

ROBOSCREEN GmbH 成立于 2000 年,是一家研发占有率很高的公司。我们专注于诊断测试,以识别和监测疾病。我们的目标是为全球诊断实验室提供简单且经济实惠的诊断技术高质量的解决方案。

ROBOSCREEN提供用于诊断和研究目的的产品,专注于病毒病原体(如丙型肝炎、乙型肝炎和DELTA、HSV 1/2、EBV、VZV)、核酸提取和神经退行性疾病(如阿尔茨海默氏症、帕金森病、克雅氏病和疯牛病)。



货号 品名 规格 价格 品牌 货期 价格来源
847-0259200602 INSTANT Virus RNA/DNA Kit – 50 Reactions 50Reactions 4664.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
847-0207400544 RoboGene® HDV RNA Quantification Kit 2.0 for use with RG (CE) – 32 Reactions 32Reactions 15928.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
847-0102007401 Anti-human TDP43 2G10, monoclonal – 100 µg 100ug 7172.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
847-0102007701 Anti-human TDP43 21B2, monoclonal – 100 µg 100ug 7172.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
847-0207400542 RoboGene® HDV RNA Quantification Kit 2.0 for use with RG (CE) – 96 Reactions 96Reactions 43956.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
847-0207400584 RoboGene® HDV RNA Quantification Kit 2.0 for use with Low Profile Block (CE) – 32 Reactions 32Reactions 15928.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
847-0259200603 INSTANT Virus RNA/DNA Kit – 250 Reactions 250Reactions 20614.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
847-0102004001 Anti-human a-synuclein 5G4, monoclonal – 100 µg 100ug 7172.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
847-0102004003 Anti-human a-synucleic 5G4, monoclonal – 1 mg 1mg 57266.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
847-0102007603 RENAME: Anti-human Brain derived TAU mab 2B8 -1 mg 1mg 57266.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
847-0108000104 phosphoTAU ELISA kit 17534.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
847-0207400582 RoboGene® HDV RNA Quantification Kit 2.0 for use with Low Profile Block (CE) – 96 Reactions 96Reactions 43956.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
847-0207610032 RoboGene® HCV RNA Quantification Kit 3.0 (CE) – 32 Reactions 32Reactions 14696.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
847-0207710032 RoboGene® HBV DNA Quantification Kit 3.0 (CE) – 32 Reactions 32Reactions 8756.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
847-0102007601 RENAME: Anti-human Brain derived TAU mab 2B8 -100 µg 100ug 7172.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
847-0259200802 INSTANT Virus RNA/DNA Kit – IPC16 – 96 Reactions 96Reactions 13618.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
847-0259200902 INSTANT VIRUS RNA/DNA FX – 1x 96 reactions for using 800 μl protocol 96Reactions 8932.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
847-0259200922 Prefilling Set 800 – FX ea 2002.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
847-0259200932 Plate Set 800 – FX ea 2860.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
847-0206201004 Carrier RNA – 3 tubes for using 800 µl protocol 3tubes 396.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
847-0259200904 INSTANT VIRUS RNA/DNA FX – 2x 96 reactions for using 400 μl protocol 2x96reactions 13948.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
847-0259200924 Prefilling Set 400 – FX ea 1210.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
847-0259200933 Plate Set 400 – FX ea 1694.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
847-0206201002 Carrier RNA – 6 tubes for using 400 µl protocol 6tubes 748.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
847-0259200906 Rapid INSTANT Virus RNA/DNA Kit – FX – 2x 96 reactions for using 400 μl protocol 2x96reactions 13948.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
847-0259200936 Plate Set 400 Rapid – FX ea 1694.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
847-0259200903 INSTANT VIRUS RNA/DNA FX – 4x 96 reactions for using 200 μl protocol 4x96reactions 17468.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
847-0259200923 Prefilling Set 200 – FX ea 1210.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
847-0259200934 Plate Set 200 – FX ea 1694.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
847-0206201003 Carrier RNA – 12 tubes for using 200 µl protocol 12tubes 1474.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
847-FX-TIPS-1000 FX Filter Tips 1000 µl (For InnuPURE & FeliX) 1000ul 6050.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
847-0206201001 Carrier RNA – 1 tube 1tube 176.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
847-0501000103 RoboStrip® 8 well strip (0.2 ml) polycarbonate clear – 125 Strips 0.2ml 1474.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
847-0501000203 RoboStrip® 8 well strip low profile (0.1 ml) polycarbonate clear – 125 Strips 0.1ml 1474.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
847-0501000602 RoboStrip® 8 well strip low profile (0.1 ml) polypropylene white – 125 Strips 0.1ml 1364.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
847-0501000102 RoboStrip® 8 well strip (0.2 ml) polycarbonate clear incl. sealing folis – 125 Strips 0.2ml 2068.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
847-0501000202 RoboStrip® 8 well strip low profile (0.1 ml) polycarbonate clear incl. sealing foil – 125 Strips 0.1ml 2068.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
847-0501001102 RoboStrip® 8 well strip low profile (0.1 ml) polypropylene white incl. sealing foil – 125 Strips 0.1ml 2068.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
847-0207710096 RoboGene® HBV DNA Quantification Kit 3.0 (CE) – 96 Reactions 96Reactions 24222.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
847-0207710192 RoboGene® HBV DNA Quantification Kit 3.0 (CE) – 192 Reactions 192Reactions 44132.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
847-0207610096 RoboGene® HCV RNA Quantification Kit 3.0 (CE) – 96 Reactions 96Reactions 40722.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
847-0207610192 RoboGene® HCV RNA Quantification Kit 3.0 (CE) – 192 Reactions 192Reactions 70356.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
VBD2195 RealLine HSV-1/HSV-2 – 96 reactions 96Reactions 11616.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
VBD2198 RealLine EBV quantitative – 96 reactions 96Reactions 10450.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
VBD2185 RealLine VZV – 48 reactions 48reactions 6974.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
VBD1198 RealLine TBEV, CE-IVD – 48 reactions 48reactions 9592.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
VBD8473 RealLine HPV 16 / 18 – 96 reactions 96Reactions 9592.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
VBD8444 RealLine HPV HCR Screen – 96 reactions 96Reactions 18590.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
VBD8479 RealLine HPV HCR Genotype – 96 reactions 96Reactions 29018.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔
VBD8475 RealLine HPV 6 / 11 – 96 reactions 96Reactions 9592.00  roboscreen 6 上海金畔



roboscreen成立于2000年,位于德国东部联邦州萨克森自由州的最大城市莱比锡。roboscreenqPCR应用的开发、单克隆抗体的产生及其在免疫化学测试构建中的应用方面拥有高水平的专业知识。rooscreen通过了DIN EN ISO 13485认证专注于人类诊断的两个广泛领域,即病毒病原体的检测和定量,以及神经退行性疾病的多参数分析。



基于Real-Time PCR技术的诊断试剂盒:RoboGene HCV RNA Quantification Kit 3.0RoboGene HBV DNA Quantification Kit 3.0RoboGene HDV RNA Quantification Kit 2.0RealLine HSV-1 / HSV-2RealLine EBV quantitativeRealLine VZV





用于阿尔茨海默病、帕金森病和克雅氏病的标志物检测试剂盒、神经退行性疾病相关的单克隆抗体和重组蛋白、疯牛病和羊痒病中的病理性朊病毒蛋白的BetaPrion BSE EIA检测试剂盒和BetaPrioon scrapie EIA检测试剂盒。














32 Reactions




100 µg




100 µg


RoboGene HDV RNA Quantification Kit 2.0


96 reactions




32 Reactions




250 Reactions




50 Reactions




1 mg


Anti-humana-synuclein5G4,monoclonal-100 µg


100 µg




32 Reactions




ROBOSCREEN GmbH成立于2000年,专注于诊断测试,以识别和监测疾病。致力于为诊断实验室提供简单且经济实惠的诊断技术高质量解决方案。





规格 价格 品牌 货期 价格来源
847-0259200602 INSTANTVirusRNA/DNAKit-50Reactions 50Reactions 4246 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0259200603 INSTANTVirusRNA/DNAKit-250Reactions 250Reactions 18744 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0259200802 INSTANTVirusRNA/DNAKit-IPC16-96Reactions 96Reactions 12386 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0259200902-1 INSTANTVIRUSRNA/DNAFX-1x96reactionsforusing800μlprotocol 1x96reactions 8118 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0259200922-800 PrefillingSet800–FX ea 1826 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0259200932-800 PlateSet800–FX ea 2596 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0206201004 CarrierRNA-3tubesforusing800µlprotocol ea 363 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0259200902-2 INSTANTVIRUSRNA/DNAFX-2x96reactionsforusing400μlprotocol 2x96reactions 12672 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0259200922-400 PrefillingSet400–FX ea 1100 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0259200932-400 PlateSet400–FX ea 1540 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0206201002 CarrierRNA-6tubesforusing400µlprotocol ea 673.2 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0259200906 NEW!:RapidINSTANTVirusRNA/DNAKit-FX-2x96reactionsforusing400μlprotocol ea 12672 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0259200922 PrefillingSet400–FX ea 1100 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0259200936 NEW!:PlateSet400Rapid-FX ea 1540 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0259200903 INSTANTVIRUSRNA/DNAFX-4x96reactionsforusing200μlprotocol ea 15884 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0259200923 PrefillingSet200–FX ea 1100 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0259200934 PlateSet200–FX ea 1540 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0206201003 CarrierRNA-12tubesforusing200µlprotocol ea 1335.4 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-FX-TIPS-1000 FXFilterTips1000µl(ForInnuPURE&FeliX) 100ul 5500 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0206201001 CarrierRNA-1tube 1tube 165 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0501000103 RoboStrip®8wellstrip(0.2ml)polycarbonateclear-125Strips 125Strips 1342 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0501000203 RoboStrip®8wellstriplowprofile(0.1ml)polycarbonateclear-125Strips 125Strips 1342 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0501000602 RoboStrip®8wellstriplowprofile(0.1ml)polypropylenewhite-125Strips 125Strips 1232 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0501000102 RoboStrip®8wellstrip(0.2ml)polycarbonateclearincl.sealingfolis-125Strips 125Strips 1870 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0501000202 RoboStrip®8wellstriplowprofile(0.1ml)polycarbonateclearincl.sealingfoil-125Strips 125Strips 1870 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0501001102 RoboStrip®8wellstriplowprofile(0.1ml)polypropylenewhiteincl.sealingfoil-125Strips 125Strips 1870 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0207710032 RoboGene®HBVDNAQuantificationKit3.0(CE)-32Reactions 32Reactions 7964 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0207710096 RoboGene®HBVDNAQuantificationKit3.0(CE)-96Reactions 96Reactions 22022 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0207710192 RoboGene®HBVDNAQuantificationKit3.0(CE)-192Reactions 192Reactions 40128 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0207610032 RoboGene®HCVRNAQuantificationKit3.0(CE)-32Reactions 32Reactions 13354 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0207610096 RoboGene®HCVRNAQuantificationKit3.0(CE)-96Reactions 96Reactions 37026 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0207610192 RoboGene®HCVRNAQuantificationKit3.0(CE)-192Reactions 192Reactions 63954 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0207400582 RoboGene®HDVRNAQuantificationKit2.0forusewithLowProfileBlock(CE)-96Reactions 96Reactions 39952 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0207400584 LowProfileBlock(CE)-32Reactions 32Reactions 14476 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0207400542 RG(CE)-96Reactions 96Reactions 39952 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0207400544 RG(CE)-32Reactions 32Reactions 14476 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
VBD2195 NEW!:RealLineHSV-1/HSV-2-96reactions 96Reactions 10560 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
VBD2198 NEW!:RealLineEBVquantitative-96reactions 96Reactions 9504 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
VBD2185 NEW!:RealLineVZV-48reactions 48reactions 6336 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
VBD1198 NEW!:RealLineTBEV,CE-IVD-48reactions 48reactions 8712 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
VBD8473 NEW!:RealLineHPV16/18-96reactions 96Reactions 8712 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
VBD8444 NEW!:RealLineHPVHCRScreen-96reactions 96Reactions 16896 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
VBD8479 NEW!:RealLineHPVHCRGenotype-96reactions 96Reactions 26378 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
VBD8475 NEW!:RealLineHPV6/11-96reactions 96Reactions 8712 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
VBD5580 NEW!:RealLineSARS-CoV-2lyo-96reactions 96Reactions 14806 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
VBD0457 96reactions 96Reactions 12364 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
VBD0494 NEW!:RealLineMycoplasmahominis/Mycoplasmagenitalium-96reactions 96Reactions 12364 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
VBD2294 NEW!:RealLineUreaplasmaurealyticum/Ureaplasmaparvum-96reactions 96Reactions 12364 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
VBD0477 NEW!:RealLineTrichomonasvaginalis/Gardnerellavaginalis-96reactions 96Reactions 12364 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
VBC8881 NEW!:RealLineInternalControl-250reactions 250reactions 704 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0104000112 HumanP231TAUELISA Kit 13464 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0104000116 HumanTAUAGGREGATEELISA Kit 13464 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0108000101 hTAUtotalELISA Kit 15928 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0108000102 non-pTAUELISA Kit 19074 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0108000104 phosphoTAUELISA Kit 15928 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0108000103 hSYNtotalELISA Kit 15928 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0104000108 HumanALPHA-SYNPATHOELISA Kit 13464 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0104000104 BetaPrion®HUMANELISA Kit 13464 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0108000107 hTDP43totalELISA Kit 15928 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102001801 Anti-humana-synuclein10C3,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102001803 Anti-humana-synuclein10C3,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102004001 Anti-humana-synuclein5G4,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102004003 Anti-humana-synucleic5G4,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102004703 Anti-humana-synuclein10D2,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102004701 Anti-humana-synuclein10D2,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0103000903 Anti-humana-synucleinpAB63,polyclonal-1ml 1mg 35904 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0103000901 Anti-humana-synucleinpAB63,polyclonal-100µl 100ul 4488 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102003803 Anti-humanphospho-181tau-1E7,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102003801 Anti-humanphospho-181tau-1E7,monoclonal-100µg 100ul 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102003903 Anti-humanphospho-181tau-8B11,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102003901 Anti-humanphospho-181tau-8B11,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102006203 Anti-humanphospho-181tau-8D2,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102006201 Anti-humanphospho-181tau-8D2,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102006103 Anti-humanphospho-181tau-10D3,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102006101 Anti-humanphospho-181tau-10D3,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102003203 Anti-humanphospho-199tau-1F3,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102003201 Anti-humanphospho-199tau-1F3,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102004603 Anti-humanphospho-199/202tau-9C8,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102004601 Anti-humanphospho-199/202tau-9C8,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102004503 Anti-humanphospho-202tau-10F8,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102004501 Anti-humanphospho-202tau-10F8,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102003503 Anti-humanphospho-231tau-2B11,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102003501 Anti-humanphospho-231tau-2B11,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102003603 Anti-humanphospho-231tau-5G7,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102003601 Anti-humanphospho-231tau-5G7,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102003703 Anti-humanphospho-231tau-9D8,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102003701 Anti-humanphospho-231tau-9D8,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102003103 Anti-humanphospho-231tau-4C10,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102003101 Anti-humanphospho-231tau-4C10,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102004403 Anti-humanphospho-231/235tau-3G3,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102004401 Anti-humanphospho-231/235tau-3G3,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102004803 Anti-humantautotal4B5,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102004801 Anti-humantautotal4B5,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102005103 Anti-humantautotal8F10,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102005101 Anti-humantautotal8F10,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102005203 Anti-humantautotal12C2,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102005201 Anti-humantautotal12C2,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102005303 Anti-humantautotal18B5,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102005301 Anti-humantautotal18B5,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102006301 Anti-humantautotal7E5,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102006303 Anti-humantautotal7E5,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102007501 Anti-humantautotal7E5,monoclonal-1µg 1ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102007503 Anti-humantauw/ophosphorT175/T1811G2,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102007601 Anti-humantautotal2B8,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102007603 Anti-humantautotal2B8,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102008001 Anti-humanphosphotau15E3,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102008003 Anti-humanphosphotau15E3,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102006401 Anti-humantau-E32B6,monoclonal–100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102006403 Anti-humantau-E32B6,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102006601 Anti-humantau-E2+E39E11,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102006603 Anti-humantau-E2+E39E11,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0103001003 Anti-humantautotalpAB64,polyclonal-1ml 1ml 35904 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0103001001 Anti-humantautotalpAB64,polyclonal-100µl 100ug 4488 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102006501 Anti-humanbeta-amyloid6D11,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102006503 Anti-humanbeta-amyloid6D11,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102008401 Anti-humanbeta-amyloid2C7,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102008403 Anti-humanbeta-amyloid2C7,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102008501 Anti-humanbeta-amyloid3C4,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102008503 Anti-humanbeta-amyloid3C4,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102007401 Anti-humanTDP432G10,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102007403 Anti-humanTDP432G10,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102007701 Anti-humanTDP4321B2,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102007703 Anti-humanTDP4321B2,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102007801 Anti-humanTDP4319C9,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102007803 Anti-humanTDP4319C9,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102007901 Anti-humanTDP4335G7,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102007903 Anti-humanTDP4335G7,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102008101 Anti-humanTDP4335G7,monoclonal1µg 1ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102008103 Anti-humanphosphoTDP43Ser409/Ser4101E6,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102008201 Anti-humanphosphoTDP43Ser409/Ser4101E6,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102008203 Anti-humanphosphoTDP43Ser409/Ser4102F11,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102008301 Anti-humanphosphoTDP43Ser409/Ser4102F11,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102008303 Anti-humanphosphoTDP43Ser409/Ser41011C10,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102000703 Anti-bovineprionprotein4F7,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102000701 Anti-bovineprionprotein4F7,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102000803 Anti-bovineprionprotein1E5,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102000801 Anti-bovineprionprotein1E5,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102000903 Anti-bovineprionprotein3E7,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102000901 Anti-bovineprionprotein3E7,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102001003 Anti-bovineprionprotein3B8,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102001001 Anti-bovineprionprotein3B8,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102001103 Anti-bovineprionprotein7B6,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102001101 Anti-bovineprionprotein7B6,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102001203 Anti-humanprionprotein5C4,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102001201 Anti-humanprionprotein5C4,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102001303 Anti-humanprionprotein1E2,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102001301 Anti-humanprionprotein1E2,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102001503 Anti-humanprionprotein6G3,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102001501 Anti-humanprionprotein6G3,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102001603 Anti-humanprionprotein5B9,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102001601 Anti-humanprionprotein5B9,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102004103 Anti-humanprionprotein6E2,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102004101 Anti-humanprionprotein6E2,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102004203 Anti-humanprionprotein7D5,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102004201 Anti-humanprionprotein7D5,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102004303 Anti-humanprionprotein5G11,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102004301 Anti-humanprionprotein5G11,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102001704 Anti-humanprionprotein14D11,monoclonal-50µg 50ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102003301 Anti-humanprionprotein3F3,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6507.6 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102003303 Anti-humanprionprotein3F3,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52060.8 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102003401 Anti-humanprionprotein15F5,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6507.6 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102003403 Anti-humanprionprotein15F5,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52060.8 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0103000101 Anti-bovineprionproteinpABR10,polyclonal–100µl 100ul 4488 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0103000103 Anti-bovineprionproteinpABR10,polyclonal–1ml 1ml 35904 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0101008501 Recombinant-humana-synuclein,Histagged-100µg 100ug 2068 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0101008502 Recombinant-humana-synuclein,Histagged-500µg 500ug 5170 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0101008503 Recombinant-humana-synuclein,Histagged-1mg 1mg 9416 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0101008601 Recombinanthumana-synuclein-100µg 100ug 2068 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0101008602 Recombinanthumana-synuclein-500µg 500ug 5170 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0101008603 Recombinanthumana-synuclein-1mg 1mg 9416 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0101000103 Recombinantbovineprionprotein-1mg 1mg 53856 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0101000101 Recombinantbovineprionprotein-100µg 100ug 6732 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0101000102 Recombinantbovineprionprotein-500µg 500ug 28622 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0101000303 Recombinanthumanprionprotein-1mg 1mg 53856 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0101000301 Recombinanthumanprionprotein-100µg 100ug 6732 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0101000302 Recombinanthumanprionprotein-500µg 500ug 28622 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0101000603 Recombinantsheepprionprotein-1mg 1mg 53856 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0101000601 Recombinantsheepprionprotein-100µg 100ug 6732 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0101000602 Recombinantsheepprionprotein-500µg 500ug 28622 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0101000703 Recombinantdeerprionprotein-1mg 1mg 53856 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0101000701 Recombinantdeerprionprotein-100µg 100ug 6732 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0101000702 Recombinantdeerprionprotein-500µg 500ug 28622 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102004901 Anti-humantissuetransglutaminase(TG2)3C10,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102004903 Anti-humantissuetransglutaminase(TG2)3C10,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102005001 Anti-humantissuetransglutaminase(TG2)10F3,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102005003 Anti-humantissuetransglutaminase(TG2)10F3,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0103000201 Anti-humantissuetransglutaminasepABR08,polyklonal-100µl 100ul 4488 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0103000203 Anti-humantissuetransglutaminasepABR08,polyklonal-1ml 1ml 35904 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0103000301 Anti-humantissuetransglutaminasepABR24,polyklonal-100µl 100ul 4488 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0103000303 Anti-humantissuetransglutaminasepABR24,polyklonal-1ml 1ml 35904 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102000101 Anti-cyclooxygenase-15F6,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102000103 Anti-cyclooxygenase-15F6,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102000201 Anti-cyclooxygenase-25E10,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102000203 Anti-cyclooxygenase-25E10,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102000601 Anti-calpain-21E8,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102000603 Anti-calpain-21E8,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102006703 Anti-DIG11C8,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102006701 Anti-DIG11C8,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102006003 Anti-FITC7F4,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102006001 Anti-FITC7F4,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102005403 Anti-HANTAPuumala7C10,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102005401 Anti-HANTAPuumala7C10,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102005503 Anti-HANTAPuumala10G11,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102005501 Anti-HANTAPuumala10G11,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102005603 Anti-HANTAPuumala1D11,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102005601 Anti-HANTAPuumala1D11,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102005703 Anti-HANTADobrava8F10,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102005701 Anti-HANTADobrava8F10,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102005803 Anti-HANTADobrava4B7,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102005801 Anti-HANTADobrava4B7,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102005903 Anti-HANTA5D8,monoclonal-1mg 1mg 52052 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔
847-0102005901 Anti-HANTA5D8,monoclonal-100µg 100ug 6512 roboscreen 4-6周 上海金畔



