116AGoat anti-T7 Antibody Affinity Purified27200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-116BGoat anti-T7 Antibody Biotinylated30400.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-116FGoat anti-T7 Antibody FITC Conjugated31200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-116PGoat anti-T7 Antibody HRP Conjugated35200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-117ARabbit anti-T7 Antibody Affinity Purified27200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-117BRabbit anti-T7 Antibody Biotinylated30400.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-117FRabbit anti-T7 Antibody FITC Conjugated30400.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-117PRabbit anti-T7 Antibody HRP Conjugated35200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-118AChicken anti-V5 Antibody Affinity Purified31200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-119AGoat anti-V5 Antibody Affinity Purified27200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-119BGoat anti-V5 Antibody Biotinylated30400.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-119FGoat anti-V5 Antibody FITC Conjugated31200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-119PGoat anti-V5 Antibody HRP Conjugated35200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-120ARabbit anti-V5 Antibody Affinity Purified27200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-120BRabbit anti-V5 Antibody Biotinylated30400.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-120FRabbit anti-V5 Antibody FITC Conjugated30400.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-120PRabbit anti-V5 Antibody HRP Conjugated35200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-121AGoat anti-GST Antibody Affinity Purified12800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-121BGoat anti-GST Antibody Biotinylated30400.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-121FGoat anti-GST Antibody FITC Conjugated20800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-121PGoat anti-GST Antibody HRP Conjugated24800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-122ARabbit anti-GST Antibody, Affinity Purified12800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-122BRabbit anti-GST Antibody Biotinylated30400.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-122FRabbit anti-GST Antibody FITC Conjugated30400.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-122PRabbit anti-GST Antibody HRP Conjugated24800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-123AChicken anti-GST Antibody Affinity Purified16800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-124AGoat anti-AU1 Antibody Affinity Purified27200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-124FGoat anti-AU1 Antibody FITC Conjugated31200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-124PGoat anti-AU1 Antibody HRP Conjugated35200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-12Rabbit anti-AU1 Antibody Affinity Purified27200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-126AGoat anti-AU5 Antibody Affinity Purified27200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-126FGoat anti-AU5 Antibody FITC Conjugated31200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-126PGoat anti-AU5 Antibody HRP Conjugated35200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-127ARabbit anti-AU5 Antibody Affinity Purified27200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-128AGoat anti-KT3 Antibody Affinity Purified27200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-128FGoat anti-KT3 Antibody FITC Conjugated31200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-128PGoat anti-KT3 Antibody HRP Conjugated35200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-129ARabbit anti-KT3 Antibody Affinity Purified27200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-130AGoat anti-VSV-G Antibody Affinity Purified27200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-130BGoat anti-VSV-G Antibody Biotinylated30400.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-130FGoat anti-VSV-G Antibody FITC Conjugated31200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-130PGoat anti-VSV-G Antibody HRP Conjugated35200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-131ARabbit anti-VSV-G Antibody Affinity Purified27200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-132AGoat anti-E-Tag Antibody Affinity Purified27200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-132BGoat anti-E-Tag Antibody Biotinylated30400.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-132FGoat anti-E-Tag Antibody FITC Conjugated31200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-132PGoat anti-E-Tag Antibody HRP Conjugated35200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-133ARabbit anti-E-Tag Antibody Affinity Purified27200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-133PRabbit anti-E-Tag Antibody HRP Conjugated35200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-134AGoat anti-S-Tag Antibody Affinity Purified27200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-134BGoat anti-S-Tag Antibody Biotinylated30400.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-134FGoat anti-S-Tag Antibody FITC Conjugated31200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-134PGoat anti-S-Tag Antibody HRP Conjugated35200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-13Rabbit anti-S-Tag Antibody Affinity Purified27200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-135PRabbit anti-S-Tag Antibody HRP Conjugated35200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-136AGoat anti-HSV Antibody Affinity Purified27200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-136BGoat anti-HSV Antibody Biotinylated30400.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-136FGoat anti-HSV Antibody FITC Conjugated31200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-136PGoat anti-HSV Antibody HRP Conjugated35200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-137ARabbit anti-HSV Antibody Affinity Purified27200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-137PRabbit anti-HSV Antibody HRP Conjugated35200.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-200AChicken anti-ECS (DDDDK) Antibody, Affinity Purified128801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-201AGoat anti-ECS (DDDDK) Antibody, Affinity Purified128801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-202ARabbit anti-ECS (DDDDK) Antibody, Affinity Purified128801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-203AChicken anti-c-myc Antibody Affinity Purified128801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-204AGoat anti-c-myc Antibody Affinity Purified128801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-20Rabbit anti-c-myc Antibody Affinity Purified128801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-206AChicken anti-HA Antibody Affinity Purified128801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-207AGoat anti-HA Antibody Affinity Purified128801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-208ARabbit anti-HA Antibody Affinity Purified128801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-209AChicken anti-Glu-Glu Antibody Affinity Purified128801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-210AGoat anti-Glu-Glu Antibody Affinity Purified128801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-211ARabbit anti-Glu-Glu Antibody Affinity Purified128801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-212AChicken anti-6-His Antibody Affinity Purified128801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-213AGoat anti-6-His Antibody Affinity Purified128801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-214ARabbit anti-6-His Antibody Affinity Purified128801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-21Chicken anti-T7 Antibody Affinity Purified128801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-216AGoat anti-T7 Antibody Affinity Purified128801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-217ARabbit anti-T7 Antibody Affinity Purified128801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-218AChicken anti-V5 Antibody Affinity Purified128801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-219AGoat anti-V5 Antibody Affinity Purified128801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-220ARabbit anti-V5 Antibody Affinity Purified128801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-221AGoat anti-GST Antibody, Affinity Purified84001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-222ARabbit anti-GST Antibody, Affinity Purified84001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-223AChicken anti-GST Antibody, Affinity Purified84001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-224AGoat anti-AU1 Antibody Affinity Purified128801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-22Rabbit anti-AU1 Antibody Affinity Purified128801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-226AGoat anti-AU5 Antibody Affinity Purified128801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-227ARabbit anti-AU5 Antibody Affinity Purified128801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-228AGoat anti-KT3 Antibody Affinity Purified128801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-229ARabbit anti-KT3 Antibody Affinity Purified128801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-230AGoat anti-VSV-G Antibody Affinity Purified128801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-231ARabbit anti-VSV-G Antibody Affinity Purified128801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-232AGoat anti-E-Tag Antibody Affinity Purified128801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-233ARabbit anti-E-Tag Antibody Affinity Purified128801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-234AGoat anti-S-Tag Antibody Affinity Purified128801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-23Rabbit anti-S-Tag Antibody Affinity Purified128801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-236AGoat anti-HSV Antibody Affinity Purified128801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A190-237ARabbit anti-HSV Antibody Affinity Purified128801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A20-100AGoat anti-Cat IgM Antibody Affinity Purified15201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A20-100FGoat anti-Cat IgM Antibody FITC Conjugated19201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A20-100PGoat anti-Cat IgM Antibody HRP Conjugated20801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A20-101AGoat anti-Cat IgA Antibody Affinity Purified15201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A20-101FGoat anti-Cat IgA Antibody FITC Conjugated19201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A20-101PGoat anti-Cat IgA Antibody HRP Conjugated20801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A20-106Rabbit anti-Cat Whole Serum Antibody7202 ml
A20-107Goat anti-Cat Whole Serum Antibody7202 ml
A20-109AGoat anti-Cat Albumin Antibody Affinity Purified11201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A20-109APGoat anti-Cat Albumin Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A20-109PGoat anti-Cat Albumin Antibody HRP Conjugated16801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A20-114Goat anti-Cat IgG-Fab Fragment Antibody10402 ml
A20-115Rabbit anti-Cat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody7202 ml
A20-11Rabbit anti-Cat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified10401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A20-117AGoat anti-Cat IgG-Fc Fragment Antibody Affinity Purified15201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A20-117FGoat anti-Cat IgG-Fc Fragment Antibody FITC Conjugated19201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A20-117PGoat anti-Cat IgG-Fc Fragment Antibody HRP Conjugated20801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A20-120AGoat anti-Cat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified10401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A20-120APGoat anti-Cat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated16801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A20-120FGoat anti-Cat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody FITC Conjugated14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A20-120PGoat anti-Cat IgG-heavy and light chain Antibody HRP Conjugated16001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A20-121AGoat anti-Cat Light Chain Antibody Affinity Purified13601 ml at 1 mg/ml
A20-121PGoat anti-Cat Light Chain Antibody HRP Conjugated20801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A20-801ARabbit anti-Cat IFN gamma Antibody Affinity Purified56000.1ml at 1 mg/ml
A20-801BRabbit anti-Cat IFN gamma Antibody Biotinylated56000.05 ml at 1 mg/ml
A30-100AGoat anti-Chicken Light Chain Antibody Affinity Purified15201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A30-101AGoat anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-Fab Fragment Antibody Affinity Purified15201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A30-101PGoat anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-Fab Fragment Antibody HRP Conjugated28001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A30-102AGoat anti-Chicken IgM Antibody Affinity Purified20001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A30-102APGoat anti-Chicken IgM Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated24001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A30-102FGoat anti-Chicken IgM Antibody FITC Conjugated23201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A30-102PGoat anti-Chicken IgM Antibody HRP Conjugated24801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A30-103AGoat anti-Chicken IgA Antibody Affinity Purified20001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A30-103APGoat anti-Chicken IgA Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated24001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A30-103FGoat anti-Chicken IgA Antibody FITC Conjugated23201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A30-103PGoat anti-Chicken IgA Antibody HRP Conjugated24801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A30-104AGoat anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-Fc Fragment Antibody Affinity Purified15201 ml at 1 mg/ml
A30-104APGoat anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-Fc Fragment Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A30-104FGoat anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-Fc Fragment Antibody FITC Conjugated26401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A30-104PGoat anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-Fc Fragment Antibody HRP Conjugated28001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A30-106Goat anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-heavy and light chain Antibody7202 ml
A30-106AGoat anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified10401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A30-106APGoat anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-heavy and light chain Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated16801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A30-106BGoat anti-Chicken IgG (igY)-heavy and light chain Antibody Biotinylated14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A30-106D2Goat anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A30-106D3Goat anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A30-106D4Goat anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A30-106D5Goat anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-heavy and light chain Antibody DyLight18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A30-106FGoat anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-heavy and light chain Antibody FITC Conjugated14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A30-106PGoat anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-heavy and light chain Antibody HRP Conjugated16001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A30-107Rabbit anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-heavy and light chain Antibody7202 ml
A30-107ARabbit anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified10401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A30-107APRabbit anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-heavy and light chain Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated16801 ml at 1 mg/ml
A30-107BRabbit anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-heavy and light chain Antibody Biotinylated14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A30-107FRabbit anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-heavy and light chain Antibody FITC Conjugated14401 ml at 1 mg/ml
A30-107PRabbit anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-heavy and light chain Antibody HRP Conjugated16001 ml at 1 mg/ml
A30-109Goat anti-Chicken Whole Serum Antibody7202 ml
A30-110Rabbit anti-Chicken Whole Serum Antibody8002 ml
A30-111Rabbit anti-Chicken Ovalbumin Antibody12002 ml
A30-112AF(ab’)2 Rabbit anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-heavy and light chain Antibody Affinity Purified13601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A30-112APF(ab’)2 Rabbit anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-heavy and light chain Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated20001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A30-112BF(ab’)2 Rabbit anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-heavy and light chain Antibody Biotinylated17601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A30-112FF(ab’)2 Rabbit anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-heavy and light chain Antibody FITC Conjugated17601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A30-112PF(ab’)2 Rabbit anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-heavy and light chain Antibody HRP Conjugated19201 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A30-206AGoat anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Affinity Purified12001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A30-206APGoat anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Alkphos Conjugated18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A30-206BGoat anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Biotinylated16001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A30-206C2Goat anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Cy2™ Conjugated18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A30-206C3Goat anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Cy3™ Conjugated18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A30-206C4Goat anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Cy3™ Conjugated18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A30-206C5Goat anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Cy5™ Conjugated18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A30-206C6Goat anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Cy5.5™ Conjugated18401 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A30-206D1Goat anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A30-206D2Goat anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A30-206D3Goat anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A30-206D4Goat anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A30-206D5Goat anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A30-206D6Goat anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A30-206D7Goat anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A30-206D8Goat anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A30-206FGoat anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody FITC Conjugated16001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A30-206PGoat anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody HRP Conjugated17601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A30-207ARabbit anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody Affinity Purified12001 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A30-207D2Rabbit anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A30-207D3Rabbit anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A30-207D4Rabbit anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A30-207D5Rabbit anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody DyLight21601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A30-207PRabbit anti-Chicken IgG (IgY)-heavy and light chain cross-adsorbed Antibody HRP Conjugated17601 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A30-800AGoat anti-Chicken IL-16 Antibody Affinity Purified56000.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A30-800BGoat anti-Chicken IL-16 Antibody Biotinylated56000.05 ml at 1 mg/ml
A30-801ARabbit anti-Chicken IL-22 Antibody Affinity Purified56000.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A30-801BRabbit anti-Chicken IL-22 Antibody Biotinylated56000.05 ml at 1 mg/ml
A30-802ARabbit anti-Chicken IL-2 Antibody, Affinity Purified56000.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A30-802BRabbit anti-Chicken IL-2 Antibody, Biotinylated56000.05 ml at 1 mg/ml
A30-803ARabbit anti-Chicken CCL2 Antibody, Affinity Purified56000.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A30-803BRabbit anti-Chicken CCL4 Antibody, Biotinylated56000.05 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-000ARabbit anti-BRCA1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-001ARabbit anti-Phospho BRCA1 (S1524) Antibody, Affinity Purified53600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-003ARabbit anti-Phospho BRCA1 (S1189) Antibody, Affinity Purified53600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-004ARabbit anti-Phospho BRCA1 (S1280) Antibody, Affinity Purified53600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-00Rabbit anti-BRCA2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-007ARabbit anti-Phospho BRCA1 (S1387) Antibody, Affinity Purified53600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-008ARabbit anti-Phospho BRCA1 (S1423) Antibody, Affinity Purified53600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-009ARabbit anti-Phospho BRCA1 (S1457) Antibody, Affinity Purified53600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-010ARabbit anti-MKLP1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-011ARabbit anti-Phospho BRCA1 (S1466) Antibody, Affinity Purified53600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-012ARabbit anti-CSN3 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-013ARabbit anti-CSN4 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-014ARabbit anti-CSN5 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-01Rabbit anti-MLH1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-017ARabbit anti-GTF2I/TFII-I Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-018ARabbit anti-GTF2I/TFII-I Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-019AGoat anti-HP1-beta Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-020ARabbit anti-MSH2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-022AGoat anti-MSH6 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-023ARabbit anti-MSH6 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-024ARabbit anti-PTEN Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-02Rabbit anti-NCOA2/SRC2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-026ARabbit anti-CSN1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-027ARabbit anti-CSN2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-028ARabbit anti-CSN2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-029ARabbit anti-CSN3 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-030ARabbit anti-RFX5 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-031AGoat anti-KIAA0460 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-032AGoat anti-KIAA0460 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-033ARabbit anti-USP7 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-034ARabbit anti-USP7 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-03Rabbit anti-RFXANK Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-036AGoat anti-RENT1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-037AGoat anti-RENT1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-038AGoat anti-RENT1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-040ARabbit anti-RFXAP Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-041ARabbit anti-DNMT1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-042ARabbit anti-DNMT1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-043ARabbit anti-DNMT1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-044ARabbit anti-CSN7b Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-04Rabbit anti-Phospho SMC1 (S957) Antibody, Affinity Purified53600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-046ARabbit anti-ROCK2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-047ARabbit anti-ROCK2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-048ARabbit anti-FLRF/RNF41 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-049ARabbit anti-FLRF/RNF41 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-050ARabbit anti-Phospho SMC1 (S966) Antibody, Affinity Purified53600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-051ARabbit anti-MDC1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-052ARabbit anti-MDC1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-053ARabbit anti-MDC1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-054ARabbit anti-Topo II Alpha Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-05Rabbit anti-SMC1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-056ARabbit anti-SMC2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-057ARabbit anti-SMC2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-058ARabbit anti-SMC2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-059ARabbit anti-Phospho XRCC1 (S518/T519/T523) Antibody, Affinity Purified53600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-060ARabbit anti-SMC3 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-061ARabbit anti-Phospho SMC3 (S383) Antibody, Affinity Purified53600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-063ARabbit anti-SMC4 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-064ARabbit anti-SMC4 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-06Rabbit anti-XRCC1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-070ARabbit anti-Aurora A Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-071ARabbit anti-Aurora A Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-072ARabbit anti-Aurora A Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-073ARabbit anti-PKD2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-074ARabbit anti-PKD2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-07Rabbit anti-CDC2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-076ARabbit anti-CDC2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-077ARabbit anti-Diaphanous 1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-078ARabbit anti-Diaphanous 1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-079ARabbit anti-Diaphanous 2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-080ARabbit anti-Rad21 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-081ARabbit anti-gamma-H2AX Antibody, Affinity Purified53600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-081BRabbit anti-gamma-H2AX Antibody Biotinylated60000.1 mg. Reconstitute with 0.1 mL di-H20
A300-082ARabbit anti-H2AX Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-083ARabbit anti-H2AX Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-084ARabbit anti-BID Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-08Rabbit anti-PMS2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-086ARabbit anti-MLL1 Antibody, Affinity Purified53600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-087ARabbit anti-MLL1 Antibody, Affinity Purified53600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-088ARabbit anti-SCC-112 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-089ARabbit anti-SCC-112 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-093ARabbit anti-TBK1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-094ARabbit anti-Phospho MCM2 (S108) Antibody, Affinity Purified53600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-09Rabbit anti-ATRIP Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-096ARabbit anti-PARC/H7-AP1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-097ARabbit anti-PARC/H7-AP1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-098ARabbit anti-PARC/H7-AP1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-099ARabbit anti-TIAM1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-100ARabbit anti-Phospho Paxillin (S178) Antibody, Affinity Purified53600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-101ARabbit anti-PRP19/PSO4 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-102ARabbit anti-PRP19/PSO4 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-103ARabbit anti-EPLIN Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-104ARabbit anti-ADNP Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-10Rabbit anti-Menin Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-106AGoat anti-Menin Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-106BGoat anti-Menin Antibody Biotinylated48000.1 mg. Reconstitute with 0.1 mL di-H20
A300-107ARabbit anti-ASH2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-108ARabbit anti-ASH2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-109ARabbit anti-RbBP5 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-110ARabbit anti-BLM Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-111ARabbit anti-TopBP1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-112ARabbit anti-ASH2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-113ARabbit anti-TRX2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-114ARabbit anti-Menin Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-11Rabbit anti-Menin Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-116ARabbit anti-Phospho MCM2 (S27) Antibody, Affinity Purified53600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-117ARabbit anti-Phospho MCM2 (S41) Antibody, Affinity Purified53600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-118ARabbit anti-DHX15 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-119ARabbit anti-DHX15 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-120AGoat anti-BLM Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-121ARabbit anti-SETDB1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-122AGoat anti-MCM2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-123AGoat anti-MCM3 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-124AGoat anti-MCM3 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-12Goat anti-MCM4 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-126ARabbit anti-p73 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-127AGoat anti-MCM6 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-128AGoat anti-MCM7 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-129AGoat anti-MCM8 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-130ARabbit anti-CoREST Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-131ARabbit anti-MCM10 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-133ARabbit anti-Sp1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-134ARabbit anti-Sp1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-13Goat anti-ATM Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-136AGoat anti-ATM Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-137ARabbit anti-ATR Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-138ARabbit anti-ATR Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-140ARabbit anti-NF1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-141AGoat anti-RFC1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-142AGoat anti-RFC2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-143AGoat anti-RFC2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-144ARabbit anti-RFC4 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-14Goat anti-RFC4 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-146AGoat anti-RFC5 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-147ARabbit anti-Phospho XRCC1 (S461) Antibody, Affinity Purified53600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-148ARabbit anti-Aprataxin Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-149ARabbit anti-ZCWCC1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-150ARabbit anti-ZCWCC1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-151AGoat anti-Rad17 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-152ARabbit anti-DATF1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-153ARabbit anti-Phospho Rad17 (S645) Antibody, Affinity Purified53600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-154ARabbit anti-MGC11296 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-15Goat anti-MGC11296 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-156AGoat anti-SA1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-157AGoat anti-SA1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-158AGoat anti-SA2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-159AGoat anti-SA2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-160ARabbit anti-MTA3 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-161AGoat anti-Chk1 Antibody, Affinity Purified49600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-162AGoat anti-Chk1 Antibody, Affinity Purified49600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-163ARabbit anti-Phospho Chk1 (S317) Antibody, Affinity Purified60000.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-166ARabbit anti-ELYS Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-167ARabbit anti-BID Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-168ARabbit anti-BID Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-169ARabbit anti-MCAF Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-170ARabbit anti-Parafibromin Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-171ARabbit anti-Parafibromin Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-172ARabbit anti-Paf1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-173ARabbit anti-Paf1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-174ARabbit anti-Leo1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-17Rabbit anti-Leo1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-178ARabbit anti-Rtf1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-179ARabbit anti-Rtf1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-180ARabbit anti-PELP1/MNAR Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-181ARabbit anti-Mre11 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-182ARabbit anti-QKI Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-183ARabbit anti-QKI Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-184ARabbit anti-Rad50 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-18Rabbit anti-Rad50 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-186ARabbit anti-RFC3 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-187ARabbit anti-NBS1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-188ARabbit anti-RFC3 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-191ARabbit anti-MCM2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-192ARabbit anti-MCM3 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-193ARabbit anti-MCM4 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-194ARabbit anti-MCM6 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-19Rabbit anti-MCM5 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-196ARabbit anti-CKII alpha Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-197ARabbit anti-CKII alpha Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-198ARabbit anti-CKII alpha Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-199ARabbit anti-CKII alpha’ Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-200ARabbit anti-ZNF261 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-201AGoat anti-Pumilio 1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-202ARabbit anti-Pumilio 2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-203ARabbit anti-TRIP4 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-204AGoat anti-BRD2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-20Rabbit anti-Phospho WASP (S483/S484) Antibody, Affinity Purified53600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-206ARabbit anti-Phospho n-Myc (S54) Antibody, Affinity Purified53600.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-207ARabbit anti-KIAA1276 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-208ARabbit anti-KIAA1276 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-209ARabbit anti-FKBP-135 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-210ARabbit anti-FKBP-135 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-211ARabbit anti-FKBP-135 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-212ARabbit anti-KIAA1794/FLJ10719 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-213ARabbit anti-KIAA1794/FLJ10719 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-214ARabbit anti-BHC110/LSD1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-21Rabbit anti-BHC110/LSD1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-216ARabbit anti-BHC110/LSD1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-217AGoat anti-DMAP1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-218AGoat anti-DMAP1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-219ARabbit anti-BRD8 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-220ARabbit anti-BRD8 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-221ARabbit anti-Matriptase/ST14 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-222ARabbit anti-MerTK/c-mer Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-223ARabbit anti-Cul7 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-224ARabbit anti-Cul7 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-22Rabbit anti-EPLIN Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-226ARabbit anti-HELLS Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-228ARabbit anti-DRIL1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-229ARabbit anti-SMARCA3 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-230ARabbit anti-SMARCA3 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-231ARabbit anti-Phospho XRCC1 (S485/T488) Antibody, Affinity Purified53600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-232ARabbit anti-KIF14 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-233ARabbit anti-KIF14 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-234ARabbit anti-Artemis Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-23Goat anti-SDS3 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-236ARabbit anti-SMC5 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-237ARabbit anti-SMC6 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-238ARabbit anti-WRN Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-239ARabbit anti-WRN Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-240ARabbit anti-CSN7b Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-241ARabbit anti-RPA70 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-242ARabbit anti-Tyro3 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-243ARabbit anti-ZHX1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-244ARabbit anti-RPA32 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-24Rabbit anti-Phospho RPA32 (S4/S8) Antibody, Affinity Purified53600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-246ARabbit anti-Phospho RPA32 (S33) Antibody, Affinity Purified53600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-247ARabbit anti-p53 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-248ARabbit anti-p53 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-249ARabbit anti-p53 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-250ARabbit anti-PLK1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-251ARabbit anti-PLK1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-252ARabbit anti-PLK1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-253ARabbit anti-EMSY Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-25Rabbit anti-Fen1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-256ARabbit anti-Fen1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-257ARabbit anti-PNK1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-258ARabbit anti-PNK1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-259ARabbit anti-PNK1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-260ARabbit anti-E2A pT355 Antibody, Affinity Purified60000.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-261ARabbit anti-SAH3 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-262ARabbit anti-SAH3 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-263ARabbit anti-BARD1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-264ARabbit anti-ZNF261 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-26Rabbit anti-Claspin Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-266ARabbit anti-Claspin Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-267ARabbit anti-Claspin Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-268ARabbit anti-WAPL Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-269ARabbit anti-FLJ20530/KAONASHI1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-270ARabbit anti-CCAR1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-271ARabbit anti-DKFZP434B168 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-272ARabbit anti-53BP1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-273ARabbit anti-53BP1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-274ARabbit anti-KAP-1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-27Rabbit anti-KAP-1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-276ARabbit anti-PCNA Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-276BRabbit anti-PCNA Antibody Biotinylated48000.1 mg. Reconstitute with 0.1 mL di-H20
A300-277ARabbit anti-PCNA Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-277BRabbit anti-PCNA Antibody Biotinylated48000.1 mg. Reconstitute with 0.1 mL di-H20
A300-278ARabbit anti-SMAR1/BANP Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-279ARabbit anti-SMAR1/BANP Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-280ARabbit anti-MTA1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-281ARabbit anti-Rad6 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-282ARabbit anti-Rad6 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-283ARabbit anti-Rad6 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-284ARabbit anti-Bcl-xL Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-28Rabbit anti-CC2D1A Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-286ARabbit anti-HIF1-alpha Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-287ARabbit anti-HdmX/MDM4 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-287BRabbit anti-HdmX/MDM4 Antibody Biotinylated48000.1 mg. Reconstitute with 0.1 mL di-H20
A300-288ARabbit anti-hSET1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-289ARabbit anti-hSET1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-290ARabbit anti-hSET1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-291ARabbit anti-Caper Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-292ARabbit anti-FUS Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-293ARabbit anti-FUS Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-294ARabbit anti-FUS Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-29Rabbit anti-TTK Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-296ARabbit anti-TTK Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-297ARabbit anti-FOXO1a Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-298ARabbit anti-Chk1 Antibody, Affinity Purified49600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-299ARabbit anti-ATM Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-300ARabbit anti-MAD2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-301ARabbit anti-MAD2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-302ARabbit anti-FUS Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-303ARabbit anti-KIAA0082 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-304ARabbit anti-KIAA0082 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-30Rabbit anti-KIAA0082 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-306ARabbit anti-RAP1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-307ARabbit anti-TAFII68 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-308ARabbit anti-TAFII68 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-309ARabbit anti-TAFII68 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-310ARabbit anti-CDK11 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-311ARabbit anti-CDK11 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-311BRabbit anti-CDK11 Antibody Biotinylated48000.1 mg. Reconstitute with 0.1 mL di-H20
A300-312ARabbit anti-Eco1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-313ARabbit anti-PIM1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-31Goat anti-KIAA0460 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-316ARabbit anti-TSC1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-317ARabbit anti-Ubiquitin Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-318ARabbit anti-Plant Ubiquitin Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-319ARabbit anti-PKD3 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-320ARabbit anti-RFC1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-321ARabbit anti-RFC4 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-322ARabbit anti-PHD2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-326ARabbit anti-PHD1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-327ARabbit anti-PHD3 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-330ARabbit anti-PHD4 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-331ARabbit anti-CoAA Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-332ARabbit anti-FHL2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-333ARabbit anti-FHL2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-334ARabbit anti-TRIP6 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-33Rabbit anti-TRIP6 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-336ARabbit anti-JLP Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-337ARabbit anti-JLP Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-338ARabbit anti-CTBP1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-339ARabbit anti-MAD1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-340ARabbit anti-p14ARF Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-341ARabbit anti-MAD1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-342ARabbit anti-p14ARF Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-343ARabbit anti-SRC1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-344ARabbit anti-SRC1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-34Rabbit anti-SRC2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-346ARabbit anti-SRC2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-347ARabbit anti-SRC3 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-348ARabbit anti-SRC3 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-349ARabbit anti-Rpb2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-350ARabbit anti-Rpb2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-351ARabbit anti-E6AP Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-352ARabbit anti-E6AP Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-353ARabbit anti-Caper Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-354ARabbit anti-Galectin-7 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-35Rabbit anti-MAD1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-356ARabbit anti-PAK4 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-357ARabbit anti-Pirh2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-358ARabbit anti-p300 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-359ARabbit anti-p300 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-360ARabbit anti-CA150 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-361ARabbit anti-INT1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-362ARabbit anti-CBP Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-363ARabbit anti-CBP Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-364ARabbit anti-Bub3 Antibody, Affinity Purified49600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-36Rabbit anti-Bub3 Antibody, Affinity Purified49600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-366ARabbit anti-Bub3 Antibody, Affinity Purified49600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-367ARabbit anti-BIRC6/Apollon Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-368ARabbit anti-MCPH1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-369ARabbit anti-PTIP Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-370ARabbit anti-PTIP Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-371ARabbit anti-SNIP1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-372ARabbit anti-PBEF Antibody, Affinity Purified53600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-373ARabbit anti-Bub1 Antibody, Affinity Purified49600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-374ARabbit anti-MLL1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-37Rabbit anti-MLL1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-376ARabbit anti-eIF3C/eIF3S8 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-377ARabbit anti-eIF3C/eIF3S8 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-378ARabbit anti-BNF1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-380ARabbit anti-Bcl11a Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-381ARabbit anti-Bcl11a Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-382ARabbit anti-Bcl11a Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-383ARabbit anti-Bcl11b Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-384ARabbit anti-Bcl11b Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-38Rabbit anti-Bcl11b Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-386ARabbit anti-BubR1 Antibody, Affinity Purified49600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-387ARabbit anti-EGFR Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-388ARabbit anti-EGFR Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-389ARabbit anti-DHX15 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-390ARabbit anti-DHX15 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-391AGoat anti-ADAMTS13 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-392ARabbit anti-Phospho HdmX/MDM4 (S403) Antibody, Affinity Purified53600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-393ARabbit anti-SMG1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-394ARabbit anti-SMG1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-39Rabbit anti-MTA2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-396ARabbit anti-MTA2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-397ARabbit anti-Nanog Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-398ARabbit anti-Nanog Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-399ARabbit anti-LOK Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-400ARabbit anti-LOK Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-401ARabbit anti-gdf8 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-402ARabbit anti-SNX1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-403ARabbit anti-TIMP1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-404ARabbit anti-G6PD Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-40Rabbit anti-CDK7 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-405BRabbit anti-CDK7 Antibody Biotinylated48000.1 mg. Reconstitute with 0.1 mL di-H20
A300-406ARabbit anti-SERCA2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-407ARabbit anti-Reticulocalbin-1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-408ARabbit anti-TBLR1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-409ARabbit anti-LIS-1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-410ARabbit anti-ASC2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-411ARabbit anti-ASC2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-412ARabbit anti-RC74 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-413ARabbit anti-TRPM2 Antibody, Affinity Purified49600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-414ARabbit anti-TRPM2 Antibody, Affinity Purified49600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-41Rabbit anti-STAT6 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-416ARabbit anti-EWS Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-417ARabbit anti-EWS Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-418ARabbit anti-EWS Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-419ARabbit anti-CARM1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-420ARabbit anti-CARM1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-421ARabbit anti-CARM1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-422ARabbit anti-RC74 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-423ARabbit anti-CRSP3 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-424ARabbit anti-CRSP3 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-42Rabbit anti-CRSP3 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-426ARabbit anti-IRF3 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-427ARabbit anti-FLJ21919 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-428ARabbit anti-Cul7 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-429ARabbit anti-TPX2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-430ARabbit anti-TPX2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-431ARabbit anti-Aurora B Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-432ARabbit anti-DBC1/p30 DBC Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-433ARabbit anti-DBC1/p30 DBC Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-434ARabbit anti-DBC1/p30 DBC Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-43Rabbit anti-CCAR1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-436ARabbit anti-CCAR1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-437ARabbit anti-CCAR1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-438ARabbit anti-PNUTS Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-439ARabbit anti-PNUTS Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-440ARabbit anti-PNUTS Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-443ARabbit anti-XRN1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-444ARabbit anti-Paxillin Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-44Rabbit anti-Paxillin Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-446ARabbit anti-WSTF Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-447ARabbit anti-RecQ1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-448AGoat anti-MnSOD Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-449AGoat anti-MnSOD Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-450ARabbit anti-RecQ1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-451ARabbit anti-MSH2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-452ARabbit anti-MSH2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-453ARabbit anti-FOXO3a Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-454ARabbit anti-FOXO3a Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-45Rabbit anti-ROCK1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-456ARabbit anti-ROCK1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-457ARabbit anti-ROCK1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-458ARabbit anti-Rictor Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-459ARabbit anti-Rictor Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-460ARabbit anti-DDX6 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-461ARabbit anti-DDX6 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-462ARabbit anti-DDB1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-463ARabbit anti-TSC2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-464ARabbit anti-HDAC3 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-46Rabbit anti-MST1/STK4 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-466ARabbit anti-MST1-2/STK3-4 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-467ARabbit anti-MST2/STK3 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-468ARabbit anti-MST1-2/STK3-4 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-469ARabbit anti-CRM1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-470ARabbit anti-Alpha-4 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-471ARabbit anti-Alpha-4 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-472ARabbit anti-CSE1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-473ARabbit anti-CSE1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-474ARabbit anti-DDX3 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-47Rabbit anti-DDX3 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-476ARabbit anti-DDX3 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-477ARabbit anti-LATS1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-478ARabbit anti-LATS1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-479ARabbit anti-LATS2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-480ARabbit anti-Phospho-SMC3 (S1083) Antibody, Affinity Purified53600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-481ARabbit anti-KPNB1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-482ARabbit anti-KPNB1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-483ARabbit anti-RCH1/KPNA2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-484ARabbit anti-RCH1/KPNA2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-48Rabbit anti-Cytoskeletal Actin Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-485BRabbit anti-Cytoskeletal Actin Antibody Biotinylated44800.1 mg. Reconsititute with 0.1 ml of di-H2O
A300-486ARabbit anti-Lasu1/Ureb1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-487ARabbit anti-CtIP Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-488ARabbit anti-CtIP Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-489ARabbit anti-ASH2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-490ARabbit anti-CRM1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-491ARabbit anti-Cytoskeletal Actin Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-491BRabbit anti-Cytoskeletal Actin Antibody Biotinylated44800.1 mg. Reconstitute with 0.1 mL di-H20
A300-492ARabbit anti-CamK4 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-493ARabbit anti-CamK4 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-494ARabbit anti-CamK4 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-49Rabbit anti-Estrogen Receptor Alpha Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-496ARabbit anti-Estrogen Receptor Alpha Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-497ARabbit anti-Estrogen Receptor Alpha Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-498ARabbit anti-Estrogen Receptor Alpha Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-499ARabbit anti-SLK Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-500ARabbit anti-SLK Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-501ARabbit anti-4EBP1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-502ARabbit anti-eIF4G1/eIF4GI Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-503ARabbit anti-mTOR Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-504ARabbit anti-mTOR Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-506ARabbit anti-Raptor Antibody, Affinity Purified49600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-507ARabbit anti-AMPK alpha 1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-508ARabbit anti-AMPK alpha 2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-509ARabbit anti-DDX17 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-510ARabbit anti-p70S6K Antibody, Affinity Purified49600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-511ARabbit anti-hnRNP-H Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-512ARabbit anti-RanBP1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-513ARabbit anti-RanBP1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-514ARabbit anti-Roquin Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-51Rabbit anti-Roquin Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-516ARabbit anti-DNA-PKcs Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-517ARabbit anti-DNA-PKcs Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-518ARabbit anti-DNA-PKcs Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-519ARabbit anti-DNA-PKcs Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-520ARabbit anti-DDX1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-521ARabbit anti-DDX1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-522ARabbit anti-DDX5 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-523ARabbit anti-DDX5 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-524ARabbit anti-TAOK1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-52Rabbit anti-DHX36 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-526ARabbit anti-TSC2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-527ARabbit anti-Phospho BID (S61) Antibody, Affinity Purified53600.1 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A300-528ARabbit anti-Phospho BID (S78) Antibody, Affinity Purified53600.1 ml at 0.5 mg/ml
A300-530ARabbit anti-DOCK9 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-531ARabbit anti-DOCK9 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-532ARabbit anti-DOCK9 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-533ARabbit anti-UBAP2L/NICE4 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-534ARabbit anti-UBAP2L/NICE4 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-53Rabbit anti-JIK/TAOK3 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-536ARabbit anti-JIK/TAOK3 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-537ARabbit anti-Pds5B Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-538ARabbit anti-Pds5B Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-539ARabbit anti-REST Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-540ARabbit anti-REST Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-541ARabbit anti-p400 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-542ARabbit anti-CTCF Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-543ARabbit anti-CTCF Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-544ARabbit anti-CTCF Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-54Rabbit anti-DDX19 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-546ARabbit anti-DDX19 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-547ARabbit anti-DDX19 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-548ARabbit anti-ZBTB7/FBI-1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-549ARabbit anti-ZBTB7/FBI-1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-550ARabbit anti-NMI Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-551ARabbit anti-NMI Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-552ARabbit anti-MLF1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-553ARabbit anti-Raptor Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-554ARabbit anti-CDK5RAP2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-55Rabbit anti-GCN2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-556ARabbit anti-RPS6 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-557ARabbit anti-RPS6 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-558ARabbit anti-SYK Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-559ARabbit anti-SYK Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-560ARabbit anti-BRIP1/BACH1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-561ARabbit anti-BRIP1/BACH1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-564ARabbit anti-MST3/STK24 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-56Rabbit anti-MST4/MASK Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-566ARabbit anti-MST4/MASK Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-567ARabbit anti-RIF1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-568ARabbit anti-RIF1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-569ARabbit anti-RIF1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-570ARabbit anti-BLM Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-571ARabbit anti-BLM Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-572ARabbit anti-BLM Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-573ARabbit anti-EDD1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-574ARabbit anti-INPPL1/SHIP2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-57Rabbit anti-S6K2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-576ARabbit anti-S6K2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-577ARabbit anti-PITX1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-578ARabbit anti-NF2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-579ARabbit anti-NF2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-580ARabbit anti-WASP Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-581ARabbit anti-WASP Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-582ARabbit anti-NONO Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-583ARabbit anti-Phospho RPS6 (S235) Antibody, Affinity Purified53600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-584ARabbit anti-Phospho RPS6 (S235/236) Antibody, Affinity Purified53600.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-58Rabbit anti-PRKRIR Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-586ARabbit anti-PRKRIR Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-587ARabbit anti-NONO Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-588ARabbit anti-VCP Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-589ARabbit anti-VCP Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-590ARabbit anti-Matrin 3 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-591ARabbit anti-Matrin 3 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-592ARabbit anti-Sec23IP/MSTP053 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-593ARabbit anti-Sec23IP/MSTP053 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-594ARabbit anti-Sec23IP/MSTP053 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-59Rabbit anti-AF9 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-596ARabbit anti-AF9 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-597ARabbit anti-AF9 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-598ARabbit anti-Phospho Estrogen Receptor Alpha (S305) Antibody, Affinity Purified53600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-599ARabbit anti-GNL3 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-600ARabbit anti-GNL3 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-601ARabbit anti-CAP-D2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-602ARabbit anti-CAP-G Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-603ARabbit anti-CAP-H Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-604ARabbit anti-CAP-D3 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-60Rabbit anti-CAP-G2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-607ARabbit anti-Pescadillo Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-608ARabbit anti-BTF Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-609ARabbit anti-BTF Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-610ARabbit anti-BTF Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-611ARabbit anti-MafA Antibody, Affinity Purified49600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-613ARabbit anti-c-Maf Antibody, Affinity Purified49600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-614ARabbit anti-SKIV2L2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-61Rabbit anti-SKIV2L2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-616ARabbit anti-DDX10 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-617ARabbit anti-DDX10 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-618ARabbit anti-Chk2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-619ARabbit anti-Chk2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-620ARabbit anti-Chk2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-621ARabbit anti-ErbB2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-622ARabbit anti-ErbB2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-623ARabbit anti-ErbB2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-624ARabbit anti-DHX8 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-62Rabbit anti-DHX8 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-626ARabbit anti-DHX8 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-627ARabbit anti-DDX21 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-628ARabbit anti-DDX21 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-629ARabbit anti-DDX18 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-630ARabbit anti-KARS Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-631ARabbit anti-BLAP75 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-63Rabbit anti-DDX18 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-636ARabbit anti-DDX18 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-637ARabbit anti-TORC2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-638ARabbit anti-TORC2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-639ARabbit anti-GAPDH Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-640ARabbit anti-GAPDH Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-641ARabbit anti-GAPDH Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-642ARabbit anti-GAPDH Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-643ARabbit anti-GAPDH Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-646ARabbit anti-Histone H4 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-647ARabbit anti-Histone H4 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-648ARabbit anti-KIAA0310 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-649ARabbit anti-DEC1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-650ARabbit anti-DDX20 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-651ARabbit anti-DDX20 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-652ARabbit anti-Phospho 53BP1 (S25) Antibody, Affinity Purified53600.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-653ARabbit anti-RNA Polymerase II Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-654ARabbit anti-Phospho RNA Polymerase II (S2) Antibody, Affinity Purified53600.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-65Rabbit anti-Phospho RNA Polymerase II (S5) Antibody, Affinity Purified53600.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-656ARabbit anti-REA Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-657ARabbit anti-REA Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-658ARabbit anti-REA Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-659ARabbit anti-PHLPP Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-660ARabbit anti-PHLPP Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-661ARabbit anti-PHLPPL Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-662ARabbit anti-Tip41 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-663ARabbit anti-Tip41 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-664ARabbit anti-PPM1D Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-66Rabbit anti-PARP10 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-666ARabbit anti-ErbB4 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-667ARabbit anti-ErbB4 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-668ARabbit anti-CERT/GPBP Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-669ARabbit anti-CERT/GPBP Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-670ARabbit anti-ATRIP Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-671ARabbit anti-MAML1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-672ARabbit anti-MAML1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-673ARabbit anti-MAML1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-674ARabbit anti-hnRNP-K Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-67Rabbit anti-hnRNP-K Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-676ARabbit anti-hnRNP-K Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-677ARabbit anti-hnRNP-K Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-678ARabbit anti-hnRNP-K Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-679ARabbit anti-GbetaL Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-680ARabbit anti-GbetaL Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-681ARabbit anti-MAML2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-682ARabbit anti-MAML2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-683ARabbit anti-MAML3 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-684ARabbit anti-MAML3 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-68Rabbit anti-RPL26 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-686ARabbit anti-RPL26 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-687ARabbit anti-Sirt1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-688ARabbit anti-Sirt1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-689ARabbit anti-hnRNP-U Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-690ARabbit anti-hnRNP-U Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-691ARabbit anti-CDX2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-692ARabbit anti-CDX2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-693ARabbit anti-DDX23 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-694ARabbit anti-DDX23 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-69Rabbit anti-DDX23 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-696ARabbit anti-DDX24 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-697ARabbit anti-DDX24 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-698ARabbit anti-DDX24 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-699ARabbit anti-PTEN Antibody, Affinity Purified53600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-700ARabbit anti-PTEN Antibody, Affinity Purified53600.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-701ARabbit anti-PTEN Antibody, Affinity Purified53600.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-702ARabbit anti-Sirt2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-703ARabbit anti-Sirt2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-704ARabbit anti-HDAC2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-70Rabbit anti-HDAC2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-706ARabbit anti-4E-T/eIF4E-T Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-707ARabbit anti-p38 MAPK Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-708ARabbit anti-p38 MAPK Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-709ARabbit anti-Nucleolin (NCL) Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-710ARabbit anti-Nucleolin (NCL) Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-711ARabbit anti-Nucleolin (NCL) Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-712ARabbit anti-HDAC1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-713ARabbit anti-HDAC1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-714ARabbit anti-RNF20 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-71Rabbit anti-RNF20 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-716ARabbit anti-NUP214 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-717ARabbit anti-NUP214 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-718ARabbit anti-RNF40 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-719ARabbit anti-RNF40 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-720ARabbit anti-RNF40 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-721ARabbit anti-eIF2alpha/EIF2S1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-722ARabbit anti-PRMT1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-723ARabbit anti-PRMT1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-724ARabbit anti-Sin3A Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-72Rabbit anti-Sin3A Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-726ARabbit anti-Sin3A Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-727ARabbit anti-BAAT1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-728ARabbit anti-BAAT1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-729ARabbit anti-XLF Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-730ARabbit anti-XLF Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-731ARabbit anti-PP2A Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-732ARabbit anti-PP2A Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-734ARabbit anti-eEF1G Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-73Rabbit anti-eEF1G Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-736ARabbit anti-HMG2a Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-737ARabbit anti-UBCH7 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-738ARabbit anti-Cul4a Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-739ARabbit anti-Cul4a Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-740ARabbit anti-RPL7 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-741ARabbit anti-RPL7 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-742ARabbit anti-SRA Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-743ARabbit anti-SRA Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-744ARabbit anti-DJ-1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-74Rabbit anti-RCD8 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-746ARabbit anti-RCD8 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-747ARabbit anti-ZC3H13 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-748ARabbit anti-ZC3H13 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-749ARabbit anti-rpL7a/SURF3 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-750ARabbit anti-DHX29 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-751ARabbit anti-DHX29 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-752ARabbit anti-Atrophin 1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-753ARabbit anti-Atrophin 1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-754ARabbit anti-TCF12 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-75Rabbit anti-TCF12 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-756ARabbit anti-Phospho MCM2 (S53) Antibody, Affinity Purified53600.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-757ARabbit anti-MDC1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-758ARabbit anti-MDC1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-759ARabbit anti-Rad52 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-760ARabbit anti-Rad52 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-761ARabbit anti-DDX28 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-762ARabbit anti-DDX28 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-763ARabbit anti-RAP80 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-764ARabbit anti-RAP80 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-76Rabbit anti-E2F1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-766ARabbit anti-E2F1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-767ARabbit anti-Phospho KAP-1 (S824) Antibody, Affinity Purified53600.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-768ARabbit anti-TORC1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-769ARabbit anti-TORC1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-770ARabbit anti-HEC1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-771ARabbit anti-HEC1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-772ARabbit anti-FIGNL1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-773ARabbit anti-FIGNL1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-774ARabbit anti-MED12 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-77Rabbit anti-MIS12 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-776ARabbit anti-MIS12 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-777ARabbit anti-MED18 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-778ARabbit anti-Visfatin Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-779ARabbit anti-Visfatin Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-780ARabbit anti-ZWINT-1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-781ARabbit anti-ZWINT-1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-782ARabbit anti-MAVS/VISA Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-783ARabbit anti-MAVS/VISA Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-784ARabbit anti-NCOA62 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-78Rabbit anti-NCOA62 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-786ARabbit anti-CDT1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-787ARabbit anti-DDX31 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-788ARabbit anti-Phospho MCM2 (S40/S41) Antibody, Affinity Purified53600.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-789ARabbit anti-NCOA5/CIA Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-790ARabbit anti-NCOA5/CIA Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-791ARabbit anti-TRIP1/SUG1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-792ARabbit anti-TRIP1/SUG1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-793ARabbit anti-CRSP1/TRAP220 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-794ARabbit anti-DC8 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-79Rabbit anti-DC8 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-796ARabbit anti-TRF2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-797ARabbit anti-NIF1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-798ARabbit anti-NIF1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-799ARabbit anti-DHX33 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-800ARabbit anti-DHX33 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-801ARabbit anti-SUPT6H Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-802ARabbit anti-SUPT6H Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-803ARabbit anti-SUPT6H Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-804ARabbit anti-CASC5 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-80Rabbit anti-CASC5 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-806ARabbit anti-MCAK Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-807ARabbit anti-MCAK Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-808ARabbit anti-MCAK Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-809ARabbit anti-CRABP2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-810ARabbit anti-BAF57/SMARCE1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-811ARabbit anti-SAFB1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-812ARabbit anti-SAFB1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-813ARabbit anti-BRG1/SMARCA4 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-814ARabbit anti-PIMT Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-81Rabbit anti-TIF1 Alpha/TRIM24 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-816ARabbit anti-TIF1 Alpha/TRIM24 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-817ARabbit anti-CoCoA Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-818ARabbit anti-CoCoA Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-819ARabbit anti-ASPP2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-820ARabbit anti-ASPP2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-821ARabbit anti-RBM15 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-822ARabbit anti-Histone H3 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-823ARabbit anti-Histone H3 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-824ARabbit anti-USP34 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-82Rabbit anti-TPR Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-826ARabbit anti-TPR Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-827ARabbit anti-TPR Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-828ARabbit anti-TPR Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-829ARabbit anti-USP4 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-830ARabbit anti-USP4 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-831ARabbit anti-E4F1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-832ARabbit anti-E4F1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-833ARabbit anti-DTX3L/BBAP Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-834ARabbit anti-DTX3L/BBAP Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-83Rabbit anti-PPP4C Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-836ARabbit anti-PPP4R1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-837ARabbit anti-PPP4R1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-838ARabbit anti-PPP4R2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-839ARabbit anti-PPP4R3 Alpha Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-840ARabbit anti-PPP4R3 Alpha Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-841ARabbit anti-PPP4R3 Beta Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-842ARabbit anti-PPP4R3 Beta Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-843ARabbit anti-TRIP4/ASC-1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-844ARabbit anti-PPP6C Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-84Rabbit anti-CoAA Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-846ARabbit anti-JPO2/RAM2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-847ARabbit anti-LEDGF/p75 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-848ARabbit anti-LEDGF/p75 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-849ARabbit anti-PRMT5 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-850ARabbit anti-PRMT5 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-851ARabbit anti-HURP/DLG7 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-852ARabbit anti-HURP/DLG7 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-853ARabbit anti-HURP/DLG7 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-854ARabbit anti-DHX9 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-85Rabbit anti-DHX9 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-856ARabbit anti-DHX37 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-857ARabbit anti-DHX37 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-858ARabbit anti-DHX38 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-859ARabbit anti-DHX38 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-860ARabbit anti-JMJD2A Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-861ARabbit anti-JMJD2A Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-862ARabbit anti-E1B-AP5 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-863ARabbit anti-E1B-AP5 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-864ARabbit anti-RBM9 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-86Rabbit anti-TRIP6 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-866AGoat anti-RCC1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-867ARabbit anti-Gemin4 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-868ARabbit anti-SUPT5H Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-869ARabbit anti-SUPT5H Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-870ARabbit anti-CDK5RAP3 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-871ARabbit anti-CDK5RAP3 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-872ARabbit anti-RCC2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-873ARabbit anti-RCC2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-874ARabbit anti-EVI5 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-87Rabbit anti-EVI5 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-876ARabbit anti-PELP1/MNAR Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-877ARabbit anti-CBX5 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-878ARabbit anti-KIF20A/RAB6KIFL Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-879ARabbit anti-KIF20A/RAB6KIFL Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-880ARabbit anti-PPM1G Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-881ARabbit anti-PPM1G Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-882ARabbit anti-CBX8 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-883ARabbit anti-JMJD1B Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-884ARabbit anti-JMJD1C Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-88Rabbit anti-JMJD2C Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-886ARabbit anti-PPM1B Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-887ARabbit anti-PPM1B Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-888ARabbit anti-MYPT1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-889ARabbit anti-MYPT1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-890ARabbit anti-Rad9 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-891ARabbit anti-P4HA2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-892ARabbit anti-P4HA2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-893ARabbit anti-PPP4C Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-894ARabbit anti-COP1/RFWD2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-89Rabbit anti-COP1/RFWD2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-896ARabbit anti-COP1/RFWD2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-897ARabbit anti-JARID1A/RBP2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-898ARabbit anti-USP28 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-899ARabbit anti-USP28 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-900ARabbit anti-USP10 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-901ARabbit anti-USP10 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-902ARabbit anti-Pescadillo Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-903ARabbit anti-Pescadillo Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-904ARabbit anti-PPP1CA Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-90Rabbit anti-PPP1CB Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-906ARabbit anti-PPP1CC Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-907ARabbit anti-PPP3CA Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-908ARabbit anti-PPP3CA Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-909ARabbit anti-PPP5C Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-910ARabbit anti-Sin1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-911ARabbit anti-MTA1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-912ARabbit anti-KIF14 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-913ARabbit anti-KIF2A Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-914ARabbit anti-KIF2A Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-91Rabbit anti-BCAS2 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-916ARabbit anti-BCAS3 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-917ARabbit anti-ASPP1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-918ARabbit anti-ASPP1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-919ARabbit anti-USP14 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-920ARabbit anti-USP14 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-921ARabbit anti-MCAK Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-922ARabbit anti-MCAK Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-923ARabbit anti-USP15 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-924ARabbit anti-USP33 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-92Rabbit anti-USP33 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-926ARabbit anti-USP37 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-927ARabbit anti-USP37 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-928ARabbit anti-PRMT6 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-929ARabbit anti-PRMT6 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 1 mg/ml
A300-930ARabbit anti-Coronin 1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml
A300-931ARabbit anti-Coronin 1 Antibody, Affinity Purified44800.1 ml at 0.2 mg/ml



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