
型号 载体名称 出品公司 载体用途 价格
VPP0043 pCI Promega 哺乳动物表达载体 800



Promotor: CMV
Size: 4006
5' Sequencing 1 Primer Sequence: T7




The pCI Mammalian Expression Vector promotes constitutive expression of cloned DNA inserts in mammalian cells. The major difference between the pCI and pSI Mammalian Expression Vectors is the enhancer/promoter region controlling the expression of the inserted gene. The pCI Expression Vector contains the human cytomegalovirus (CMV) major immediate-early gene enhancer/promoter region. This vector can be used for both transient and stable expression of genes. For stable expression, the pCI Vector must be co-transfected with an expression vector containing a selectable gene for mammalian cells.



pSecTag2 A&B&C说明书


pSecTag2 A&B&C

型号 载体名称 出品公司 载体用途
VPI0036 pSecTag2 A Invitrogen 哺乳动物表达载体

Mammalian Selection:Zeocin
Sequencing Primer:T7 Fwd
Sequencing Primer Sequence:5’d[TAATACGACTCACTATAGGG]3′ 
Tag:6X His,myc


pSecTag2 and pSecTag2/Hygro are mammalian expression vectors designed for the secretion, purification, and detection of fusion proteins. Each vector has a large multiple cloning site in three reading frames to simplify cloning in frame with the N-terminal secretion signal. The vectors (Figure 1) offer the following features:

  • Secretion signal from the V-J2-C region of the mouse Ig kappa-chain for efficient secretion of recombinant proteins (Figure 2)
  • Cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter for high-level constitutive expression
  • C-terminal polyhistidine (6xHis) tag for rapid purification with nickel-chelating resin and detection with an Anti-His(C-term) Antibody
  • C-terminal c-myc epitope for detection with an Anti-myc Antibody
  • Bovine Growth Hormone (BGH) polyadenylation signal and transcription termination sequence to enhance mRNA stability
  • SV40 origin for episomal replication and simple vector rescue in cell lines expressing the large T antigen (e.g., COS-1, COS-7)

The pSecTag2 vectors carry the Zeocin™ resistance gene for cost-effective selection in mammalian cells. Zeocin™ selection can also be used in E. coli.The pSecTag2/Hygro vectors have the Hygromycin B resistance gene for selection of stable mammalian cell lines.





型号 载体名称 出品公司 载体用途
VBI0471 pDisplay Invitrogen 哺乳动物表面展示系统

Mammalian Selection:Neomycin,G418
N/C Term:C terminus


pDisplay™ is a mammalian expression vector designed to target recombinant proteins to the surface of mammalian cells. Displayed proteins can be analyzed for their ability to interact with known or putative ligands. Proteins of interest are targeted and anchored to the cell surface by cloning the gene of interest in frame with the vectors unique N-terminal secretion signal and the C-terminal transmembrane anchoring domain of plaet-derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR). In contrast to phage display vectors which operate exclusively in prokaryotic cells, the pDisplay™ Vector offers the advantage of having the displayed protein of interest processed in mammalian cells. Therefore, recombinant proteins of eukaryotic origin that are expressed from pDisplay™ more closely resemble their native form. This may favor more accurate ligand binding interactions. Inaddition to the N-terminal cell surface targeting signal and C-terminal transmembrane anchoring domain, the pDisplay™ Vector contains the following key features:

  1. T7 promoter/priming site for in vitro transcription of sense RNA and for sequencing of inserts
  2. Neomycin resistance marker for stable selection in mammalian cells using Geneticin®
  3. SV40 origin for replication and simple vector rescue in cell lines expressing the large T antigen (e.g., COS-1 and COS-7)
  4. Ampicillin resistance gene for selection in E. coli

LacSwith II哺乳动物诱导表达系统 (pOPRSVI,pOPI3CAT,pCMVLacI)说明书

Stratagene LacSwith II哺乳动物诱导表达系统

Stratagene LacSwitch II Inducible Mammalian Expression System




Mammalian Selection:G418, neo


Improved System

The improved LacSwitch? II inducible mammalian expression system consists of 3 vectors: pOPI3CAT vector from the original LacSwitch system and two new vectors, pCMVLacI and pOPRSVI/MCS, that dramatically improve the system’s performance and versatility. Lac repressor protein, produced from the pCMVLacI vector, blocks transcription by binding the Lac repressor protein to a specific DNA sequence (the operator) in the pOPI3CAT and pOPRSVI/MCS vectors. IPTG, which has no adverse effect in eukaryotic cells, decreases the binding affinity of the Lac repressor protein to the operator sequences, triggering transcription and expression of the inserted gene. The LacSwitch II system allows induction of the gene of interest within 4-8 hours.

Tight Repression

The new pCMVLacI vector replaces the p3’SS vector from the original system. The pCMVLacI vector provides greater repression of the gene of interest due to the increased strength of the CMV promoter. High expression of the lacI gene provides 2- to 10-fold tighter repression of the gene of interest than the original p3’SS vector. A nuclear localization sequence (NLS) directs expression of Lac repressor to the nucleus.

Directional Insertion of the Gene of Interest

To facilitate directional cloning, the multiple cloning site from pBluescript? II SK was inserted into pOPRSVI. The resulting pOPRSVI/MCS vector permits directional insertion of the gene of interest, decreasing the time required for screening. The presence of T3 and T7 promoters on either end of the MCS in the pOPRSVI/MCS vector allows easy sequencing and verification of positive inserts using T3 and T7 primers.

Removal of the RSV Promoter

The pOPI3CAT operator vector is included in the LacSwitch II system for replacing the RSV-LTR promoter with a promoter of interest. This vector contains three operators in the intron and unique restriction sites for removal of the RSV promoter.