ASC 2013年人民币价目表


Applied StemCellASF-1001DR4 MEF, P2, untreated, 1 vial of 1´106 cellseach2430
Applied StemCellASF-1015DR4 MEF, P3, irradiated, 3 vial of 1´106 cellseach1800
Applied StemCellASF-1101Neo resistant MEF, P2, untreated, 1 vial of 1´106 cellseach900
Applied StemCellASF-1115Neo resistant MEF, P3, irradiated, 3 vial of 2´106 cellseach840
Applied StemCellASF-1305SNL 76/7 mouse fibroblast STO cell line, P12, untreated, 1 vials of 2´106 cellseach900
Applied StemCellASF-1317SNL 76/7 mouse fibroblast STO cell line, P14,  irradiated, 1 vials of 5´106 cellseach450
Applied StemCellASF-1318SNL 76/7 mouse fibroblast STO cell line, P14,  irradiated, 1 vials of 5´106 cellseach2150
Applied StemCellASF-1201CF1 MEF, P2, untreated, 1 vial of 1´106 cellseach900
Applied StemCellASF-1217CF1 MEF, P3, irradiated, 1 vial of 1´106 cellseach220
Applied StemCellASM-5001ESC-SureTM DMEM medium for mouse ES cell, 450 mL450 mL2430
Applied StemCellASM-5002ESC-SureTM DMEM/F12 medium, 400 mL400 mL2835
Applied StemCellASM-5003Mouse ES cell freezing medium(2X), 50 mL50 mLna
Applied StemCellASM-5004Human ES cell freezing medium(2X), 50 mL50 mLna
Applied StemCellASM-5006ESC-SureTM Germline Transmission Tested fetal bovine serum (FBS), 100 mL100 mLna
Applied StemCellASM-5007ESC-SureTM Germline Transmission Tested fetal bovine serum (FBS),  500 mL500 mL3500
Applied StemCellASM-5016ESC-SureTM ES Grade fetal bovine serum (FBS), 100 mL100 mLna
Applied StemCellASM-5017ESC-SureTM ES Grade fetal bovine serum (FBS), 500 mL500 mLna
Applied StemCellASM-5008ESC-Sure  conditioned medium for hESC/iPSC, 100 mL100 mL na
Applied StemCellASM-5009ESC-SureTM mESC mate, 20 mL20 mLna
Applied StemCellASM-5010ESC-SureTM serum and feeder free medium for hESC/iPSC, 100 mL100 mL1337
Applied StemCellASM-5011ESC-SureTM mESC mate, 100 mL100 mLna
Applied StemCellASM-5021mESC complete media (without BME) 100 mLna
Applied StemCellASM-5022mESC complete media (without BME) 500 mLna
Applied StemCellASM-4001Neuro-Sure, Induction medium 100mL100 mL2025
Applied StemCellASM-4101Neuro-Sure, Culture medium 100mL100 mL 
Applied StemCellASM-5012ESC-Sure™ Embryoid Body (EB) Formation Medium100 mL540
Applied StemCellASM-5013ESC-Sure™ Embryoid Body (EB) Formation Medium500 mL2295
Applied StemCellASE-9005GermLine mESC C57BL6/129SvJ each10733
Applied StemCellASE-9006GermLine mESC 129-EZeach10733
Applied StemCellASE-9007GermLine mESC C57BL/6-EZeach12150
Applied StemCellASE-9008GermLine mESC BALB/c EZ each8100
Applied StemCellASE-9009mESC C57BL/6-ALBINOeach10733
Applied StemCellASE-9101iPS Cell Line (Retrovirus)each12083
Applied StemCellASE-9102iPS Cell Line (Episormal)each16200
Applied StemCellASK-3005ASC mES/iPS Cell Characterization Kit1 Kit5387
Applied StemCellASK-3006ASC hES/iPS Cell Characterization Kit1 Kit7817
Applied StemCellASK-6001 “mESC/iPSC Pluripotency RT-PCR Kit
7 pairs of primers “20 reactions675
Applied StemCellASK-6101“hESC/iPSC Pluripotency RT-PCR Kit
8 pairs of primers “20 reactions675
Applied StemCellASA-0001Goat-anti-mouse, 590 nm excitation, 2 mL, ready-to-use2 mL270
Applied StemCellASA-0003Goat-anti-rabbit, 590 nm excitation, 2 mL, ready-to-use2 mL270
Applied StemCellASA-0004Goat-anti-mouse, 488 nm excitation, 2 mL, ready-to-use2 mL270
Applied StemCellASA-0006Goat-anti-rabbit, 488 nm excitation, 2 mL, ready-to-use2 mL270
Applied StemCellASA-0110Anti-Oct4(h/m), monoclonal antibody 800 μL, ready-to-use800 ul1080
Applied StemCellASA-0120Anti-Sox2(h &m), monoclonal antibody, 800 µL, ready-to-use800 ul1080
Applied StemCellASA-0135Anti-SSEA-1(m), monoclonal antibody, 800 µL, ready-to-use800 ul1080
Applied StemCellASA-4010Anti-Nestin (h), monoclonal antibody, 800 µL, ready-to-use800 ul1080
Applied StemCellASA-0150Anti-SSEA-4, mouse monoclonal antibody, 800 µL, ready-to-use concentration800 ul1080
Applied StemCellASA-0160Anti-TRA-1-60(h), monoclonal antibody, 800 µL, ready-to-use800 ul1080
Applied StemCellASA-0170Anti-TRA-1-81(h), monoclonal antibody, 800 µL, ready-to-use800 ul1080
Applied StemCellASA-1011Anti-WNT-3a(h/m), polyclonal antibody 100 ug3510
Applied StemCellASA-1012Anti-WNT-(h/m), polyclonal antibody 100 ug3510
Applied StemCellASB-0001Alkaline phosphatase (AP) test solution, 1.5 mL1.5 mL405
Applied StemCellASB-0101Cell fixation solution, 15 mL15mL270
Applied StemCellASB-0102Permeabilization solution, 15 mL15mL270
Applied StemCellASB-0103Blocking solution, 15 mL15mL405
Applied StemCellASB-0104DNA staining solution, 5 mL5mL270
Applied StemCellASB-0105Anti-quench mounting solution, 5 mL5mL270
Applied StemCellASR-2005Human iPSC VSVg Retrovirus Cocktail0.4 mL13500
Applied StemCellASR-2006High Titer GFP VSVg Retrovirus0.1 mL3105
Applied StemCellASK-3011iPS Cell Generation Kit (up to 4 reactions) 1 Kit16200
Applied StemCellASK-4002“hESC/iPSC – Neural Stem Cell
Generation and Characterization Kit”1 Kit9450
Applied StemCellASK-4003“hESC/iPSC – Neural Stem Cell
Generation Kit”1 Kit6750
Applied StemCellASK-5001Mouse Tail Lysis PCR Kit100 reactions1337
Applied StemCellAST-0001TARGATT™ H11 Fresh Embryos (FVB)  Academic each 
Applied StemCellAST-0002TARGATT ™ H11  Frozen Embryos (FVB) Academic each 
Applied StemCellAST-0003TARGATT™ Rosa26 Fresh Embryos (FVB) Academiceach 
Applied StemCellAST-0004TARGATT ™  Rosa26 Frozen Embryos (FVB) Academic each 
Applied StemCellAST-0011TARGATT™ H11 Fresh Embryos (B6) TBA 
Applied StemCellAST-0012TARGATT ™ H11  Frozen Embryos (B6) TBA 
Applied StemCellAST-1001TARGATT ™  Transgenic Kit   (5 microinjections) Academic Price1 Kit 19575
Applied StemCellAST-1002TARGATT ™   Transgenic Kit  (2 microinjections) Academic Price1 Kit10125
Applied StemCellAST-2001TARGATT™ H11 Mouse Tail Lysis PCR Kit100 reactions2552
Applied StemCellAST-2002TARGATT™ Rosa26 Mouse Tail Lysis PCR Kit100 reactions2552
Applied StemCellAST-3001TARGATT™ pBT296 2 ug 
Applied StemCellAST-3002TARGATT™ pBT2982 ug 
Applied StemCellAST-3003TARGATT™ pBT3052 ug 
Applied StemCellAST-3004TARGATT™ pBT3072 ug 
Applied StemCellAST-3005TARGATT™ pBT308b2 ug 
Applied StemCellAST-3006TARGATT™ pBT309a2 ug 
Applied StemCellAST-3007TARGATT™ pBT3102 ug 
Applied StemCellAST-3008TARGATT™ pBT3112 ug 
Applied StemCellAST-3009TARGATT™ pBT3122 ug 
Applied StemCellAST-3010TARGATT™ pBT3132 ug 
Applied StemCellAST-3011TARGATT™ pBT3142 ug 
Applied StemCellAST-3012TARGATT™ pBT3162 ug 
Applied StemCellAST-3013TARGATT™ pBT3402 ug 
Applied StemCellAST-3014TARGATT™ pBT3442 ug 
Applied StemCellAST-3015TARGATT™ pBT3462 ug 
Applied StemCellAST-3016TARGATT™ pBT3662 ug 
Applied StemCellAST-3017TARGATT™ pBT3742 ug 
Applied StemCell“ASG-0003
“bFGF (Recombinant Human basic fibroblast growth factor)
50 ug1800
Applied StemCellAM-128-302-CMmirPS® mir-302/367 Liposomal/Polysomal Kit1 Kit (10 runs)21330
Applied StemCellAM-127-302-CM mirPS® mir-302/367 Liposomal/Polysomal Kit1 Kit (5 runs)11880
Applied StemCellAM-126-302-CM mirPS® mir-302 Liposomal/Polysomal Kit1 Kit (10 runs)21330
Applied StemCellAM-125-302-CM mirPS® mir-302 Liposomal/Polysomal Kit1 Kit (5 runs)11880
Applied StemCellAM-301-302mirPS® miRNA Stem Cell (iPS) Generation Kit (Liposomal/Polysomal)1 Kit26730
Applied StemCellAM-410-302-EX1Natural microRNA Precursors miR-302bcad Cell Extract1.7 mg3510
Applied StemCellAM-410-302-EX2Natural microRNA Precursors miR-302bcad Cell Extract6.8 mg10260
Applied StemCellAM-410-302-EX3Natural microRNA Precursors miR-302bcad Cell Extract86 mg30375
Applied StemCellAM-410-302-PF1Natural microRNA Precursors miR-302bcad Purified 10 nmol10 nmol3848
Applied StemCellAM-410-302-PF2Natural microRNA Precursors miR-302bcad Purified 40 nmol40 nmol11475
Applied StemCellAM-410-302-PF3Natural microRNA Precursors miR-302bcad Purified 500 nmol500 nmol33750
Applied StemCellAM-410-367-EX1Natural microRNA Precursors miR-302bcad/367 Cell Extract1.7 mg3510
Applied StemCellAM-410-367-EX2Natural microRNA Precursors miR-302bcad/367 Cell Extract6.8 mg10260
Applied StemCellAM-410-367-EX3Natural microRNA Precursors miR-302bcad/367 Cell Extract86 mg30375
Applied StemCellAM-410-367-PF1Natural microRNA Precursors miR-302bcad/367 Purified10 nmol3848
Applied StemCellAM-410-367-PF2Natural microRNA Precursors miR-302bcad/367 Purified40 nmol11475
Applied StemCellAM-410-367-PF3Natural microRNA Precursors miR-302bcad/367 Purified500 nmol33750
Applied StemCellASG-0003bFGF (E.coli)50ug 
Applied StemCellASG-1001-1Recombinant Human Activin A2 ug743
Applied StemCellASG-1001-3Recombinant Human Activin A10 ug4563
Applied StemCellASG-1001-4Recombinant Human Activin A100 ug38259
Applied StemCellASG-1002-3Recombinant Human BMP-410 µg2633
Applied StemCellASG-1002-4Recombinant Human BMP-4100 µg28688
Applied StemCellASG-1003-3Recombinant Human FGF-710 µg2876
Applied StemCellASG-1003-4Recombinant Human FGF-7100 µg22073
Applied StemCellASG-1004-3Recombinant Human GM-CSF10 µg2876
Applied StemCellASG-1004-4Recombinant Human GM-CSF100 µg28694
Applied StemCellASG-1005-2Recombinant Human IL-210 µg1472
Applied StemCellASG-1005-3Recombinant Human IL-2100 µg14715
Applied StemCellASG-1005-4Recombinant Human IL-21000 µg 
Applied StemCellASG-1006-3Recombinant Human IFN alpha 2A10 µg1917
Applied StemCellASG-1006-4Recombinant Human IFN alpha 2A1000 µg73575
Applied StemCellASG-1007-2Recombinant Human M-CSF10 µg2795
Applied StemCellASG-1007-3Recombinant Human M-CSF1000 µg58860
Applied StemCellASG-1009-2Recombinant Human TNF alpha10 µg1175
Applied StemCellASG-1009-3Recombinant Human TNF alpha100 µg11772
Applied StemCellASG-1009-4Recombinant Human TNF alpha1000 µg57389
Applied StemCellASG-1010-1Recombinant Human BETA NGF10 µg1404
Applied StemCellASG-1010-2Recombinant Human BETA NGF100 µg13986
Applied StemCellASG-1011-1Recombinant Human BMP-210 µg2876
Applied StemCellASG-1011-2Recombinant Human BMP-2100 µg28688
Applied StemCellASG-1011-3Recombinant Human BMP-21000 µg72104
Applied StemCellASG-1012-1Recombinant Human BMP-710 µg2876
Applied StemCellASG-1012-2Recombinant Human BMP-7100 µg28688
Applied StemCellASG-1012-3Recombinant Human BMP-71000 µg114777
Applied StemCellASG-1013-1Recombinant Human Cystatin C10 µg1620
Applied StemCellASG-1013-2Recombinant Human Cystatin C100 µg14850
Applied StemCellASG-1013-3Recombinant Human Cystatin C1000 µg47088
Applied StemCellASG-1014-1Recombinant Human EPO 10 µg3240
Applied StemCellASG-1014-2Recombinant Human EPO 100 µg8222
Applied StemCellASG-1014-3Recombinant Human EPO 1000 µg38259
Applied StemCellASG-1015-1Recombinant Human FGF Basic10 µg1175
Applied StemCellASG-1015-2Recombinant Human FGF Basic100 µg5292
Applied StemCellASG-1015-3Recombinant Human FGF Basic1000 µg29430
Applied StemCellASG-1016-1Recombinant Human FGF-410 µg1404
Applied StemCellASG-1016-2Recombinant Human FGF-4100 µg13979
Applied StemCellASG-1016-3Recombinant Human FGF-41000 µg44145
Applied StemCellASG-1017-1Recombinant Human flt3 LIGAND10 µg2133
Applied StemCellASG-1017-2Recombinant Human flt3 LIGAND100 µg21195
Applied StemCellASG-1017-3Recombinant Human flt3 LIGAND1000 µg44145
Applied StemCellASG-1018-1Recombinant Human G-CSF10 µg2093
Applied StemCellASG-1018-2Recombinant Human G-CSF100 µg13979
Applied StemCellASG-1018-3Recombinant Human G-CSF1000 µg58860
Applied StemCellASG-1019-1Recombinant Human IFN alpha 2B10 µg1917
Applied StemCellASG-1019-2Recombinant Human IFN alpha 2B100 µg19130
Applied StemCellASG-1019-3Recombinant Human IFN alpha 2B1000 µg73575
Applied StemCellASG-1020-1Recombinant Human IL-1010 µg2876
Applied StemCellASG-1020-2Recombinant Human IL-10100 µg28688
Applied StemCellASG-1020-3Recombinant Human IL-101000 µg58860
Applied StemCellASG-1021-1Recombinant Human IL-1210 µg2876
Applied StemCellASG-1021-2Recombinant Human IL-12100 µg28688
Applied StemCellASG-1021-3Recombinant Human IL-121000 µg87075
Applied StemCellASG-1022-1Recombinant Human IL-2310 µg3686
Applied StemCellASG-1022-2Recombinant Human IL-23100 µg22073
Applied StemCellASG-1022-3Recombinant Human IL-231000 µg 
Applied StemCellASG-1023-1Recombinant Human IL-28A10 µg2876
Applied StemCellASG-1023-2Recombinant Human IL-28A100 µg28694
Applied StemCellASG-1023-3Recombinant Human IL-28A1000 µg 
Applied StemCellASG-1024-1Recombinant Human IL-2910 µg2876
Applied StemCellASG-1024-2Recombinant Human IL-29100 µg28694
Applied StemCellASG-1024-3Recombinant Human IL-291000 µg 
Applied StemCellASG-1025-1Recombinant Human IL-310 µg2876
Applied StemCellASG-1025-2Recombinant Human IL-3100 µg28688
Applied StemCellASG-1025-3Recombinant Human IL-31000 µg44145
Applied StemCellASG-1026-1Recombinant Human IL-610 µg1404
Applied StemCellASG-1026-2Recombinant Human IL-6100 µg13973
Applied StemCellASG-1026-3Recombinant Human IL-61000 µg 
Applied StemCellASG-1027-1Recombinant Human LEFTY-110 µg1985
Applied StemCellASG-1027-2Recombinant Human LEFTY-1100 µg28688
Applied StemCellASG-1027-3Recombinant Human LEFTY-11000 µg 
Applied StemCellASG-1028-1Recombinant Human OSM10 µg2876
Applied StemCellASG-1028-2Recombinant Human OSM100 µg28688
Applied StemCellASG-1028-3Recombinant Human OSM1000 µg 
Applied StemCellASG-1029-1Recombinant Human PDGFAA10 µg2876
Applied StemCellASG-1029-2Recombinant Human PDGFAA100 µg14715
Applied StemCellASG-1029-3Recombinant Human PDGFAA1000 µg 
Applied StemCellASG-1030-1Recombinant Human SCF10 µg2876
Applied StemCellASG-1030-2Recombinant Human SCF100 µg28694
Applied StemCellASG-1030-3Recombinant Human SCF1000 µg 
Applied StemCellASG-1032-1Recombinant Human TPO10 µg3375
Applied StemCellASG-1032-2Recombinant Human TPO100 µg28688
Applied StemCellASG-1032-3Recombinant Human TPO1000 µg51503
Applied StemCellASG-1033-1Recombinant Human VEGF12110 µg2876
Applied StemCellASG-1033-2Recombinant Human VEGF121100 µg28688
Applied StemCellASG-1033-3Recombinant Human VEGF1211000 µg 
Applied StemCellASG-1034-1Recombinant Human VEGF16510 µg2727
Applied StemCellASG-1034-2Recombinant Human VEGF165100 µg22073
Applied StemCellASG-1034-3Recombinant Human VEGF1651000 µg76518
Applied StemCellASG-2001-1Recombinant Human/Mouse Activin A (Human Cells)5 ug2430
Applied StemCellASG-2001-2Recombinant Human/Mouse Activin A (Human Cells)25 ug10125
Applied StemCellASG-2001-3Recombinant Human/Mouse Activin A (Human Cells)100 ug25650
Applied StemCellASG-2002-1Recombinant Human BMP4 (Human Cells)5 ug2633
Applied StemCellASG-2002-2Recombinant Human BMP4 (Human Cells)25 ug12960
Applied StemCellASG-2002-3Recombinant Human BMP4 (Human Cells)100 ug44550
Applied StemCellASG-2003-1Recombinant Human DKK-1 (Human Cells)25 ug3240
Applied StemCellASG-2003-2Recombinant Human DKK-1 (Human Cells)100 ug13230
Applied StemCellASG-2003-3Recombinant Human DKK-1 (Human Cells)500 ug45900
Applied StemCellASG-2004-1Recombinant Human EGF (E .Coli)50 ug1148
Applied StemCellASG-2004-2Recombinant Human EGF (E .Coli)250 ug2430
Applied StemCellASG-2004-3Recombinant Human EGF (E .Coli)1000 ug3915
Applied StemCellASG-2005-1Recombinant Frizzled-5 Fc  Fusion (Human Cells)50 ug2835
Applied StemCellASG-2005-2Recombinant Frizzled-5 Fc  Fusion (Human Cells)250 ug12960
Applied StemCellASG-2005-3Recombinant Frizzled-5 Fc  Fusion (Human Cells)1000 ug29700
Applied StemCellASG-2006-1Recombinant Frizzled-8 Fc  Fusion (Human Cells)50 ug2835
Applied StemCellASG-2006-2Recombinant Frizzled-8 Fc  Fusion (Human Cells)250 ug12960
Applied StemCellASG-2006-3Recombinant Frizzled-8 Fc  Fusion (Human Cells)1000 ug29700
Applied StemCellASG-2007-1Recombinant IGF-I Long R3 (E. Coli)100 ug1620
Applied StemCellASG-2008-1Recombinant Insulin (E. Coli)1000 ug1485
Applied StemCellASG-2009-1Recombinant JAG-1 protein active peptide fragment (Synthesized)100 ug1485
Applied StemCellASG-2010-1Recombinant Human Noggin (Human Cells)50 ug2903
Applied StemCellASG-2010-2Recombinant Human Noggin (Human Cells)250 ug12420
Applied StemCellASG-2010-3Recombinant Human Noggin (Human Cells)1000 ug40365
Applied StemCellASG-2011-1Recombinant Human SFRP5(E.Coli)50 ug4455
Applied StemCellASG-2011-2Recombinant Human SFRP5(E.Coli)250 ug18900
Applied StemCellASG-2011-3Recombinant Human SFRP5(E.Coli)1000 ug64800
Applied StemCellASG-2012-1Recombinant Human Sonic Hedgehog (Human cells)5 ug3510
Applied StemCellASG-2012-2Recombinant Human Sonic Hedgehog (Human cells)25 ug14850
Applied StemCellASG-2012-3Recombinant Human Sonic Hedgehog (Human cells)100 ug52650
Applied StemCellASG-2013-1Recombinant Human TGF-beta1  (Human Cells)5 ug3780
Applied StemCellASG-2013-2Recombinant Human TGF-beta1  (Human Cells)25 ug16200
Applied StemCellASG-2013-3Recombinant Human TGF-beta1  (Human Cells)100 ug44550
Applied StemCellASG-2014-1Recombinant Human WNT-3a (Human Cells)5 ug3780
Applied StemCellASG-2014-2Recombinant Human WNT-3a (Human Cells)25 ug18900
Applied StemCellASG-2014-3Recombinant Human WNT-3a (Human Cells)100 ug59400
Applied StemCellASG-2015-1Recombinant Human WNT- (Human Cells)5 ug5130
Applied StemCellASG-2015-2Recombinant Human WNT- (Human Cells)25 ug20250
Applied StemCellASG-2015-3Recombinant Human WNT- (Human Cells)100 ug70200
Applied StemCellASKHZ-0001“G4 Dendritic Cell Generation Kit
(Recombinant Human Cell Expressed Cytokines)”100 mL4401
Applied StemCellASKHZ-0002“G4 Dendritic Cell Generation Kit
(Recombinant Human Cell Expressed Cytokines)”500 mL19116
Applied StemCellASI-0001(-)-Indolactam V300 ug1688
Applied StemCellASI-0002A76966210 mg2835
Applied StemCellASI-0003CHIR990212 mg3092
Applied StemCellASI-0004Cyclopamine2 mg2147
Applied StemCellASI-0005Forskolin10 mg2012
Applied StemCellASI-0006GDC-09415 mg2282
Applied StemCellASI-0007Ku-00637942 mg2282
Applied StemCellASI-0008LY2940025 mg1742
Applied StemCellASI-0009PD03259012 mg2957
Applied StemCellASI-0010PD1730742 mg1472
Applied StemCellASI-0011Y276322 mg1877
Applied StemCellASI-0030-1DAPT10mg2430
Applied StemCellASI-0030-2DAPT50mg7830
Applied StemCellASI-0012Stauprimide500 ug 
Applied StemCellASI-0013Pluripotin1mg 
Applied StemCellASI-0014Thiazovivin5mg 
Applied StemCellASI-0015Pyrintegrin  
Applied StemCellASI-0016A83-0110mg 
Applied StemCellASI-0017RG10810mg 
Applied StemCellASI-0018(+)Bay K864410mg 
Applied StemCellASI-0019BIX0129410mg 
Applied StemCellASI-0020Kenpaullone1mg 
Applied StemCellASI-0021Valporic Acid10g 
Applied StemCellASI-0022Reversine1mg 
Applied StemCellASI-0023Licl  
Applied StemCellASI-0024SB20358025mg 
Applied StemCellASI-0025Parnate50mg 
Applied StemCellASI-0026IDE-110mg 
Applied StemCellASI-0027SB43154210mg 
Applied StemCellASI-0028StemRegenin10mg 
Applied StemCellASCAP-0007Stem Cell miRNA Array3 reactions7007
Applied StemCellASCMA-0129Stem Cell-Specific miRNA Plate Assay Kits I12 reactions6062
Applied StemCellASCMA-0130Stem Cell-Specific miRNA Plate Assay Kits II12 reactions6062
Applied StemCellASCMA-0102Stem Cell-Specific miRNA Plate Assay Kits III12 reactions6062
Applied StemCellASCMA-0131Stem Cell-Specific miRNA Plate Assay Kits IV12 reactions6062
Applied StemCellASCMA-1003Stem Cell-Associated miRNA Plate Assay Kits2 reactions5522
Applied StemCellASCFA-1003Stem Cell TF Activation Profiling Plate Array I6 reactions8087
Applied StemCellASCAP-0171Human Wnt/b-Catenin Regulated cDNA Plate Array4 reactions5522
Applied StemCellASCAP-0181Human Stem Cell Marker cDNA Plate Array3 reactions5522
Applied StemCellASCSK-0001Nuclear Extraction Kit1 Kit 1337
Applied StemCellASCAP-1171Mouse Wnt/b-Catenin Regulated cDNA Plate Array4 reactions5522
Applied StemCellASCSC-0001Single Stem Cell Gene Expression Assay Ktit12 reactions6332
Applied StemCellAM-ART201NAMEX™ HSC Expansion Kit (6-well)1 Kit18212
Applied StemCellAM-ART202NAMEX™ HSC Expansion Kit (24-well)1 Kit18887
Applied StemCellAM-ART901NAMEX™ HSC  (6-well plate)1 Kit11462
Applied StemCellAM-ART902NAMEX™ HSC (24-well plate)1 Kit (10 runs)12137
Applied StemCellJAGGFC-050Jagged Fc fusion , human50ug3934
Applied StemCellJAGGFC-250Jagged Fc fusion , human250ug13734
Applied StemCellJAGGFC-1000Jagged Fc fusion , human1000ug41734
Applied StemCellLIF-10LIF, mouse10ug1386
Applied StemCellLIF-50LIF, mouse50ug5586
Applied StemCellLIF-250LIF, mouse250ug19586
Applied StemCellLIF-1000LIF, mouse1000ug41986
Applied StemCellBSG-0001LIF, mouse1ml7000
Applied StemCellNOTCHFC-050Notch-1 Fc fusion, human50ug4074
Applied StemCellNOTCHFC-250Notch-1 Fc fusion, human250ug13874
Applied StemCellNOTCHFC-1000Notch-1 Fc fusion, human1000ug41874
Applied StemCellPDGF-10PDGF-bb, human10ug1386
Applied StemCellPDGF-50PDGF-bb, human50ug5586
Applied StemCellPDGF-250PDGF-bb, human250ug19586
Applied StemCellPDGF-1000PDGF-bb, human1000ug41986
Applied StemCellSHH-005sonic Hedgehog, human 5ug3290
Applied StemCellSHH-025sonic Hedgehog, human 25ug13930
Applied StemCellSHH-100sonic Hedgehog, human 100ug53130
Applied StemCellTGFB1-005TGF-b1, human5ug3486
Applied StemCellTGFB1-025TGF-b1, human25ug13286
Applied StemCellTGFB1-100TGF-b1, human100ug41986
Applied StemCellW3A-H-005WNT-3a, Human5ug3430
Applied StemCellW3A-H-025WNT-3a, Human25ug15330
Applied StemCellW3A-H-100WNT-3a, Human100ug55930
Applied StemCellW3A-M-005WNT-3a, mouse5ug2730
Applied StemCellW3A-M-025WNT-3a, mouse25ug12670
Applied StemCellW3A-M-100WNT-3a, mouse100ug48930
Applied StemCellW-H-005WNT-, human5ug4830
Applied StemCellW-H-025WNT-, human25ug19530
Applied StemCellW-H-100WNT-, human100ug69930
Applied StemCellW-M-005WNT-, mouse5ug3430
Applied StemCellW-M-025WNT-, mouse25ug16030
Applied StemCellW-M-100WNT-, mouse100ug55930
Applied StemCellALBU-10albumin, human plasma10ug1386
Applied StemCellEGF-50EGF, human50ug1050
Applied StemCellEGF-250EGF, human250ug2450
Applied StemCellEGF-1000EGF, human1000ug3850
Applied StemCellFIBRO-10fibronectin, human plasma1ug1386
Applied StemCellIGFLONG-100IGF-long, human100ug1386
Applied StemCellINS-1000insulin, human1000ug1386
Applied StemCellMGro-50MSC medium, chemically-defined, sample50ml0
Applied StemCellMGro-500MSC medium, chemically-defined500ml2772
Applied StemCellPGro-50PSGro, human iPSC/ESC medium, sample50ml0
Applied StemCellPGro-500PSGro, human iPSC/ESC medium500ml2786
Applied StemCellThia-01Thiazovivin1mg1246
Applied StemCellThia-05Thiazovivin5mg2646
Applied StemCellThia-25Thiazovivin25mg11046
Applied StemCellTRANSF-10transferrin, human10mg1386
Applied StemCellVPA-100Valproic Acid500mg686
Applied StemCellY-01Y-276321mg882
Applied StemCellY-05Y-276325mg2422
Applied StemCellY-25Y-2763225mg7882
Applied StemCellDKKFC-050DKK-1 Fc fusion, human50ug4130
Applied StemCellDKKFC-250DKK-1 Fc fusion, human250ug16730
Applied StemCellDKKFC-1000DKK-1 Fc fusion, human1000ug55930
Applied StemCellDKK-025DKK-1, human25ug3010
Applied StemCellDKK-100DKK-1, human100ug12530
Applied StemCellFSTFC-050Follistatin Fc fusion, human50ug5530
Applied StemCellFSTFC-250Follistatin Fc fusion, human250ug22330
Applied StemCellFSTFC-1000Follistatin Fc fusion, human1000ug41930
Applied StemCellFL3FC-050Follistatin like-3 Fc fusion, human50ug5530
Applied StemCellFL3FC-250Follistatin like-3 Fc fusion, human250ug22330
Applied StemCellFL3FC-1000Follistatin like-3 Fc fusion, human1000ug41930
Applied StemCellHFZ5FC-050Frizzled-5 Fc fusion, human50ug2730
Applied StemCellHFZ5FC-250Frizzled-5 Fc fusion, human250ug12670
Applied StemCellHFZ5FC-1000Frizzled-5 Fc fusion, human1000ug27300
Applied StemCellHFZ8FC-050Frizzled-8 Fc fusion, human50ug2730
Applied StemCellHFZ8FC-250Frizzled-8 Fc fusion, human250ug12670
Applied StemCellHFZ8FC-1000Frizzled-8 Fc fusion, human1000ug27300
Applied StemCellMAB-SHH-050monoclonal Antibody, human SHh50ug6650
Applied StemCellMAB-SHH-250monoclonal Antibody, human SHh250ug24850
Applied StemCellMAB-SHH-1000monoclonal Antibody, human SHh1000ug80850
Applied StemCellNOGG-050Noggin, human50ug2730
Applied StemCellNOGG-250Noggin, human250ug12530
Applied StemCellNOGG-1000Noggin, human1000ug41930
Applied StemCellRSPOFC-005R-spondin-1 Fc fusion, human5ug3486
Applied StemCellRSPOFC-025R-spondin-1 Fc fusion, human25ug12586
Applied StemCellRSPOFC-100R-spondin-1 Fc fusion, human100ug37786
Applied StemCellRSPO-005R-spondin-1, human5ug2086
Applied StemCellRSPO-025R-spondin-1, human25ug6986
Applied StemCellRSPO-100R-spondin-1, human100ug23786
Applied StemCellS5Fc-050SFRP5-Fc, human50ug4410
Applied StemCellS5Fc-250SFRP5-Fc, human250ug19810
Applied StemCellS5Fc-1000SFRP5-Fc, human1000ug68810
Applied StemCellS5-050SFRP5, human50ug4410
Applied StemCellS5-250SFRP5, human250ug19810
Applied StemCellS5-1000SFRP5, human1000ug68810
Applied StemCellA8-02A83-012mg1162
Applied StemCellA8-10A83-0110mg3332
Applied StemCellA8-50A83-0150mg8932
Applied StemCellALK-02ALK-5 inhibitor2mg770
Applied StemCellALK-10ALK-5 inhibitor10mg2170
Applied StemCellALK-50ALK-5 inhibitor50mg6370
Applied StemCellBIO-005BIO  (2’Z,3’E)-6-Bromoindirubin-3_-oxime5mg1176
Applied StemCellBIO-025BIO  (2’Z,3’E)-6-Bromoindirubin-3_-oxime25mg3976
Applied StemCellBIO-100BIO  (2’Z,3’E)-6-Bromoindirubin-3_-oxime100mg12376
Applied StemCellCHIR-02CHIR990212mg1302
Applied StemCellCHIR-10CHIR9902110mg4102
Applied StemCellCHIR-50CHIR9902150mg13902
Applied StemCellDAPT-02DAPT2mg854
Applied StemCellDAPT-10DAPT10mg2114
Applied StemCellDAPT-50DAPT50mg7714
Applied StemCellDor-02Dorsomorphin2mg966
Applied StemCellDor-10Dorsomorphin10mg2366
Applied StemCellDor-50Dorsomorphin50mg7966
Applied StemCellGDC-05GDC-0449, SMO antagonist5mg1316
Applied StemCellGDC-25GDC-0449, SMO antagonist25mg4116
Applied StemCellGDC-100GDC-0449, SMO antagonist100mg13916
Applied StemCellIWP-02IWP-22mg868
Applied StemCellIWP-10IWP-210mg2268
Applied StemCellIWP-50IWP-250mg8148
Applied StemCellSANT-02LDE2252mg1190
Applied StemCellSANT-10LDE22510mg3150
Applied StemCellSANT-50LDE22550mg8750
Applied StemCellLDN-02LDN-1931892mg1246
Applied StemCellLDN-10LDN-19318910mg3066
Applied StemCellLDN-50LDN-19318950mg7966
Applied StemCellLY47-02LY3649472mg658
Applied StemCellLY47-10LY36494710mg2058
Applied StemCellLY47-50LY36494750mg7658
Applied StemCellPD-02PD03259012mg826
Applied StemCellPD-10PD032590110mg2226
Applied StemCellPD-50PD032590150mg6426
Applied StemCellPur-05Purmorphamine5mg1386
Applied StemCellPur-25Purmorphamine25mg5026
Applied StemCellPur-100Purmorphamine100mg15946
Applied StemCellSAG-01SAG1mg2086
Applied StemCellSAG-05SAG5mg6286
Applied StemCellSAG-25SAG25mg18886
Applied StemCellSB-02SB4315422mg686
Applied StemCellSB-10SB43154210mg2086
Applied StemCellSB-50SB43154250mg6286
Applied StemCellXAP-02XAV-9392mg826
Applied StemCellXAP-10XAV-93910mg2226
Applied StemCellXAP-50XAV-93950mg6426
Applied StemCellSTCF-huSuper TCF cell line, human5millic55986
Applied StemCellSTCF-muSuper TCF cell line, mouse5millic55986
Applied StemCellSTCFvecSuper TCF reporter plasmid20ug13986
Applied StemCellAB-W3-100WNT-3a polyclonal antibodies100ug3332
Applied StemCellAB-W5-100WNT- polyclonal antibodies100ug3612
Applied StemCellGhr-100Ghrelin100ug1820
Applied StemCellGLP-100GLP-1100ug1050
Applied StemCellSP-100Substance P100ug378
Applied StemCellHATAT-500TAT fused to HA2 at C terminus500ug4130
Applied StemCellTATHA-250TAT fused to HA2 at N terminus250ug2730
Applied StemCellTAT-1000TAT peptide1000ug1330
Applied StemCellTB4-100Thymosin-b4100ug2100
Applied StemCellBSG-0010-1FGF-8B2ug780
Applied StemCellBSG-0010-2FGF-8B5ug1600
Applied StemCellBSG-0010-3FGF-8B10ug1800
Applied StemCellBSG-0010-4FGF-8B100ug9500
Applied StemCellBSG-0010-5FGF-8B1000ug43500
Applied StemCellBSG-0013-1HGF2ug780
Applied StemCellBSG-0013-2HGF5ug1500
Applied StemCellBSG-0013-3HGF10ug3200
Applied StemCellBSG-0013-4HGF100ug32000
Applied StemCellBSG-0013-5HGF1000ug69000
Applied StemCellBSG-0014-1HGH5ug780
Applied StemCellBSG-0014-2HGH10ug2588
Applied StemCellBSG-0014-3HGH100ug24500
Applied StemCellBSG-0014-4HGH1000ug46900







Prod. Name
Size/ Vial
Effective: 15-Jun-07
CVL-MAB0001-1 MAb to Ubiquitin (10C2-2) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0002-1 MAb to NG/NG,NG’-Mono/Di-Methyl-L-arginine (7E6) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0003-1 MAb to NG/NG,NG’-Mono/Di-Methyl-L-arginine (Supernatant) (7E6) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0004-1 MAb to NG,NG’-Dimethyl-L-arginine (21C7) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0005-1 MAb to NG-Monomethyl-L-arginine (16B11) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0006-1 MAb to NG-Monomethyl-L-arginine (Supernatant) (16B11) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0007-1 MAb to NG-Monomethyl-L-arginine (5D1) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0008-1 MAb to NG-Monomethyl-L-arginine (Supernatant) (5D1) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0009-1 MAb to N-epsilon (gamma-L-Glutamyl)-L-lysine (71A3G4) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0010-1 MAb to Arginine N-Methyltransferase (human) (4B12) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0011-1 MAb to N-epsilon (gamma-L-Glutamyl)-L-lysine (81D1C2) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0012-1 MAb to N-epsilon (gamma-L-Glutamyl)-L-lysine (81D4) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0013-1 MAb to Glutathione S-transferase (Schistosoma japonicum) (17B6) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0014-1 MAb to Ganglioside GD3 (4F6) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0015-1 MAb to Ganglioside OAcGD3 (7H2) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0016-1 MAb to Biotin (15D9) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0017-1 MAb to BSA (7G10) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0019-1 MAb to N-epsilon-Acetyl-L-lysine (11A1) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0020-1 MAb to dsDNA (11B6) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0021-1 MAb to Digoxigenin (21H8) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0022-1 MAb to HTLV-1 Tax Protein (1A3) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0023-1 MAb to Ferritin (human) (18B8) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0024-1 MAb to Transglutaminase 2 (7D2) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0026-1 MAb to Prion Protein (4H7) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0027-1 MAb to Fluorescein (6A4) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0029-1 MAb to Ochratoxin-A (3C5) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0030-1 MAb to Ganglioside GD2 (11H3) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0031-1 MAb to Transglutaminase (bacterial) (3C7) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0032-1 MAb to Measles Nucleoprotein (2F3) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0033-1 MAb to Aflatoxin B1 (5B3) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0034-1 MAb to Zeralenone (11C9) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0035-1 MAb to Fumonisin (2A2) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0036-1 MAb to Human Rotavirus (2B4) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0037-1 MAb to Human Rotavirus (A2) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0038-1 MAb to Rubella Virus (5D11) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0039-1 MAb to Human Meta-pneumovirus (5E5) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0040-1 MAb to Respiratory Syncytial Virus (2F7) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0041-1 MAb to Measles Phospho Protein (9H4) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0042-1 MAb to Influenza A (9G8) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0043-1 MAb to Influenza B (1C2) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0044-1 MAb to Protein S100-A12 (human) (19F5) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0046-1 MAb to Transglutaminase 3 (human) (H3) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0048-1 MAb to EGF-like Domain-containing Protein 7 (human) (2H2) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0050-1 MAb to TI-VAMP (158.2) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0051-1 MAb to TI-VAMP (158.2) 1 Vial
CVL-MAB0052-1 MAb to p53 (mutant) (H53C2) 1 Vial
CVL-OPR0001 Transglutaminase Colorimetric Microassay Kit Kit
CVL-OPR0002 Biotinylated Molecular Weight Markers Kit
CVL-OPR0003-L001 MAb to N-epsilon (gamma-L-Glutamyl)-L-lysine (153-81D4) (Sepharose) 1 ml
CVL-OPR0007 Biotin-X-Cadaverine . trifluoroacetate 10 mg
CVL-OPR0008 Covalightμ Chemiluminescent Reagent Kit (for 2000cm2 Membrane) Kit
CVL-OPR0009 Covalightμ Chemiluminescent Reagent Kit (for 4000cm2 Membrane) Kit
CVL-OPR0010 Covalightμ Chemiluminescent Reagent Kit (sample) Kit
CVL-OPR0011-LC05 Streptavidin Peroxidase Conjugate 0.5 ml
CVL-OPR0013-R200 MAb to Digoxigenin (21H8) (Biotin) 200 μl
CVL-OPR0014-R200 MAb to Digoxigenin (21H8) (HRP) 200 μl
CVL-OPR0015-R200 MAb to Fluorescein (6A4) (Biotin) 200 μl
CVL-OPR0016-C100 MAb to Ochratoxin-A (4F3g2) (Biotin) 100 ug
CVL-PAB0001-1 PAb to Galectin-3 (human), from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0002-C025 PAb to Galectin-3 (human), from rabbit 25 μg
CVL-PAB0003-1 PAb to Caspase-10 (human), from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0004-C025 PAb to Caspase-10 (human), from rabbit 25 μg
CVL-PAB0005-1 PAb to Aequorin, from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0006-1 PAb to Galactocerebroside, from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0007-1 PAb to c-Maf, from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0008-1 PAb to ATF2, from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0009-1 PAb to JunD, from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0010-1 PAb to v-Jun, from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0011-1 PAb to Fra2, from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0012-1 PAb to c-Fos, from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0013-1 PAb to Green Fluorescent Protein, from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0014-1 PAb to GABA Transporter-1, from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0015-C025 PAb to GABA Transporter-1, from rabbit (purified) 25 μg
CVL-PAB0016-1 PAb to GABA Transporter-2, from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0017-C025 PAb to GABA Transporter-2, from rabbit (purified) 25 μg
CVL-PAB0018-1 PAb to GABA Transporter-3, from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0019-C025 PAb to GABA Transporter-3, from rabbit (purified) 25 μg
CVL-PAB0020-1 PAb to Claudin-11 (rat), from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0021-1 PAb to Okadaic Acid, from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0022-1 PAb to Spermine, from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0023-1 PAb to Spermidine, from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0024-1 PAb to Transglutaminases, from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0025-1 PAb to Phosphothreonine, from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0026-1 PAb to Dopamine, from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0027-1 PAb to Complex Oligomatrix Protein, from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0028-C025 PAb to Complex Oligomatrix Protein, from rabbit (purified) 25 μg
CVL-PAB0029-1 PAb to Kanamycin, from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0031-1 PAb to Erythrocyte Band EP4.2 Protein (human), from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0032-C025 PAb to Erythrocyte Band EP4.2 Protein (human), from rabbit (purified) 25 μg
CVL-PAB0033-1 PAb to Prion Protein, from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0034-C025 PAb to Prion Protein, from rabbit (purified) 25 μg
CVL-PAB0035-1 PAb to Measles Nucleoprotein, from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0036-1 PAb to GLAST (rat), from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0037-1 PAb to GLT-1, from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0038-1 PAb to Caspase-14 (human), from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0039-1 PAb to Caspase-2 (human), from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0040-1 PAb to Caspase-3 (human), from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0041-1 PAb to Peptidylarginine Deiminases (human), from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0042-C025 PAb to Peptidylarginine Deiminases (human), from rabbit (purified) 25 μg
CVL-PAB0043-1 PAb to Peptidylarginine Deiminase I (human), from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0044-C025 PAb to Peptidylarginine Deiminase I (human), from rabbit (purified) 25 μg
CVL-PAB0046-1 PAb to Phospholipase A2-II (human), from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0047-R200 PAb to Vesicular Glutamate Transporter Type 1 (rat), from rabbit 200 μl
CVL-PAB0048-C025 PAb to Vesicular Glutamate Transporter Type 1 (rat), from rabbit (purified) 25 μg
CVL-PAB0049-R200 PAb to Vesicular Glutamate Transporter Type 2, from rabbit 200 μl
CVL-PAB0050-C025 PAb to Vesicular Glutamate Transporter Type 2, from rabbit (purified) 25 μg
CVL-PAB0051-R200 PAb to Vesicular Glutamate Transporter Type 3 (rat), from rabbit 200 μl
CVL-PAB0052-1 PAb to Syntaxin-3 (human), from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0053-1 PAb to VAMP-3 (human), from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0054-1 PAb to VAMP-8, from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0055-1 PAb to VAMP-3 (rat), from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0056-1 PAb to VAMP-4 (human), from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0057-1 PAb to SNAP-23 (human), from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0058-1 PAb to Factor XIIIa (human), from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0059-C025 PAb to Factor XIIIa (human), from rabbit (purified) 25 μg
CVL-PAB0060-1 PAb to Transglutaminase 1 (human), from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0061-C025 PAb to Transglutaminase 1 (human), from rabbit (purified) 25 μg
CVL-PAB0062-1 PAb to Transglutaminase 2 (human), from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0063-C025 PAb to Transglutaminase 2 (human), from rabbit (purified) 25 μg
CVL-PAB0064-1 PAb to Transglutaminase 3 (human), from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0065-C025 PAb to Transglutaminase 3 (human), from rabbit (purified) 25 μg
CVL-PAB0066-1 PAb to Transglutaminase 4 (human), from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0067-C025 PAb to Transglutaminase 4 (human), from rabbit (purified) 25 μg
CVL-PAB0068-1 PAb to Transglutaminase 5 (human), from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0069-C025 PAb to Transglutaminase 5 (human), from rabbit (purified) 25 μg
CVL-PAB0070-1 PAb to Transglutaminase 7 (human), from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0071-1 PAb to Transmembrane Protease Serine 3 (human), from rabbit 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0072-C025 PAb to Transmembrane Protease Serine 3 (human), from rabbit (purified) 25 μg
CVL-PAB0114-1 PAb to Collapsin Response Mediator Protein 1 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0115-1 PAb to Collapsin Response Mediator Protein 2 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0116-1 PAb to Collapsin Response Mediator Protein 3 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0117-1 PAb to Collapsin Response Mediator Protein 4 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0118-1 PAb to Collapsin Response Mediator Protein 5 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0188-1 PAb to Nitrotyrosine 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0189-1 PAb to Histone H3 (human) (NT) (dimethylated Lys9) 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0190-1 PAb to Prokineticin 1 (human) (NT) 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0191-1 PAb to Deoxynevalenol 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0192-1 PAb to Prokineticin Receptor 1 (human) (NT) 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0193-1 PAb to Prokineticin Receptor 2 (human) (NT) 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0194-1 PAb to Vezatin (human) 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0195-1 PAb to TIS11b (human) (NT) 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0196-1 PAb to GPX4 (human) (NT) 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0197-1 PAb to Peptidylarginine Deiminase II 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0198-1 PAb to Peptidylarginine Deiminase III 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0199-1 PAb to Peptidylarginine Deiminase IV 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0200-1 PAb to Phospholipase A2-II (human) 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0201-1 PAb to alpha-Tubulin (detyrosinated) (human) 1 Vial
CVL-PAB0202-1 PAb to alpha-Tubulin (detyrosinated) (decarboxylated) 1 Vial
CVL-PEP0001-MC05 Blocking Peptide for PAb to Galectin-3 (human) (CVL-PAB0001) 0.5 mg
CVL-PEP0002-MC05 Blocking Peptide for PAb to GLAST (rat) (CVL-PAB0036) 0.5 mg
CVL-PEP0003-MC05 Blocking Peptide for PAb to GABA Transporter-1 (CVL-PAB0014) 0.5 mg
CVL-PEP0004-MC05 Blocking Peptide for PAb to GABA Transporter-2 (CVL-PAB0016) 0.5 mg
CVL-PEP0005-MC05 Blocking Peptide for PAb to GABA Transporter-3 (CVL-PAB0018) 0.5 mg
CVL-PEP0006-MC05 Blocking Peptide for PAb to Claudin-11 (rat) (CVL-PAB0020) 0.5 mg
CVL-PEP0007-MC05 Blocking Peptide for PAb to GLT-1 (CVL-PAB0037) 0.5 mg
CVL-PEP0008-MC05 Blocking Peptide for PAb to Caspase-10 (CVL-PAB0003) 0.5 mg
CVL-PEP0009-MC05 Blocking Peptide for PAb to Caspase-2 (human) (CVL-PAB0039) 0.5 mg
CVL-PEP0010-MC05 Blocking Peptide for PAb to Caspase-3 (human) (CVL-PAB0040) 0.5 mg
CVL-PEP0011-MC05 Blocking Peptide for PAb to VAMP-3 (human) (CVL-PAB0053) 0.5 mg
CVL-PEP0012-MC05 Blocking Peptide for PAb to VAMP-3 (rat) (CVL-PAB0055) 0.5 mg
CVL-PEP0013-MC05 Blocking Peptide for PAb to VAMP-4 (human) (CVL-PAB0056) 0.5 mg


 美国德克萨斯州 补体研究试剂及试剂盒 凝血产品 CompTech,complementtech是我们代理的品牌之一。


货号 名称 品牌 规格 目录价 折后价 货期 运输方式
A098 C1 (Pure) complementtech 200µg/vial 3,920 2,140 4-5 干冰运输
A099 C1q complementtech 1000µg/vial 3,640 1,987 4-5 干冰运输
A100 C1q (40% Glycerol) complementtech 1000µg/vial 3,640 1,987 4-5 干冰运输
A101 C1r Proenzyme complementtech 100µg/vial 3,798 2,073 4-5 干冰运输
A102 C1r Enzyme complementtech 250µg/vial 3,938 2,150 4-5 干冰运输
A103 C1s Proenzyme complementtech 250µg/vial 3,885 2,121 4-5 干冰运输
A104 C1s Enzyme complementtech 250µg/vial 3,780 2,064 4-5 干冰运输
A105 C4 complementtech 250µg/vial 3,990 2,179 4-5 干冰运输
A105C C4 (concentrated) complementtech 1000µg/vial 9,485 5,179 4-5 干冰运输